I'm trying to run GMM estimation in R, with gmm package.
I find that estimates are very sensitive to option t0, which is starting value.
However, as far as I know, there is no starting value in STATA or SAS to estimates GMM. If the estimates are sensitive to starting value, How should I set t0 to get the same results from commercial programs?
Codes and data included
To be clear, I include my codes and data. I'm trying to estimate lambda. My question is, the estimate of lambda varies too much across starting value (you may set starting value of lambda as 0 and then compare the result). Hence, I'm not sure which estimate should I rely on.
instrument <- read_csv("instrument.csv")
test_assets <- read_csv("test_assets.csv")
# Define Moment Conditions
g <- function(params, y){
# Number of instrument variables: 6
l <- dim(instrument)[2]
# Moment condition 1: 6 x 1
u_jt <- y - instrument %*% params[1:l]
mom_cond1 <- c(u_jt) * instrument
# Moment condition 2: 6 x 1
u_mt <- test_assets$vwretd - instrument %*% params[(l+1):(l+l)]
mom_cond2 <- c(u_mt) * instrument
# Moment condition 3: 6 x 1
e_jt <- y - params[l+l+1] * u_jt * u_mt
mom_cond3 <- c(e_jt) * instrument
# Moment condition: 18 x 1
mom_cond <- list(mom_cond1, mom_cond2, mom_cond3) %>%
# Define starting values.
t0 <- c(gamma1 = -0.01, gamma2 = 0.1, gamma3 = 0.05,
gamma4 = 5, gamma5 = 20, gamma6 = 5,
gamma7 = -0.01, gamma8 = 0.01, gamma9 = 0.01,
gamma10 = 8, gamma11 = 13, gamma12 = 3,
lambda = 10
y <- test_assets$decret1
gmm_results <- gmm(g, y, t0)
I need to simulate an AR(2) process Y[t]=1/20+(Sqrt(3)/2)Y[t-1]-(1/4)Y[t-2]+e[t]
Simulation has to be over 30 years where the model is measured in quarters.
I've tried with x <- arima.sim(model = list(order = c(2, 0, 0), ar = c(a1, a2)), n = 120, n.start = 100, sd = 0.02)
Using the above, R says the model isn't stationary.
Where a1 and a2 are equal to phi 1 and phi 2 in the model, but I can't figure out how to add Phi 0, or how to set values for y0=0.1 and y-1 = 0.12 which is required.
I've also tried the following
set.seed(9029) # set a seed to fix the simulated numbers
nsim = 1 # no. of simulations
burn = 100 # burn-in periods
n = 220 # sample length + burn-in periods --> sample length = 4quarters*30yrs
tp=(burn+1):n # time points to be sampled
sigerr = 0.02 # error s.d.
a1 = (sqrt(3)/2) # AR(2) coefficient
a2 = 0.25 # AR(2) coefficient = 1/4
a0 = 1/20 # Phi 0
# create data series and error series
y = array(0,c(n,nsim)) # data series
err = array(rnorm(n*nsim,0,sigerr),c(n,nsim)) # iid errors
# simulate y from an AR(2) process
for (k in 1:nsim) {
for (i in 2:n) {
y[i,k] = a0 + a1*y[i-1,k] + a2*y[i-2,k] + err[i,k]
But keep getting replacement has length zero as an error, and also I still can't find out how to add values for y0 and y-1 equal to 0.1 and 0.12 respectively. Please help I can't seem to find a fix. Thanks.
I am trying to understand how to use mixed linear models to analyse my data by simulating a model, but I can't reproduce the input parameters. What am I missing?
I want to start simulating a model with a random intercept for each subject. Here is the formula of what I want to simulate and reproduce:
If beta1 (<11) is small I find gamma00 as the intercept in fixed section, but I am completedly unaable to retrieve the slope (beta1). Also, the linear effect is not significant. Where is my conceptual mistake?
# Generating data set
# General values and variables
numObj <- 20
numSub <- 100
e <- rnorm(numObj * numSub, mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
x <- scale(runif(numObj * numSub, min = -100, max = 100))
y <- c()
index <- 1
# Coefficients
gamma00 <- 18
gamma01 <- 0.5
beta1 <- -100
w <- runif(numSub, min = -3, max = 3)
uo <- rnorm(numSub, mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
meanBeta0 <- mean(gamma00 + gamma01*w + uo) # I should be able to retrieve that parameter.
for(j in 1:numSub){
for(i in 1:numObj){
y[index] <- gamma00 + gamma01*w[j]+ uo[j] + beta1*x[i] + e[index]
index <- index + 1
dataFrame2 <- data.frame(y = y, x = x, subNo = factor(rep(1:numSub, each = numObj)), objNum = factor(rep(1:numObj, numSub)))
model2 <- lmer(y ~ x +
(1 | subNo), data = dataFrame2)
No conceptual mistake here, just a mixed up index value: you should be using index rather than i to index x in your data generation loop.
Basically due to the mix-up you were using the first subject's x values for generating data for all the subjects, but using the individual x values in the model.
I am trying to run a Monte Carlo simulation of a difference in differences estimator, but I am running into an error. Here is the code I am running:
# Set the random seed
#Set up problem, doing this before calling the function
# set sample size
n<- 400
# set true parameters: betas and sd of u
b0 <- 1 # intercept for control data (b0 in diffndiff)
b1 <- 1 # shift on both control and treated after treatment (b1 in
b2 <- 2 # difference between intercept on control vs. treated (b2-this is
#the level difference pre-treatment to compare to coef on treat)
b3 <- 3 # shift after treatment that is only for treated group (b3-this is
#the coefficient of interest in diffndiff)
b4 <- 0 # parallel time trend (not measured in diffndiff) biases b0,b1 but
#not b3 that we care about
b5 <- 0 # allows for treated group trend to shift after treatment (0 if
#parallel trends holds)
su <- 4 # std. dev for errors
dnd <- function(n,b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,su){
#initialize a time vector (set observations equal to n)
timelength = 10
t <- c(1:timelength)
num_obs_per_period = n/timelength #allows for multiple observations in one
#time period (can simulate multiple states within one group or something)
t0 <- c(1:timelength)
for (p in 1:(num_obs_per_period-1)){
t <- c(t,t0)
T<- 5 #set treatment period
g <- t >T
post <- as.numeric(g)
# assign equal amounts of observations to each state to start with (would
#like to allow selection into treatment at some point)
treat <- vector()
for (m in 1:(round(n/2))){
treat <- c(treat,0)
for (m in 1:(round(n/2))){
treat <- c(treat,1)
u <- rnorm(n,0,su) #This assumes the mean error is zero
#create my y vector now from the data
y<- b0 + b1*post + b2*treat + b3*treat*post + b4*t + b5*(t-T)*treat*post +u
interaction <- treat*post
#run regression
olsres <- lm(y ~ post + treat + interaction)
# assign the coeeficients
bhat0<- olsres$coefficients[1]
bhat1 <- olsres$coefficients[2]
bhat2<- olsres$coefficients[3]
bhat3<- olsres$coefficients[4]
bhat3_stderr <- coef(summary(olsres))[3, "Std. Error"]
#Here I will use bhat3 to conduct a t-test and determine if this was a pass
#or a fail
tval <- (bhat3-b3)/ bhat3_stderr
#decision at 5% confidence I believe (False indicates the t-stat was less
#than 1.96, and we fail to reject the null)
decision <- abs(tval) > 1.96
decision <- unname(decision)
#Define a parameter grid to simulate over
from <- -5
to <- 5
increment <- .25
gridparts<- c(from , to , increment)
b5_grid <- seq(from = gridparts[1], to = gridparts[2], by = gridparts[3])
parameter <- list("n" = n, "b0" = b0 , "b1" = b1 ,"b2" = b2 ,"b3" = b3 ,"b4"
b4 ,"b5" = b5_grid ,"su" = su)
#Now simulate this multiple times in a monte carlo setting
results <- MonteCarlo(func = dnd ,nrep = 100, param_list = parameter)
And the error that comes up is:
in results[[i]] <- array(NA, dim = c(dim_vec, nrep)) :
attempt to select less than one element in integerOneIndex
This leads me to believe that somewhere something is attempting to access the "0th" element of a vector, which doesn't exist in R as far as I understand. I don't think the part that is doing this arises from my code vs. internal to this package however, and I can't make sense of the code that runs when I run the package.
I am also open to hearing about other methods that will essentially replace simulate() from Stata.
The function passed to MonteCarlo must return a list with named components. Changing line 76 to
return(list("decision" = decision))
should work
I want to estimate a binomial model with the R package MCMCglmm. The model shall incorporate an intercept and a slope - both as fixed and random parts. How do I have to specify an accepted prior? (Note, here is a similar question, but in a much more complicated setting.)
Assume the data have the following form:
y x cluster
1 0 -0.56047565 1
2 1 -0.23017749 1
3 0 1.55870831 1
4 1 0.07050839 1
5 0 0.12928774 1
6 1 1.71506499 1
In fact, the data have been generated by
nj <- 15 # number of individuals per cluster
J <- 30 # number of clusters
n <- nj * J
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = 0.6)
cluster <- factor(rep(1:nj, each = J))
dat <- data.frame(y = y, x = x, cluster = cluster)
The information in the question about the model, suggest to specify fixed = y ~ 1 + x and random = ~ us(1 + x):cluster. With us() you allow the random effects to be correlated (cf. section 3.4 and table 2 in Hadfield's 2010 jstatsoft-article)
First of all, as you only have one dependent variable (y), the G part in the prior (cf. equation 4 and section 3.6 in Hadfield's 2010 jstatsoft-article) for the random effects variance(s) only needs to have one list element called G1. This list element isn't the actual prior distribution - this was specified by Hadfield to be an inverse-Wishart distribution. But with G1 you specify the parameters of this inverse-Whishart distribution which are the scale matrix ( in Wikipedia notation and V in MCMCglmm notation) and the degrees of freedom ( in Wikipedia notation and nu in MCMCglmm notation). As you have two random effects (the intercept and the slope) V has to be a 2 x 2 matrix. A frequent choice is the two dimensional identity matrix diag(2). Hadfield often uses nu = 0.002 for the degrees of freedom (cf. his course notes)
Now, you also have to specify the R part in the prior for the residual variance. Here again an inverse-Whishart distribution was specified by Hadfield, leaving the user to specify its parameters. As we only have one residual variance, V has to be a scalar (lets say V = 0.5). An optional element for R is fix. With this element you specify, whether the residual variance shall be fixed to a certain value (than you have to write fix = TRUE or fix = 1) or not (then fix = FALSE or fix = 0). Notice, that you don't fix the residual variance to be 0.5 by fix = 0.5! So when you find in Hadfield's course notes fix = 1, read it as fix = TRUE and look to which value of V it is was fixed.
All togehter we set up the prior as follows:
prior0 <- list(G = list(G1 = list(V = diag(2), nu = 0.002)),
R = list(V = 0.5, nu = 0.002, fix = FALSE))
With this prior we can run MCMCglmm:
library("MCMCglmm") # for MCMCglmm()
mod0 <- MCMCglmm(fixed = y ~ 1 + x,
random = ~ us(1 + x):cluster,
data = dat,
family = "categorical",
prior = prior0)
The draws from the Gibbs-sampler for the fixed effects are found in mod0$Sol, the draws for the variance parameters in mod0$VCV.
Normally a binomial model requires the residual variance to be fixed, so we set the residual variance to be fixed at 0.5
prior1 <- list(G = list(G1 = list(V = diag(2), nu = 0.002)),
R = list(V = 0.5, nu = 0.002, fix = TRUE))
mod1 <- MCMCglmm(fixed = y ~ 1 + x,
random = ~ us(1 + x):cluster,
data = dat,
family = "categorical",
prior = prior1)
The difference can be seen by comparing mod0$VCV[, 5] to mod1$VCV[, 5]. In the later case, all entries are 0.5 as specified.
I am trying to fit a non-linear model, but can not find any good examples
Does this function have a name?
Can it be linearized?
I've attempted to estimate the parameters a, b, and c with a random effect g (as in group) as a function of time t, below. I can fit the model using nls without a random effect, but am having trouble getting the model to converge. Suggestions welcome (preferably within R, but any suitable package will do)?
## time, repeated 16 times for 4 replicates from each of 4 groups
t <- rep(1:20, 16)
## g, group
g <- rep(1:4, each = 80)
## starting to create an example dataset,
## to see if I can recover known parameters
a <- rep(c(3.5, 4, 4.1, 5), each = 80)
b <- rep(c(1.1, 1.4, 1.8, 2.5), each = 80)
c <- rep(c(0.125, 0.25), each = 160)
## error to add to above parameters
e_a <- runif(320, -0.5, 0.5)
e_b <- runif(320, -0.1, -0.1)
e_c <- runif(320, -0.02, 0.02)
## this is my function
f <- function(t, a, b, c) a * (t^b) * exp(-c * t)
## simulate y
y <- f(t = t, a + e_a, b + e_b, c + e_c)
mydata <- data.frame(t = t, y = y, g = g)
## now fit the model to estimate a, b, c
fm1 <- nlme(y ~ a * (t^b) * exp(-c * t),
data = mydata,
fixed = a + b + c~1,
random = a + b + c ~ 1|g,
start = c(a = 4, b = 1, c = 0.25),
method = "REML")
In physics (and some other areas) I've seen this or variants of it called a Hoerl curve or Hoerl function e.g. here, though it has other names. If c is negative and a and b are positive it's a scaled gamma density.
When you ask about linearizing it, you have to be careful; the equation y = at^b . exp(ct) is not actually what you mean - the observations, y(i), are not exactly equal to a . t(i)^b . exp(ct(i)) (otherwise almost any 3 observations would give you the exact parameter values).
So the noise has to enter your model for y somehow. Is it additive? multiplicative, or something else? (Also important, but for other reasons: does its size change in some way as t changes, or not? Are the noise terms for different observations independent?)
If your actual model is y(i) = at(i)^b . exp(ct(i))+ε(i), that's not linearizable.
If your actual model is y(i) = at(i)^b . exp(ct(i)) . ε(i), and ε(i)=exp(η(i)) for some (hopefully zero-mean) η(i), that is linearizable.
Taking the second form,
log(y(i)) = log(a) + b log(t(i)) + c t(i) + log(ε(i))
y*(i) = a* + b.log(t(i)) + c.t(i) + η(i)
which is linear in the parameters a* = log(a), b and c, and the error term η(i); so if you're prepared to make that sort of an assumption about the error you should be able to fit it with methods suitable for such linear models; you may wish in that case to ponder the parenthetical questions about the error term above which may affect how you model it.