How does the asset schema property work with img assets? - aframe

I am trying to pass an image as an asset property type to some other component (so that either a #selector or a url(url) can be passed) but it seems to take in the entire html component, instead of just the url.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello, WebVR! - A-Frame</title>
<meta name='description' content='Hello, WebVR! - A-Frame'>
<script src='../../global/js/aframe-v0.8.0.min.js'></script>
AFRAME.registerComponent('some-component', {
schema: {
image: {type:'asset', default:''},
model: {type:'asset', default:''}
init: function() {
console.log(; //prints out <img id="SomeImage" src="../../someDir/someFile.jpg">
console.log(; //prints out '../../someDir/someModel.gltf'
<a-scene >
<a-assets timeout='3000'>
<!-- this works as an asset no problem -->
<a-asset-item id='SomeModel' src='../../global/assets/models/gltf/UserHead/UserHead.gltf'></a-asset-item>
<!-- this does not pass as an asset but rather an html element -->
<img id='SomeImage' src='../../global/assets/textures/equirectangular/CloudySky.jpg'>
<a-entity some-component='image:#SomeImage; model:#SomeModel;'></a-entity>
Thought I might look to see how A-Frame handles this in the material component can't see where does the 'src' property on material come from?
<a-entity id='skyBox'
geometry='primitive:sphere; radius:50; segments-height:6; segments-width:6;'
material='shader:flat; src:#skyMap; side:back; height:2048; width:2048'>
Material component (can't see src):
As per Piotr's discoveries below it looks like images are handed as a special case, as can be in the src code here with frame 0.8.0 where an image source is handed like this:
hash: function (data) {
if (data.src.tagName) {
// Since `data.src` can be an element, parse out the string if necessary for the hash.
data = utils.extendDeep({}, data);
data.src = data.src.src;
return JSON.stringify(data);
So basically if an image we the asset property will not handle image's properly and an additional step of grabbing the url from it via

Please correct me if i'm wrong, but i think it's not in the material schema.
I think the devil's in the component.js, which not only seems to allow you to assign a value to any given property, but also has the constructor for any component, and parses the schema.
That being said, the material does not need a src in the schema, as it seems to be a part of every component. Furthermore there are multiple parsers like the assetParse, or src-loader, checking whether an attribute is a html element, or even a video / image asset.
As for the material part, check out the dist source code, where
I think what you're looking for is:
where you can see a-frame team uses the data.src for the material, and updates the texture with it. Just give it a ctrl+F (only 3 hits).
So when
module.exports.updateMapMaterialFromData('map', 'src', shader, data);
is called, with the given definition:
module.exports.updateMapMaterialFromData = function (materialName, dataName, shader, data) {
var el = shader.el;
var material = shader.material;
var src = data[dataName];
makes src = data[src] => they make updates using a local variable src.
Also you can see the src-loader in action where the material system is registered, and when a src attribute is found out, the validateSrc function fires one of the two callbacks:
utils.srcLoader.validateSrc(src, loadImageCb, loadVideoCb);


aframe glTF cube-env-map

I'm unable to see any reflexion on my gtLF model using "cube-env-map".
I'd like to get something like this :
helmet from examples
I don't know if this is because of the .jpg files I use, or html or linked javascript scripts, or... anything else?
Here's my html :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script><!-- Master file for aframe (== a-scene) -->
<script src=""></script><!-- webcam/mobilecam -->
<script src=""></script><!-- animation -->
<script src=""></script><!-- orbit cam around target -->
<script src=""></script><!-- cub-env-map -->
<a-scene vr-mode-ui="enabled: false" embedded>
<a-asset-item id="toy" src=""></a-asset-item>
cube-env-map="path:; extension: jpg; reflectivity: 0.9;"
play-all-model-animations >
<a-entity camera look-controls orbit-controls="target: 0 1 0; minDistance: 0.5; maxDistance: 60; initialPosition: 0 5 5"></a-entity>
Many thanks in advance for your help,
(Assuming there are no console errors suggesting incorrect cubemap paths, or wrong extensions)
If your model looks like this:
And you want it to be more like this:
Then the answer lies in two factors - metalness, and roughness.
roughness determines whether the material is like a mirror (0), or completely diffuses the reflection (1).
metalness determines whether the material is metallic (1), or not (0).
You can deal with this in at least two ways:
Modify the materials in a modelling software like blender, or maya.
Modify the properties within an a-frame custom component.
A component would have to wait until the model is loaded, and change all (or some selected) model nodes. Like this:
AFRAME.registerComponent("foo", {
init: function() {
// wait until the model is loaded
this.el.addEventListener("model-loaded", e => {
// grab the mesh
let mesh = this.el.getObject3D("mesh");
mesh.traverse(node => {
// ignore nodes without materials
if (!node.material) return;
// assign the values.
node.material.metalness = 1;
node.material.roughness = 0;
You can check it out in this example.
The helmet is working with both jpg and png maps. As for arjs, if your model will be glitchy, and you'll experience z-fighting, just set the logarithmicDepthBuffer in the renderer:
<a-scene renderer="logarithmicDepthBuffer: true" embedded arjs>
Example here
.Seems to be working as expected:
Ok, I changed the settings in Blender, adding metalness, and now it works like a charm. It was confusing because in Blender you don't need to set metalness to get reflection (i.e. : a plastic bottle may have reflections). I have to play with these parameters. Many thanks!

Webfundamentals, CustomElement with shadowDOM and HTML Templates with HTML import

I have various questions about the webfundamentals implementations, i have read that a true web component must have shadowDOM for css encapsulation, customElements for the logic of the component which i really love, and HTML Temapltes and import, so im trying to do it all in a customElement component and i have encounter with many and many issues that i find really hard to debug, i will enlist them all.
Does i have to insert html template into the document to actually get it? cant i get its content from js only? and in case i have to, when i intent to replace a shadowHost content hows is it works, i mean i got the template (the link) inside the shadowRoot, my actuall problem is that when i do querySelector(link[rel="import"]).import.querySelector("template") its null after the .import function tag and when i insert that function into the document, it actually gets the template content, heres the doc.
Watching that screenshot i got 2 more questions
Should i use shadowHost.innerHTML = file.querySelector(link[rel="import"]).import.querySelector("template")
to use the tag and copy its content inside the shadowRoot element? i mean how can i implement that approach? im using Angular as first example, they use an HTML file (which im guessing its a template or slots tag) and then they add it into the component as parameters on the constructor, so how with HTMLTemplates and HTMLImport i can implement that behaviour, i have used the documented functions but it doesnt works in the final phase.
Should i keep <link rel="import"> inside the shadowRoot or inside the document.head? can i implement the template without the need of adding it into the document?
I have been trying for days to do a simple customElement with shadowDOM that works completly fine, the problem is when i try to add an external to make it more robust.
Any helps? suggestions? i can show some functions that i use on the components to have an idea.
class EgHeader extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.shadowHost = shadowHost.bind(this);
this.shadowStyle = shadowStyle.bind(this);
this.shadowTemplate = shadowTemplate.bind(this); = this.shadowHost();
connectedCallback() {
let importSelector =`link[rel="import"]`);
//; = importSelector.import.querySelector(
defaultProperties() {
this.getAttributeNames().forEach(key => {
if (key === "css") {
return this.shadowStyle(this.getAttribute(key));
if (key === "template") {
return this.shadowTemplate(this.getAttribute(key));
customElements.define("eg-header", EgHeader);
function shadowHost() {
let root = this.attachShadow({
mode: "open"
return root;
function shadowStyle(stylesheet) {
let link = document.createElement("link");
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = stylesheet + ".css";;
return link;
function shadowTemplate(link) {
var template = document.createElement("link");
template.rel = "import"; = `${link}-template`;
template.href = link + ".html";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<title>Page Title</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<script src="./Header.js"></script>
<script src="./index.js"></script>
<eg-header css="./Header" template="./Header">
// Separated file called Header.html
<nav>This is X element</nav>
console.warn("Executed when the template is activated.");
i have read that a true web component must have shadowDOM for css encapsulation, customElements for the logic of the component which i really love, and HTML Temapltes and import
What you've read is quite outdated:
HTML Imports are deprecated so you should use another method to load templates.
Because of #1, HTML templates (aka <template> elements) are often replaced par template literals.
Templates literals can be define in Javascript. This way they can be defined in a classical Javascript file or in the ES6 module.
By the way, if you still want to use HTML Imports (not recommanded) , you'll need to use a polyfill.
<link rel="import"> should be put in the <head> element of the main document, not in the Shadow DOM.
If you want to use <template> you don't need to append it to the main document.
var template = document.createElement( 'template' )
template.innerHTML = `
this.shadowRoot.appendChild( template.content.clone( true ) )

scene api - getAframeElements

I have use floorplan conversion api to convert my 2d floorplan to 3d and get the sceneId back 71c8eef9-b44e-447f-a0d2-fd299318da56.
I want to convert it to afame component inside my aframe application.So I use getAframeElements and get two entity back and following your official sample:
const sceneEl = document.querySelector('a-scene')
.then(elements => {
// this will give us two elements
// The first is the actual scene according to the scene structure hierarchy
// The second is the camera with potential waypoints that where defined in the scene structure
// you can leverage the waypoints using our A-Frame tour component
elements.forEach((el) => {
// add elements to the scene
Then It added to aframe, but nothing happens! I got nothing.
Do I miss something?
Hard to tell what's going on there without the full HTML and JavaScript, but the full code to get that working is:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
io3d.scene.getAframeElements('71c8eef9-b44e-447f-a0d2-fd299318da56').then(elems => {
And you can see it working at

Polymer web-component-tester failing due to variant browser viewport sizes

I'm using the Polymer/web-component-tester to run automated tests of my components.
I've run into an issue where a component test will pass if run in isolation, but fail when run using a file glob - for example:
FAILS: wct components/**/test
SUCCEEDS: wct components/btn-component/test
After a fair bit of digging, I found the reason is the change in browser behaviour: in both cases the launched browser has two iFrames side-by-side, with the right one showing the test progress, and the left showing the component. The globbed test run results in a significantly narrower left (component) iFrame.
When using polymer-gestures to simulate mouse clicks, the narrower iFrame causes issues because it can often render a horizontal scrollbar and change a component's clickability.
The following is an example of a component & test that fails as described. It renders a Cancel button a few hundred pixels to the right.
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<polymer-element name="btn-component" attributes="name">
:host {
display: block;
width: 400px;
<div layout horizontal>
<span flex></span>
<div id="cancel_button" on-tap="{{cancel}}">Cancel</div>
ready: function() {
console.log("btn-component component ready!");
cancel: function(event, detail, sender) {
console.log("Cancel Btn!", event, detail, sender);'cancel_btn', {});
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>btn-component Tests</title>
<script src="../../../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js"></script>
<script src="../../../bower_components/web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
<script src="../../../bower_components/polymer-gestures/test/js/fake.js"></script>
<link href="../btn-component.html" rel="import">
<btn-component id="component"></btn-component>
function runAfterEvent(eventName, element, callback) {
var listener = function(event) {
element.removeEventListener(eventName, listener)
element.addEventListener(eventName, listener);
suite('<btn-component>', function() {
var c = document.getElementById('component');
var fake = new Fake();
test('hitting cancel fires cancel event', function(done) {
runAfterEvent('cancel_btn', c, function(event) {
assert.ok(1, "the cancel_btn event should be fired");
var cancelBtn = document.querySelectorAll("btn-component /deep/ #cancel_button")[0];
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
The fail happens trying to click the button.
I guess there's a variety of ways to approach resolving this - including in my own tests (e.g. checking the viewport size vs the element position and scrolling right before trying to simulate a click), but starts to get quite fiddly/fragile. A reasonable option might be to add a config to wct that specifies a minimum viewport size on the component iFrame.
Perhaps I'm missing some available configuration that could help here. Is there a recommended way to handle this scenario?
A simple solution is pretty obvious. I added the following to my test's index.html
#subsuites {
width: 600px !important;
The css used by the wct tool sets the width at 50% and nests frames when using file globs - resulting in progressive narrowing.

Use a remote stylesheet inside a template tag (with shadow dom)

I am trying to make a semi-resuseable widget but I am running into a problem. I am trying to encapsulate a some CSS code inside a shadow root so that it does not affect the rest of the webpage but this CSS is used across multiple widgets so I am trying to include a remote stylesheet. None of the examples I have found use a remote style sheet and I was wondering if this was possible.
<template id="templateContent">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/generalStyle1.css">
<div class="affectedByGeneralStyle1"></div>
script to include template:
<div id="host"></div>
var importedData = (html_import_element).import.getElementById("templateContent");
var shadow = document.querySelector('#host').createShadowRoot();
var clone = document.importNode(importedData.content, true);
I came across the same problem recently. What I ended up doing was using:
<template id="templateContent">
<style> #import "css/generalStyle.css"; </style>
Additional info: This worked just fine except that now I'm having some cache issues as Chrome does not seem to reload those resources after a hard reload.
Let add to the answer . Now direct tag is supported in shadow dom.
You can directly use
<link rel="stylesheet" href="yourcss1.css">
<link href="yourcss2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Check they has been update by whatwg and W3C
Useful link for using css in shadow dom.
Direct css link can be use in shadow dom
I added the stylesheet's link element directly to the shadow root this way:
let link = document.createElement('link');
link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
link.setAttribute('href', 'whatever.css');
It seems to work fine. (I called this from the constructor of the component.)
actually polymer has an internal utility to load css links, i have implemented a javascript function that is using polymer internal css processor,so if you want to add css links at runtime you can use it:
Polymer('my-element', {
ready: function () {
importCss: function (path) {
var $shadow = $(this.shadowRoot);
var $head = $("<div></div>");
var $link = $("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>");
$link.attr("href", path);
var head = $head[0];
this.copySheetAttributes = Polymer.api.declaration.styles.copySheetAttributes;, head);
var styles = Polymer.api.declaration.styles.findLoadableStyles(head);
if (styles.length) {
var templateUrl = this.baseURI;
Polymer.styleResolver.loadStyles(styles, templateUrl, function () {
var $style = $shadow.find("style");
if ($style.length > 0){
Note: this code needs jquery to run
