TYPO3: direct_mail - no plain text output - typo3-8.x

I'm using TYPO3 8.7.11 with fluid styled content and direct_mail 5.2.2.
As email format I've chosen text and html. I have included the two static templates in this order: 1) Direct Mail content bounderies, 2) Direct Mail plain text.
I have created my own fluid template for the HTML output and the output is perfect.
But no plain text email is created with the default template 'tx_directmail_pi1_plaintext.tmpl'. In preview I only see
Hello. This is default template for plain-text mail content ----------------- FOOTER: ---------------------- Unsubscribe link: https://example.com.test/?id=3&cmd=edit&aC=###SYS_AUTHCODE###&rU=###USER_uid###
If I create the two emails I get the warning
The plain text content does not contain any direct mail boundaries.
When I add the content bounderies manually the warning disappears but the markers are no filled with content.
So what can I do to get a plain text email besides the HTML email with my configuration?

The extension simplegrids provides a newsletter template with html and plain text output. You can use it in combination with direct_mail and TYPO3 8.7.x.


Embedding Iframe in Hugo Site

and pardon what might be a repeat question, the solutions to the others didn't solve my problem. I'm working on a Hugo site and attempting to embed an iframe. The element shows but the I get the message 'This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue.' when it loads, so no one can see the content.
Here is my .md information
title = "Resources"
description = "Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites"
date = "2019-02-28"
aliases = ["about-us", "about-hugo", "contact"]
author = "Hugo Authors"
<iframe src="//docs.google.com/spreadsheets...."></iframe>
I've also updated my config.toml file by adding the following:
unsafe = true
I'm not sure what I'm missing. Please let me know if you need more information about what I've done. I've tried shortcode as well but that doesn't render anything at all (I'm still new to shortcodes which is why I am embedding the iframe).
Thank you for your time and consideration.
For those who just want to embed an iframe into a Hugo site, like the question title says:
In the examples below, the content between --- is called front matter and it is in YAML syntax. You can add here your own structured data or use predefined Hugo's front matter fields. The rest of the file (below the second ---) is a standard Markdown syntax formatted content.
You don't need to use the YAML syntax in your front matter. Also TOML and JSON formats are supported by Hugo (see docs)
Solution 1: direct HTML in the content
You can add the HTML code itself to the Markdown content (like T.J.'s .md file example in the question). Hugo's markdown engine will then render the iframe as it is.
title: "Your title"
description: "Your description, you can add more fields below of course..."
<iframe src="https://example.com/"></iframe>
Solution 2: custom shortcode
You can implement your own shortcode which can be useful when using some kind of CMS or in a case when you want to style the iframe somehow.
<!-- layouts/shortcodes/iframe.html -->
<iframe src="{{ .Get 0 }}"></iframe>
You can then add iframes to your content in markdown files like this:
title: "Your title"
description: "Your description, you can add more fields below of course..."
{{< iframe https://example.com/ >}}
Shortcodes allow you also to create named attributes so you would use the shortcode like {{< iframe url="https://example.com/" >}}. The benefit of this solution is that you are free to set up the HTML code that will be rendered when using the iframe shortcode. For more information, see the shortcode docs.
Solution 3: using the front matter
If you build your page from predefined blocks or components or the page is a very simple one where you for example don't use the markdown content but just the front matter fields, you can be interested in this solution which is basically just using the front matter for storing the iframe's URL or other settings you want to use during the HTML rendering.
title: "Your title"
description: "Your description, you can add more fields below of course..."
iframe: "https://example.com/"
In your layout file, you will get this piece of information by using {{ .Params.iframe }}.

Creating a post with guttenberg content using the WP-REST-API

I am using the wp rest api for adding posts to my site from another app. Therefore I use POST /wp-json/wp/v2/seminar where seminar is my custom post type. In the post data I set content to some text.
The Problem is that Wordpress creates a block with the tinyMce editor instead of using the default guttenberg paragraph block (see images below).
What is created:
Image of Tinymce
What I want to be created:
Image of paragraph editor
Does someone know a way to make wordpress creating the paragraph insted of the tinymce block?
Try to make content like this
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>my content text</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->

CKEditor for ASP.NET & custom tags

I need to edit an ascx file's content with CKEditor. The content of ascx is mostly pure html code. It also has a custom tags in it (I use a custom framework and its own custom tags, ie: )
CKEditor erases those custom tags automatically (since they are not valid HTML codes).
How can I add/define framework's custom tags into CKEditor so it would not erase them.
PS: those custom tags don't need to be rendered in HTML view as long as they stay in the source code.
You need to modify CKEDITOR.dtd object so editor will know this tag and correctly parse HTML and process DOM. See ckeditor how to allow for .insertHtml("<customTag myAttr='value'"></customTag>")
CKEditor's protectedSource feature solved my problem. the custom tag sits in regular html code and CKEditor ignores it which is exactly what I want. I will be using CKEditor for text modification only.
//example custom tag: <inc:module src="module_name" runat="server" />
// protect <inc:* /></*
// protect <inc:* />

Put company logo in cf7 plugin message body

I'm using contact form 7 plugin on wordpress. Just want to add a company logo in message body, but no success it doesn't understand img tag at all. Tried to put src value in {} brackets but no result.
Please try this :
1. Check Use HTML content type box in the Mail or Mail (2) section.
2. Place <img src="url_path" /> tag into the Message body textarea.
I found a solution. Just checked the checkbox(Use HTML content type). And works perfectly.

Changing content in cufontext tag within a wordpress theme

I have installed a WordPress theme which features headings like 'our sponsors' or 'featured posts'. When I inspect the element using google chrome, it shows that it is within a tag called 'cufontext' which I have never come across before (i think it is to do with javascript).
Is it possible to change the content within the cufontext tag so that it says something different like 'about me' instead of 'our sponsors'?
Cufon is a font-replacement technique that uses javascript to write fonts from a font file to your browser.
So those <cufon> tags are generated when page renders and are not in the template files.
Simply find where 'our sponsors' text is located and replace it to your likings.
The most possible location for that text is:
in post / page as a title
in the template as static text
