Meteor Vue Tracker - Unable to Watch Subready. Computed property with subready is not working either - meteor

I am trying to move my project from blaze to vue.
I am using meteor 1.6.1 and vue-meteor-tracker.
I had a case where in a component a subscription should take place only when the other subscription is ready.
I wrote the following code and faced the problems mentioned in the comments.
export default
data: ->
filter: null
subscriptionReady: ->
# this gets called only once and the value does not change even when $subReady.users changes.
filter: []
filter: -> Filter.findOne()
'$subReady.filter': (value) ->
console.log('this watch is not working')
if value
#$subscribe('users', #filter)
'$subReady': (value) ->
console.log('this watch is not working either')
'filter': (value) ->
# this will work but i can not use this as I need the below subscription to run even when there is no filter in the db.
if value
#$subscribe('users', #filter)
I can do null handling in publication but in the above case when filter is not present, there is a default value for filter.The problem is when the filter subscription is not ready users data is returned with default filter value. The users subscription gets called again when the filter subscription is ready.
Note: The above case is not exactly the same as I am facing in the project so I apologize if I missed something and the question is not clear.
Any suggestion or help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Exclude nextjs api url from sentry events

I have nextjs app with sentry. I want to add new api route, for example api/status, but I want to exclude it from being sent to sentry as it will clutter logs really fast and use my qouta.
I did a small research and it seems that there is an array of urls you can exclude from being tracked. It's called denyUrls. Read more. I have tried to add my url to this array, but it still tracks this url as part of events:
denyUrls: [
Am I configuring something wrong or this array is not for the purpose of filtering everts.
If so, what's the best way to filter those? Other option I found which I will try next is beforeSend but it feels a bit overkill to simply exclude url. denyUrls feels like much better fit for what I am trying to achieve
I had the same issue and contacted the support for it. I am directly quoting the support here.
The BeforeSend and DenyUrl are options to filter error events, not transactions. For transaction events, please use the tracesSampler function as described on the page:
Here is an example to drop all transactions that match a certain name:
tracesSampler: samplingContext => {
if( == "GET /api/health"){
return 0.0 // never send transactions with name GET /api/health
return 0.2 // sampling for all other transactions
Note that you might need to customise the function above to better match your scenario.
I hope it will help you ;)
Have a nice day.

Firebase Analytics Events - currentScreen is always screen_view

On my way implementing firebase analytics into my flutter app, i cant get the proper events to trigger or i dont get how this should work. Lets take the following code:
firebaseAnalytics.setCurrentScreen(screenName: "Dashboard");
When i trigger this event, in the Firebase Analytics debug view i see this:
The same when i trigger the screen changes automatically via:
navigatorObservers: [
FirebaseAnalyticsObserver(analytics: appState.firebaseAnalytics),
So my question is: Why does Analytics prints out "screen_view" instead of "Dashboard" or any other name i have in my named routes ??
The screen name is in fact submitted to the inner workings of the API cause i debugged firebase_analytics.dart on that place:
Future<void> setCurrentScreen(
{#required String screenName,
String screenClassOverride = 'Flutter'}) async {
if (screenName == null) {
throw ArgumentError.notNull('screenName');
await _channel.invokeMethod<void>('setCurrentScreen', <String, String>{
'screenName': screenName,
'screenClassOverride': screenClassOverride,
Answering my own question and thus wasting the bounty is hard but thats the way it is. Here are my findings:
The user provided screenName in the API gets submitted to the Firebase Analytics Dashboard but you need to drill down on the event "screen_view" to see the actual clicked screen Names you supplied. Unfortunately the user supplied Name wont be shown in the debugView of the Firebase Analytics console which got me on the wrong trail in the first place, thinking that its missing altogether, which is wrong.
tl;dr: screenName is just a parameter of screen_view Event and its right inside the screen_view event which you can drill down on.
Why route names don't show in the DebugView by using navigatorObservers? Looking for an explanation to this issue I got here and found the answer in Marc's Answer. It is actually being collected and is located as a parameter called firebase_screen.🧐

Firebase and Angularfire nightmare migration for Update

I am new to firebase and I am having a bit of a nightmare trying to adapt old code to what is now deprecated and what is not. I am trying to write a function which updates one "single" record in my datasource using the now approved $save()promise but it is doing some really strange stuff to my data source.
My function (should) enables you to modify a single record then update the posts json array. However, instead of doing this, it deletes the whole datasource on the firebase server and it is lucky that I am only working with testdata at this point because everything would be gone.
$scope.update = function() {
var fb = new Firebase("" + $scope.postToUpdate.$id);
var article = $firebaseObject(ref);
Title: $scope.postToUpdate.Title,
Body: $scope.postToUpdate.Body
}).then(function(ref) {
}, function(error) {
console.log("Error:", error);
Funnily enough I then get a warning in the console "after" I click the button:
Storing data using array indices in Firebase can result in unexpected behavior. See for more information. Also note that you probably wanted $firebaseArray and not $firebaseObject.
(No shit?) I am assuming here that $save() is not the right call, so what is the equivalent of $routeParams/$firebase $update()to do a simple binding of the modified data and my source? I have been spending hours on this and really don't know what is the right solution.
Unless there's additional code that you've left out, your article $firebaseObject should most likely use the fb variable you created just before it.
var article = $firebaseObject(fb);
Additionally, the way in which you're using $save() is incorrect. You need to modify the properties on the $firebaseObject directly and then call $save() with no arguments. See the docs for more.
article.Title = $scope.postToUpdate.Title;
article.Body = $scope.postToUpdate.Body;

Meteor: Can't replace document in restricted collection

I am using Meteor 4.2 (Windows) and I am always getting the "update failed: 403 -- Access denied. Can't replace document in restricted collection" when I am trying to update an object in my collection. Strangely I had no problem inserting new ones, only updates are failing.
I tried to "allow" everything on my collection:
insert: function () { return true; },
update: function () { return true; },
remove: function () { return true; },
fetch: function () { return true; }
But still, this update fails:
_id: Session.get('current_map')
}, {
name: $('#newMapName').val()
Is there something else I can check? Or maybe my code is wrong? Last time I played with my project was with a previous version of Meteor (< 4.0).
Thanks for your help.
PS: Just for information, when I do this update, the local collection is updated, I can see the changes in the UI. Then very quickly it is reverted along with the error message, as the changes has been rejected by the server-side.
Alright, the syntax was actually incorrect. I don't understand really why as it was working well before, but anyway, here is the code that works fine:
}, {
$set: {
name: $('#newMapName').val()
It seems like it must be related to what you're storing in the 'current_map' session variable. If it's a db object, then it probably looks like {_id:<mongo id here>} which would make the update finder work properly.
I ran into the same issues, and found the following to work
Blocks.update {_id:block_id}, {$set: params}
where params is a hash of all the bits i'd like to update and block_id is the mongo object id of the Block i'm trying to update.
Your note about the client side update (which flashes the update and then reverts) is expected behavior. If you check out their docs under the Data and Security section:
Meteor has a cute trick, though. When a client issues a write to the server, it also updates its local cache immediately, without waiting for the server's response. This means the screen will redraw right away. If the server accepted the update — what ought to happen most of the time in a properly behaving client — then the client got a jump on the change and didn't have to wait for the round trip to update its own screen. If the server rejects the change, Meteor patches up the client's cache with the server's result.

Can I create an index in a mongo collection with Meteor? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a two column unique index on the underlying mongodb in a meteor app and having trouble. I can't find anything in the meteor docs. I have tried from the chrome console. I have tried from term and even tried to point mongod at the /db/ dir inside .meteor . I have tried
Collection.ensureIndex({first_id: 1, another_id: 1}, {unique: true}); variations.
I want to be able to prevent duplicate entries on a meteor app mongo collection.
Wondering if anyone has figured this out?
I answered my own question, what a noob.
I figured it out.
Start meteor server
Open 2nd terminal and type meteor mongo
Then create your index...for example I did these for records of thumbsup and thumbsdown type system.
db.thumbsup.ensureIndex({item_id: 1, user_id: 1}, {unique: true})
db.thumbsdown.ensureIndex({item_id: 1, user_id: 1}, {unique: true})
Now, just gotta figure out a bootstrap install setup that creates these when pushed to prod instead of manually.
Collection._ensureIndex(index, options)
Searching inside Meteor source code, I found a bind to ensureIndex called _ensureIndex.
For single-key basic indexes you can follow the example of packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js that forces unique usernames on Meteor:
Meteor.users._ensureIndex('username', {unique: 1, sparse: 1});
For multi-key "compound" indexes:
Collection._ensureIndex({first_id:1, another_id:1}, {unique: 1});
The previous code, when placed on the server side, ensures that indexes are set.
Notice _ensureIndex implementation warning:
We'll actually design an index API later. For now, we just pass
through to Mongo's, but make it synchronous.
According to the docs "Minimongo currently doesn't have indexes. This will come soon." And looking at the methods available on a Collection, there's no ensureIndex.
You can run meteor mongo for a mongo shell and enable the indexes server-side, but the Collection object still won't know about them. So the app will let you add multiple instances to the Collection cache, while on the server-side the additional inserts will fail silently (errors get written to the output). When you do a hard page refresh, the app will re-sync with server
So your best bet for now is probably to do something like:
var count = MyCollection.find({first_id: 'foo', another_id: 'bar'}).count()
if (count === 0)
MyCollection.insert({first_id: 'foo', another_id: 'bar'});
Which is obviously not ideal, but works ok. You could also enable indexing in mongodb on the server, so even in the case of a race condition you won't actually get duplicate records.
The Smartpackage aldeed:collection2 supports unique indices, as well as schema-validation. Validation will both occure on server and client (reactivly), so you can react on errors on the client.
Actually why not use upsert on the server with a Meteor.method and you could also send also track it with a ts:
// Server Only
add_only_once = function(id1,id2){
// Client'add_only_once',doc1._id, doc2._id);
// actual code running on server
if(Meteor.is_server) {
register_code: function (key,monitor) {
