I can't run the forms which I'm building - oracle11g

I have a problem with my 11g Oracle: I can't run the forms which I'm building
- I'm getting this pop-up:
FRM-10142: The HTTP Listener is not running on
Mohamed-PC at port 7001 . Please start the listener or
check your runtime preferences.
- then I tried to run the listener and I found that already running:
C:\Users\Mohamed>lsnrctl start
LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 27-Mar-2018 22:13
Copyright (c) 1991, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
TNS-01106: Listener using listener name LISTENER has already been started
and I used the reset default option in forms edit menu - in the Runtime tab:
Only Array Processing is checked, Application Server URL is set to http://Mohamed-PC:7001 and Web Browser Location to C:\Program Files\Mozilla F….

Solved...i removed every thing related with oracle 11g and setup new windows this installed 11g again... ( i think the problem was in weblogic configration).


Why is no database shown in Visual Studio?

My SQL Server Object Explorer is not showing any databases:
I also get an error A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. .... When I run the website, the error being shown is The system cannot find the file specified. Furthermore, SQL Server is missing from Services:
(It was installed together with Visual Studio and was never used separately)
Yesterday, everything worked like charm; I had multiple databases with tables and was able to access the data. Today, the same project can't even start, no db's either. What's wrong with Visual Studio here? Thanks
I've had the same problem before. Took me a while to figure it out. What you need to do is go here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42299
In my case, i'm using SQL Server 2014 Management Studio. You must find the one that suits the version of SQL studio that you're using (2008, 2012, 2014).
Click the big download button and now, it is very important that you choose the proper version. Check:
Express 32BIT\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe if you're running on a 32-bit PC, or
Express 64BIT\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe if you're running on a 64-bit PC
It is very important that you install Express version.
Next, once you install that, you should be able to see the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) in your services.msc, along with few other SQL services installed.
Open Visual Studio 2015 and in SQL Server Object Explorer window right click on SQL Server and choose Add SQL Server... option. It should prompt you to connet to the server from SQL Server Management Studio.
If you kept everything by default during the installation, just type . (dot) for the Server name and click connect. Now it should load the database.
It turns out that Visual Studio does not come with MS SQL Server in the default installation. It is necessary to install SQL Server Data Tools from the MS website manually. VS custom installation also allows to do that, but you will need an installer. Just make sure to select SSDT in the custom installation components menu. Additionally, I also ran an update from VS itself that allowed me to install SQL Server 2008, 14, and 16. I am finally able to access DB in VS!

Force w3wp.exe process to start in 32-bit mode

I've created an ASP WebForm application that requires "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to be set to true. When I set the site up in IIS I set "Enable 32-Bit Applications" true, but when I look at the Task Manager I'm not seeing the *32 next to the w3wp.exe process that starts up. And when I browse to the site I'm getting "Service Unavailable - HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." as the App Pool stops within IIS.
How can I force the w3wp.exe process to start in 32 bit mode?
EDIT- The machine in question is a 64-bit Windows Server 2012 R2 in case that matters
EDIT 2- I found a link to http://www.manasbhardwaj.net/running-32-bit-web-application-iis-8/ Which references issues wile Running Sharepoint 2013, Which is running on the web server. It applied the changes, and now when I run the site I get a configuration Error regarding framework versions.
I find it odd b/c the app pool still is not showing the *32 next to it, but it didn't crash when starting the site.
I'm going to ensure the latest .NET framework is installed now.
EDIT 3- Looks like I need to run a couple of updates on the machine in order to install the latest .NET framework. The .NET framework my site uses is 4.6.1, Is this version Stable enough to run on a Live WebServer running SharePoint 2013?

Oracle 10G Installation on Windows

I have a database: Oracle SQL Developer
an asp.net web application running locally on a pc with Windows 7 enterprise 64 bit, and to developed it I used Visual Studio 2013.
Now I should connect the application with the db so I' m trying to install:
Oracle 10g ODAC and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
I get this Error:
"Abnormal program termination. an internal error has occured. Please provide the following files to Oracle Support:
Could I connect the webapp in other ways?
When I go to Server Explorer in Visual Studio and I choose connect to database -> add connection -> Oracle database -> .NET framework Data Provider for Oracle
I get:
"This provider is deprecated and should not be used. Instead, download Oracle Developer Tools for visual Studio for comprehensive integration with Oracle databases."
Oracle supports connections back two versions. You should try installing the ODAC client for 11g as that will connect to a version 10 database and supports windows 7.
Seeing as SQL developer is free why not get the latest version 4.02 here
Be sure to get an ODAC version that matches the bitness of the database, 32 bit or 64 bit. You can check this by logging onto the machine with Run > cmd > sqlplus > connect as your user/your password. If the header that is returned does not say 64 bit then the database is a 32 bit install and you need ODAC to match that.
And seeing as connecting to Oracle is popular question a good troubleshooting routine is
connect from sqlplus on the database
connect with sql developer from your client pc
then try connecting through Visual Studio.

ASP.NET Error with Database

I have been learning ASP.NET and building a little customer portal. I used the built in CreateUserWizard. I wanted to look inside the ASPNETDB.MDF file to see how it was storing the users and maybe add some rows of my own. I opened the file in SQL Server Management Studio and viewed the file. I closed it with out saving.
Now when I try to run the program I get this new error:
The database 'C:\PROJECTS\PORTAL\PORTAL\APP_DATA\ASPNETDB.MDF' cannot be opened because it is version 706. This server supports version 662 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
So I assume opening the project in SQL Server it upgraded the version to 706, How can I either delete this database and create a new one or change the version of the database to an support version.
The following blog entry will help you
As soon as you attached it to SQL Server 2012, the database was upgraded to version 706. As the error message suggests, there is no way to downgrade the file back to version 662 (SQL Server 2008 R2).
You can run the script found in your Visual Studio folder -
It'll display a UI for you to select the server to install a new copy on. Here's a MSDN article about it.

HOWTO: Visual Studio 2010 MVC3 Project on Win7 x64 Using Oracle ODP.NET 11.2

I have a new development machine Windows 7 x64 and am writing an MVC3 application that targets an Oracle database. I have tried everything that I know of to get it running with no success.
Previously, I was developing on a Win7 x32 box and could debug fine locally, but was unable to deploy and run it on a Win2008 x64 Server despite having ODP.Net and 11g Client installed.
"Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess' or one of its
dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect
On my new x64 machine, I can build the project but when i try to run it in via the IDE I get:
"The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client"
I am at a complete loss.
Does anyone have a similar setup that could share detailed instructions of what to install where and how to to reference Oracle.DataAccess in such a way that I can debug in the IDE on my x64 box, and also deploy to x64 server?
It should not have to be this difficult.
I do have this running on Windows 7x64 with the Oracle 11g R2 client that comes with the ODAC installation here:
Make sure you have the x64 version installed locally, and you may have to do the uninstall-reboot-reinstall-reboot tango. I also had weird problems getting it to see TNSNAMES entries and had to go with EZCONNECT strings, but that's not your problem.
In fact, I've also gotten it working on x64 using the 32 bit EF beta and it works fine:
Although I don't think the EF implementatinon is 100% ready for prime time yet (we ended up using the DevArt driver instead because it had more reliable support for computed fields - we never did get Computed or Identity Timestamps working in ODP.NET EF Beta, although oddly Primary Key NUMBER fields populated by triggers did work.)
I didn't have to do anything special, and I didn't have to do anything special on the server side either (with both 10g and 11gR2).
So I finally figured it out. Here is what I did step-by-step:
On my Win7 x64 development machine I removed all Oracle products in an attempt to start from scratch (including manually deleting registry keys and files/folders)
I installed "Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) " ON BOTH the dev machine and production IIS server
I selected the RUNTIME option for the installation
During my first attempt the installation complained of not enough room in the PATH
environment variable so I had to cancel the install, remove some path values (which a replaced after the install completed
I installed to C:\oracle was my base path and client_x64 was my HOME so it installed to C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_x64
I then installed "64-bit ODAC 11.2 Release 3 ( for Windows x64" on BOTH the dev and production mahcines.
install.bat odp.net4 c:\oracle\odac11.2.x64 odac112x64
The above statement creates a new home named odac112x64
At this point I built a simple console app using the following setup
Added reference to Oracle.DataAccess.dll located in C:\oracle\odac11.2.x64\odp.net\bin\4
Set CopyLocal = FALSE for the Oracle.DataAccess reference
Set the application to build for "ANY PROCESSOR"
The app connected to my oracle database and returned records on both machines
I then created a sample MVC website project with the same connection code as the console app.
When I ran it locally in the IDE it threw an error:
"Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342'
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."
I believe this is because the IDE is 32bit and could not load a 64bit Oracle.DataAccess
I published that exact code to the production server and it ran successfully
At this point my only problem is getting it to run locally for development purposes
I installed "ODAC 11.2 Release 3 ( with Xcopy Deployment" which is the x32 version of ODP.NET
install.bat odp.net4 c:\oracle\odac11.2.x32 odac112x32
When I re-ran the MVC website project locally it worked as expected!
After getting this to work I attempted to apply the same steps to another server and it failed. The problem was that "Allow 32-bit Applications" was set to TRUE in the application pool. DISABLING 32-bit apps (only allowing 64bit) resolved the problem on the new machine.
The ODAC installation on the new machine failed to place the installation and bin directory in the environment path (I hate Oracle). Once that was added, all was running as desired.
I have not worked with ODP.NET for quite some time, so I am running from memory of issues I had when I last used it.
The ODP.NET bits have to be installed on the server (or at least deployed, although I am not sure how that is accomplished off hand). The actual client in ODP.NET is the same Java libraries used for Oracle access. If installed, then you have some type of configuration error or permissions issue with using the underlying Java libraries.
I am not sure what the IDE message is about, however.
