How to paramaterize DAGs in airflow from UI? - airflow

Context: I've defined a airflow DAG which performs an operation, compute_metrics, on some data for an entity based on a parameter called org. Underneath something like myapi.compute_metrics(org) is called. This flow will mostly be run on an ad-hoc basis.
Problem: I'd like to be able to select the org to run the flow against when I manually trigger the DAG from the airflow UI.
The most straightforward solution I can think of is to generate n different DAGs, one for each org. The DAGs would have ids like: compute_metrics_1, compute_metrics_2, etc... and then when I need to trigger compute metrics for a single org, I can pick the DAG for that org. This doesn't scale as I add orgs and as I add more types of computation.
I've done some research and it seems that I can create a flask blueprint for airflow, which to my understanding, extends the UI. In this extended UI I can add input components, like a text box, for picking an org and then pass that as a conf to a DagRun which is manually created by the blueprint. Is that correct? I'm imaging I could write something like:
session = settings.Session()
execution_date =
run_id = 'external_trigger_' + execution_date.isoformat()
trigger = DagRun(
conf=org_ui_component.text) # pass the org id from a component in the blueprint
session.commit() # I don't know if this would actually be scheduled by the scheduler
Is my idea sound? Is there a better way to achieve what I want?

I've done some research and it seems that I can create a flask blueprint for airflow, which to my understanding, extends the UI.
The blueprint extends the API. If you want some UI for it, you'll need to serve a template view. The most feature-complete way of achieve this is developing your own Airflow Plugin.
If you want to manually create DagRuns, you can use this trigger as reference. For simplicity, I'd trigger a Dag with the API.
And specifically about your problem, I would have a single DAG compute_metrics that reads the org from an Airflow Variable. They are global and can be set dynamically. You can prefix the variable name with something like the DagRun id to make it unique and thus dag-concurrent safe.


How to pull value from dictionary that pushed to Airflow XCom

Let's say I have some Airflow operator, and one of the arguments to the operator needs to take the value from the xcom. I've managed to do it in the following way -
f"model_id={{{{ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='train', key='{task_id}')}}}}"
Where model_id is the argument name to the docker operator the airflow runs and task_id is the name of the key for that value in the xcom.
Now I want to do something more complex and save under task_id a dictionary instead of one value, and be able to take it from it somehow.
Is there a similar way to do it to the one I mentioned above? something like -
f"model_id={{{{ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='train', key='{task_id}')}}}}[value]"
By default, all the template_fields are rendered as strings.
However Airflow offers the option to render fields as native Python objects.
You will need to set you DAG as:
dag = DAG(
You can see example of how to render as dictionary in the docs.
My answer for a similar issue was this.
f"model_id={{{{ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='train', key='{task_id}')[value]}}}}"

How Can I pass a Variable to a Single Airflow Task Instance in UI

I run airflow on Kubernetes (so don't want a solution involving CLI commands, everything should be doable via the GUI ideally.)
I have some task and want to inject a variable to the command manually only. I can achieve this with airflow variables, but the user has to create then reset the variable.
With variables it might look like:
flag = Variable.get(
append_args = "--injected-argument" if flag == "True" else ""
Or you could use jinja templating.
Is there a way to inject variables one off to the task without the CLI?
There's no way to pass a value to one single task in Airflow, but you can trigger a DAG and provide a JSON object for that one single DAG run.
The JSON object is accessible when templating as {{ dag_run.conf }}.

Airflow - How to override default failure notification method

Would someone let me know if there is a way to override default failure notification method.
I am planning to send failure notification to SNS, however this means I will have to change all the existing DAG and add on_failure_callback method to it.
I was thinking if there is a way I can override existing notification method such that I don't need to change all the DAG.
or configure global hook for all the dags, such that I don't need to add on_failure_callback to all the dags.
You can use Cluster policy to mutate the task right after the DAG is parsed.
For example, this function could apply a specific queue property when using a specific operator, or enforce a task timeout policy, making sure that no tasks run for more than 48 hours. Here’s an example of what this may look like inside your
def policy(task):
if task.__class__.__name__ == 'HivePartitionSensor':
task.queue = "sensor_queue"
if task.timeout > timedelta(hours=48):
task.timeout = timedelta(hours=48)
For Airflow 2.0, this policy should looks:
def task_policy(task):
if task.__class__.__name__ == 'HivePartitionSensor':
task.queue = "sensor_queue"
if task.timeout > timedelta(hours=48):
task.timeout = timedelta(hours=48)
The policy function has been renamed to task_policy.
In a similar way, you can modify other attributes, e.g. on_execute_callback, on_failure_callback, on_success_callback, on_retry_callback.
The file must be in one of the directories that are in sys.path. The easiest way to take advantage of this is that Airflow adds the directory ~/airflow/config to sys.path at startup, so you you need to create an ~/airfow/config/ file.

Apache Airflow - How to retrieve dag_run data outside an operator in a flow triggered with TriggerDagRunOperator

I set up two DAGs, let's call the first one orchestrator and the second one worker. Orchestrator work is to retrieve a list from an API and, for each element in this list, trigger the worker DAG with some parameters.
The reason why I separated the two workflows is I want to be able to replay only the "worker" workflows that fail (if one fails, I don't want to replay all the worker instances).
I was able to make things work but now I see how hard it is to monitor, as my task_id are the same for all, so I decided to have dynamic task_id based on a value retrieved from the API by "orchestrator" workflow.
However, I am not able to retrieve the value from the dag_run object outside an operator. Basically, I would like this to work :
with models.DAG('specific_workflow', schedule_interval=None, default_args=default_dag_args) as dag:
name = context['dag_run'].name
hello_world = BashOperator(task_id='hello_{}'.format(name), bash_command="echo Hello {{ }}", dag=dag)
bye = BashOperator(task_id='bye_{}'.format(name), bash_command="echo Goodbye {{ }}", dag=dag)
hello_world >> bye
But I am not able to define this "context" object. However, I am able to access it from an operator (PythonOperator and BashOperator for instance).
Is it possible to retrieve the dag_run object outside an operator ?
Yup it is possible
What I tried and worked for me is
In the following code block, I am trying to show all possible ways to use the configurations passed,
directly to different operators
pyspark_task = DataprocSubmitJobOperator(
So either you can use it like
"{{dag_run.conf.field_name}}" or "{{dag_run.conf['field_name']}}"
If you want to use some default values in case the configuration field is optional,
f"{{{{dag_run.conf.get('field_name', '{local_variable['field_name_0002']}')}}}}"
I don't think it's easily possible currently. For example, as part of the worker run process, the DAG is retrieved without any TaskInstance context provided besides where to find the DAG:
The context is injected later:
The run_id of the DAG would be good place to store this information.

Airflow: Dynamic SubDag creation

I have a use case where I have a list of clients. The client can be added or removed from the list, and they can have different start dates, and different initial parameters.
I want to use airflow to backfill all data for each client based on their initial start date + rerun if something fails. I am thinking about creating a SubDag for each client. Will this address my problem?
How can I dynamically create SubDags based on the client_id?
You can definitely create DAG objects dynamically:
def make_client_dag(parent_dag, client):
return DAG(
'%s.client_%s' % (parent_dag.dag_id,,
start_date = client.start_date
You could then use that method in a SubDagOperator from your main dag:
for client in clients:
task_id='client_%s' %,
subdag = make_client_dag(main_dag, client)
This will create a subdag specific to each member of the collection clients, and each will run for the next invocation of the main dag. I'm not sure if you'll get the backfill behavior you want.
