WordPress Plugin Development - Post request - wordpress

Am developing wordpress plugin that makes donation, through lcoal online payment providers. After payment complete a post request should be sent to the website.
My question is how to make specific wordpress page receive post request using the plugin i created

Indeed, this question is unclear.
But to what I understand, you want that a specific page that would be provided by a user of your plugin, be called upon completion of the payment.
Your plugin would allow entering that page in the plugin's configuration.
If it's that, as an example, Paypal does it : See https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/paypal-payments-standard/integration-guide/step_3/, Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout : They call back the URL passed to their site, upon payment completion.
In your case, you must see with your local online payment provider if he supports that feature and call it with such URL as parameter.


How to install ecwid payment gateway template

I'm currently working on the wordpress ecwid plugin. In order to develop my own payment method, I downloaded on github their payment gateway template that I'm now trying to install on my wordpress ecwid shop without success. Please, would you know how to proceed? Thank you for your attention.
It's Gunter from Ecwid team. I see you reached out to us via email too. We've addressed the email request. And we will post the answer here too, just in case.
If you want to integrate a custom payment to your Ecwid store, you should follow these steps:
Register a custom app. You can do that at this direct link: https://my.ecwid.com/#develop-apps
Provide us with the payment URL (your own server) to which Ecwid will send the payment requests. You can send us your URL to apps#ecwid.com email and we'll add it to your app.
After that, when your customers choose your own payment at checkout and click on the “Pay” button, Ecwid will send a POST request with the cart data to your server payment URL. And your customer will be also redirected to this URL. So, you can show any external page to them after redirection.
After redirection, your server needs to get cart details from the request, decrypt it and send it to the payment provider in a correct format for processing. After the payment is processed, your server needs to update the order status and redirect the customers back to the Ecwid storefront.
You can find more details about how the custom payment apps work here: https://api-docs.ecwid.com/docs/how-payment-method-works

How early can I get access to the requested post in a WordPress plugin?

What is the earliest WordPress action/hook where I can get access to information about the post requested?
Based on a custom field in the post, I need to disable several plugins. I can do this in the options_actions_plugins filter, but that fires early (before even wp).
I need to find an action that fires before options_actions_plugins in which I can get access to the requested post data, and figure out if I should disable plugins or not.
What action am I looking for?

Integrating Payumoney With Meteor App

I am trying to integrate PayuMoney payment gateway into my Meteor App. The process involves sending a POST request to a external url(payu url) and also redirecting the user to it. The user completes the payment on PayUmoney's site and once done, the PayUmoney site redirects back to a url(provided by me) with parameters passed as POST.
What I have done currently,
To post the form, I have allowed the default behavior of the form. I have defined the method as POST, with the target URL and all input parameters as hidden.
However, I am unsure on how to accept the variables after the tranasaction. I tried this method: How do I access HTTP POST data from meteor? but, this didn't work.
Technical Integration Document (Pay U Money): https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.uservoice.com/assets/074/080/407/original/PayUMoney_Technical_Integration_Document.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJF4UXUF6KJMEJFQQ&Expires=1519543396&Signature=ASnFquJkmCwQSMfx93w913MjZPk%3D
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
Assuming you're talking about accepting the response from PayUMoney, meteorhacks:picker is a great library for setting up an API. If you follow along with this guide, you'll get taken through all the steps of setting an endpoint up that can accept a cross-origin POST request.

Adding Mailchimp Webhooks for CiviCRM on Wordpress

I’ve been trouble shooting this all weekend and not finding any solutions. I’m trying to setup webhooks for Mailchimp and CiviCRM 4.6.1 through Wordpress 4.3.1.
The mailchimp settings panel in CiviCRM provides the web hook address as:
Webhook URL - http://<domain>/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/mailchimp/webhook&reset=1&key=2345
Anytime I request the url in a browser window it returns a ‘null’ response. When I paste it into the Mailchimp webhook setup Mailchimp gives me a 403 error (“We couldn't verify the URL is working. Please double check and try again. HTTP Code: 403”).
I’ve tried to ensure that step 3 of the Veda Consulting instructions https://github.com/veda-consulting/uk.co.vedaconsulting.mailchimp was handled:
Make sure webhook url is accessible to public. If not, just make sure anonymous / public user has “allow webhook posts” permission.
but in wordpress settings (https://en.support.wordpress.com/webhooks/#what-would-i-use-something-like-this-for) I can’t find a webhook tool. Am I missing something? Is this from an older version of wordpress. I found the Hookpress plugin but it has a warning that it hasn’t been tested with the current version of wordpress.
Whoever can tell me how to get this webhook working for Mailchimp I would greatly appreciate it, thanks!
It's a civiCRM setting, not a Wordpress setting.
This comment from the developer reveals a URL to use to expose the permissions panel:
You can enable 'allow webhook posts' permission in wordpress access control by navigating to
Reference: https://github.com/veda-consulting/uk.co.vedaconsulting.mailchimp/issues/172#issuecomment-162478431
Not a totally satisfying answer but I ran my webhook link through firebug and it always returns an ok 200 response from the server.
I corresponded with Mailchimp and they confirmed that from what they can see there isn't an issue with the webhook I'm using. They suggested I whitelist their API's IP addresses but my hosting doesn't allow whitelist IPs. I've gone back to Mailchimp but it's looking like the fate is sealed on this one.
If not, just make sure anonymous / public user has “allow webhook posts” permission.
This refers to permissions configuration in your CMS.
In Drupal and Backdrop, this is configured under Admin > People > Permissions (admin/people/permissions) where you must grant "allow webhook posts" permission to the "anonymous user" role.
In WordPress, a similar pattern should allow you to grant the "allow webhook posts" capability to the "Anonymous User" role.
In Joomla, I think the Veda MailChimp plugin doesn't check permissions on that webhook callback.
I had to debug a site which hadn't had this configuration set today, and the HTTP response code for the callback to MailChimp was 500 when permission not granted, and 200 when it was granted. That might help debug your own situation (you should be able to duplicate this simply by GET to the webhook callback).

twitter oauth api with wordpress multisite?

I have a WP multisite installation with various users each having their own installation
Is there a way I can use one Twitter application that will allow each user to update their status? I know with one site it is simple, but with multiple url's like WP MS - could be tricky with various callback urls.
Any ideas folks?
You can do that. When you get a request token you will have to pass the callback url for that site to Twitter and callback URL will have a verifier passed to it that will need to be sent when you get an access token. You can read more about the process at http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth
