Why is including a .c file in another .c file an "unacceptable practice according to Indian Hill Standards?" - standards

According to my teacher including a .c file in another .c file (instead of creating a header for said file and compiling them together) is unacceptable
What are the risks of doing this or why is it considered unappropiate?


(ASDF 3) Is it possible to recursively load systems in subdirectories?

I know about using :modules, but what about when systems get nested? Suppose I have the following structure, relative to some unknown user directory:
This could arise, for example, when using Git submodules. How shall I configure the (defsystem) call in foo.asd to load bar as a dependency, without modifying a config file outside of foo/ or demanding particular placement for the foo/ tree itself? Feels like it should be simple.
3 Feb. 2020: From #Svante's answer, it sounds like my question is really 'How do I dynamically ensure that foo/ and bar/ both get into the *source-registry*?' The ASDF manual makes me think this should do the trick:
(:tree "«absolute-path-to-foo»/")
though I have not seen an example of that usage.
26 Mar. 2020: The technique above seems to work fine, so I'm closing this question. ASDF 3 is excellent.
ASDF doesn't care about relative locations of .asd files. ASDF systems and their dependencies are completely orthogonal to file/directory structure and oblivious to any source version control.
It just looks in several locations for .asd files. Each such file then may contain definitions for systems. It will generally recurse into the configured folders, so any .asd file in a git submodule would usually also be found.
The definitions, e. g. of components, inside of an .asd file then work relatively from the location of that file.
In your example, if you give a :depends-on ("bar") option to the "foo" system, it would just work, no matter where bar.asd resides (as long as it is somewhere where ASDF finds it).
A bit more awareness would be required if you have several versions of a library. This might happen if you work on "foo" and "bar" at the same time, while a stable version of "bar" is also available, e. g. in a quicklisp dist. Then the lookup order comes into play, but usually your “personal” directories have precedence over “system” directories, so again, it would just work. For more control, you might want to look into qlot.

Avoid rendering of specific .md files from blogdown::serve_site()

I have a file located at
I have it there because it's quite easy to do htmltools::includeMarkdown("data_for_posts/my_file.md") and recycle this file in different posts.
My problem is that when I serve_site() this creates a public/post/data_for_posts/index.html, which means, it gets posted to my website (as a January 1 of 0001). I guess I could change the date to year 10000, but I would rather handle it the way I handle the .Rmd and other files, as suggested here
I have tried to modify my config.toml but have not managed to solve the issue.
ignoreFiles = ["\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_files$", "_cache$", "content/post/data_for_posts/my_file.md"]
Here are a couple techniques that I use to do this:
Rename data_for_posts/my_file.md so it uses a file extension that hugo does not interpret as a known markup language, for example change .md to .markd or mdn.[*]
Rename data_for_posts/my_file.md so it includes a string that you will never use in a real content file, for example data_for_posts-UNPUBLISHED/my_file.md. Then add that string (UNPUBLISHED or whatever) to your config ignoreFiles list.[**]
[*] In the content/ directory, a file with one of the following file extensions will be interpreted by hugo as containing a known markup language: .ad, .adoc, .asciidoc, .htm, .html, .markdown, .md, .mdown, .mmark, .pdc, .pandoc, .org, or .rst (this is an excerpt of something I wrote).
[**] The strings listed in ignoreFiles seem to be case sensitive so I like to use all-upper-case characters in my ignored file names (because I never use upper-case chars in real content file names). Also note that there is no need to specify the path and my experience is that path delimiters (/ or \) cause problems.

How do /** and /* differ in terms of directory navigation in Grunt?

This is quite an easy one for you guys, but I can't find a definitive/formal answer to this question.
Suppose we are in directory A. Then,
"A/* " probably means: Every file and folder directly inside A.
"A/** " then may mean: Every file and folder inside A, and every file and folder directly inside every child that is directly inside A. (Basically, an extension of /* operator that traverses one level deeper of the root folder? aka "/** " = "/* /* " )
My "directly inside" terminology might be wrong. May be its better to say "direct child" or something, but you get the idea.
Then, what does "A/**/* " mean? Is it equal to "A/* /* /* " ?
Although this seems basic, its quite confusing when I don't have a formal definition of the operators.
I'm currently using Javascript and trying to modify a Gruntfile. But I guess these operators may come up in any context.
This behavior is not intrinsic to JavaScript and is not related to any operators: as far as JavaScript is concerned, it is just a string.
The handling of such glob expansion is determined by the specific library/consumer. For gruntjs it is covered in Grunt Globbing Patterns:
It is often impractical to specify all source filepaths individually, so Grunt supports filename expansion (also know as globbing) via the built-in node-glob and minimatch libraries ..
* matches any number of characters, but not /
** matches any number of characters, including /, as long as it's the only thing in a path part
All most people need to know is that foo/*.js will match all files ending with .js in the foo/ subdirectory, but foo/**/*.js will match all files ending with .js in the foo/ subdirectory and all of its subdirectories.
As such (but refer to the specific documentation!), /**/ generally means "match any depth of directories" and /*/ or /* means "match a single directory or file part".
The gruntjs documentation is a bit vague on the specific mechanics of ** in the standard "/**/*.x" pattern, but referring to node-glob says:
If a "globstar" (**) is alone in a path portion, then it matches zero or more directories and subdirectories searching for matches. It does not crawl symlinked directories.
[.. The double-star character] is supported in the manner of bsdglob and bash 4.3, where ** only has special significance if it is the only thing in a path part. That is, a/**/b will match a/x/y/b, but a/**b will not.
Using this knowledge we get the equivalency (when used as a path component), of A/**/f with A/f, A/*/f, A/*/*/f, etc for every number of intermediate directories.
If you see A/**/* that means to recursively search all the way down the tree of every folder under folder A. For more information look up basic linux style file commands.

GNU Make: disable all built-in rules, except desired ones

Twice in the past, GNU make has destroyed my work because some of its built-in rules have .c files as a target.
If you have a file called foo.c, and also a foo.l Lex scanner or foo.y Yacc parser, watch out! GNU make assumes that the .c file is a target made from these (it's evidently a POSIX requirement!), and it will will do something like mv y.tab.c foo.c or lex -t foo.l > foo.c.
What is the way to disable all such hidden, dangerous rules (whether known or unknown) while keeping the useful ones?
Specifically, how can we give this request to GNU Make: "please retain all your rules related to (for example) .c and .o files, and disable all rules which involve any other file type"?
From the manual:
Many of the predefined implicit rules are implemented in make as
suffix rules, so which ones will be defined depends on the suffix list...
If you modify the suffix list, the only predefined suffix rules in
effect will be those named by one or two of the suffixes that are on
the list you specify; rules whose suffixes fail to be on the list are
If you wish to eliminate the default known suffixes instead of just
adding to them, write a rule for .SUFFIXES with no prerequisites. By
special dispensation, this eliminates all existing prerequisites of
.SUFFIXES. You can then write another rule to add the suffixes you
.SUFFIXES: # Delete the default suffixes
.SUFFIXES: .c .o # Define a new suffix list

GNAT Programming Suite - source file not found

Ada is still new to me, so I am trying to find my way around the GPS IDE. I asked another question earlier, but I think this problem has precedence over that one, and may be at the root of my trouble.
When I compile, I am getting a long list of *warning: source file ... not found"
In my .gpr file, I have listed all of the spec and body source files and use the following naming scheme:
package Naming is
for Casing use "mixedcase";
for Dot_Replacement use ".";
for Spec_Suffix ("ada") use "_s.ada";
for Body_Suffix ("ada") use "_b.ada";
end Naming;
What is odd it the error messages all look either like this:
warning: source file "xxx_b.adb" not found
or this
warning: source file "xxx.adb" not found
Note that neither of these (xxxb.adb or xxx.adb) conform to the file specs, which should end with .ada.
Can someone explain what is going on here?
I'm 99% sure that the problem is one of the ones I mentioned in answer to your other question: GNAT does not normally support more than one compilation unit in a file. I got exactly the behaviour you describe with GPS and these files:
with Jane;
package James is
end James;
package Jim is
end Jim;
package Jane is
end Jane;
The error message on compiling james_s.ada says it can't find Jane_s.ada, but when I ask GPS to go to the declaration of Jane it takes me to the "correct" line in jim_s.ada.
You could use gnatchop to split jim_s.ada, but it doesn't understand project files or naming conventions; you probably want to keep the existing names for the code that works, so you'd rename gnatchop's output as required.
However! to my great surprise, it turns out that GNAT does support having more than one compilation unit in a file, provided package Naming in the project file tells it about each unit in the file:
package Naming is
for Casing use "mixedcase";
for Dot_Replacement use ".";
for Spec_Suffix ("ada") use "_s.ada";
for Body_Suffix ("ada") use "_b.ada";
for Spec ("Jim") use "jim_s.ada" at 1;
for Spec ("Jane") use "jim_s.ada" at 2;
end Naming;
It's up to you whether to do this or to bite the bullet and use gnatchop, either on the multi-unit files or on the whole source tree.
First off, this isn't an Ada problem, its a Gnat problem. Other Ada compilers have no problem with the file names you are using.
However, Gnat is rather unique in that it expects there to be only one program unit (package body, package spec, stand-alone routine, etc) per source file. This is because it is also rather unique in that it expects to be able to find the source code for any program unit just by knowing that unit's Ada intentifier. Most other Ada compilers maintain some kind of library file that maps file names to program units, and you have to register all your files into it. (Whereas your typcial C compiler just leaves the problem of finding files for all your code up to the user entirely).
Generally the easiest thing to do with Gnat, the way that will cause you the least trouble, is to just use its default file naming convention (and of course don't put multiple program units in a single file.
If you already have some existing Ada code (perhaps developed for another compiler), the easiest way to import it into Gnat is typically to run the gnatchop tool on it all. So that's what I'd suggest you try.
From GPRbuild User's Guide:
Strings are used for values of attributes or as indexes for these attributes. They are in general case sensitive, except when noted otherwise [...]
Based on this, I believe you have to use "Ada" instead of "ada" as index for Spec_Suffix and Body_Suffix. I currently do not have access to the tools for testing this, so I suggest to just try it out.
