I'm trying to develop an vsix extension that will deploy different items to differente projects, example: Project A will get item A, Project B, item B, is this possible with a vsix extension, I'm searching the internet but can't find any information or example of this.
Now that .NET Core libraries are open source, how do I can open up a single git cloned library with Visual Studio 2019?
For example, if you clone the AspNetCore project from git; at first you'll face a bunch of libraries like Identity, SignalR, etc in one place
And inside of each library folder, you'll face some .slnf files, etc
and if you just try to open the .slnf with VS it will load the entire project, besides you'll get suggestion about downloading some extra components for VS
What extra components are exactly required to just study the codes?
How to open a single library (like Identity) with .slnf?
Identity is one component of the whole AspNetCore. Components depend on each other forming a "hierarchy tree".
As your screenshot shows, AspNetCore has 491 projects.
An .slnf is a solution filter: a view of only a subset of the complete solution, but that is aware of the whole solution. The Identity.slnf includes 83 of the 491 projects, basically the Identity components plus all the dependencies that needs to be built first (i.e. other referenced projects). Use IndentityNoDeps.slnf for a more filtered view (with no deps) that is more focused on the Identity part.
I have an utility which fills version numbers in AssemblyInfo.cs files. Now I need to implement a functionality to adjust version numbers for Visual Studio Data-Tier applications (DACPAC).
I see that I can adjust the number manually if I open project properties and click the Data-Tier application Properties button. But I cannot find where this number is stored in project files, so I have no idea how to update it automatically from my utility.
Do you know, where is the version number stored?
The properties do not appear in the .sqlproj file unless you change them from their default values. When you do they will appear as follows:
<DacDescription>This is my description</DacDescription>
The dacpac version number doesn't appear to show up until after the first successful project build. After that however, it shows up as in .sqlproj file as shown below.
Is there a way to have linked files in an ASP.NET 1.1 project?
What I did was to copy the linked file declaration from a DLL csproj to the file I want. But everytime I change the Web.csproj to add a new file, the links are deleted.
Is there a possible workaround? maybe inserting this in the build scripts or something like that?
Is this possible in .NET 2.0?
If you are using Visual Studio 2003 then linked files are not supported:
If you want to explicitly add an item as a link, you can create links
in the following projects:
The solution, Visual C++, and other similar projects support only links, so all of the items in these projects are links. The project
does not attach a link indicator (a small arrow) to the item icon in
Solution Explorer.
Visual Basic, Visual C#, and other similar projects can accommodate both linked and physical project items. Linked items in these projects
display a link indicator attached to the icons of linked project
Visual Basic Web, Visual C# Web and other similar projects, do not
support links to items
You can work around this by creating a symbolic link (symlink) to the first instance of the file. The Link Shell Extension makes it easy to do so in Windows Explorer and it will even add an arrow badge to the file's icon (you have to use NTFS). Or use the command line program mklink:
> cd Project\Properties
> mklink AssemblyInfo.cs ..\..\Global\AssemblyInfo.cs
When you have created a symlink, it's as if the same file exists in both places. It's transparent to applications, including (I expect) Visual Studio 2003. This is not the same as a shortcut (.lnk file).
UPDATE: what I did in the end was to take another approach. I simply put a validation in my build script that if the csproj does not contain any reference to my AssemblyInfo files, the build failed.
This was ok because the only time they would be deleted, is when the csproj gets modified which is almost never.
I am trying out to deploy a flex application in one of our servers. I was able to deploy it but running it causes some problems like missing swfs.
One of these missing swfs is the sparkskins, which I am not sure where to get from.
Any ideas?
Maybe you should change framework linkage to "Merged into code" for you project.
In FlashBuilder this option is here: Project Properties window -> Flex Build Path list item -> Library Path tab -> Framework linkage combobox.
After this your sdk swfs will be compiled into your flash app.
I have a big project I am working on right now using Visual Studio 2008.
The solutions is composed by several project in Visual C# and Visual C++.
Clicking on a project node , and selecting from the manu the item "Project Dependencies" I can find the list of dependencies I want to export.
Do you know a way to export this list on a file someway?
They are already stored in the Visual Studio Solution and Project files.
Look for the <ProjectReference> tag.
With some post-processing, you could copy them from there and write them to another file.
You can also use the EnvDTE.BuildDependency class to retrieve the dependencies programmatically.
If you mean Project Dependency as opposed to Project Reference, the former just imposes a build ordering, they are stored in the solution file. Look for lines like
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject