How to reduce plotting output space - r

I'm using Markdown to write my thesis dissertation.
Basically I split the screen to arrange two plot in one, but I would like to reduce the size of the entire plot. So i did this:
figs <- rbind(c(0, 0.5, 0, 0.8), # Screen1 reduced from 1 to 0.8
c(0.5, 1, 0, 0.8)) # Screen2 reduced from 1 to 0.8
colnames(figs) <- c("W", "E", "S", "N")
rownames(figs) <- c("Screen1", "Screen2")
screenIDs <- split.screen(figs)
names(screenIDs) <- rownames(figs)
# Left Side plot:
op <- par(fig=c(0.01,.3,.35,.78), new=TRUE)
lines(a,dnorm(a,mean(residuals.arima), sd(residuals.arima)), lty=1, col="darkblue", lwd=2)
#Right side plot:
Unfortunately what I get is the following (I've highlighted the extra space in red):
so it seems I just reduce the plot size but not the total plotting output size.
How can I deal with it? I don't want to fill the gap with my picture since it would be too big.


box without space in multhist

Suppose data
a <- rnorm(100)
b <- rnorm(100)+1
which I would like to plot side-by-side using multhist().
multhist(list(a,b), yaxs="i")
Now I would like to draw a box around them
box(which = "plot", lty = "solid")
which gives me
with some space between the bottom line of the box and the bars.
Had I used hist() to plot only one graph, the ouput would have been without gap between box and bars:
Is there a different trick to get such an output in multhist()?
I think setting ylim mentioned by #KamranEsmaeili is a standard solution. Here I provided a tricky way that doesn't require manually setting the upper limit 40.
multhist() is based on the built-in barplot() and it always sets the lower limit of y-coordinate of the plotting region less than 0. You can use par("usr")[3] to check this fact. I just came up with a tricky method that adjusts the box type to "7" to suppress the bottom line and add a new bottom line at 0 by abline(h = 0).
a <- rnorm(100)
b <- rnorm(100) + 1
box(bty = "7") # bty is one of "o"(default), "l", "7", "c", "u", and "]".
abline(h = 0)
If you don't like the right line extending beyond the x axis, then you can replace box() with rect() so that you can specify positions of four sides by yourself. Remember to add xpd = TRUE, or the line width will look thinner than y-axis.
x <- par("usr")
rect(x[1], 0, x[2], x[4], xpd = TRUE)
Just add "space=c(0,0)" and "ylim" and you good to go:
multhist(list(a,b), yaxs="i", space=c(0,0), ylim=c(0,40))

How to put a combined plot in a single panel

The problem is that I managed to graph this:
by writing this:
shap <- shapiro.test(as.numeric(residuals.arima))$p.value
qqnorm(residuals.arima, main=c("Normal Q-Q Plot", paste("Shapiro p=", prettyNum(shap, digits = 2))))
op <- par(fig=c(.02,.5,.5,.98), new=TRUE)
hist(residuals.arima, breaks=22, probability=T,
col="grey", xlab="", ylab="", main="", axes=F)
lines(a,dnorm(a,mean(residuals.arima), sd(residuals.arima)), lty=1, col="darkblue", lwd=2)
Now, this is exactly the way I'd like the two plots to be visualized together. I do not want to split them up.
However I'd like to put everything in the right panel (2) of a structure like the following, so that I can add another plot on panel (1) without everything messing up:
layout(matrix(c(1,2), nr=1, byrow = TRUE))
How can I do this?
If I understand you correctly you want to simply do this:
Alternative interpretation of what you are after is to put everything you have on that second side and leave the first side blank (to be used for something else). If that is the case you can use screen:
figs <- rbind(c(0, 0.5, 0, 1), # Screen1
c(0.5, 1, 0, 1), # Screen2
colnames(figs) <- c("W", "E", "S", "N")
rownames(figs) <- c("Screen1", "Screen2")
screenIDs <- split.screen(figs)
names(screenIDs) <- rownames(figs)
# Everything that should go on the left side goes here
# The current plots you have go here

R- Break axis matplot function

I need to break an axis from 0.5 to 1.5. My code is:
matplot( wxyz$days_until_last_pay, wxyz[,c(2,3,4,5)], type=c("b"), pch=1, col=1:4,
main="x![enter image description here][1]", cex.main=0.8)
legend("bottomright", inset=c(0,-0.57), fill=NULL,
legend = c("mean","median","max", "min"), col=1:4, pch=1, cex=0.8)
axis.break(axis=2,1,,2,style="zigzag", brw=0.03)
But I only get a line in it. This is not breaking the axis.
How can I solve this?
axis.break puts a break into an existing plot, so if the axis is not "broken" it will not work.
One suggestion is to make two plots on top of each other and set their ylim be so that there is a gap between 0.5 and 1.5, e.g.
## Some data, set.seed(1)
dat <- matrix(c(rnorm(50, 2, 0.1),
rnorm(50, 0.2, 0.05),
rnorm(50, 0.3, 0.05)),
byrow=FALSE, ncol=3)
## Split the device into two subplots
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
## Set the bottom margin of the top plot to 0.1
## Top plot (first column of the matrix)
plot(dat[,1], add=T, type="l", xaxt="n", ylab="", ylim=c(1.5, 2.5))
## Set the top margin of the bottom plot to 0.1
## Bottom plot
matplot(dat[,2:3], type="l", col=2:3, ylab="", ylim=c(0, 0.5))
This gives you something like:

How to plot the value of abline in R?

I used this code to make this plot:
plot(p, cv2,col=rgb(0,100,0,50,maxColorValue=255),pch=16,
panel.last=abline(h=67,v=1.89, lty=1,lwd=3))
My plot looks like this:
1.) How can I plot the value of the ablines in a simple plot?
2.) How can I scale my plot so that both lines appear in the middle?
to change scale of plot so lines are in the middle change the axes i.e.
changed to:
by "value" I am assuming you mean where the line cuts the x-axis? Something like text? i.e.:
text((0), min(y), "number", pos=2)
if you want the label on the x axis then try:
axis(1, at=1,labels=1)
to prevent overlap between labels you could remove the zero i.e.:
axis(2, at=c(1.77,5,10,15,20,25))
or before you plot extend the margins and add the labels further from the axis
par(mar = c(6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.5))
axis(2, at=1.77,labels=1.77,mgp = c(10, 2, 0))
Similar in spirit to the answer proposed by #user1317221, here is my suggestion
# generate some fake points
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
# positions of the lines
vert = 0.5
horiz = 1.3
To display the lines at the center of the plot, first compute the horizontal and vertical distances between the data points and the lines, then adjust the limits adequately.
# compute the limits, in order for the lines to be centered
# REM we add a small fraction (here 10%) to leave some empty space,
# available to plot the values inside the frame (useful for one the solutions, see below)
xlim = vert + c(-1.1, 1.1) * max(abs(x-vert))
ylim = horiz + c(-1.1, 1.1) * max(abs(y-horiz))
# do the main plotting
plot(x, y, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
abline(h=horiz, v=vert)
Now, you could plot the 'values of the lines', either on the axes (the lineparameter allows you to control for possible overlapping):
mtext(c(vert, horiz), side=c(1,2))
or alternatively within the plotting frame:
text(x=vert, y=ylim[1], labels=vert, adj=c(1.1,1), col='blue')
text(x=xlim[1], y=horiz, labels=horiz, adj=c(0.9,-0.1), col='blue')

Plot margin of pdf plot device: y-axis label falling outside graphics window

I tried simply plotting some data in R with the y-axis label horizontal and left of the y-axis tick labels. I thought the code below would work:
n.obs <- 390
vol.min <- .20/sqrt(252 * 390)
eps <- rnorm(n = n.obs, sd = vol.min)
mar.default <- c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1
par(mar = mar.default + c(0, 4, 0, 0)) # add space to LHS of plot
pdf("~/myplot.pdf", width=5.05, height=3.8)
plot(eps, main = "Hello World!", las=1, ylab="") # suppress the y-axis label
mtext(text="eps", side=2, line=4, las=1) # add horiz y-axis label
# 4 lines into the margin
Instead, as you may see, the y-axis label almost fell completely outside of the graphics window. This phenomenon still exists no matter how much I expand the LHS margin.
Q: What am I doing wrong? Is there something I need to do with the oma parameter? What do I need to do to plot things the way I'm intending? I'm a little overwhelmed by all of this!
This is a classic one, maybe should be a FAQ. You have to set the par settings after the call to pdf, which creates the plotting device. Otherwise you're modifying the settings on the default device:
n.obs <- 390
vol.min <- .20/sqrt(252 * 390)
eps <- rnorm(n = n.obs, sd = vol.min)
# add space to LHS of plot
pdf("~/myplot.pdf", width=5.05, height=3.8)
mar.default <- c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1
par(mar = mar.default + c(0, 4, 0, 0))
plot(eps, main = "Hello World!", las=1, ylab="") # suppress the y-axis label
mtext(text="eps", side=2, line=4, las=1)
