Make image move position when clicked Elm - functional-programming

How should I edit my view so that the image stays in a fixed position when I click a certain position. Currently, it follows the mouse.
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model,Cmd.Cmd Msg)
update (MouseMsg pos) model = ({ model | position = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y} },Cmd.none)
view : Model -> Html.Html Msg
view model = let
posX = toString model.position.x
posY = toString model.position.y
svg [ onClick model ][width "10000",height "10000"] [circle [cx posX, cy posY, r "50", fill "blue" ] []]

Sure, easy enough! :)
add a this to your model
dragging : Bool
add this to your update
({ model | dragging = False}, Cmd.none)
and add this to your init
dragging = True


move Physics2Dserver RID with mouse in Godot

My goal is detecting the RID when mouse is hovering it and the next goal is to move the RID when the mouse click on it. I have one idea to make this work which is to make another RID which follows the mouse and detect when colliding but just wondering if there's a proper way of getting RID with mouse.
func Create_collision(mouse_position):
xform = Transform2D(1.0 , mouse_position)
#var _shared_Area =
body = Physics2DServer.body_create()
Physics2DServer.body_set_mode(body, Physics2DServer.BODY_MODE_RIGID)
var _circle_shape = Physics2DServer.circle_shape_create()
Physics2DServer.shape_set_data(_circle_shape, 128)
Physics2DServer.area_add_shape(body, _circle_shape, xform)
Physics2DServer.body_set_space(body, get_world_2d().space)
Physics2DServer.body_set_state(body, Physics2DServer.BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM, Transform2D(0, Vector2(10, 20)))
Physics2DServer.body_set_force_integration_callback(body, self, "_body_moved", 0)
return _circle_shape.get_id()
func _body_moved(state, index):
# Created your own canvas item, use it here.
#VisualServer.canvas_item_set_transform(canvas_item, state.transform)
print("moving ojbect",state, index)
another way is to use intersect_point but it does work with RID ojbect for some reason:
example code
func mouse_detect():
#print("get_space()" , get_world_2d().get_space().get_id())
#var space = get_world_2d()
var space = get_world_2d().get_direct_space_state()
#var space = get_canvas_item()
# Get the mouse's position
var mousePos = get_global_mouse_position()
# Check if there is a collision at the mouse position
#if space.intersect_point(mousePos, 1, [], 2147483647, true, true):
#print("hit something",mousePos)
if space.intersect_point(mousePos, 1 , [] ,2147483647 , true , true ):
print("hit something",mousePos ,space)
print("no hit")
enter code here
the best way to get Collision RID by mouse is using the mouse_detect() function
also this is also the most optimized way. and when adding a image use the visual server with a circle image cause when the VisualServer.canvas_item_add_circle it causes performance issue by 10 times less speed.
var xform : Transform2D
func Create_collision(mouse_position):
xform = Transform2D(1.0 , mouse_position)
var _shared_Area =
var _circle_shape = Physics2DServer.circle_shape_create()
Physics2DServer.shape_set_data(_circle_shape, 64)
Physics2DServer.area_add_shape(_shared_Area.get_rid(), _circle_shape, xform)
Physics2DServer.area_set_space(_shared_Area, get_world_2d().space)
Physics2DServer.area_set_monitorable(_shared_Area, true)
func _process(delta:float ) -> void:
func mouse_detect():
var space = get_world_2d().get_direct_space_state()
var mousePos = get_global_mouse_position()
if space.intersect_point(mousePos, 1, [], 2147483647, true, true):
print(space.intersect_point(mousePos, 1, [], 2147483647, true, true))

I want to show a pygame button, which is inherited from pygame.sprite.Sprite, but it is not getting blitted on the display

I am building a game with the PYGame library.
I am struggeling with this piece of code, where I want to schow a button. The button is inherited from the pygame.sprite.Sprite class.
I have searched around but I could not find any example wiht a button generated from the pygame.sprite.Sprite class.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys
import pygame
import numpy
# initialize the pygame module
if not pygame.font: logging.warning(' Fonts disabled');
class Button(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, gameplayCode, gameplayLbl, gameplaycolorRGB):
# Call the parent class (Sprite) constructor
self.gameplayCode = gameplayCode;
self.gameplayLbl = gameplayLbl;
self.gameplaycolorRGB = gameplaycolorRGB;
self.buttondims = self.width, self.height = 190, 60;
self.smallText = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsansms',15);
# calculating a lichter color, needs to be used when hoovering over button
self.color = numpy.array(gameplaycolorRGB);
self.white = numpy.array(pygame.color.THECOLORS['white']);
self.vector = self.white - self.color;
self.gameplaycolorRGBFaded = self.color + self.vector *0.6;
def setCords(self,x,y):
self.textSurf = self.smallText.render(self.gameplayLbl, 1,
self.image = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height));
self.rect = self.image.get_rect();
self.rect.topleft = x,y; = (x+(x/2),y+(y/2));
def pressed(self,mouse):
if mouse.get_pos()[0] > self.rect.topleft[0]:
if mouse.get_pos()[1] > self.rect.topleft[1]:
if mouse.get_pos()[0] < self.rect.bottomright[0]:
if mouse.get_pos()[1] < self.rect.bottomright[1]:
if mouse.get_pressed()[0] == 1:
return True;
return False;
return False;
return False;
return False;
return False;
def getGamePlayCode(self):
return self.gameplayCode;
def getGamePlayLbl(self):
return self.gameplayLbl;
def getGamePlayColorRGB(self):
return self.gameplaycolorRGB;
def getGamePlayColorRGBFaded(self):
return self.gameplaycolorRGBFaded;
def getButtonWidth(self):
return self.buttondims[0];
def getButtonHeight(self):
return self.buttondims[1];
def getButtonDims(self):
return self.buttondims;
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1';
display_size = display_width, display_height = 1300,600;
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode(display_size);
display_xcenter = gameDisplay.get_width()/2;
display_ycenter = gameDisplay.get_height()/2;
# create a background
background = pygame.display.get_surface();
# put background on the surface
backgroundPos = xcoord, ycoord = 0,0;
gameDisplay.blit(background, backgroundPos);
title='Testing to show a button which is inherited form
pygame.sprite.Sprite. When pressing the button code must react. When
hoovering color must be brighter.';
textSurface = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsansms',15).render(title, True,
textRect = textSurface.get_rect();
gameDisplay.blit(textSurface, textRect);
clock = pygame.time.Clock();
FPS = 60;
game_loop = True;
while game_loop:
mouse = pygame.mouse;
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
game_loop = False;
if button.pressed(mouse):
print('Gameplay pressed');
# ending the pygame module
I want to blit the button, react on the pressed method, when hoovering over the button the color must be brighter.
Any input is highly appreciated.
In the beginning my game didnot had any classes. Now I am rebuilding the game with the use of classes.
Kind Regards
-A Python beginner-
Pygame sprites should usually be added to a sprite group (there are several different group types). Then you can update and draw all sprites in your main loop by calling group.update() and group.draw(gameDisplay).
# Create a sprite group and add the button.
buttons = pygame.sprite.Group(button)
# You could also add it afterwards.
# buttons.add(button)
while game_loop:
mouse = pygame.mouse
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
game_loop = False
if button.pressed(mouse):
print('Gameplay pressed')
# This will call the `update` methods of all sprites in
# this group (not necessary here).
# The display is usually filled each frame (or blit a background image).
# This will draw each sprite `self.image` at the `self.rect` coords.

Programmatically adding a NSTableView to a NSStackView

I was wondering about programmatically adding a NSTableView inside a NSStackView using Swift 3/MacOS Sierra.
The idea would be to have say 2 NSTextFields aligned via the centerY axis in the .leading gravity space, then a tableview in the .center gravity space, then 2 more NSTextFields aligned via the centerY axis in the .trailing gravity space. The stack view would span the width of the NSView -- like a header.
Is this a good idea or should I avoid doing this? It has been very difficult to get it to look correct -- the table always has too large of a width despite adding constraints to try to pin it to a fixed width.
Any insight would be appreciated. I'm new to programming MacOS.
Here is the output in Interface Builder:
output of the headerview
Here is the code of the NSView I'm using:
The view controller is elsewhere but I'm not really having problems with the view controller -- it's displaying the data in the table correctly. It's just the sizing/positioning of the tableview (which I'm trying to do in the NSView via the NSStackView) is always wrong. It should have a width of 650 but instead has a width of 907 and I get the same error all the time in the debug console:
2017-09-12 17:43:36.041062-0500 RaceProgram[795:36958] [Layout] Detected missing constraints for < RacingProgram.RaceImportViewHeader: 0x6000001ccd50 >. It cannot be placed because there are not enough constraints to fully define the size and origin. Add the missing constraints, or set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=YES and constraints will be generated for you. If this view is laid out manually on macOS 10.12 and later, you may choose to not call [super layout] from your override. Set a breakpoint on DETECTED_MISSING_CONSTRAINTS to debug. This error will only be logged once.
import Cocoa
class RaceImportViewHeader: NSView {
// MARK: Properties
private var raceQualificationsTableView:NSTableView
private var raceImportHeaderStackView:NSStackView
private var raceNumberTitle: NSTextField
private var raceNumberValue: NSTextField
public var raceQualificationsTableRowHeight: CGFloat
#IBInspectable var borderColor:NSColor = .black
#IBInspectable var backgroundColor:NSColor = .lightGray
enum InitMethod {
case Coder(NSCoder)
case Frame(CGRect)
override convenience init(frame: CGRect) {
required convenience init?(coder: NSCoder) {
private init?(_ initMethod: InitMethod) {
// Group together the initializers for this view class
raceQualificationsTableView = NSTableView()
raceImportHeaderStackView = NSStackView()
raceNumberTitle = NSTextField()
raceNumberValue = NSTextField()
raceQualificationsTableRowHeight = 17.0 // Initialize the row height for raceQualifications
switch initMethod {
case let .Coder(coder): super.init(coder: coder)
case let .Frame(frame): super.init(frame: frame)
self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let viewSize: NSRect = self.frame
let newRect = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: viewSize.width, height: viewSize.height)
// Outline the Header --> Only for layout debug purposes
let path = NSBezierPath(rect: newRect)
borderColor.setStroke() // Set the stroke color
path.stroke() // Fill the stroke or border of the rectangle
// MARK: UI Construction
func drawUI() {
let viewFrame = self.frame // with respect to the super class
let viewBounds = self.bounds // with respect to the view
// MARK: Race Number Setup
func addRaceNumberTitle(startingPositionX: CGFloat) {
// This configures label for race Number
let width:CGFloat = 60.0 //Arbitrary at the moment
let height:CGFloat = 40.0
let leftPadding:CGFloat = 2.5 // The super view (frame)is the NSView in this case
let topPadding:CGFloat = (viewBounds.height - height)/2
let raceNumberTitleNSRect = NSRect(x: leftPadding + startingPositionX, y: viewBounds.height - height - topPadding, width: width, height: height)
//Swift.print("The raceNumberTitleNSRect title NSRect is \(raceNumberTitleNSRect)")
raceNumberTitle = NSTextField(frame: raceNumberTitleNSRect)
raceNumberTitle.stringValue = "Race\nNumber"
raceNumberTitle.maximumNumberOfLines = 2
raceNumberTitle.isEditable = false
raceNumberTitle.isBordered = false
raceNumberTitle.alignment = .center
raceNumberTitle.backgroundColor = .clear
let updatedHeight = raceNumberTitle.frame.height
let newUpdatedPadding = (viewBounds.height - updatedHeight) / 2
let oldOriginX = raceNumberTitle.frame.origin.x
let newOriginY = viewBounds.height - updatedHeight - newUpdatedPadding
let newOrigin = NSPoint(x: oldOriginX, y: newOriginY)
//addSubview(raceNumberTitle) // Add to view
raceImportHeaderStackView.addView(raceNumberTitle, in: .leading)
func addRaceNumberValue(startingPositionX: CGFloat) {
// This configures value label for race number
let width:CGFloat = 20.0 //Arbitrary at the moment
let height:CGFloat = 40.0
let leftPadding:CGFloat = 5.0 // The super view (frame)is the NSView in this case
let topPadding:CGFloat = (viewBounds.height - height)/2
let raceNumberInRect = NSRect(x: startingPositionX + leftPadding, y: viewBounds.height - height - topPadding, width: width, height: height)
Swift.print("The raceNumberInRect title NSRect is \(raceNumberInRect)")
raceNumberValue = NSTextField(frame: raceNumberInRect)
raceNumberValue.identifier = "raceNumber"
raceNumberValue.placeholderString = "1"
raceNumberValue.font = NSFont(name: "Impact", size: 20.0)
raceNumberValue.maximumNumberOfLines = 1
raceNumberValue.isEditable = false
raceNumberValue.isBordered = true
raceNumberValue.alignment = .center
raceNumberValue.backgroundColor = .clear
let updatedHeight = raceNumberValue.frame.height
let oldOriginX = raceNumberValue.frame.origin.x
let newUpdatedPadding = (viewBounds.height - updatedHeight) / 2
let newOriginY = viewBounds.height - updatedHeight - newUpdatedPadding
let newOrigin = NSPoint(x: oldOriginX, y: newOriginY)
//addSubview(raceNumberValue) // Add to view
raceImportHeaderStackView.addView(raceNumberValue, in: .leading)
// MARK: Race Qualifications Table Setup
func addRaceQualificationsTable(startingPositionX: CGFloat) {
// Padding variables
let leftPadding:CGFloat = 5.0
let topPadding:CGFloat = 5.0
// Table Properties
let width:CGFloat = 650.0
let height:CGFloat = 40
let tableRect = CGRect(x: startingPositionX + leftPadding, y: viewBounds.height - height - topPadding, width: width, height: height)
//let insetForTableView:CGFloat = 1.0
//let scrollRect = CGRect(x: tableRect.origin.x-insetForTableView, y: tableRect.origin.y-insetForTableView, width: tableRect.width+2*insetForTableView, height: tableRect.height+2*insetForTableView)
let tableNSSize = NSSize(width: tableRect.width, height: tableRect.height)
let scrollNSRect = NSScrollView.frameSize(forContentSize: tableNSSize, horizontalScrollerClass: nil, verticalScrollerClass: nil, borderType: .bezelBorder, controlSize: .regular, scrollerStyle: .legacy)
Swift.print("tableRect \(tableRect)")
Swift.print("scrollNSRect \(scrollNSRect)")
//Swift.print("scrollRect \(scrollRect)")
let scrollViewOrigin:CGPoint = tableRect.origin
let scrollViewNSSize:CGSize = scrollNSRect
let scrollRect = NSRect(origin: scrollViewOrigin, size: scrollViewNSSize)
Swift.print("scrollRect \(scrollRect)")
let tableScrollView = NSScrollView(frame: scrollRect)
raceQualificationsTableView = NSTableView(frame: tableRect)
raceQualificationsTableView.identifier = "raceQualificationsTable" // Setup identifier
raceQualificationsTableView.rowHeight = 20.0
Swift.print("instrinic size \(raceQualificationsTableView.intrinsicContentSize)")
//Swift.print("tableScrollView contentsize \(tableScrollView.contentSize)")
tableScrollView.documentView = raceQualificationsTableView
tableScrollView.autoresizingMask = .viewNotSizable
Swift.print("tableScroll content size \(tableScrollView.contentSize)")
raceImportHeaderStackView.addView(tableScrollView, in: .center)
func configureRaceQualificationsTable(showRaceNumberCol: Bool, showRaceCodeCol: Bool) {
let headerAlignment = // Easy way to change justification of headers
// MARK: Race Number Column Options
let raceNumberColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "raceNumberCol")
raceNumberColumn.title = "Race"
raceNumberColumn.minWidth = 40.0
raceNumberColumn.width = 40.0
raceNumberColumn.headerToolTip = "Race Number from the Imported Card"
raceNumberColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// Note: Word Race is always going to be wider than the race number value
// So size to Fit is appropriate here.
if showRaceNumberCol {
// Option of not adding this to the table
// MARK: Driver Column Options
let breedColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "driverCol")
driverColumn.title = "Driver"
driverColumn.minWidth = 10
driverColumn.headerToolTip = "Driver information"
driverColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Race Code Column Options
let raceTypeCodeColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "raceTypeCodeCol")
raceTypeCodeColumn.title = "Race Code"
raceTypeCodeColumn.minWidth = 40
raceTypeCodeColumn.headerToolTip = "Race Classification Code"
raceTypeCodeColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
if showRaceCodeCol {
// Option of not adding to the table
// MARK: Race Type Code Description Options
let raceTypeCodeDescColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "raceTypeCodeDescCol")
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.title = "Race Desc"
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.minWidth = 50
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.width = 100
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.headerToolTip = "Race Classification Full Description"
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Race Restriction Column Options
let raceRestrictionColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "raceRestrictionCol")
raceRestrictionColumn.title = "Restrictions"
raceRestrictionColumn.minWidth = 50
raceRestrictionColumn.width = 80
raceRestrictionColumn.headerToolTip = "Race Restrictions"
raceRestrictionColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Sex Restriction Column Options
let sexRestrictionColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "sexRestrictionCol")
sexRestrictionColumn.title = "Sex"
sexRestrictionColumn.minWidth = 100
sexRestrictionColumn.width = 100
sexRestrictionColumn.headerToolTip = "Sex Restrictions"
sexRestrictionColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Age Restriction Column Options
let ageRestrictionColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "ageRestrictionCol")
ageRestrictionColumn.title = "Age"
ageRestrictionColumn.minWidth = 100
ageRestrictionColumn.width = 100
ageRestrictionColumn.headerToolTip = "Age Restrictions"
ageRestrictionColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Division Column Options
let divisionColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "divisionCol")
divisionColumn.title = "Division"
divisionColumn.minWidth = 50
let minDivisionColumnWidth = raceQualificationsTableView.frame.width - raceNumberColumn.width - driverColumn.width - raceTypeCodeColumn.width - raceTypeCodeDescColumn.width - raceRestrictionColumn.width - sexRestrictionColumn.width - ageRestrictionColumn.width
// Calculate the available room for the division column
if (showRaceCodeCol && showRaceNumberCol) {
// This is the minimum case
// No idea why we need the 25.0 manual adjustment
divisionColumn.width = minDivisionColumnWidth - 25.0
} else if (showRaceCodeCol && !showRaceNumberCol) {
// Add back race type code
// No idea why we need to manually adjust 53.5
divisionColumn.width = minDivisionColumnWidth + raceTypeCodeColumn.width - 53.5
} else if (!showRaceCodeCol && showRaceNumberCol) {
// Add back race number col
divisionColumn.width = minDivisionColumnWidth + raceNumberColumn.width
} else {
// Else it's the maximum space
// This code was making the frame too large -- it was increasing the
// the frame size of the column to 670.0 I put a manual reduction of
// 20 to keep the frame size the same. Not sure where this 20 is coming from.
divisionColumn.width = minDivisionColumnWidth + raceNumberColumn.width + raceTypeCodeColumn.width - 20.0
//Swift.print("The division column width is \(divisionColumn.width)")
divisionColumn.headerToolTip = "Division -- Unknown what this means"
divisionColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
//Swift.print("raceQualificationsTableView.frame.width is \( raceQualificationsTableView.frame.width)")
// MARK: Race Distance Surface Course Setup
func addRaceDistanceSurfaceCourseTable(startingPositionX: CGFloat) {
// Table Properties
let width:CGFloat = 250.0
let height:CGFloat = 40.0
// Padding variables
let leftPadding:CGFloat = 5.0
let topPosition:CGFloat = (viewBounds.height - ((viewBounds.height - height)/2) - height)
let tableRect = CGRect(x: leftPadding + startingPositionX, y: topPosition, width: width, height: height)
let tableScrollView = NSScrollView(frame: tableRect)
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView = NSTableView(frame: tableRect)
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.identifier = "raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTable" // Setup identifier
//raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.rowHeight = 20.0
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.intercellSpacing = NSSize(width: 1.0, height: 1.0)
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.headerView = ImportRaceTableHeaders()
tableScrollView.documentView = raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView
//tableScrollView.hasVerticalScroller = false
//tableScrollView.verticalScroller = nil // Turn off vertical scrolling
//tableScrollView.verticalScrollElasticity = .none
//raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView = NSTableViewHeader
raceImportHeaderStackView.addView(raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView, in: .center)
// MARK: Construct the fields:
addRaceNumberTitle(startingPositionX: 0.0) // Add the race number title
addRaceNumberValue(startingPositionX: raceNumberTitle.frame.origin.x + raceNumberTitle.frame.width) //Add the Race Number value text field
addRaceQualificationsTable(startingPositionX: raceNumberValue.frame.origin.x + raceNumberValue.frame.width)
configureRaceQualificationsTable(showRaceNumberCol: false, showRaceCodeCol: false)
// MARK: TableView Functions
func reloadTableViewData(identifier: String) {
Swift.print("Manual reload of data for identifier \(identifier)")
switch identifier {
case "raceQualificationsTable":
case "raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTable":
// MARK: Delegate/DataSources Outlets for TableViews
// Race Qualification Table (the header table)
#IBOutlet weak var raceQualificationsDelegate: NSTableViewDelegate? {
get {
return raceQualificationsTableView.delegate
set {
raceQualificationsTableView.delegate = newValue
#IBOutlet weak var raceQualificationsDataSource: NSTableViewDataSource? {
get {
return raceQualificationsTableView.dataSource
set {
raceQualificationsTableView.dataSource = newValue
// Race Distance Surface Course
#IBOutlet weak var raceDistanceSurfaceCourseDelegate: NSTableViewDelegate? {
get {
return raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.delegate
set {
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.delegate = newValue
#IBOutlet weak var raceDistanceSurfaceCourseDataSource: NSTableViewDataSource? {
get {
return raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.dataSource
set {
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.dataSource = newValue
// MARK: Label Outlets
#IBOutlet var raceNumber:String? {
get {
return raceNumberValue.stringValue
set {
raceNumberValue.stringValue = newValue!

Elm: populating a record with List values

Trying to learn Elm, and it's pretty hard :)
What I'm trying to accomplish:
I have a model that's a record with a number of key value pairs. I want to populate those keys with values from a list of strings.
module Main exposing (..)
import List
import Html exposing (Html, program, div, text)
type alias Model =
{ one: String
, two: String
, three: String
fakeData: List String
fakeData = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "bad", "baf"]
populate: Model -> List String -> Model
populate model data =
case List.head data of
Just str ->
case of
"" ->
let updatedModel =
{ model | one = str }
case List.tail data of
Just items ->
populate updatedModel items
Nothing ->
_ ->
case model.two of
"" ->
let updatedModel =
{ model | two = str }
case List.tail data of
Just items ->
populate updatedModel items
Nothing ->
_ ->
case model.three of
"" ->
let updatedModel =
{ model | three = str }
case List.tail data of
Just items ->
populate updatedModel items
Nothing ->
_ ->
Nothing ->
init: ( Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
( populate { one = "", two = "", three = "" } fakeData, Cmd.none )
type Msg =
view: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ text (toString model) ]
update: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
( model, Cmd.none )
subscriptions: Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
main: Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
This program prints out:
{ one = "foo", two = "bar", three = "baz" }
I guess I have a hard time figuring out how to make this code less repetitive and easier to reason about. What if I have 20 keys in the model that all need to be populated? The above code would get pretty insane.
You could use pattern matching on the list instead:
populate : Model -> List String -> Model
populate model data =
case data of
one :: two :: three :: _ ->
{ model | one = one, two = two, three = three }
_ ->

QScrollArea won't acknowledge set widget's size

I'm trying to implement a pinterest-like UI and I've been experimenting with the FlowLayout example for PySide.
The problem is that I'm trying to use a QScrollArea and it won't let me scroll down enough. In other words, I can't get to the bottom of the widget I'm trying to scroll.
You can get the hole file here. If you download it and run it, the problem will become pretty obvious.
My code was taken from here, with these modifications:
Added this class: (it just let's me generate colored and numerated rectangles)
class ColoredRectangle(QLabel):
count = 0
def __init__(self, height, color):
super(ColoredRectangle, self).__init__()
palette = QPalette()
palette.setColor(QPalette.Background, color)
self.setFixedSize(200, height)
ColoredRectangle.count += 1
Now I'm adding rectangles instead of buttons...
class Window(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
flowLayout = FlowLayout()
flowLayout.addWidget(ColoredRectangle(450, Qt.white))
self.setWindowTitle("Flow Layout")
Changed the doLayout method like this:
def doLayout(self, rect):
if not any(self.itemList):
firstItem = self.itemList[0]
x = rect.x()
y = rect.y()
wid = firstItem.widget()
spaceX = self.spacing() +,
QtGui.QSizePolicy.PushButton, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
spaceY = self.spacing() +,
QtGui.QSizePolicy.PushButton, QtCore.Qt.Vertical)
itemWidth = firstItem.sizeHint().width()
# calculate column count
columnCount = (rect.width() + spaceX) / (itemWidth + spaceX)
availablePositions = [None] * columnCount
for i in range(columnCount):
availablePositions[i] = QPoint(x + i * (itemWidth + spaceX), y)
for item in self.itemList:
currentPosition = availablePositions[0]
currentPositionColumn = 0
positionColumn = 0
for position in availablePositions:
if min(currentPosition.y(), position.y()) != currentPosition.y():
currentPositionColumn = positionColumn
currentPosition = position
positionColumn += 1
# update available position in column
itemSize = item.sizeHint()
availablePositions[currentPositionColumn] = QPoint(currentPosition.x(),
currentPosition.y() + itemSize.height() + spaceY)
# place item
item.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(currentPosition, itemSize))
And finally, I added the QScrollArea:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
mainWin = Window()
scrollArea = QScrollArea()
Thanks in advance!
Well, found the answer on my own...
Apparently the layout has to define the method heightForWidth, which, as far as I understand, returns the height of the layout which results after a width resize. So... I had to store the new height at the end of doLayout so I'm able to return it when asked for.
This is what I did after doLayout:
self.heightForWidthValue = max(map(lambda position : position.y(), availablePositions))
Also, I implemented these functions in FlowLayout:
def hasHeightForWidth(self):
return True
def heightForWidth(self, width):
return self.heightForWidthValue
And set 0 as the default value (initialized in FlowLayout->__init__) for heightForWidthValue.
Now it works like a charm :)
Here's the proper code, if anyone is interested.
