I'm working on a legacy webforms app. I've added a new radmenuitem to an existing radmenu (see link2 below) but I can't see it when I compile and run the page. The existing link, Link1, appears just fine. I can even change Link1 and see the changes when testing. Link2 doesn't show. I've tried forcing the page to update by making small changes to the code behind but that doesn't work.
<telerik:RadMenu ID="Menu1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Links" Value="Links">
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Link1" runat="server" Value="Link1" NavigateUrl="http://example.com">
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Link2" runat="server" Value="Link2" NavigateUrl="http://example.com">
I'm using Visual Studio 2017. Asp.net webforms.
You need to add <Items> tag after RadMenu. Look into your final code.
<telerik:RadMenu ID="Menu1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Links" Value="Links">
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Link1" runat="server" Value="Link1" NavigateUrl="http://example.com">
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Link2" runat="server" Value="Link2" NavigateUrl="http://example.com">
It turned out to be in the code. A custom security feature was hiding certain menu items using the VB.Net code below:
For Each mItem As RadMenuItem In Menu1.Items
If mItem.Value.ToUpper() <> "HELP" Then
mItem.Visible = False
End If
I know this has been asked, and answered before, but I still can't get it to work. And I've boiled it down to this. If I specify a NavigateURL in a MenuItem, it does not work. If I don't, the menu item changes its style as expected when clicked. However, it is completely useless as a navigation menu, since it no longer takes you anywhere! :)
So to clarify, this works - selected item is hilighted as per specified style:
<asp:menu id="NavigationMenu" staticdisplaylevels="1" orientation="Horizontal" runat="server">
<staticselectedstyle backcolor="LightBlue" borderstyle="Solid" bordercolor="Black" borderwidth="1"/>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Home" Value="Home" />
<asp:MenuItem Text="Software" Value="Software" />
And this doesn't work - only change is adding NavigateURLs:
<asp:menu id="NavigationMenu" staticdisplaylevels="1" orientation="Horizontal" runat="server">
<staticselectedstyle backcolor="LightBlue" borderstyle="Solid" bordercolor="Black" borderwidth="1"/>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="/Default.aspx" Text="Home" Value="Home" />
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="/Software.aspx" Text="Software" Value="Software" />
In this other post, the OP is using NavigateURLs, and has accepted the answer about StaticSelectedStyle. I don't get it.
I would like to understand how to keep the StaticSelectedStyle working, and use NavigateURLs, at the same time.
I should add that the menu is in the master page. The pages being navigated to use this master page.
Based on my reading on this topic, I think this doesn't work because the Menu control only knows where it is on a Postback. But if your menu item takes you to some other page, it is no longer a postback, and the menu control is loaded afresh and does not know which item was clicked.
Try adding some code to the Page_Load section of your master file to bounce the page name from the url against the NaviagteUrl from your menu item. Here:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
For Each item As MenuItem In NavigationMenu.Items
If Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains(Page.ResolveUrl(item.NavigateUrl.ToLower())) Then
item.Selected = True
End If
End Sub
That is in VB.NET. It works, I tested it using your markup from above. I hope you can figure out how to fit that into your code.
In my code below the asp menu item value property is actually rendering as link text!
<asp:Menu ID="menuTop" runat="server" EnableViewState="true" Orientation="Horizontal" StaticSelectedStyle-CssClass="menuselected" SkipLinkText="">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Default.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/Menu_Home.jpg" Value="Home" />
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Contact.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/Menu_Contact.jpg" Value="Contact"/>
According to the MSDN reference located at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.menuitem.value.aspx
The Value property is used to supplement the Text property by storing
any additional data associated with the menu item. This value is not
displayed in the control and is commonly used to store data for
handling postback events.
I need it to store values, why is it displaying as link text?
Try this code.
<asp:Menu ID="menuTop" runat="server" EnableViewState="true" Orientation="Horizontal" StaticSelectedStyle-CssClass="menuselected" SkipLinkText="">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Default.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/Menu_Home.jpg" Value="Home" Text="" />
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Contact.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/Menu_Contact.jpg" Value="Contact" Text=""/>
Nevermind, I figured it out. Looks like you need to set the Text value to "" and that prevents the value from displaying as text.
i wanto to start use a Ext.Net desktop (i use it as "normal page" for other application).
i want to know the best approach of initialization desktop from database data.
my actual approach is:
1. start with "minimal" desktop page (start menu ecc...) without any modules;
2. read data from database (based on same parameters) and create dynamic modules (i think with DesktopModuleProxy) whit userc control (ex i save path/title/etc... of usercontrol in database);
3. create usercontrol and render it in desktop
i start with this example: http://examples.ext.net/#/Desktop/Introduction/Overview/
method AddNewModule() works only if there is a submit (ex with a launcher), but it doesn't works from Page_Load event and i have this javascript error:
"Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" in ext.axd:93
maybe i use wrong lifecycle page?
finally maybe i use a webform instead usercontrol, but i have same case where i must use usercontrol...
.aspx FILE
<ext:Desktop ID="Desktop1" runat="server">
<StartMenu Title="Ext.Net Desktop" Icon="Application" Height="300">
<ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar1" runat="server" Width="100">
<ext:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Settings" Icon="Cog" />
<ext:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Logout" Icon="Key">
<Click OnEvent="Logout_Click">
<EventMask ShowMask="true" Msg="Ciao..." MinDelay="1000" />
<TaskBar TrayWidth="100">
<ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar2" runat="server">
<ext:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Handler="tile" Icon="ApplicationTileVertical">
<QTipCfg Text="Tile windows" />
<ext:Button ID="Button4" runat="server" Handler="cascade" Icon="ApplicationCascade">
<QTipCfg Text="Cascade windows" />
<ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar3" runat="server">
<ext:ToolbarFill ID="ToolbarFill1" runat="server" />
<Ready OnEvent="loadTest"></Ready>
.cs file
public void loadTest(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
DesktopModuleProxy control = Ext.Net.Utilities.ControlUtils.FindControl<Ext.Net.DesktopModuleProxy> (this.LoadControl("/user/default.ascx"));
Error by chrome:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'app' of undefined Default.aspx:31
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined ext.axd:93
these is a "last version" of my various tests. if i invoke same method "loadTest" by button (like the original example) it works. User control has only 1 label with datetime.
You can use Ext.onReady and ext:ResourcePlaceHolder with DirectMethod on server, like this:
<ext:ResourcePlaceHolder runat="server" Mode="Script" />
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.onReady(function () {
I'm using Ext.NET 1.2. I need to create a ColumnTree in my system.
<ext:ColumnTree ID="colProjects" runat="server" RootVisible="false" Title="Projetos" EnableDD="true">
<ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar1" runat="server">
<ext:Button ID="btnExpandAll" runat="server" Text="Expandir Tudo">
<Click Handler="#{colProjects}.expandAll();" />
<ext:Button ID="btnCollapseAll" runat="server" Text="Recolher Tudo">
<Click Handler="#{colProjects}.collapseAll();" />
<ext:TreeNodeUIProvider Alias="col" ClassName="<%# ColumnTree.ColumnNodeUI %>" AutoDataBind="true" />
<ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Nome" Width="330" DataIndex="Name" />
<ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Sistema" Width="100" DataIndex="ProjectGroup" />
<ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Recurso" Width="100" DataIndex="SprintOwner" />
<ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Status" Width="100" DataIndex="Status" />
I populate it dynamically via codebehind which works well. The last column needs to be editable and updated to the database but I have no idea whether or not it is possible to do so. How can I do that?
With 1.2 version of Ext.NET you can't do this.
Found at Ext.NET forum message from mcgill, author of Ext.NET.
At the moment Editors are not supported on the Component.
We did some preliminary investigation and will add this as a Feature
Request to implement in a future release.
There is a problem though... I think this functionality may be
included in the next major release of Ext.NET (v2). But that release
is a ways off yet.
As a solution I recommend you to look at this example: http://examples.ext.net/#/GridPanel/Data_with_Details/Form_Details/
You can do this in your project for grid and without unnecessary request to the server.
Hi If any of you know how to change a specific Picture on ohver at menuItem in menu control
the code is like this
<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" runat="server" CssClass="menu"
EnableViewState="False" IncludeStyleBlock="False">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Homepage.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/ONE.png" ></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/AboutUs.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/SOME.png"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ContactUs.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/MENU.png"></asp:MenuItem>
Please show an example, thanks Please ,Please,Please,Please, I need it
You Looking to change this in the page code behind, and when are you trying to do this, on mouse hover or..?
If done in code behind:
NavigationMenu.Items[0].ImageUrl = "whatever.jpg";