Can nginx support URL based server blocks (VirtualHosts)? - nginx

Note: “VirtualHost” is an Apache term. NGINX does not have Virtual hosts, it has “Server Blocks”. (
I know about ip-based and name-based server blocks, but is it possible to have URL-based server blocks? In other words, I want and to be served from completely independent roots. This would be a trivial problem to solve with name-based server blocks if the names were different and, but since the names are the same ( and only the path part of the URL is different... Can nginx support separate server blocks for these types of URL's?

It seems the only options available are: IP address, port, host, and if none of those match, then it serves the default server. So, given that the name and port are the same in both cases, the only possible solution is to put a proxy server in front of nginx, and have the proxy server distribute to the backend nginx server using a different IP or port.


Configure domain to send traffic to a specific port

I'm planning on buying two domains.
Let's say they are and
I will point them at two custom servers that I have on my computer, both of them having an HTML "browsable" endpoint.
I want to know if it's possible to point to mycomputer:12345 and to mycomputer:9876, so when you open, for example, with your browser, it redirects the traffic to mycomputer:9876, without writing explicitly
I've been searching for information about DNS records and reverse proxies, but I'm unable to figure out a way to achieve this, or something close to it.
Thanks for your time.
You can achieve this by using a reverse proxy server eg. nginx.
All you need to do is configure each domain to to the appropriate server and port in the nginx config.
Just for your information - At DNS level you can't mention ports, as DNS servers doesn't carry port information.

Map DNS entry to specific port

Let's say I have this DNS entry: mysite.sample. I am developing, and have a copy of my website running locally in http://localhost:8080. I want this website to be reachable using the (fake) DNS: http://mysite.sample, without being forced to remember in what port this site is running. I can setup /etc/hosts and nginx to do proxing for that, but ... Is there an easier way?
Can I somehow setup a simple DNS entry using /etc/hosts and/or dnsmasq where also a non-standard port (something different than :80/:443) is specified? Without the need to provide extra configuration for nginx?
Or phrased in a simpler way: Is it possible to provide port mappings for dns entries in /etc/hosts or dnsmasq?
DNS has nothing to do with the TCP port. DNS is there to resolv names (e.g. mysite.sample) into IP addresses - kind of like a phone book.
So it's a clear "NO". However, there's another solution and I try to explain it.
When you enter http://mysite.sample:8080 in your browser URL bar, your client (e.g. browser) will first try to resolve mysite.sample (via OS calls) to an IP address. This is where DNS kicks in, as DNS is your name resolver. If that happened, the job of DNS is finished and the browser continues.
This is where the "magic" in HTTP happens. The browser is connecting to the resolved IP address and the desired port (by default 80 for http and 443 for https), is waiting for the connection to be accepted and is then sending the following headers:
GET <resource> HTTP/1.1
Host: mysite.sample:8080
Now the server reads those headers and acts accordingly. Most modern web servers have something called "virtual hosts" (i.e. Apache) or "sites" (i.e. nginx). You can configure multiple vhosts/sites - one for each domain. The web server will then provide the site matching the requested host (which is retreived by the browser from the URL bar and passed to the server via Host HTTP header). This is pure HTTP and has nothing to do with TCP.
If you can't change the port of your origin service (in your case 8080), you might want to setup a new web server in front of your service. This is also called reverse proxy. I recommend reading the NGINX Reverse Proxy docs, but you can also use Apache or any other modern web server.
For nginx, just setup a new site and redirect it to your service:
location mysite.example {
There is a mechanism in DNS for discovering the ports that a service uses, it is called the Service Record (SRV) which has the form TTL class SRV priority weight port target.
However, to make use of this record you would need to have an application that referenced that record prior to making the call. As Dominique has said, this is not the way HTTP works.
I have written a previous answer that explains some of the background to this, and why HTTP isn't in the standard. (the article discusses WS, but the underlying discussion suggested adding this to the HTTP protocol directly)
Edited to add -
There was actually a draft IETF document exploring an official way to do this, but it never made it past draft stage.
This document specifies a new URI scheme called http+srv which uses a DNS SRV lookup to locate a HTTP server.
There is an specific SO answer here which points to an interesting post here

How to Eliminate Nginx from the Production Stack via using Cloudflare as a substitutable Reverse Proxy?

Is it possible to use "cloudflare" as a reverse proxy for hosting several websites on the same host machine but on different ports?
Cloudflare can replace some of the features of Nginx, specifically:
Caching resources
Rate limiting and protecting your website
Redirecting access to your website to another server
But you still need Nginx or another web server for the following tasks:
Handling the TCP connections between Cloudflare and the server which generates the response (+ HTTPS should be used)
Generating the actual response, via FastCGI (PHP, Python, Ruby, etc.) or just delivering a file/resource (server and location blocks in Nginx)
Setting the correct headers for the response, for caching and content type (Cloudflare relies on these)
Cloudflare does not support sending your requests to specific ports on the origin host - but that would still not help you much, because Cloudflare has a very specific feature set, and generating responses is not part of them, which is why you need a web server.
If you want to reduce the work needed to maintain Nginx, you can restrict Nginx to only reply to requests by Cloudflare and do the rate limiting and some other tasks in Cloudflare.

facing an issue with haproxy / nginx

I need to setup a reverse proxy server which would distribute traffic to the backend servers based on the incoming HOST header.
I opted for HAproxy for this but after setting up everything I realized that HAproxy reads the configuration just once when the service starts and continues to use the backend IP address unless it has been reloaded/restarted.
This is an issue for me since in my case if the backend server reboots it will have a different IP address and I dont have control on which IP address it gets.
I am thinking of moving to nginx server but before I go through all the setup I would like to know if we have the same issue with Nginx or not?
Meaning: If in the configuration file I have specific the name of backend server and if the related IP address changes, will Nginx refresh its dns cache to identify the new IP address?
(When the backend server changes IP, it is automatically updated in the hosts file of proxy server)
Yes, nginx will do the job. See 'resolve' option here:

Assign IPs to programs/processes

I need to assign different IP addresses to different processes (mostly PHP & Ruby programs) running on my Linux server. They will be making queries to various servers, including the situation where processes connecting to the same external server should have different IPs.
How this can be achieved?
Any option (system wide, or PHP/Ruby-specific, using proxy servers etc) will suit me.
The processes bind sockets (both incoming and outgoing) to an interface (or multiple interfaces), addressable by IP address, with various ports. In order to have them directly addressable by different IP addresses, you must have them bind their sockets to different NICs (virtual or hardware).
You could point each process to a proxy (configure the hostname of the server to be queried to be a different proxy for each process), in which case the external server will see the different IPs of the proxies. Otherwise, if you could directly configure the processes to use different NICs for their communications, that would be ideal.
You may need to make changes to the code to make this configurable (very often, programmers create outgoing TCP connections with convenience functions without specifying the NIC they will use, as they typically don't care). In PHP, you can use "socket_bind" to bind the endpoint to a nic, e.g. see the first example in the docs for socket_bind.
As per #LeonardoRick request, I'm providing the details for the solution that I ended up with.
Say, I have a server with and IP addresses.
I set up nginx (on the same machine) with the configuration that was looking somewhat like this:
server {
# NEVER EXPOSE THIS SERVER TO THE INTERNET, MAKE SURE PORT 10024 is not available from outside
# block access from outside on nginx level as well
deny all;
# actual proxy rules
location ~* ^/from-172-16-0-1/http(s?)\:\/\/(.*) {
proxy_pass http$1://$2?$args;
location ~* ^/from-172-16-0-2/http(s?)\:\/\/(.*) {
proxy_pass http$1://$2?$args;
(Actually I cannot remember all the details now (this code is 'from whiteboard', it's not an actual working one), nevertheless it should represent all the key ideas. Check regexes before deployment).
Double-check that port 10024 is firewalled and not accessible from outside, add extra authentication if necessary. Especially if you are running Docker.
This nginx setup makes it possible to run HTTP requests likehttp://
Once received a request, nginx will fetch the HTTP response from the requested URL using the IP specified by the corresponding proxy_bind directive.
Then - as I was running in-house or open-source software - I simply configured it (or altered its code) so it would perform requests like the one above instead of (original)
All the management - what IP should be used at the moment - was also done by 'my' software, it simply selected the necessary /from-172-16-0-XXX/ endpoint according to its business logic.
That worked very well for my original question/task. However, this may not be suitable for some other applications, where it could not be possible to alter the request URLs. However, a similar approach with setting some kind of proxy may work for those cases.
(If you are not familiar with nginx, there are some starting guides here and here)
