I'm trying to check out(try) symfony 4, but when I try to install it via composer, the version 3.4.5 is getting installed?
I have used the same commands given in the docs
composer create-project symfony/skeleton symfony_4_practice
Installing symfony/skeleton (v3.4.5)
- Installing symfony/skeleton (v3.4.5): Downloading (100%)
Can anyone help me resolve this?
You must have php < 7.1, hence the Symfony 3.4
Upgrade to PHP 7.1 or more and you'll be all set.
Edit: as precised per bouchon, the PHP requirement can be found on the packagist package page.
It is also possible to see that directly in the package composer.json.
Can you try with:
composer create-project symfony/skeleton:4.0 symfony_4_practice
this command force the version
try this please:
composer self-update
composer create-project symfony/skeleton symfony_4_practice
I think you need to update composer only
symfony new my-project
is supposed to install a basic working symfony app but it gives me a project that's almost empty, with only composer.json, composer.lock and a vendor directory with only symfony/flex.
composer.json does include symfony/framework-bundle, but the bundle is not in vendors.
Running composer install does not do anything, and doesn't give an error.
Installing php-zip solved it for me (required by composer).
Looks like it might not be installed by default on recent ubuntu php installations, and either composer or the symfony binary failed silently.
sudo apt install php-zip
# now install vendors
composer update
I want to install Symfony 4.0.6 version! using composer with cmd
when I write
composer create-project Symfony/framework-standard-edition Stage_App "4.0.*"
also tried
composer create-project Symfony/skeleton Stage_App "4.0.*"
and both install Symfony 5.0.2
note: I don't want to work with the last version! i just want to work with 4.0.6
how can I install that version?
since the 4.0.* of symfony version is deprecated, the symfony/skeleton creates a project on the 5.0 version.
Since 4.4.* version is always supported, you need to upgrade to 4.4 version and install project like this:
composer create-project symfony/skeleton Stage_App "4.4.*"
If you really want to get the 4.0.6 version you could always update all symfony dependencies in the composer.json and update them with composer update symfony/* but you will have other errors because folder architecture has changed so I do not recommend it.
As unfortunate as it's, you can't download version 4.0.6 anymore (tried it).
As for how to download an older version, the Symfony doc says to do this:
symfony new my_project_name --version=4.4
I want to install friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle via composer, but I got an error with symfony/flex. I tried to update symfony/flex via composer but always the same error and also composer load from the cache the version v1.0.80 but I have in the file composer.json the version 1.4.2 . I tried to uninstall composer and install it again but it's working too.
Thank you for your help. This is the error I find:
I have followed the instruction to upgrade Sylius from 1.1.6 to 1.2.9:
Now, composer no longer working with error: out of memory
I have already set to memory_limit=-1 (unlimited) in php.ini
And composer working fine on another folder (I have install new Sylius with no issue)
My env:
Windows, Xampp, PHP 7.2.7, Symfony 3.4.18
composer v1.8.0
Anyone could help?
Try this maybe can help you :
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar update
All of my Travis builds failed because my composer dependencies are not installed (the before_script step seems skipped).
Here is my .travis.yml:
language: php
sudo: required
- 5.4
- composer install --dev
- phpunit -c app
I'm sure this is something I missed but I'm not sure what. This is my last build log.
I took a look at your repository and the issue is the encoding of your Travis configuration file. Changing the encoding (removing the BOM) makes it work: https://travis-ci.org/huitiemesens/functionnal-test-generator/builds/99764001
Change the configuration to install your dependencies in the install step:
# ...
- composer install
# ...