Get a value from map stored in struct - dictionary

I have a trouble for gonna get a value from map stored in struct. Please, look at the next part of code (some strings skipped):
type Settings struct {
LcInfoData *[]LcInfodb
LcInfoLog *MapLcInfoLL
type MapLcInfoLL map[string]LcInfoLL
type LcInfoLL struct {
EnableLog string
FileLogPtr *os.File
func updLogInfo(cnf *Settings)(err) {
for _, t := range *cnf.LcInfoData {
fpPtr, err := logInit(t.FilepLog);
if err != nil {
exitMsg(1, err.Error());
lcMapVal := LcInfoLL{EnableLog: t.EnableLog, FileLogPtr: fpPtr}
lcMap[t.LocationID] = lcMapVal
cnf.uLcInfoLog(&lcMap) // at the end
At the end I got filled structure for using in another function (it's global settings). But. I can't get an access to elements inside a map (which stored in structure). I mean something like that:
v := *cnf.LcInfoLog["index"]
log.Println("ABOUT LOCATION: ", v.FileLogPtr)
Can you help me?
Thank you!


How to use struct keys in a map?

I am implementing some DB logic without using an ORM.
Can I somehow create a mapping between struct keys and db enums?
type Message struct {
SomeKey string
SomeOtherKey string
MessageToDBEnum: = map[ ? MessageKey] string {
SomeKey: "some_key",
SomeOtherKey: "some_other_key"
can I later dynamically use the map key (eg when iterating throgh the map) to set/get struct values?
also can I somehow assure that MessageToDBEnum is exhaustive (all public keys of Message are included)?
You essentially want to convert a struct to map and vice versa. There are 3rd party libs to do that, e.g.
But we can do it ourselves too, it's not that hard. We may use reflection to do it. Without checking errors, here's the essence of the struct to map conversion:
func struct2Map(x interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
m := map[string]interface{}{}
v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
m[t.Field(i).Name] = v.Field(i).Interface()
return m
You may use it like this:
msg := Message{
SomeKey: "v1",
SomeOtherKey: "v2",
m := struct2Map(msg)
Which outputs:
map[SomeKey:v1 SomeOtherKey:v2]
The backward conversion is even simpler, but know that for a function to modify a struct, you must pass a pointer to it. Again, without checking for possible errors, the essence of it is:
func map2Struct(m map[string]interface{}, d interface{}) {
s := reflect.ValueOf(d).Elem()
for k, v := range m {
Using it:
var msg2 Message
map2Struct(m, &msg2)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", msg2)
Which outputs:
{SomeKey:v1 SomeOtherKey:v2}
Try the examples on the Go Playground.
You may build the validation into these conversion functions, and return an error or use default / zero values when an invalid value is found.

How to convert interface to struct

Here is the simplified code of a cache. Suppose Container placed in a package, so it don't know about Member.
While I wanna store instances of Member in Container, So I store an empty instance of Member in Container as outerType.
In the Container->GetMysql, I fill a new variable by test values (but, in real world, It fill by data of database, dynamically).
then in the function Put, I store data in items as Cache for next uses. In the Get I get the data stored in the items.
Before this every thing is fine. My problem is where i want to convert result of Get to type of Member m = res.(Member) . How Can I convert it to an instance of Member
I found many question about this subject, but none of them solved my problem
For more detail: I want the Get return data with its pointer of where it stored in items. So if I get some variable of same member, an change in one are shown in others
package main
import (
type Member struct {
Id int
Name string
Credit int
Age int
type Container struct {
outerType interface{}
items map[string]*interface{}
func (cls *Container)GetMysql(s string, a int64) interface{}{
obj := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(cls.outerType))
elem := obj.Elem()
//elem := reflect.ValueOf(o).Elem()
if elem.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
f := elem.FieldByName("Name")
f = elem.FieldByName("Credit")
return obj.Interface()
func (cls *Container)Get(value string) *interface{}{
return cls.items[value]
func (cls *Container)Put(value string, a int64) {
res := cls.GetMysql(value, a)
cls.items[value] = &res
func main() {
c := Container{outerType:Member{}}
c.items = make(map[string]*interface{})
c.Put("Jack", 500)
res := c.Get("Jack")
m := &Member{}
m = res.(Member) // Here is the problem. How to convert ?
You should hardly ever use pointer to interface. My advice is to never use it, when you'll need it, you'll know.
Instead if you need a pointer to something (so you can have the same pointer at multiple places, and so modifying the pointed value somewhere, it will have effect on the others), "wrap the pointer" in the interface value.
So first modify the items field so that it stores interface{} values instead of pointers:
items map[string]interface{}
This means no restriction: you can pass and store pointers, that's not a problem.
Next modify Get() to return interface{}:
func (cls *Container) Get(value string) interface{}{
return cls.items[value]
And also in Put(), don't take the address of an interface{}:
func (cls *Container) Put(value string, a int64) {
res := cls.GetMysql(value, a)
cls.items[value] = res
And you have to type-assert *Member from the values returned by Get().
And now testing it:
c := Container{outerType: Member{}}
c.items = make(map[string]interface{})
c.Put("Jack", 500)
res := c.Get("Jack")
m := res.(*Member) // Here is the problem. How to convert ?
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
&{0 Jack 500 0}
&{0 Jack 500 0}
Now if you would modify a field of m:
m.Credit = 11
And then get the value form the cache:
We'll see the modified value, even though we did not call Put() (try it on the Go Playground):
&{0 Jack 11 0}

Scan not working

My scan is not updating its destination variable. I sort of got it working with:
ValueName := reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(value).Elem().Type())
But I don't think it is working the way I want.
func (self LightweightQuery) Execute(incrementedValue interface{}) {
existingObj := reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(incrementedValue).Elem().Type())
if session, err := connection.GetRandomSession(); err != nil {
} else {
// buildSelect just generates a select query, I have test the query and it comes back with results.
query := session.Query(self.buildSelect(incrementedValue))
bindQuery := cqlr.BindQuery(query)
logger.Error("Existing obj ", existingObj)
for bindQuery.Scan(&existingObj) {
logger.Error("Existing obj ", existingObj)
Both log messages are the exact same Existing obj &{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} (Spaces are string fields.) Is this because of the heavy use of reflection to generate a new object? In their docs it says I should use var ValueName type to define my destination but I cannot seem to do that with reflection. I realize this may be silly, but maybe even just pointing me in the direction for further debugging this would be great. My skills with Go are quite lacking!
What is it you want exactly? Do you want to update a variable you pass to Execute()?
If so, you have to pass a pointer to Execute(). And then you only need to pass reflect.ValueOf(incrementedValue).Interface() to Scan(). This works because reflect.ValueOf(incrementedValue) is a reflect.Value holding an interface{} (the type of your parameter) which holds a pointer (the pointer you pass to Execute()), and Value.Interface() will return a value of type interface{} holding the pointer, the exact thing you have to pass Scan().
See this example (which uses fmt.Sscanf(), but concept is the same):
func main() {
i := 0
func Execute(i interface{}) {
fmt.Sscanf("1", "%d", reflect.ValueOf(i).Interface())
It will print 1 from main(), as the value 1 is set inside Execute().
If you don't want to update the variable passed to Execute(), just create a new value with identical type, since you're using reflect.New() which returns the Value of a pointer, you have to pass existingObj.Interface() which returns an interface{} holding the pointer, the thing you want to pass to Scan(). (What you did is you passed a pointer to a reflect.Value to Scan() which is not something Scan() expects.)
Demonstration with fmt.Sscanf():
func main() {
i := 0
func Execute2(i interface{}) {
o := reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().Type())
fmt.Sscanf("2", "%d", o.Interface())
This will print 2.
Another variant of Execute2() is that if you call Interface() right on the value returned by reflect.New():
func Execute3(i interface{}) {
o := reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().Type()).Interface()
fmt.Sscanf("3", "%d", o)
fmt.Println(*(o.(*int))) // type assertion to extract pointer for printing purposes
This Execute3() will print 3 as expected.
Try all examples on the Go Playground.

Difference between &Struct{} vs Struct{}

Is there a reason why I should create a struct using &StructName{} instead of Struct{}? I see many examples using the former syntax, even in the Effective Go Page but I really can not understand why.
Additional Notes:
I'm not sure whether I explained my problem well with these two approaches so let me refine my question.
I know that by using the & I will recieve a pointer instead of a value however I would like to know why would I use the &StructName{} instead of the StructName{}. For example, is there any benefits of using:
func NewJob(command string, logger *log.Logger) *Job {
return &Job{command, logger}
instead of:
func NewJob(command string, logger *log.Logger) Job {
return Job{command, logger}
Well, they will have different behavior. Essentially if you want to modify state using a method on a struct, then you will need a pointer, otherwise a value will be fine. Maybe an example will be better:
package main
import "fmt"
type test_struct struct {
Message string
func (t test_struct)Say (){
func (t test_struct)Update(m string){
t.Message = m;
func (t * test_struct) SayP(){
func (t* test_struct) UpdateP(m string) {
t.Message = m;
func main(){
ts := test_struct{}
ts.Message = "test";
ts.Say() // will still output test
tsp := &test_struct{}
tsp.Message = "test"
tsp.SayP() // will output test2
And you can run it here go playground
Assuming you know the general difference between a pointer and a value:
The first way allocates a struct and assigns a pointer to that allocated struct to the variable p1.
p1 := &StructName{}
The second way allocates a struct and assigns a value (the struct itself) to the variable s.
Then a pointer to that struct may be assigned to another variable (p2 in the following example).
s := StructName{}
p2 := &s

Passing an struct to a Post martini routine

I have an issue using this statement
m.Post(Model, binding.Form(Wish), func(wish Wish, r render.Render, db *mgo.Database) {
This worked fine if I use the struct define inside the prog like
m.Post(Model, binding.Form(Wish1{}) , func(wish Wish1, r render.Render, db *mgo.Database) {
but I need this to be an independent package.
I get "Wish is not a type" wish is the return of the binding function.
This worked with a primary Type struct. I am passing the strut as a interface{}
I am using GO with Martini.Classic() It is really complicated for me to change Martini or Binding package. Any suggestions.
This is the all code
package chlistpkg
import (
just to show the struct that I need to pass as to routine Doall
type Wish1 struct {
Name string `form:"name"`
Description string `form:"description"`
AnyDate time.Time `form:"anydate"`
Active bool `form:"active"`
Number int `form:"number"`
NumDec float32 `form:"numDec"`
DB Returns a martini.Handler
func DB() martini.Handler {
session, err := mgo.Dial("mongodb://localhost")
if err != nil {
return func(c martini.Context) {
s := session.Clone()
defer s.Close()
GetAll returns all Wishes in the database
func GetAll(db *mgo.Database, entList interface{}) interface{} {
fmt.Println("GettAll entList =", entList)
return entList
func Doall(Model string, Wish interface{}, Wish2 interface{}, Wishlist interface{} ) {
m := martini.Classic()
fmt.Println ("martini.Classic =", m)
m.Use(martini.Static("images")) // serve from the "images" directory as well
Directory: "templates",
Layout: "layout",
m.Get(Model, func(r render.Render, db *mgo.Database) {
r.HTML(200, "lista4", GetAll(db, Wishlist))
binding does not take a pointer. I have to pass the struct by reference on "Wish"
the issue is the return on "wish Wish" I got an error Wish is not a type
at compilation time
m.Post(Model, binding.Form(Wish), func(wish Wish, r render.Render, db *mgo.Database) {
fmt.Println("Input wish =", wish)
r.HTML(200, "lista4", GetAll(db, Wishlist))
Thanks in advance
The reason you are getting an error is that you have called your type Wish1 (with a numerical 1) but you are referring to the Wish type (which does not exist!) in your code.
Change your struct to be:
// Note: "Wish", not "Wish1"
type Wish struct {
Name string `form:"name"`
Description string `form:"description"`
AnyDate time.Time `form:"anydate"`
Active bool `form:"active"`
Number int `form:"number"`
NumDec float32 `form:"numDec"`
If you want to put your type into another package (tip: don't overdo the sub-packages), then it will need to become a pkgname.Wish as names are fully qualified.
After a second look, you're also messing things up here:
func Doall(Model string, Wish interface{}, Wish2 interface{}, Wishlist interface{} ) {
m := martini.Classic()
fmt.Println ("martini.Classic =", m)
m.Use(martini.Static("images")) // serve from the "images" directory as well
Your parameter list needs to provide a name for each type; you can't pass Wish interface{} as a parameter as Wish is a type, not a variable name.
You should either:
func DoAll(model string, wish interface{}, wish2 interface{}, wishList interface{}) { ... }
Or, better still, stop using interface{} like this and write:
func DoAll(model string, wishList []Wish, wishes... Wish) { ... }
However, your DoAll function does not seem to be referenced elsewhere, and is creating its own Martini instance. I highly suggest thinking about why things are "split out" like this if you're just starting out. Keep it simple - e.g.
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
// No need for an anonymous function, which just adds clutter
m.Get("/wishes/all", GetAllWishes)
// Same goes for here
m.Post("/wishes/new", PostWish)
PS: I've fixed the formatting of your code, as it has a lot of unnecessary spacing before/after parenthesis. Make sure to use gofmt, which is included with the Go install and can be hooked into most popular editors.
