I want to create a user without doing the verification, it’s set on false as soon as i create a user.
Is there a way that when i does the register the emails.verified will be set on TRUE and not false ?
Place this code on the server, assuming you have only one email
AccountsTemplates.configure({postSignUpHook: postSignUp});
const postSignUp = function postSignUp(userId, info) {
Meteor.users.update(userId, {
$set: {
"emails.0.verified": true
This code on server side should do the trick:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
user.emails[0].verified = true;
return user;
I'm using accounts-ui and accounts-google in Meteor v1.4.1. I can't get the user.services object to appear scoped in the client code. In particular, I need google's profile picture.
I've configured the server-side code to authenticate with Google like so:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { ServiceConfiguration } from 'meteor/service-configuration';
const services = Meteor.settings.private.oauth;
for (let service of Object.keys(services)) {
}, {
$set: {
clientId: services[service].app_id,
secret: services[service].secret,
loginStyle: "popup"
...and the client side code to configure permissions like so:
requestPermissions: {
google: ['email', 'profile']
forceApprovalPrompt: {
google: true
passwordSignupFields: 'EMAIL_ONLY'
When users click the 'Sign-In with Google' button, a pop-up appears and they can authenticate. No prompt appears, however, despite forceApprovalPrompt being set to true for google.
The big issue is that when I execute this,
const user = Meteor.user();
anywhere in client code, I do not see the expected user services information. I check my database and it is definitely there for the taking:
$ mongo localhost:27017
> db.users.find({})
> ... "services" : { "google" : { "accessToken" : ... } } ...
I'm curious what I'm missing? Should I explicitly define a publish function in order for user services data to exist in the client?
The services property is intentionally hidden on the client side for security reasons. There are a couple of approaches here :
My preferred one would be to expose a meteor method to bring you the
public keys and avatars you might need in the few places you'd need
On a successful login, you could record the data you need somewhere in the user object, but outside of the services property.
As you said, you could make a new publication which explicitly specifies which fields to retrieve and which ones to hide. You have to be careful what you publish, though.
Code Examples
Meteor methods:
// server
getProfilePicture() {
const services = Meteor.user().services;
// replace with actual profile picture property
return services.google && services.google.profilePicture;
// client
Meteor.call('getProfilePicture', (err, profilePicture) => {
console.log('profile picture url', profilePicture);
Update on successful user creation (you might want to have a login hook as well to reflect any avatar/picture changes in google):
// Configure what happens with profile data on user creation
Accounts.onCreateUser((options, user) => {
if (!('profile' in options)) { options.profile = {}; }
if (!('providers' in options.profile)) { options.profile.providers = {}; }
// Define additional specific profile options here
if (user.services.google) {
options.profile.providers.google = {
picture: user.services.google.picture
user.profile = options.profile;
return user;
Publish only select data...
// Server
Meteor.publish('userData', function () {
if (this.userId) {
return Meteor.users.find({ _id: this.userId }, {
fields: { other: 1, things: 1 }
} else {
// Client
In my application I want to seed the database with users and send them an enrollment link to activate their account (and choose a password). I also want them to verify/change some profile data.
On the server I seed the database like this:
Meteor.startup(function () {
if(Meteor.users.find().count() === 0) {
var user_id = Accounts.createUser({ email: 'some#email.com', profile: { some: 'profile' } });
The enrollment link is sent as expected, but I want to create a custom template for when the url in the email is clicked. Preferably handled by iron-router. (Not using the accounts-ui package).
I tried things like redirecting the user to a custom route like this:
var doneCallback, token;
Accounts.onEnrollmentLink(function (token, done) {
doneCallback = done;
token = token;
which is not working (it changes the url but not rendering my template)
I also tried to change the enroll URL on the server like this:
Accounts.urls.enrollAccount = function (token) {
return Meteor.absoluteUrl('members/enroll/' + token);
But when I do this, the Accounts.onEnrollmentLink callback does not fire.
Also, changing the URL is not documented so I'm not sure its a good practice at all.
Any help is appreciated.
In my application I'm doing like this
this.route('enroll', {
path: '/enroll-account/:token',
template: 'enroll_page',
onBeforeAction: function() {
Session.set('_resetPasswordToken', this.params.token);
this.subscribe('enrolledUser', this.params.token).wait();
data: function() {
return {
enrolledUser: Meteor.users.findOne()
As enrollment url is like this
when users click on the link they will redirect to this template and you can render your template
In my publication
Meteor.publish('enrolledUser', function(token) {
return Meteor.users.find({"services.password.reset.token": token});
After taking the password from the user
Accounts.resetPassword(token, creds.password,function(e,r){
alert("Sorry we could not reset your password. Please try again.");
alert("Logged In");
enroll link
Accounts.urls.enrollAccount = function (token) {
return Meteor.absoluteUrl('enroll-account/' + token);
Im afraid now isnt possible, what i did is changing the html and css using "rendered" function but it has some probs with delay
Template["_enrollAccountDialog"].rendered = function(){
document.getElementById('enroll-account-password-label').innerHTML = 'Escolha sua senha';
document.getElementById('login-buttons-enroll-account-button').className = ' create-account-button';
document.getElementById('login-buttons-enroll-account-button').innerHTML = 'Criar conta';
In my Meteor app I use the default accounts package, which gives me the default login and registration functionality. Now I want to add an extra field to user, say nickname, and for the logged in user the possibility to edit this information.
For editing the profile I suppose I should be doing something like this:
'submit form': function(e) {
throw new Meteor.Error(401, "You need to login first");
var currentUserId = this._id;
var user = {
"profile.nickname": $(e.target).find('[name=nickname]').val()
Meteor.users.update(currentUserId, {
$set: user
}, function(error){
} else {
Router.go('myProfile', {_id: currentUserId});
But I doesn't store the info if I look in Mongo. Also when showing the profile, {{profile.nickname}} returns empty. What is wrong here?
Edit: added collections\users.js to show permissions:
update: function (userId, doc) {
if (userId && doc._id === userId) {
return true;
update: function(userId, user, fieldNames) {
return (_.without(fieldNames, 'profile.nickname').length > 0);
Yeah, I believe that should do the job, although I haven't actually run the code. The idea is certainly right.
The main things to be aware of are:
The necessity to allow the user doc to be edited from the client with an appropriate Meteor.users.allow() block on the server, assuming you're going to remove the "insecure" package (which you need to before doing anything in production).
The fact that "by default the server publishes username, emails, and profile", so you'll need to write a Meteor.publish function on the server and subscribe to it if you want to expose any other fields within the user document to the client once you've removed the "autopublish" package (which again, you really should).
I'm building a messenger application, and before a conversation is created I want to verify if a user exists. If it does, then it will create the conversation. If not, then it should return an error. I've been working with this code on the server side but for some reason it won't work. I've tried many different tweaks, but this is basically my structure:
createConversation: function(secondPerson) {
function doesUserExist(secondPerson) {
var userx = Meteor.users.findOne({username: secondPerson});
if (userx === secondPerson) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (doesUserExist()) {
person1: Meteor.user().username,
person2: secondPerson
} else {
person1: "didn't work"
The main point you were missing is that find returns a cursor, whereas findOne returns a document. Here is one way to implement the method:
createConversation: function(username) {
check(username, String);
if (!this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error(401, 'you must be logged in!');
if (Meteor.users.findOne({username: username})) {
return Conversations.insert({
person1: Meteor.user().username,
person2: username
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, username + " does not exist!");
Note the following features:
validates that username is a string
requires that the user be logged in to create a conversation
reduces the user existence check to a single line
returns the id of the new conversation
uses Meteor.Error with explanations which can be seen on the client
To use it just open your browser console and try making calls like:
Meteor.call('createConversation', 'dweldon', function(err, id){console.log(err, id);});
As the title suggests I would like to provide functionality to allow a user to update the email they use to login to my app using Firebase Simple Login. Cannot figure out an elegant way to do this. App uses AngularFire if that is relevant.
Does one exist or do I need to create a new account and delete the old one using the $removeUser() and $createUser() methods?
Update for Firebase 2.1.x
The Firebase SDK now provides a changeEmail method.
var ref = new Firebase('https://<instance>.firebaseio.com');
oldEmail: 'kato#domain.com',
newEmail: 'kato2#kato.com' ,
password: '******'
}, function(err) {
console.log(err ? 'failed to change email: ' + err : 'changed email successfully!');
Historical answer for Firebase 1.x
In Simple Login, this is equivalent to changing the user's ID. So there is no way to do this on the fly. Simply create the new account, remove the old one as you have already suggested.
If you're user profiles in Firebase, you'll want to move those as well. Here's brute force, safe method to migrate an account, including user profiles. You could, naturally, improve upon this with some objectification and futures:
var ref = new Firebase('URL/user_profiles');
var auth = new FirebaseSimpleLogin(ref);
// assume user has logged in, or we obtained their old UID by
// looking up email address in our profiles
var oldUid = 'simplelogin:123';
moveUser( auth, ref, oldUid, '123#abc.com', '456#def.com', 'xxx' );
function moveUser( auth, usersRef, oldUid, oldId, newId, pass ) {
// execute activities in order; first we copy old paths to new
createLogin(function(user) {
copyProfile(user.uid, function() {
// and once they safely exist, then we can delete the old ones
function copyProfile(newId, next) {
ref.child(oldUid).once('value', function(snap) {
if( snap.val() !== null ) {
ref.child(newId, snap.val(), function(err) {
if( !err ) { next(); }
function removeOldProfile() {
function createLogin(next) {
auth.createUser(newId, pass, function(err, user) {
if( !err ) { next(user); }
function removeOldLogin() {
auth.removeUser(oldId, pass, logError);
function logError(err) {
if( err ) { console.error(err); }