User Identity Info -

I've been messing around with creating my own implementation of an AspNet.Security.OAuthProviders by copying the GitHub example. Have a few questions..
First, I successfully authenticate but when I get back my User.Identity.Name is empty. I don't see that information coming back from my provider. Noob question I imagine, but do I have to explicitly request the information I want back? If so, how do I know what to ask for.. I'm kind of working blindly.
Second, in the GitHub example of the Handler, CreateTicketAsync immediately makes a call to the UserInformationEndpoint. In my use case, after getting authorized I want to go to a page that has some links to some api requests that will use the acquired authorization, rather than do it right away. I'm not sure if there is an example for that or I'm making incorrect assumptions and going about this the wrong way.
This is entirely supposed to be for demo purposes as a "how to" for other developers so I want to make sure I do things the correct way.


Is there way to be absolutely sure that access came from QR code scan? [duplicate]

I have this project where I need to know if a visitor legitimately arrived from a QR code. Document.referrer value from a QR code shows blank. I have looked at some answers suggesting to put parameter in the query string (e.g. ?source=qr), but anyone could easily add the parameter into the URL and my code would believe it is from a QR code (e.g. . I have thought of adding codes to make sure it is from a mobile phone / tablet as secondary way to authenticate but many browsers have add-ons to fool websites.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I think the best solution for you is creating your regional QR Codes pointing to:
Region 1)
Region 2)
Region 3)
if the value of the parameter qr is anything other than f61060194c9c6763bb63385782aa216f, 731417b947aa548528344fab8e0f29b6 or df189e7f7c8b89edd05ccc6aec36c36d, then you can ignore it and assume the user didn't come from any QR Code.
Of course, any user can remove the source parameter. But at least he can't add a valid one, unless he really had access to the code.
...but anyone could easily add the parameter into the URL and my code would believe it is from a QR code
Well, anyone could also scan the QR code, view the link, and remove the source=qr from it.
Data collection is never 100% reliable. Users can change their browser's user agent, inject cookies with some strange values, open your page through a proxy server, and so on.
You could create your own device or App for scanning the QR-code. If you read the post I've linked, you will see that this is a waste of time and resources.
So, what is left is to make a solution which will work for most of the users. Appending a source=qr parameter to your URL seems to be the simplest solution. You could also link to an entirely different domain and redirect the request, so it would be more fraud-safe. But it will never be 100% accurate.

Hampering website parsing by adding useless data inside actual data

I want to prevent or hamper the parsing of the classifieds website that I'm improving.
The website uses API with JSON responses. As a solution, I want to add useless data between my data as programmers will probably parse by ID. And not give a clue about it in neither JSON response body nor header; so they won't be able to distinguish it without close inspection.
To prevent users from seeing it, I won't give that "useless data" to my users if they don't request it explicitly by ID. From an SEO perspective, I know that Google won't parse the page with useless data if there isn't any internal or external link.
How reliable would that technic be? And what problems/disadvantages/drawbacks do you think can occur in terms of user experience or SEO? Any ideas or suggestions will be very much appreciated.
P.S. I'm also limiting big request counts made in a short time. But it doesn't help. That's why I'm thinking of this technic.
I think banning parsers won't be better because they can change IP and etc.
Maybe I can get a better solution by requiring a login to access more than 50 item details for example (and that will work for Selenium, maybe?). Registering will make it harder. Even they do it, I can see these users and slow their response times and etc.

how to handle download request from a WebView using WebResourceRequestFilter blackberry Cascades

i want to handle any download request coming from Webview. how it is possible ? the documentation and are describing the parameters but couldn't figure out how to do it.
Your question is not clear on what you don't understand. Remember this is not a training forum, the idea is that you should try things, review the documentation and then ask specific questions to get the best out of a forum.
Moreover it is not clear whether you are trying to handle the download request at the Server, or capture the request before the download attempt leaves the BB.
I'm going to assume you want to display a web page on the BlackBerry but make sure that any resource requests that the page generates, are filtered by your program, so that you can supply the data (assuming you have it).
I implemented something like this a while ago and remember that it was not simple to figure out what was going on, but I played with it a bit and it all made sense.
I don't remember using WebDownloadRequest and can't really see how it helps in this case.
The key is WebResourceRequestFilter. You create your own WebResourceRequestFilter making sure you implement the required methods. Then you use WebPage::setNetworkResourceRequestFilter(WebResourceRequestFilter*) to make sure the webpage will ask your WebResourceRequestFilter for its resources. The first method the web page invokes is filterResourceRequest(), and the return from this invocation determines which other methods in your WebResourceRequestFilter, the Webage will invoke.
I suggest you implement a WebResourceRequestFilter, put some debugging in filterResourceRequest(), but always return FilterAction Accept, which means the web page will use its normal processing to obtain the resources. Then try various other FilterAction return values and see what happens...

How can I tell the difference between a post from a browser, and someone trying to post programmatically

Is there a way to determine if the request coming to a handler (lets assume the handler responds to get and post) is being performed by a real browser versus a programmatic client?
I already know that it is easy to spoof things like the User Agent and the Referrer, but are there other headers that are more difficult to spoof? Maybe headers that are not commonly available in classes like .net's HttpWebRequest?
The other path that I looked at is maybe using the Encrypted View State to send a value to the browser that gets validated on the server side, though couldn't that value simply be scraped from the previous response and added as a post parameter to the next request?
Any help would be much appreciated,
There is no easy way to differentiate because in the end, a post programitically looks the same to the server as a post by a user from the browser.
As mentioned, captcha's can be used to control posting but are not perfect (as it is very hard but not impossible for a computer to solve them). They also can annoy users.
Another route is only allowing authenticated users to post, but this can also still be done programatically.
If you want to get a good feel for how people are going to try to abuse your site, then you may want to look at
This is very similar to the famous Halting Problem in computer science. See some more on the proof, and Alan Turing here:
The most common way is using captcha's. Of course captcha's have their own issues (users don't really care for them) but they do make it much more difficult to programatically post data. Doesn't really help with GETs though you can force them to solve a captcha before delivering content.
Many ways to do this, like dynamically generated XHR requests that can only be made with human tasks.
Here's a great article on NP-Hard problems. I can see a huge possibility here:
One way: You could use some tricky JS to handle tokens on click. So your server issues token-id's to elements on the page during the backend render phase. Log these in a database or data file. Then, when users click around and submit, you can compare the id's sent via the onclick() function. There's plenty of ways around this, but you could apply some heuristics to determine if posts are too fast to be a human or not, that is, even if they scripted the hijacking of the token-ids and auto submitted, you could check that the time between click events appears automated. Signed up for a twitter account lately? They use passive human detection that while not 100% foolproof, it is slower and more difficult to break. Many if not all of the spam accounts there had to be human opened.
Another Way:
As long as you are using encrypted methods verifying humanity without crappy CAPTCHA is possible.I mean, don't ignore your headers either. These are complimentary ways.
The key is to have enough complexity to make for an NP-Complete problem in terms of number of ways to solve the total number of problems is extraordinary.
When the day comes when AI can solve multiple complex Human problems on their own, we will have other things to worry about than request tampering.
Another company doing interesting research is they actually use games designed to trick the RTT into training the RTT how to be more solvable by only humans!

Fetch userdata on each request

My problem is quite simple - I think. I'm doing an ASP.NET MVC project. It's a project that requires the user to be logged in at all time. I probably need the current user's information in the MasterPage, like so; "Howdy, Mark - you're logged in!".
But what if I need the same information in the view? Or some validation in my servicelayer?
So how to make sure this information is available when I need it, and where I need it?
How much user information do you need? You can always access the Thread.Current.Principal and get the user's name - and possibly use that to look up more info on the user in a database.
Or if you really really really need some piece of information at all times, you could implement your own custom principal deriving from IPrincipal (this is really not a big deal!), and add those bits of information there, and when the user logs in, create an instance of the MyCustomPrincipal and attach that to the current thread. Then it'll be available anywhere, everywhere, anytime.
I've had exactly the same issue, and have yet to find a satisfactory answer. All the options we've explored have had various issues. In the specific example you mention, you could obviously store that data in the session, as that would work for that example. There may be other scenarios, that we've had, where that may not work, but simple user info like that would be fine in the session.
We've just setup a BaseController that handles making sure that info is always set and correct for each view. Depending on how you're handling authentication, etc, you will have some user data available in HttpContext.User.Identity.Name at all times. Which can also be referenced.
Build a hierarchy of your models and put the shared information in the base model. This way it will be available to any view or partial view.
Of course it has to be retrieved on each request since web applications are not persistent.
You should store this in Session and retrieve it into your controllers via a custom ModelBinder.
Not sure if I get what you want to ask, but if you are looking for things like authentication and role-based authorization, actually is providing a great framework to work on/start with.
This article (with also 2nd part) is something I recently discovered and read about which is really good start with the provider-pattern which help to understand the underlying authentication framework of Be sure to read about the membershipProvider class and the RoleProvider class in msdn also, they together make a great framework on most basic role-base authentication to work with (if you are comfortable with the function they provided, you even don't need to code data-access part, all are provided in the default implementation!)
PS: Check out Context.Users property too! It stores the current authenticated user information.
HttpContext.Current.Users.Identity returns the current user's information. Though I am not sure whether it gets passed implicitly when you make a webservice call.
