Qt QMap<int, MyClass> ignores insert command - qt

I've a question that couldn't find anywhere. I have a QMap that's ignoring the QMap.insert(Key, Value) command. Here's the code:
//gets the selected problem index on the ProblemList
int selProblem = ui->tree_projects->currentItem()->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
//creates a new problem, sets its values and then replaces the old one on the ProblemsList variable
ProblemSets nProblem;
if(!problemsList.isEmpty()) //problemsList is an attribute of MainWindow
nProblem = problemsList.value(selProblem);
// some data collection that has been omitted because isn't important
// temporary maps that will carry the modifications
QMap<int, QString> nResName, nResType;
//data insertion into the maps
//these are fine
nResName.insert(fIdx, results_model->data(results_model->index(fIdx, 0)).toString());
nResType.insert(fIdx, results_model->data(results_model->index(fIdx, 1)).toString());
//replaces the old maps with the new ones
//replaces the old problem with the new one
problemsList.insert(selProblem, nProblem); //this is the line that's doing nothing
That last line appears to be doing nothing! I've even tried to use
problemList.insert(selProblem, nProblem);
but got a similar result: the map not being inserted at the index selProblem. It got inserted, but with an outdated value - the same one of the deleted index -. I've checked on Debug and all the indexes and variables are correct, but when the .insert hits, nothing happens.
The most awkward thing is that this code is a copy/paste that I made from another method that I'm using that does similar thing, just changing the variable names, but that one works.
EDIT 1: This is the contents of nProblem, selProb and problemsList.value(selProblem)
Just before the Line:
problemsList.insert(selProblem, nProblem);
selProb: 0
ProbResultsNames: "NewRow0"
ProbResultsType: "Real"
ProbResultsNames: non-existent
ProbResultsType: non-existent
After the line
problemsList.insert(selProblem, nProblem);
selProb: 0
ProbResultsNames: "NewRow0"
ProbResultsType: "Real"
ProbResultsNames: non-existent
ProbResultsType: non-existent
class ProblemSets
virtual ~ProblemSets();
ProblemSets(const ProblemSets& other);
ProblemSets& operator=(const ProblemSets& other);
//I hid getters and setters to avoid pollution on the post
int index;
bool usingBenchmark;
QString functionSelected;
QString info;
QMap<int, QString> probVars_name, probVars_type, probResultsNames, probResultsTypes;
QMap<int, float> probVars_min, probVars_max;
QMap<int, int> probVars_stpSize, probVars_stp;
int varsNumber; // holds how many vars has been created, just for display purposes
int resNumber; // holds how many results has been created, just for display purposes

A simple test proves that QMap works as expected:
QMap<int, QString> mm;
mm.insert(1, "Test1");
qDebug() << mm[1]; // "Test1"
qDebug() << mm[1]; // "" (default constructed value)
mm.insert(1, "Test2");
qDebug() << mm[1]; // "Test2"
Which means that the problem lies in your code.
This statement itself is highly suspicious:
That last line appears to be doing nothing!
Because then you go on to say that the map still contains the "old value". But you removed that key, so if the insert() method didn't work, you shouldn't be getting the old value, but a default constructed value.
Which means that the problem is most likely that nProblem has the same value as the one that is previously associated to that key in the map. The map works, you values are likely wrong.

Found the issue! I didn't have both the variables declared on the copy method of the ProblemSets class.
Solved simply adding them to the copy method
MainWindow::ProblemSets::ProblemSets(const ProblemSets& other)
// copy
index = other.index;
usingBenchmark = other.usingBenchmark;
functionSelected = other.functionSelected;
info = other.info;
probVars_name = other.probVars_name;
probVars_type = other.probVars_type;
probVars_min = other.probVars_min;
probVars_max = other.probVars_max;
probVars_stpSize = other.probVars_stpSize;
probVars_stp = other.probVars_stp;
probResultsNames = other.probResultsNames;
probResultsTypes = other.probResultsTypes;
varsNumber = other.varsNumber;
resNumber = other.resNumber;
I had this issue before with the std::vector class, and that's why I suspected that could be that. Thanks to everyone that helped!


Swap two adjacent nodes in a doubly linked list

I am learning the concept of pointer in C programming. I wrote a function as below to swap two adjacent nodes in a doubly-linked list;
void swapNode(DLListNode *a, DLListNode *b)
DLListNode *temp = a;
a->value = b->value;
b->value = temp->value;
and it doesn't work, as the value of b passes onto a successfully but, the value of a does not pass onto b. Then I found if I wrote the code like this, it works. Could someone please kindly explain the difference to me? Much appreciated.
void swapNode(DLListNode *a, DLListNode *b)
DLListNode temp = *a;
a->value = b->value;
b->value = temp.value;
The first version does not take a copy of the value that a points to. It merely creates a second reference to what a already references. When a->value gets a new value, then of course this is synonym to temp->value getting a new value.
In the second version, you create a node, which gets its properties from what a references. So here you do make a copy of a value property (and the next and prev properties). Now, when a->value gets changed, temp is unrelated to that change, and so temp.value is still what it was before that assignment to a->value. And that is exactly what you need to happen to make a successful swap.
It would even be possible to only copy the value property value, and not the node (which also has other properties like prev and next), since you really only need to have a copy of value; nothing else (I will assume here that value is an int):
void swapNode(DLListNode *a, DLListNode *b)
int value = a->value;
a->value = b->value;
b->value = value;

QStringList "index out of range"

I am trying to reverse the words within a QStringList. Below is the code up to now, but I keep on getting a "Index out of Range" error. From the error it would seem that I am trying to use data that is out of scope, but not able to figure out my problem.
QString reversed;
QStringList reversedlist;
QStringlist list = input.split(" ");
for (int i=0;i<list.length(); ++1)
reversedlist[i] = list[list.length() -1 -i];
reversed = reversedlist.join(" ");`
As pointed out by #ThorngardSO, the reversedlist is initially empty, and you are trying to access the invalid index in your loop code. You should add values to the list using one of the following functions:
STL-compatible function push_back() (inserts value at the end of the list)
STL-compatible function push_front() (inserts value at the beginning of the list)
Qt function append() (Qt alternative for push_back)
Qt function prepend() (Qt alternative for push_front)
As you see, prepend() inserts the element at the beginning of the list, that is why it makes the reversing of the list very simple:
for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); ++i) {
Also, note that there is a typo in your loop: it should be ++i instead of ++1.
Your reversedList is initially empty. You have to actually append the items, like this:
reversedlist.push_back (list[list.length () - 1 - i]);
Naturally, trying to access non-existing items via reversedList[i] does not work and throws the index-out-out-range error.
You got the index out of range as there is no sting inside the QStringList reversedlist. So when your code reach the line reversedlist[0], it throw the "index out of range" error. And you can read the value using [0] and cant assign.
if you want to assign the value to a particular index of the QStringList.
QString reversed;
QStringList reversedlist;
QString input="123 456 789 000";
QStringList list = input.split(" ");
for (int i=0;i<list.length(); ++i){
//value to particular index
reversedlist.insert(i,list[list.length() -1 -i]);
reversed = reversedlist.join(" ");
qDebug() << reversed;

QSqlRelationalTableModel - insert record greater than 256

I have a table node={id,name}, and a table segment={id,nodeFrom,nodeTo} in a SQLite db, where node.id and segment.id are AUTOINCREMENT fields.
I'm creating a QSqlTableModel for Node, as follows:
nodeModel = new QSqlTableModel(this,db);
and I use the following code for inserting nodes:
int addNode(QString name) {
QSqlRecord newRec = nodeModel->record();
if (not nodeModel->insertRecord(-1,newRec))
qDebug() << nodeModel->lastError();
if (not nodeModel->submit())
qDebug() << nodeModel->lastError();
return nodeModel->query().lastInsertId().toInt();
This seems to work. Now, for segments I define a QSqlRelationalTableModel, as follows:
segModel = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this,db);
And then I have the following code for inserting segments:
int addSegment(int nodeFrom, int nodeTo) {
QSqlRecord newRec = segModel->record();
if (not segModel->insertRecord(-1,newRec)) // (*)
qDebug() << segModel->lastError();
if (not segModel->submitAll())
qDebug() << segModel->lastError(); // (*)
I can add successfully 280 nodes using addNode(). I can also add segments sucessfully if nodeFrom<=256 and nodeTo<=256. For any segment referencing a node greater or equal to 256 I get a
QSqlError("19", "Unable to fetch row", "Segment.nodeTo may not be NULL")
in one of the lines marked with a (*) of the addSegment function.
I've googled and found out that people are having other (apparently unrelated) problems when they hit the magical 256 record count. No solution seems to work with this particular problem.
What am I doing wrong?
The reason of this error lies in the void QRelation::populateDictionary() method which uses such a loop for (int i=0; i < model->rowCount(); ++i). If you use the database that does not report the size of the query back (e.g. SQLite), the rowCount() method will return this magical 256 value.
You can solve this by populating the relation model before using data(...) or setData(...). At first you can try with:
setRelation(nodeFromCol, QSqlRelation("Node", "id", "name"));
QSqlTableModel *model = relationModel(nodeFromCol);
Try this way to fix

QTableView: how to edit non-editable cells in the program?

How should this be done by using the model->setData() method call?
I have derived a class called "MyStandardItemModel" from QStandardItemModel. I have made my third and fourth columns non-editable by overriding the protected virtual flags method. This is how it goes:
#define TX_PACKET_COLUMN (4u)
#define RX_PACKET_COLUMN (5u)
Qt::ItemFlags MyStandardItemModel::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const
if (index.column() == TX_PACKET_COLUMN || index.column() == RX_PACKET_COLUMN)
return (QStandardItemModel::flags(index) & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
return QStandardItemModel::flags(index);
//Set model
Having this done, I am not able to edit the cells in the third and fourth column.
Now, I want that when I double click on these cells, a pop-up dialog comes up. I will modify some data in the editable field of that dialog, and then copy it back to the non editable cells inside the code.
I tried to just write a doubleclick() handler for the QTreeView and just copy some data to the cells just to see if it is possible to copy data to the non-editable cells.
This operation is failing, and the data is not written into the non-editable cells.
Here you can find the double click handler:
void MainWindow::on_testCaseTableView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
QVariant variant;
variant.toString() = "AA";
if((index.column() == TX_PACKET_COLUMN)||(index.column() == RX_PACKET_COLUMN))
model->setData(index, variant); // set new value
The setData(..) operation is clearing the already written data in the cells, but string "AA" is not getting written. Please suggest how to copy some data to non-editable cells inside the code.
QVariant set is empty. Nothing needs to be wrong in your model. Error is on this line:
variant.toString() = "AA";
change to:
QVariant variant("AA"); // just for testing anyway
As I indicated in my comment, you have to fix this first issue:
instead of:
QVariant variant;
variant.toString() = "AA";
you should write
QVariant variant = QLatin1String("AA");
In general, you would look into the setData(...) implementation for such cases whether you emit the data changed signal properly and so forth, but here you are entering a prior issue which can lead to problems, so let us fix that.
Note, you should use QLatin1String to avoid the unnecessary explicit conversion from raw char* to QString. This is a good practice in general, and this is available with Qt 4 as well as Qt 5.
Although, you could also use the QStringLiteral macro for creating a QString very efficiently with template magic out of your raw literal, but that requires C++11.

pointer vs double pointer for Linked List and Binary Tree

For single linklist
1.1. This is what I saw from a tutorial, I only wrote the important part.
sortedInsert(Node **root, int key){};
int main(){
Node *root = &a;
sortedInsert(&root, 4);
1.2. However I just used pointer rather than double pointer, and everything works fine, I can insert the key successfully.
sortedInsert(Node *root, int key){};
int main(){
Node *root = &a;
sortedInsert(root, 4);
For binary Tree
2.1. From tutorial(double pointer)
void insert_Tree(Tree **root, int key){
int main(){
Tree *root = NULL;
insert_Tree(&root, 10);
2.2. what I did is below, and I failed to insert the key, when I checked the node after insertion, the node is still null.(single pointer)
void insert_Tree(Tree *root, int key){
if(root == NULL){
root = (Tree *)malloc(sizeof(Tree));
root->val = key;
root->left = NULL;
root->right = NULL;
cout<<"insert data "<<key<<endl;
}else if(key< root->val){
insert_Tree(root->left, key);
cout<<"go left"<<endl;
insert_Tree(root->right, key);
cout<<"go right"<<endl;
int main(){
Tree *root = NULL;
insert_Tree(root, 10);
I have a few questions
1). which is right, 1.1/2.1 double pointer or 1.2/2.2 single pointer? Please explain in detail, it could be better if you can show an example, I think both of them are right.
2). Why did I insert key successfully in the linkedlist with single pointer, however I failed in the tree insertion with single pointer?
Thanks very much, I appreciate everyone's help.
I suspect you were lucky with your linked list test. Try inserting something at the head of the list.
To expand on that...
main() has a pointer to the head of the list which it passes by value into your version of sortedInsert(). If sortedInsert() inserts into the middle or end of the list then no problem, the head is not changed and when it returns to main() the head is the same. However, if your version of sortedInsert() has to insert a new head, fine it can do that, but how does it return the information about the new head back to main()? It can't, when it returns to main() main will still be pointing at the old head.
Passing a pointer to main()'s copy of the head pointer allows sortedInsert() to change its value if it has to.
both your approaches are correct.But where you used a single pointer ,your head pointer isn't being updated.All you need to do is return the new head by writing 'return head;' at the end of your function,
