How to show compass on google map api v3? - google-maps-api-3

How to work with UiSettings in Google Map API v3? I try to show compass in map (not street view). I'm new in there if anyone know how to show it will be helpful. Thanks.

This feature is available in Google Maps Android API. Unfortunately, Google Maps Api v3 does not have this yet. I suggest that you file a feature request in Google Issue Tracker. If you are not familiar with issue tracker:
Issue Tracker is a tool used internally at Google to track bugs and feature requests during product development. It is available outside of Google for use by external public and partner users who need to collaborate with Google teams on specific projects.
Issue Tracker is not a general purpose issue-tracking tool and is not offered as a consumer product for external teams who want to use it for their own issue tracking. You cannot use this tool as a general place to submit feedback on Google products. Please refer to the documentation for individual products for instructions on providing feedback.
You may visit the issue tracker here.


Is there any change in reporting implementation of google api client library now that universal analytics is getting deprecated?

I am using google-api-php-client (version v2.2.2) in my project for google analytics.
According to this article the existing implementation of google analytics is going to get deprecated.
I just want to make sure my existing implementation of google-api-php-client won't be affected by this.
Appreciate your suggestions.

Is it possible to integrate Google Analytics in my JS library

I have a JS library which is used by some users. I am going to track some behaviours from user using the library. I tried to configure a property on Google Analytics, however, it seems I should configure a URL for a website, an ID for an ios or an Android application.
How can I use Google Analytics in my library? Or can GA be used for this purpose?
Google Analytics is a web analytics tool. So you won't be able to track your JS library with GA.
If you Google “Google Analytics,” the description provided is as following:
Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI and track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
JS libraries are not part of the use cases.
Also, Google “Track JS Library Google Analytics.” As you can see, you’ll only get references to libraries such as gtag.js or analytics.js, which will not serve your purpose of tracking your library.
And ask yourself, will people use your JS library when they know you are tracking them? I don't think so. Instead, create a repo on GitHub with documentation and allow users to report issues.
Also, create a mailing list with users and execute small surveys to understand better how people are using your JS library.

Google Analytics: tracking offline mobile apps

We're tracking our web apps using GTM (Google Tag Manager) and GA360 (the paid version of GA).
We also have hybrid mobile apps (mobile apps built with web frontend) that are intended for our users to work mostly offline (they are kind of reader apps).
I've been doing some research and there's a lot of information but I'm not sure yet of what's the best approach to connect my mobile apps to GA when they're mostly offline.
I've found Google Analytics for Firebase which is a free service but seems to be a separate service from GA and I would end up with half of the analytics in GA and the other half in Firebase.
I also read about using Workbox to support Offline Google Analytics:
What's actually the best approach for this kind of problem?
What service(s) can I use to solve this problem?
Thank you.
I'm not sure if either of the other two approaches mentioned above are better or even work in this context, but I wanted to mention a third approach, linked below.
It is not simple, involving writing custom google analytics calls to check online status, and either queue requests yourself when offline, or post them when online.
It should work well though, and end up keeping all of your analytics in one console.
Simo Ahava Blog: Track users who are offline in Google Analytics.

Is it possible to track search phrases in Google Play that lead to install?

I want to understand what people search in Google Play to find and install our app.
Is it possible to track search phrases/keywords in Google Play that lead to install?
Can google analytics do that?
No Google Analytics can't do that.
I'm not familiar with which reports Google Play makes available to app developers but I believe that's the only possible source of this kinds of data. So I'd check your Developers page for that.
Maybe 3rd parties have products that give you that kind of data but these would be guesses/estimates at best.

Is there anyway to grab Google Analytics via some kind of API?

Basically I have an admin CP I've coded for all my sites and I'd love to integrate the information gathered by Google Analytics on it to avoid having to look at both sites every morning.
BTW I'm using PHP, but I would assume if something like this exists it would just be exported as XML.
Here's how to use Yahoo Pipes to scrape your Analytics page
Alternatively, you can export reports and use them
There's an official API in private beta. I'm looking forward to it!
Nicolas Lierman has developed an AIR application that uses an API of his own creation to gather Google analytics data. He refuses to puplish the API though as apparently it exposes some severe security flaws in Analytics interface. Google themselves have never published an API for it.
If you really want to proceed with your plan, you'll have to reverse engineer the interface yourself.
