Repeated sequential index based on events in grouped data - r

I have a R dataframe like this:
ID Event Out
A 0 0
A 1 1
A 1 1
A 0 0
A 1 2
B 1 3
B 0 0
C 1 4
C 1 4
C 1 4
I am trying to create the out field which is a sequential conditional (on event =1 or not) repeated index. The index needs to increment by 1 with every new group occurrence of the event but carrying on in the sequence from the previous group. Is there a plyr option for this. Thanks in advance.

One solution could be achieved as below.
The approach:
Logic seems to that out should be incremented whenever there is change in Event or change in ID. out will not increment if Event is 0. The increment to out is beyond boundary of group.
df %>% mutate(increment =
ifelse(Event != 0 & (ID != lag(ID) | Event != lag(Event)), 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(out_calculated = ifelse(Event == 0, 0, cumsum(increment))) %>%
# ID Event Out out_calculated
# 1 A 0 0 0
# 2 A 1 1 1
# 3 A 1 1 1
# 4 A 0 0 0
# 5 A 1 2 2
# 6 B 1 3 3
# 7 B 0 0 0
# 8 C 1 4 4
# 9 C 1 4 4
# 10 C 1 4 4
df <- read.table(text = "ID Event Out
A 0 0
A 1 1
A 1 1
A 0 0
A 1 2
B 1 3
B 0 0
C 1 4
C 1 4
C 1 4", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactor = FALSE)

A somewhat hacky solution using an alternative package data.table. This solution should be faster also.
setDT(dt) # assuming your data.frame is called dt
dt[, out_dt := frank(rleid(paste(Event, ID)) * Event, ties.method = "dense") - 1]
ID Event Out out_dt
1: A 0 0 0
2: A 1 1 1
3: A 1 1 1
4: A 0 0 0
5: A 1 2 2
6: B 1 3 3
7: B 0 0 0
8: C 1 4 4
9: C 1 4 4
10: C 1 4 4


Recoding by an order in r

I have a data recoding puzzle. Here is how my sample data looks like:
df <- data.frame(
id = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3),
scores = c(0,1,1,0,0,-1,-1, 0,0,1,-1,-1,-1, 0,1,0,1,1,0,1),
position = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7),
cat = c(1,1,1,1,1,0,0, 1,1,1,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1))
id scores position cat
1 1 0 1 1
2 1 1 2 1
3 1 1 3 1
4 1 0 4 1
5 1 0 5 1
6 1 -1 6 0
7 1 -1 7 0
8 2 0 1 1
9 2 0 2 1
10 2 1 3 1
11 2 -1 4 0
12 2 -1 5 0
13 2 -1 6 0
14 3 0 1 1
15 3 1 2 1
16 3 0 3 1
17 3 1 4 1
18 3 1 5 1
19 3 0 6 1
20 3 1 7 1
There are three ids in the dataset and rows were ordered by a positon variable. For each id, the first row after the scores start by -1 needs to be 0, and the cat variable needs to be 1. For example, for id=1, the first row would be 6th position and in that row, score should be 0 and the cat variable needs to 1. For those ids do not have scores=-1, I keep them as they are.
The desired output should look like below:
id scores position cat
1 1 0 1 1
2 1 1 2 1
3 1 1 3 1
4 1 0 4 1
5 1 0 5 1
6 1 0 6 1
7 1 -1 7 0
8 2 0 1 1
9 2 0 2 1
10 2 1 3 1
11 2 0 4 1
12 2 -1 5 0
13 2 -1 6 0
14 3 0 1 1
15 3 1 2 1
16 3 0 3 1
17 3 1 4 1
18 3 1 5 1
19 3 0 6 1
20 3 1 7 1
Any recommendations??
This may be what you are after
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(i = which(scores == -1)[1]) %>% # find the first row == -1
mutate(scores = case_when(position == i & scores !=0 ~ 0, T ~ scores), # update the score using position & i
cat = ifelse(scores == -1,0,1)) %>% # then update cat
select (-i) # remove I
After trying a few things and getting ideas from #Ricky and #e.matt, I came up with a solution.
df %>%
filter(scores == -1) %>% # keep cases where var = 1
distinct(id, .keep_all = T) %>% # keep distinct cases based on group
mutate(first = 1) %>% # create first column
right_join(df, by=c("id","scores","position","cat")) %>% # join back original dataset
mutate(first = coalesce(first, 0)) %>% # replace NAs with 0
mutate(scores = case_when(
first == 1 ~ 0,
TRUE~scores)) %>%
mutate(cat = case_when(
first == 1 ~ 1,
This provides my desired output.
id scores position cat first
1 1 0 1 1 0
2 1 1 2 1 0
3 1 1 3 1 0
4 1 0 4 1 0
5 1 0 5 1 0
6 1 0 6 1 1
7 1 -1 7 0 0
8 2 0 1 1 0
9 2 0 2 1 0
10 2 1 3 1 0
11 2 0 4 1 1
12 2 -1 5 0 0
13 2 -1 6 0 0
14 3 0 1 1 0
15 3 1 2 1 0
16 3 0 3 1 0
17 3 1 4 1 0
18 3 1 5 1 0
19 3 0 6 1 0
20 3 1 7 1 0
here is a data.table oneliner
library( data.table )
df[ df[, .(cumsum( scores == -1 ) == 1), by = .(id)]$V1, `:=`( scores = 0, cat = 1) ]
# id scores position cat
# 1: 1 0 1 1
# 2: 1 1 2 1
# 3: 1 1 3 1
# 4: 1 0 4 1
# 5: 1 0 5 1
# 6: 1 0 6 1
# 7: 1 -1 7 0
# 8: 2 0 1 1
# 9: 2 0 2 1
# 10: 2 1 3 1
# 11: 2 0 4 1
# 12: 2 -1 5 0
# 13: 2 -1 6 0
# 14: 3 0 1 1
# 15: 3 1 2 1
# 16: 3 0 3 1
# 17: 3 1 4 1
# 18: 3 1 5 1
# 19: 3 0 6 1
# 20: 3 1 7 1
You could do something along these lines using the dplyr package:
df = mutate(df, cat = ifelse(scores == -1, 1, cat),
scores = ifelse(scores == -1, 0, scores))
Using the mutate() function, I am re-assigning the values for the scores and cat fields according to ifelse() conditional statements. For scores, if the score is -1, the value is replaced by 0, otherwise it keeps the score as is. For cat, it also checks if scores is equal to -1, but would assign a value of 1 when the condition is met, or the already existing value of cat when the condition is not met.
After our discussion in the comments, I think something along these lines should be helpful (you may have to modify the logic since I don't exactly follow what the desired output is here):
for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
# Check if score is -1
if(df[i, 'scores'] == -1){
# Update values for the next row
df[i+1, 'scores'] <- 0
df[i+1, 'cat'] <- 1
Sorry that I don't really follow the desired output, hopefully this is helpful in getting you to your answer!

Detect a pattern in a column with R

I am trying to calculate how many times a person moved from one job to another. This can be calculated every time the Job column has this pattern 1 -> 0 -> 1.
In this example, it happened one rotation:
Person Job
A 1
A 0
A 1
A 1
In this another example, person B had one rotation as well.
Person Job
A 1
A 0
A 1
A 1
B 1
B 0
B 0
B 1
Whats would be a good approach to measure this pattern in a new column 'rotation', by person ?
Person Job Rotation
A 1 0
A 0 0
A 1 1
A 1 1
B 1 0
B 0 0
B 0 0
B 1 1
You can use regular expressions to capture a group with 101 and count it as a 1. so you use a pattern="(?<=1)0+(?=1)" where for all zeros, check whether they are preceeded by 1 and also succeeded by a 1
# A tibble: 12 x 3
# Groups: Person [3]
Person Job Rotation
<fct> <int> <int>
1 A 1 0
2 A 0 0
3 A 1 1
4 A 1 1
5 B 1 0
6 B 0 0
7 B 0 0
8 B 1 1
9 C 0 0
10 C 1 0
11 C 0 0
12 C 1 1
One solution is to use lag with default = 0 and count cumulative sum of condition when value changes from 0 to 1. Just subtract 1 from the cumsum to get the rotation.
The solution using dplyr can be as:
df %>% group_by(Person) %>%
mutate(Rotation = cumsum(lag(Job, default = 0) == 0 & Job ==1) - 1) %>%
# Person Job Rotation
# 1 A 1 0
# 2 A 0 0
# 3 A 1 1
# 4 A 1 1
# 5 B 1 0
# 6 B 0 0
# 7 B 0 0
# 8 B 1 1
df <- read.table(text ="
Person Job
A 1
A 0
A 1
A 1
B 1
B 0
B 0
B 1",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Here is an option with data.table
setDT(df)[, Rotation := +(grepl("101",,
shift(Job, 0:.N, fill = 0)))), Person]
# Person Job Rotation
# 1: A 1 0
# 2: A 0 0
# 3: A 1 1
# 4: A 1 1
# 5: B 1 0
# 6: B 0 0
# 7: B 0 0
# 8: B 1 0
# 9: C 0 0
#10: C 1 0
#11: C 0 0
#12: C 1 1
A base R option would be
f1 <- function(x) Reduce(paste0, x, accumulate = TRUE)
df$Rotation <- with(df, +grepl("101", ave(Job, Person, FUN = f1)))
df <- data.frame(Person = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 4L),
Job = as.integer(c(1,0,1,1,
I'm assuming that if a person starts unemployed,
the first job they get doesn't count as rotation.
In that case:
rotation <- function(x) {
# this will have 1 when a person got a new job
dif <- c(0L, diff(x))
dif[dif < 0L] <- 0L
if (x[1L] == 0L) {
# unemployed at the beginning,
# first job doesn't count as change from one to another
dif[which.max(dif)] <- 0L
# return
df <- data.frame(Person = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 4L),
Job = as.integer(c(1,0,1,1,
df %>%
group_by(Person) %>%
mutate(Rotation = rotation(Job))
# A tibble: 12 x 3
# Groups: Person [3]
Person Job Rotation
<fct> <int> <int>
1 A 1 0
2 A 0 0
3 A 1 1
4 A 1 1
5 B 1 0
6 B 0 0
7 B 0 0
8 B 1 1
9 C 0 0
10 C 1 0
11 C 0 0
12 C 1 1

R: df header columns are ordinal ranking and spread across columns for each observation

I have a questionnaire data that look like below:
items no_stars1 no_stars2 no_stars3 average satisfied bad
1 A 1 0 0 0 0 1
2 B 0 1 0 1 0 0
3 C 0 0 1 0 1 0
4 D 0 1 0 0 1 0
5 E 0 0 1 1 0 0
6 F 0 0 1 0 1 0
7 G 1 0 0 0 0 1
Basically, the header columns (no. of stars rating and satisfactory) are ordinal ranking for each Items. I would like to summarize the no_stars(col 2:4) and satisfactory(col 5:7) into one column so that the output would look like this :
items no_stars satisfactory
1 A 1 1
2 B 2 2
3 C 3 3
4 D 2 3
5 E 3 2
6 F 3 3
7 G 1 1
$no_stars <- 1 is for no_stars1, 2 for no_stars2, 3 for no_stars3
$satisfactory <- 1 is for bad, 2 for average, 3 for good
I have tried the code below
df$no_stars2[df$no_stars2 == 1] <- 2
df$no_stars3[df$no_stars3 == 1] <- 3
df$average[df$average == 1] <- 2
df$satisfied[df$satisfied == 1] <- 3
no_stars <- df$no_stars1 + df$no_stars2 + df$no_stars3
satisfactory <- df$bad + df$average + df$satisfied
tidy_df <- data.frame(df$Items, no_stars, satisfactory)
Is there any function in R that can do the same thing? or
anyone got better and simpler solution ?
Just use max.col and set preferences:
# items no_stars satisfactory
#1 A 1 1
#2 B 2 2
#3 C 3 3
#4 D 2 3
#5 E 3 2
#6 F 3 3
#7 G 1 1
Another tidyverse solution making use of factor to integer conversions to encode no_stars and satisfactory and spreading from wide to long twice:
df %>%
gather(no_stars, v1, starts_with("no_stars")) %>%
mutate(no_stars = as.integer(factor(no_stars))) %>%
gather(satisfactory, v2, average, satisfied, bad) %>%
filter(v1 > 0 & v2 > 0) %>%
mutate(satisfactory = as.integer(factor(
satisfactory, levels = c("bad", "average", "satisfied")))) %>%
select(-v1, -v2) %>%
# items no_stars satisfactory
#1 A 1 1
#2 B 2 2
#3 C 3 3
#4 D 2 3
#5 E 3 2
#6 F 3 3
#7 G 1 1
While there may be more elegant solutions, using dplyr::case_when() gives you the flexibility to code things however you want:
df %>%
no_stars = dplyr::case_when(
no_stars1 == 1 ~ 1,
no_stars2 == 1 ~ 2,
no_stars3 == 1 ~ 3)
, satisfactory = dplyr::case_when(
average == 1 ~ 2,
satisfied == 1 ~ 3,
bad == 1 ~ 1)
# items no_stars1 no_stars2 no_stars3 average satisfied bad no_stars satisfactory
# 1 A 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
# 2 B 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 2
# 3 C 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 3
# 4 D 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 3
# 5 E 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 2
# 6 F 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 3
# 7 G 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
items no_stars satisfactory
1 A 1 1
2 B 2 2
3 C 3 3
4 D 2 3
5 E 3 2
6 F 3 3
7 G 1 1
using apply and match :
items = df1$items,
no_stars = apply(df1[2:4], 1, match, x=1),
satisfactory = apply(df1[c(7,5:6)], 1, match, x=1))
# items no_stars satisfactory
# 1 A 1 1
# 2 B 2 2
# 3 C 3 3
# 4 D 2 3
# 5 E 3 2
# 6 F 3 3
# 7 G 1 1
df1 <- read.table(header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,text="
items no_stars1 no_stars2 no_stars3 average satisfied bad
1 A 1 0 0 0 0 1
2 B 0 1 0 1 0 0
3 C 0 0 1 0 1 0
4 D 0 1 0 0 1 0
5 E 0 0 1 1 0 0
6 F 0 0 1 0 1 0
7 G 1 0 0 0 0 1")

How to write new column conditional on grouped rows in R?

I have a data frame where each Item has three categories (a, b,c) and a numeric Answer for each category is recorded (either 0 or 1). I would like to create a new column contingent on the rows in the Answer column. This is how my data frame looks like:
Item <- rep(c(1:3), each=3)
Option <- rep(c('a','b','c'), times=3)
Answer <- c(1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1)
df <- data.frame(Item, Option, Answer)
Item Option Answer
1 1 a 1
2 1 b 1
3 1 c 0
4 2 a 0
5 2 b 0
6 2 c 1
7 3 a 1
8 3 b 1
9 3 c 1
What is needed: whenever the three categories in the Option column are 1, the New column should receive a 1. In any other case, the column should have a 0. The desired output should look like this:
Item Option Answer New
1 1 a 1 0
2 1 b 1 0
3 1 c 0 0
4 2 a 0 0
5 2 b 0 0
6 2 c 1 0
7 3 a 1 1
8 3 b 1 1
9 3 c 1 1
I tried to achieve this without using a loop, but I got stuck because I don't know how to make a new column contingent on a group of rows, not just a single one. I have tried this solution but it doesn't work if the rows are not grouped in pairs.
Do you have any suggestions? Thanks a bunch!
This should work:
df %>%
mutate(New = as.numeric(all(as.logical(Answer))))
using data.table
DT <- data.table(Item, Option, Answer)
DT[, Index := as.numeric(all(as.logical(Answer))), by= Item]
Item Option Answer Index
1: 1 a 1 0
2: 1 b 1 0
3: 1 c 0 0
4: 2 a 1 0
5: 2 b 0 0
6: 2 c 1 0
7: 3 a 1 1
8: 3 b 1 1
9: 3 c 1 1
Or using only base R
df$Index <- with(df, +(ave(!!Answer, Item, FUN = all)))
#[1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

counts sequences in R

id random count
a 0 -1
a 1 1
a 1 2
a 0 -1
a 0 -2
a 1 1
a 0 -1
a 1 1
a 0 -1
b 0 -1
b 0 -2
b 1 1
b 0 -1
b 1 1
b 0 -1
b 0 -2
b 0 -3
id is a player , random is binary 0 or 1 , I want to create a count column that counts the sequences of 1's and 0's by player , preferably without loops since the database is very big.
I think this is what you're looking for:
setDT(DF)[, count := seq_len(.N), by=.(id,rleid(random))]
which gives
id random count
1: a 0 1
2: a 1 1
3: a 1 2
4: a 0 1
5: a 0 2
6: a 1 1
7: a 0 1
8: a 1 1
9: a 0 1
10: b 0 2
11: b 0 3
12: b 1 1
13: b 0 1
14: b 1 1
15: b 0 1
16: b 0 2
17: b 0 3
(In the next version of the data.table package, 1.9.8, there will be a small shortcut setDT(DF)[, count := rowid(rleid(random)), by=id]. I am making this note so I can update the answer later.)
You may also want identifiers for groups of runs:
DF[, rid := rleid(random), by=id]
which gives
id random count rid
1: a 0 1 1
2: a 1 1 2
3: a 1 2 2
4: a 0 1 3
5: a 0 2 3
6: a 1 1 4
7: a 0 1 5
8: a 1 1 6
9: a 0 1 7
10: b 0 1 1
11: b 0 2 1
12: b 1 1 2
13: b 0 1 3
14: b 1 1 4
15: b 0 1 5
16: b 0 2 5
17: b 0 3 5
If you read through the introductory materials on the package, you'll see that these variables can also be created in a single step.
Here's a dplyr solution
dat %>%
transform(idx = c(0,cumsum(random[-1L] != random[-length(random)]))) %>%
group_by(id, idx) %>%
mutate(count = -1*cumsum(random == 0) + cumsum(random == 1)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
Source: local data frame [17 x 3]
id random count
1 a 0 -1
2 a 1 1
3 a 1 2
4 a 0 -1
5 a 0 -2
6 a 1 1
7 a 0 -1
8 a 1 1
9 a 0 -1
10 b 0 -1
11 b 0 -2
12 b 1 1
13 b 0 -1
14 b 1 1
15 b 0 -1
16 b 0 -2
17 b 0 -3
I think the easiest way to achieve this is streak_run function from runner package. streak_run is also fastest as shown in below section
df <- data.frame( id = 1:10, random = sample(c(0,1), 10, replace=T))
df$count <- streak_run(df$random)
df$count[df$random==0] <- -df$count[df$random==0]
# id random count
#1 1 0 -1
#2 2 0 -2
#3 3 1 1
#4 4 1 2
#5 5 1 3
#6 6 1 4
#7 7 0 -1
#8 8 0 -2
#9 9 0 -3
#10 10 0 -4
runner_example <- function(df){
df$count <- streak_run(df$random)
df$count[df$random==0] <- -df$count[df$random==0]
dplyr_example <- function(df){
df %>%
transform(idx = c(0,cumsum(random[-1L] != random[-length(random)]))) %>%
group_by(id, idx) %>%
mutate(count = -1*cumsum(random == 0) + cumsum(random == 1)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
dt_example <- function(df){
setDT(df)[, count := seq_len(.N), by=.(id,rleid(random))]
library(microbenchmark); library(magrittr)
df <- data.frame( id = 1:2000L, random = sample(letters[1:2], 2000L, replace=T))
dplyr = dplyr_example(df),
dt = dt_example(df),
runner = runner_example(df),
#Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# dplyr 134388.839 164274.611 204478.048 188548.4975 222777.298 526019.563 100
# dt 1306.139 1710.665 2181.989 1941.3420 2380.953 5581.682 100
# runner 284.522 741.145 1022.456 853.5715 1004.553 7398.019 100
