Rolling sum from a certain position in a data frame in R - r

Say I have the following data, dat1;
width from by
2 1 A
3 1 A
2 2 A
3 2 A
2 1 B
3 1 B
2 2 B
3 2 B
And additionally have that, dat2;
x pos by
4 1 A
5 2 A
7 3 A
3 4 A
2 1 B
4 2 B
3 3 B
5 4 B
Say I want to create a new column on dat1 of rolling sum values from dat2 where;
Our width of this rolling sum is equivalent to the width given in that row
Our starting position is equivalent to the from vector value in that row
We wish to do it for the A or Bth factor depending on which level is in the row
So far I have that we want
rollapply(x = dat2$x, width = dat1$width, FUN = sum, align = "left", data = dat2)
So I need to incorporate in the starting position and the factor level for that starting position.
So in this instance I want to get
width from by RS
2 1 A 9
3 1 A 16
2 2 A 12
3 2 A 15
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

1) For each row i in dat1 the anonymous function subsets dat2 to the by value in dat1 and from that picks out the indicated rows of x and sums them:
transform(dat1, RS = sapply(1:nrow(dat1), function(i)
sum(subset(dat2, dat1$by[i] == by)[seq(from[i], length = width[i]), "x"])))
width from by RS
1 2 1 A 9
2 3 1 A 16
3 2 2 A 12
4 3 2 A 15
5 2 1 B 6
6 3 1 B 9
7 2 2 B 7
8 3 2 B 12
2) An alternative would be to calculate the start values and widths for the sequences to sum in dat2 and then apply that:
st <- match(dat1$by, dat2$by) + dat1$from - 1
w <- dat1$width
Sum <- function(st, w) sum(dat2[seq(st, length = w), "x"])
transform(dat1, RS = mapply(Sum, st, w))
width from by RS
1 2 1 A 9
2 3 1 A 16
3 2 2 A 12
4 3 2 A 15
5 2 1 B 6
6 3 1 B 9
7 2 2 B 7
8 3 2 B 12
dat1 and dat2 in reproducible form are:
Lines1 <- "
width from by
2 1 A
3 1 A
2 2 A
3 2 A
2 1 B
3 1 B
2 2 B
3 2 B"
dat1 <- read.table(text = Lines1, header = TRUE)
Lines2 <- "
x pos by
4 1 A
5 2 A
7 3 A
3 4 A
2 1 B
4 2 B
3 3 B
5 4 B"
dat2 <- read.table(text = Lines2, header = TRUE)
Fixed (1). Added (2).

Another option could be using dplyr and join. The approach would be join two dataframes by "by". Then apply filter to consider only those rows which pos is between from and from+width. Finally take sum of x column.
dat1 %>% inner_join(dat2, by = "by") %>%
filter(from <= pos & pos < (from + width) ) %>%
group_by(by, from, width ) %>%
summarise(RS = sum(x)) %>%
select(width, from, by, RS)
# A tibble: 8 x 4
# Groups: by, from [4]
# width from by RS
# <int> <int> <chr> <int>
# 1 2 1 A 9
# 2 3 1 A 16
# 3 2 2 A 12
# 4 3 2 A 15
# 5 2 1 B 6
# 6 3 1 B 9
# 7 2 2 B 7
# 8 3 2 B 12
dat1 <- read.table(text =
"width from by
2 1 A
3 1 A
2 2 A
3 2 A
2 1 B
3 1 B
2 2 B
3 2 B", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dat2 <- read.table(text =
"x pos by
4 1 A
5 2 A
7 3 A
3 4 A
2 1 B
4 2 B
3 3 B
5 4 B", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


Keep rows with specific string and the following row

This is my data frame
df <- data.frame(
id = 1:14,
group_id = c(rep(1:2, each = 3), rep(3:4, each = 4)),
type = rep("A", 14), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df[c(2,4,8,12),"type"] <- "B"
id group_id type
1 1 1 A
2 2 1 B
3 3 1 A
4 4 2 B
5 5 2 A
6 6 2 A
7 7 3 A
8 8 3 B
9 9 3 A
10 10 3 A
11 11 4 A
12 12 4 B
13 13 4 A
14 14 4 A
I'd like to keep all rows with type B as well as the following row.
I could do...
B <- which(df$type=="B")
afterB <- B+1
df_sel <- df[c(B, afterB), ]
df_sel <- df_sel[order(df_sel$id),]
df_sel get what I want.
id group_id type
2 2 1 B
3 3 1 A
4 4 2 B
5 5 2 A
8 8 3 B
9 9 3 A
12 12 4 B
13 13 4 A
How can this be done in a more generic way.
Another way, very similar to what you do but in one step and without the need to reorder:
df_sel <- df[rep(which(df$type=="B"), e=2)+c(0, 1), ]
# id group_id type
# 2 2 1 B
# 3 3 1 A
# 4 4 2 B
# 5 5 2 A
# 8 8 3 B
# 9 9 3 A
# 12 12 4 B
# 13 13 4 A
Using lag from dplyr
df[df$type == "B" | lag(df$type == "B", default = FALSE), ]
# id group_id type
#2 2 1 B
#3 3 1 A
#4 4 2 B
#5 5 2 A
#8 8 3 B
#9 9 3 A
#12 12 4 B
#13 13 4 A
using grep will provide a row index of all instances of B - rows; concatenate (c()) this with rows + 1 to select from df will work.
rows <- grep("B", df[, "type"])
df[sort(c(rows, rows + 1)), ]
id group_id type
2 2 1 B
3 3 1 A
4 4 2 B
5 5 2 A
8 8 3 B
9 9 3 A
12 12 4 B
13 13 4 A

r - remove first row of condition per subject in dataframe

I have a long format dataframe with multiple subjects and multiple conditions for each subject.
I want to remove the first row of each condition (except the first one) for all subjects.
My dataframe looks like this:
> df <- data.frame(subj = c(rep(1,4),rep(2,4), rep(3,4)), cond = (rep(c("A", "A", "B", "B"),times=3)), value = round(runif(12, min = 0, max = 10)))
> df
subj cond value
1 A 1
1 A 5
1 B 3
1 B 10
2 A 6
2 A 5
2 B 2
2 B 0
3 A 5
3 A 8
3 B 5
3 B 2
I have found the duplicated() function but it only removes the first row of each condition for the first subject:
df <- df[duplicated(df$cond),]
subj cond value
1 A 5
1 B 10
2 A 6
2 A 5
2 B 2
2 B 0
3 A 5
3 A 8
3 B 5
3 B 2
Is there a way to "reset" the finding of a duplicate whenever a new subject begins?
And how can I stop it from excluding the first row of the first condition?
Thank you all so much!
You could subset with the duplicated interaction of the two variables:
> df
subj cond value
1 1 A 5
2 1 A 7
3 1 B 4
4 1 B 8
5 2 A 5
6 2 A 2
7 2 B 8
8 2 B 5
9 3 A 8
10 3 A 1
11 3 B 1
12 3 B 5
df1 <- df[!duplicated(interaction(df$subj, df$cond)),]
> df1
subj cond value
1 1 A 5
3 1 B 4
5 2 A 5
7 2 B 8
9 3 A 8
11 3 B 1
I've read your question again and it seems you want to remove the first row, not the last. In this case, use
df1 <- df[!duplicated(interaction(df$subj, df$cond), fromLast = TRUE),]
> df1
subj cond value
2 1 A 4
4 1 B 9
6 2 A 9
8 2 B 7
10 3 A 1
12 3 B 2
Alternative (but does depend on actual df):
df <- data.frame(subj = c(rep(1,4),rep(2,4), rep(3,4)),
cond = (rep(c("A", "A", "B", "B"),times=3)),
value = round(runif(12, min = 0, max = 10)))
dummy <- as.character(df$cond) # factor to character
mask <- c(FALSE, dummy[-1] == dummy[-length(dummy)])

Extract Index of repeat value

how do I extract specific row of data when the column has repetitive value? my data looks like this: I want to extract the row of the end of each repeat of x (A 3 10, A 2 3 etc) or the index of the last value
Name X M
A 1 1
A 2 9
A 3 10
A 1 1
A 2 3
A 1 5
A 2 6
A 3 4
A 4 5
A 5 3
B 1 1
B 2 9
B 3 10
B 1 1
B 2 3
Expected output
Index Name X M
3 A 3 10
5 A 2 3
10 A 5 3
13 B 3 10
15 B 2 3
Using base R duplicated and cumsum:
dups <- !duplicated(cumsum(dat$X == 1), fromLast=TRUE)
cbind(dat[dups,], Index=which(dups))
# Name X M Index
#3 A 3 10 3
#5 A 2 3 5
#10 A 5 3 10
#13 B 3 10 13
#15 B 2 3 15
A solution using dplyr.
df2 <- df %>%
mutate(Flag = ifelse(lead(X) < X, 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(Index = 1:n()) %>%
filter(Flag == 1 | %>%
select(Index, X, M)
# Index X M
# 1 3 3 10
# 2 5 2 3
# 3 10 5 3
# 4 13 3 10
# 5 15 2 3
Flag is a column showing if the next number in A is smaller than the previous number. If TRUE, Flag is 1, otherwise is 0. We can then filter for Flag == 1 or where Flag is NA, which is the last row. df2 is the final filtered data frame.
df <- read.table(text = "Name X M
A 1 1
A 2 9
A 3 10
A 1 1
A 2 3
A 1 5
A 2 6
A 3 4
A 4 5
A 5 3
B 1 1
B 2 9
B 3 10
B 1 1
B 2 3",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

R - Loop through a data table with combination of dcast of sum

I have a table similar this, with more columns. What I am trying to do is creating a new table that shows, for each ID, the number of Counts of each Type, the Value of each Type.
ID Type Counts Value
1 A 1 5
1 B 2 4
2 A 2 1
2 A 3 4
2 B 1 3
2 B 2 3
I am able to do it for one single column by using
dcast(df[,j=list(sum(Counts,na.rm = TRUE)),by = c("ID","Type")],ID ~ paste(Type,"Counts",sep="_"))
However, I want to use a loop through each column within the data table. but there is no success, it will always add up all the rows. I have try to use
sum(df[[i]],na.rm = TRUE)
sum(names(df)[[i]] == "",na.rm = TRUE)
sum(df[[names(df)[i]]],na.rm = TRUE)
j = list(apply(df[,c(3:4),with=FALSE],2,function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE)
I want to have a new table similar like
ID A_Counts B_Counts A_Value B_Value
1 1 2 5 4
2 5 3 5 6
My own table have more columns, but the idea is the same. Do I over-complicated it or is there a easy trick I am not aware of? Please help me. Thank you!
You have to melt your data first, and then dcast it:
df2 <- melt(df,id.vars = c("ID","Type"))
# ID Type variable value
# 1 1 A Counts 1
# 2 1 B Counts 2
# 3 2 A Counts 2
# 4 2 A Counts 3
# 5 2 B Counts 1
# 6 2 B Counts 2
# 7 1 A Value 5
# 8 1 B Value 4
# 9 2 A Value 1
# 10 2 A Value 4
# 11 2 B Value 3
# 12 2 B Value 3
dcast(df2,ID ~ Type + variable,fun.aggregate=sum)
# ID A_Counts A_Value B_Counts B_Value
# 1 1 1 5 2 4
# 2 2 5 5 3 6
Another solution with base functions only:
df3 <- aggregate(cbind(Counts,Value) ~ ID + Type,df,sum)
# ID Type Counts Value
# 1 1 A 1 5
# 2 2 A 5 5
# 3 1 B 2 4
# 4 2 B 3 6
reshape(df3, idvar='ID', timevar='Type',direction="wide")
# ID Counts.A Value.A Counts.B Value.B
# 1 1 1 5 2 4
# 2 2 5 5 3 6
df <- read.table(text ="ID Type Counts Value
1 A 1 5
1 B 2 4
2 A 2 1
2 A 3 4
2 B 1 3
2 B 2 3",stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header=TRUE)

how to mutate a column with ID in group

how to mutate a column with ID in group
data.frame like:
a b c
1 a 1 1
2 a 1 2
3 a 2 3
4 b 1 4
5 b 2 5
6 b 3 6
group by a, flag start with 1, if b equals pre b,then flag=1 else flag+=1
a b c flag
1 a 1 1 1 <- group a start with 1
2 a 1 2 1 <-- in group a, 1(in row 2)=1(in row 1)
3 a 2 3 2 <- in group a, 2(in row 3)!=1(in row 2)
4 b 1 4 1 <- group b start with 1
5 b 2 5 2 <- in group b, 2(in row 5)!=1(in row 4)
6 b 3 6 3 <- in group b, 3(in row 6)!=2(in row 5)
i now using this:
for(i in 2:nrow(x)){
x[i, 'flag'] = ifelse(x[i, 'a']!=x[i-1,'a'], 1, ifelse(x[i, 'b']==x[i-1, 'b'], x[i-1, 'flag'], x[i-1,'flag']+1))
but it is inefficiency in large dataset
dense_rank in dplyr give me the answer
> x %>% group_by(a) %>% mutate(dense_rank(b))
Source: local data frame [10 x 4]
Groups: a
a b c dense_rank(b)
1 a x 1 1
2 a x 2 1
3 a y 3 2
4 b x 4 1
5 b y 5 2
6 b z 6 3
7 c x 7 1
8 c y 8 2
9 c z 9 3
10 c z 10 3
I am not entirely sure what you are trying to do. But it seems to me that you are trying to assign index numbers to values in b for each group (a or b).
#I modified your example here.
a <- rep(c("a","b"), each =3)
b <- c(4,4,5,11,12,13)
c <- 1:6
foo <- data.frame(a,b,c, stringsAsFactors = F)
a b c
1 a 4 1
2 a 4 2
3 a 5 3
4 b 11 4
5 b 12 5
6 b 13 6
#Since you referred to dplyr, I will use it.
cats <- list()
for(i in unique(foo$a)){
ana <- foo %>%
filter(a == i) %>%
arrange(b) %>%
mutate(indexInb = as.integer(as.factor(b)))
cats[[i]] <- ana
bob <- rbindlist(cats)
a b c indexInb
1: a 4 1 1
2: a 4 2 1
3: a 5 3 2
4: b 11 4 1
5: b 12 5 2
6: b 13 6 3
Hers's a quick vectorized way to solve this without using any for loops
Base R solution using ave and transform
transform(x, flag = ave(b, a, FUN = function(x) cumsum(c(1, diff(x)))))
# a b c flag
# 1 a 1 1 1
# 2 a 1 2 1
# 3 a 2 3 2
# 4 b 1 4 1
# 5 b 2 5 2
# 6 b 3 6 3
Or a data.table solution (more efficient)
setDT(x)[, flag := cumsum(c(1, diff(b))), by = a]
# a b c flag
# 1: a 1 1 1
# 2: a 1 2 1
# 3: a 2 3 2
# 4: b 1 4 1
# 5: b 2 5 2
# 6: b 3 6 3
Or a dplyr solution (because you tagged it)
x %>%
group_by(a) %>%
mutate(flag = cumsum(c(1, diff(b))))
# Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
# Groups: a
# a b c flag
# 1 a 1 1 1
# 2 a 1 2 1
# 3 a 2 3 2
# 4 b 1 4 1
# 5 b 2 5 2
# 6 b 3 6 3
