How do I read a file from the local file system from inside a meteor app? - meteor

I have a meteor app that needs to periodically read a file located on the host's file system, outside of the app package. I am using node's fs to accomplish this, and it works fine on my (macOS) development machine.
However, when I run mup deploy to deploy it to my (Ubuntu 14) server, mup returns the following error after starting meteor:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/sam/data/all_data.json'
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:652:18)
at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:553:33)
Does anyone know why this might be happening?

you should follow mup documentation closely. Have you seen volumes setup in mup config? Try this to solve your issue.
Reason: mup runs app in docker without any access to host file system unless specified. Volumes setup does this for you with mup deployment.
Below is the part of mup config from, Everything Configured, read more to get a better idea.
name: 'app',
path: '../app',
// lets you add docker volumes (optional). Can be used to
// store files between app deploys and restarts.
volumes: {
// passed as '-v /host/path:/container/path' to the docker run command
'/host/path': '/container/path',
'/second/host/path': '/second/container/path'

The user you have that is running your meteor build on the server needs to have access to that folder - read access. I would store the file in a different directory than the home one, because you don't want to mess it up. Either way doing something like chmod -R 444 /home/sam/data should give read access to any user for all files in that directory. You are probably running meteor as your local user(sam?) in development mode on your macOS, but the built up gets run as meteor or some other user on ubuntu, because of mup and forever.


Container File Permissions in Windows Container

I've got a Windows Docker container (microsoft/aspnet) that is hosting a simple Web API. The web API accepts files from a form, saves them in a temp folder, does some processing, and then returns the result.
This works fine when deployed locally, but when done in my Docker container, I get a file permissions error on my temp folder (App_Data).
Is there a way to grant the IIS user the code is running as access to this file, or to open up the folder to any user for read/write access?
Current Docker file is below:
FROM microsoft/aspnet
COPY ./Deploy/ /inetpub/wwwroot
RUN mkdir /inetpub/wwwroot/App_Data
Error message snippet I get running API from docker image:
"InnerException":{"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Access to the path 'C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\App_Data\\BodyPart_481b6424-f9a5-4608-894d-406145a48445' is denied.","ExceptionType":"System.UnauthorizedAccessException"
It looks like there is a bug open on the aspnet-docker github about this same issue. [link]
In the meantime, it looks like running cacls App_Data /G IIS_IUSRS:F after starting the container fixes the issue temporarily.
Unclear why, but cacls doesn't seem to be working when run as part of building the container. Switched to using icacls, and was able to grant the IIS_USRS permissions on the folder.
Line added to dockerfile:
RUN icacls 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\App_Data' /grant 'IIS_IUSRS:(F)'
I can't comment as I don't have enough reputation, but if the answer by #Darendal doesn't work (which it did not for me), then try this syntax
RUN icacls C:\inetpub\wwwroot\App_Data /grant "BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F" /t
My dockerfile did not accepted any of the other answers. Below is one more alernative.
SHELL ["powershell"]
RUN & ICACLS "'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\App_Data' /grant 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool:(OI)(CI)F' /T"

How do you run lite-server as a Windows service?

I am trying to set up lite-server as a Windows service so that it starts automatically when the machine starts. I am trying to do this via NSSM.
I install as follows:
nssm install <servicename> lite-server
Then, since I see it complaining in the event viewer about the directory it's running from, I add this:
nssm set <servicename> AppDirectory <serviceDirectory>
If I run lite-server directly from the command line it works.
However, if I start the Windows service installed as above, it fails, and in the event viewer I get:
Failed to start service . Program lite-server couldn't be launched. CreateProcess() failed: The system cannot find the file specified.
I have tried:
Adding the path to %APPDATA%\npm to the system path to make sure lite-server can be found.
Installing the service under my own username.
It didn't work. What do I need to do to run lite-server as a Windows service?
please try with same config
path: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\npm\lite-server.cmd
startup directory : bs-config.json config file path
screenshot like this

Running meteor on linux server

I am trying to get my localhost working on my remote (mediatemple) server.
I have bundled it up and have a / folder with the following files.
this folder contains
How do I get this to run?
You should take a look in the README inside the bundle folder. Normally everything ist described there to start your app.
Make sure that NODEJS and MONGO is installed on your remote server. This is NOT included in your bundle as well as NODEJS is not present.
If you are running a system like debian or ubuntu normally you can do the installation with
apt-get install nodejs mongo
Make sure, that the nodejs has release v0.10.36 or v0.10.38
node --version
At the README you see the necessary ENV-VARS like MONGO_URL and PORT you need to set to start your meteor app.
If you have running a apache server already the PORT 80 is already blocked, so try PORT=3000 to start your meteor app.
MONGO_URL='mongodb://localhost:27017/yourapp' ROOT_URL="http://yourhost" PORT=3000 node main.js
If using as above you do not need to export the ENV-VARS before start
Sometime when starting, there are missing NPM – you get fiber errors
In that case
cd programs/server
npm install
and the try start again.
Good luck
(I'm writing this response assuming that you are not worried about scalability issue, respond in comment if you want to scale your app)
The best option for running a node application, which Meteor application is, is by using forever.
npm install forever
forever start simple-server.js
If you want to figure out how to see the log files and how to stop/restart your service, you can run forever --help to see all the commands.

OpenShift Custom Cartridge and NPM

I am working with a community-developed OpenShift cartridge for nginx. The cartridge's build script (without any modifications) works well; it starts the nginx server with the configuration file that I provide it. However, I am trying to modify the build script so that it first changes directory into my OpenShift repository, runs npm install and then grunt build to build an Angular application that I have created.
When I do this, I continuously get the error EACCES, mkdir '/var/lib/openshift/xxxxxxxxxx/.npm' when the script gets to npm install. Some OpenShift forum posts have attempted to solve the issue, but it appears as though a different solution is required (at least in my case).
Thus, I am interested in whether or not it is possible to use npm in this way, or if I need to create a cartridge that does all of this myself.
Since we do not typically have the access required to create ~/.npm, we have to find ways of moving the npm cache (normally ~/.npm) and the npm user configuration (normally ~/.npmrc) to accessible folders to get things going. The following information comes partially from a bug report that I submitted to Redhat on this matter.
We must begin by creating an environmental variable to control the location of .npmrc. I created a file (with shell access to my application) called .env in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR. Within this file, I have placed:
export NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG=$OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/app-root/build-dependencies/.npmrc
This moves the .npmrc directory to a place where we have the privileges to read/write. Naturally, I have to also create the directory .npmrc in $OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/app-root/build-dependencies/. Then, in my pre-start webhook/early in my build script, I have placed:
This ensures that the environmental variable that configures the location of .npmrc will be accessible each time we deploy/build. Now we can move the location of the npm cache. Start by running touch on the .env file manually, and create the .npm directory in $OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/app-root/build-dependencies/. Run the following to complete the reconfiguration:
npm config set cache $OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/app-root/build-dependencies/.npm
NPM should now be accessible each time we deploy, even if we are not using the NodeJS cartridge. The above directory choices may be changed as desired.
You do not have write access to the ~/.npm directory in your gear. You might try reviewing how the native node.js cartridge is setup ( and see if you can apply it to your custom cartridge.

Deployment with Password using Linux in Meteor?

How to deploy a app with password in meteor using linux. It's deploy good when with out set password.But i need to deploy app with password in meteor. I did but gets some error messages i didn't understand the following messages.So please see the below deployment process and suggestions me what to do?
[root#localhost myapp]# meteor deploy --password
deploy: the --password option needs a value.
Try 'meteor help deploy' for help.
[root#localhost myapp]# meteor deploy 123456
deploy: too many arguments.
Usage: meteor deploy <site> [--settings settings.json] [--debug] [--delete]
Deploys the project in your current directory to Meteor's servers.
You can deploy to any available name under ''
without any additional configuration, for example,
''. If you deploy to a custom domain, such as
'', then you'll also need to configure your domain's
DNS records. See the Meteor docs for details.
The --settings flag can be used to pass deploy-specific information to
the application. It will be available at runtime in Meteor.settings, but only
on the server. If the object contains a key named 'public', then
Meteor.settings.public will also be available on the client. The argument
is the name of a file containing the JSON data to use. The settings will
persist across deployments until you again specify a settings file. To
unset Meteor.settings, pass an empty settings file.
The --delete flag permanently removes a deployed application, including
all of its stored data.
--delete, -D permanently delete this deployment
--debug deploy in debug mode (don't minify, etc)
--settings set optional data for Meteor.settings
--star a star (tarball) to deploy instead of the current Meteor app
[root#localhost myapp]#
Perhaps you should use both command and option:
meteor deploy --password 123456
