How Do You Concat URL in Handlebars - handlebars.js

I need to create a URL that pulls a Mongo ID, but I'm not sure how to concatenate it. I think I need a helper, but the docs weren't really clear. I'm trying to make something like this:
<a href='/updateReminder/'+photo._id>Update Details</a>
because photo._id isn't a string, I'm not sure how to handle it.

It was easier than I thought.
<a href='/updateReminder/{{this._id}}'>Update Details</a>


Mixing dynamic/precompiled handlebar templates using assemble

I'm using Grunt and Assemble to create precompiled templates on my site but I need to dynamically create some sections based on information stored in client-side storage. Is there a way to exempt sections of a template from precompilation?
We can't do custom delimiters (a shortcoming of Handlebars), but there are a couple of solutions that might work for you. Neither is necessarily idiomatic, so you be the judge of how suitable these are for the project you're working on.
string replacement
You could use some custom (temporary) delimiters for the templates in the content that shouldn't be compiled, then create a block helper that will convert those delimiters back to valid handlebars expressions during compile time (I tested this for this answer and it works):
For example:
Handlebars.registerHelper("raw", function(options) {
return options.fn(this).replace(/\[\[/g, '{{').replace(/\]\]/g, '}}');
Then use it like this:
{{> foo }}
Inside foo.hbs, you might have something like this:
and it will render to:
This solution is hacky for sure, and you might have problems if you happen have any code examples embedded in the included content and one of the examples happens to have that syntax (like [0,1,[foo, bar]].
This solution is most likely the better way to go. Handlebars will not evaluate any templates that are preceded by \. So you can do this:
and it will render to:
The first suggestion probably wasn't even worth adding, but hey, you never know right?

How to escape # character in ASP.NET Razor

I have tried the methods provided, using <text></text> using double at the rate icons as ##. But doesn't work.
My issue or my code is like this:
<li id="#">#</li>
I am creating a keyboard plugin, so I need # sign to be there for the user, but when I write this, it starts a razor block and give me error that ""></li>" is not valid at the start of a code block. Only identifiers, keywords, comments, ( and { are valid.
<li id="##">##</li>
This didn't work either, as I have mentioned in the first row of my question.
What might be a good idea, to escape this, the issue is with the # inside the qoutes only the one that will be shown is OK (the one inside the list).
Try and escape #("#") with
<li id="#("#")">#("#")</li>

how to bind data as routeValue in telerik ListView template

My template modified from MvcMusicStore tutroial:
<script type="text/x-kendo-tmpl" id="template">
<div class="product">
<a href="#Url.Action("Details", "Store", new {id = ${ProductSubCategoryId} })">
<img src="#Url.Content("${AlbumArtUrl}")" alt="${Title} image" />
<p>${kendo.toString(Price, "c")}</p>
but there is error in Url.Action method: Unexpected symbol '$'.
Update 1:
And i can't use
#Model.First(d => d.ProductCategoryId.Equals(Convert.ToInt32("${ProductSubCategoryId}"))).ProductCategory.Name
but same code in
work fine.
new {id = ${ProductSubCategoryId} }
This is C# code for an anonymous object, and C# doesn't know anything about JS templating. Hence the error telling you it doesn't know what that $ is doing there. Usually you'd pass something from your View model, which is only available serverside:
new {id = Model.ProductSubCategoryId }
Instead of using a URL helper, you might be better off with just a string href="Store/Details/${ProductSubCategoryId}". That may not be exactly what you need, but I don't know enough about the routing and your template to know if this is what you intended, or if ProductSubCategoryId is actually a property of your model.
In regards to your updated examples:
Url.Content( works because that function takes the parameter as the page is being rendered on the server, and just spits out with the string "${AlbumArtUrl}" in the HTML pretty much as it is, and the HTML will contain the string "${AlbumArtUrl}" so that when the JS template is parsed later on the client, it can interpret that variable. So in this case, the C# function .Content( doesn't need to understand that template variable, because to it, it is just a string that it embeds in the HTML. I would recommend using F12 in Chrome to view the GET response in the network tab so you can see the HTML source as it was returned from the action, so you have a better idea in your mind of what exactly what is happening at each step of the process. You'll be able to see that in your HTML returned, there is no C# code like Url.Content, but you will see the javascript template stuff like "${AlbumArtUrl}" because those values aren't rendered on the server side.
On the other hand Convert.ToInt32("${ProductSubCategoryId}") fails, because this function expects the string it's being passed to be an integer, such as Convert.ToInt32("2134"). As far as ToInt32 is concerned, it says, ok, I see "something" is a string, now I will try to interpret the string as a number which means I expect it to contain some digits, such as "456457" but you gave me a bunch of letters and symbols which means nothing to me, I can't convert that into an integer. Again, this is C# function that is running on the server as it generates the page, and "${ProductSubCategoryId}" means nothing to C# as it is a javascript template variable.
You are mixing server-side code with client-side code. This is invalid C# code:
You cannot use helper to generate URLs this way. I suggest you to go the normal way without using the Url helper.
If you are determined to use Url.Action, then here is a way. It is a hack but you can do this:
<a href="#Url.Action("Details", "Store")?id=${ProductSubCategoryId}">

ASP.NET Routing: Formatting the URL string

I have implemented a routing functionality successfully in my project (a news website):
Sub RegisterRoutes(ByVal routes As RouteCollection)
routes.MapPageRoute("ndetails", "news/{title}/{id}/", "~/newsdetail.aspx")
End Sub
and I set the URLs like this (databound to a repeater):
href="<%# Page.GetRouteUrl("ndetails", new with { .title= Server.UrlEncode(Eval("Title")), .id= Eval("NewsID")})%>"
The URL produced is like:
As can be seen above, the URL part is difficult to read and I would like it to be like:
I thought of going for a Replace function. But then, since the user creating the news might enter any string, I have to take into account all the other characters that might need to be replaced.
I just wanted to know from an experienced developer, whether going with a long replace function is the way to go, or is there another solution to format my URLs in this rouitng scenario.
Many thanks in advance
AFAIK there is no built in funcitonality in the framework to make url "pretty". You have to implement your own url fo rewriting the title.
In the save of your entities simply use a function that do the replaces that you need (' ' with '_' or example) and then use UrlEncode.
You can also use a Regular expression to do the replacement in one go.

passing querystring parameters

what is the best way of passing querystring to another page, i would definitly avoid like using.......
<a href="Page2.aspx?WONumber=12345">
is there any better way?
i was thinking create a Baseclass with few prop and update the baseclass?
It sounds like you want to take the querystring argument, and use it in subsequent pages.
If it's not desirable to pass-forward this querystring argument from your current page, perhaps it's called page1.aspx, without using another querystring parameter, you could:
store the value in Session. Consider Session["WoNumber"] = Request.QueryString["WONumber"].ToString();
store the value in Cookies. You could use something like: Response.Cookies["WoNumber"].Value = Request.QueryString["WONumber"].ToString();
It really depends on where you're getting the value from. You can build a URL using UriBuilder or if it's simple enough string concatenation could be OK (though you'd have to make sure to Server.UrlEncode the values).
If the value is a constant, as your example implies, then there is nothing wrong with putting it directly into a query string, although I would still use a proper named constant, eg.
<a href="Page2.aspx?WONumber=<%= TheMagicOrderNumber %>
with the constant defined in the code-behind:
protected const int TheMagicOrderNumber = 12345
If your objection is the maintainability of "magic string" URLS, and you'd be prepared to use a button instead of an anchor, you could do worse than
<form method="GET" action="Page2.aspx">
<input type="hidden" name="WONumber" value="12345" />
<input type="submit" value="Navigate" />
this method will generalise to a query string of any complexity with any number of parameters.
There is a great article I came across a few months ago when I was looking for enhanced security with querystrings...
It's a very good article, and has a bonus the author offers code examples in C# and VB.NET.
There are times when I prefer to use querystrings over sessions... small number of session objects is ok, but too many and it starts to become a bit tedious to debug problems.
You can encrypt a querystring parameter, if security is your concern.
Or you can use other holders, such s p.cambell says above (session & cookie).
You could also store it in a database, and have the page you go to retrieve it onload.
Just depends on your application requirements.
Another thing I've done is to use <asp:panel>, basically using a single page as though it were multiple pages. In this way, I also have access to viewstate to hold my variables. (Whenever a user clicks 'next', or whatever they would click to goto the next page, I simply hide the panel they're on, and show the panel they want to go to [visible = true/false] property)
