How to clear Google Analytics ecommerce previous data?
Is there any way?
This data send to google analytics with gtag.js
Nope. I have struggled with this in the past and there is no good way to do this.
You can "fix" a wrong transaction sending the same ID with the same price but negative. The problem is that you must do it on the same day else your graphs ll break.
During the phase of tracking we recognised a mismatch related to some data between GA4 and Google ADS. To be more clear the problem is related to the number of conversions recorded in GA4 and Google ADS because for the same event we have two different values and it's clearly wrong. Can someone help me to fix this ?
Google Ads only reports on conversions it was involved in, and it reports them on the date the user clicked on the ad and not the date the conversion happened.
Google Analytics attributes conversions on a last-click basis. So even if Google Ads was involved in a conversion, it might attribute it to a different source that was involved later.
I'm seeing the list of metrics available in GA4, and am looking for the "ga:visits" equivalent for GA4 but that seems to be missing.
Several years ago Google Analytics renamed visits to sessions (Article 1, Article 2). sessions in GA4 is the closest equivalent to ga:visits.
I don't think there is an equivalent for universal analytics ga:visits, in GA4 at this time.
At the time of writing the Analytics Data api is still in early preview version of the api, I think your going to have to wait a while before it settles down.
We're currently pushing the product price (ga:productprice) to GA as explained both in the Importing Product Data using the Management API documentation and the Measuring an Addition or Removal from Cart from the Enhanced Ecommerce documentation, but now we find unable to query it, as this metric does not appear in the Analytics Core Reporting API (v3)documentation. It's that correct?
What is the usefulness of pushing this data to GA if we cannot query it later? It's really kind of strange that you could use ga:ProductBrand, ga:ProductSku... but no the price.
Any clarification on this one would be helpful.
There is no dimension called ga:productPrice in Google Analytics. But there are other metrics in GA like ga:transactionRevenue, ga:revenuePerItem, ga:itemRevenue and other transaction and revenue related metrics. Here is the list of Ecommerce related dimension and metrics.
Hope it helps !
It is possible to choose an interval for a certain Google Analytics report?
I would like to be able to send a monthly report (for the last 30 days) on weekly basis.
I don't believe this is currently possible through the Google Analytics website, but you could use the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on to achieve a very similar result.
You can Share almost any report in GA
Use Email option and set frequency Weekly.
I am new here so cant post image, would have posted screenshot otherwise.
I want to remove some erroneous transactions from the Google Analytics Ecommerce page (, how could I do that? Thanks a lot.
Not currently. You can negative the transaction, but not remove, which is a pain because it adds the negative to the current week of transactions, vs, negative on the date of transaction.