i'm trying to make an order through the Binance API in R, all of my other endpoints work but this,I'm getting error HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request ....please help.
timestamp <- GET(
url = "https://api.binance.com",
path = "/api/v1/time")
timestamp=content(timestamp, as="parsed")
signature <- openssl::sha256(postmsg, key=secretKey)
postmsg <- paste0("timestamp=", timestamp, "&recvWindow=", recvWindow,"&symbol=",symbol,
signature <- openssl::sha256(postmsg, key=secretKey)
order = POST(
url = url,
content_type('application/json'), add_headers(.headers = c("X-MBX-APIKEY"=apiKey)),
encode = 'json'
The most common cause of this (https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/issues/663) is that each order needs to be a minimum cost - either 0.001 BTC, 0.01 ETH or 1 BNB or 1 USDT depending upon which one of the 4 quote symbols you're using.
I also find myself running into this when submitting amounts less than 1 on symbol pairs that only accept integers.
You might also find their developer telegram group useful.
I am learning how to use API in R and it is going well for the most part, but I am having trouble getting any data from the league of legends API.
For reference, I used this article as a start (https://www.dataquest.io/blog/r-api-tutorial/) and cop
res <- GET("http://api.open-notify.org/astros.json")
This worked just fine and has a 200 status, but I am not interested in that data.
What I want is data about league of legends, so I am trying to use:
base.url <- "https://na1.api.riotgames.com"
path <- "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-summoner/"
API_Key <- read.table("riotkey.txt")
Summoner_ID <- read.table("summonerID.txt")
SUMMONER_ID <- Summoner_ID$V1
path <- paste0(path,SUMMONER_ID)
LoL_API_Test <- GET(base.url, path = path,
add_headers(Authorization = API_KEY))
This is Riot's explanation for the 403 error - Forbidden. "This error indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. There is no distinction made between an invalid path or invalid authorization credentials (e.g., an API key)"
I am certain that my API key and summoner ID are correct.
So I assume the issue has to be with how I am requesting the data.
What am I doing wrong?
This particular API expects the API key to be passed in a header called "X-Riot-Token", not "Authorization". Change your call to
LoL_API_Test <- GET(base.url, path = path,
add_headers("X-Riot-Token" = API_KEY))
Im attempting to setup some R code to create a new work item task in Azure Devops. Im okay with a mostly empty work item to start with if thats okay to do (my example code is only trying to create a work item with a title).
I receive a 203 response but the work item doesn't appear in Devops.
Ive been following this documentation from Microsoft, I suspect that I might be formatting the body incorrectly.
Ive tried updating different fields and formatting the body differently with no success. I have attempted to create either a bug or feature work item but both return the same 203 response.
To validate that my token is working I can GET work item data by ID but the POST continues to return a 203.
url <- 'https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/workitems/$bug?api-version=5.1'
headers = c(
'Authorization' = sprintf('basic %s',token),
'Content-Type' = 'application/json-patch+json',
'Host' = 'dev.azure.com'
data <- toJSON(list('body'= list("op"= "add",
"path"= "/fields/System.AreaPath",
"value"= "Sample task")), auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE)
res <- httr::POST(url,
body = data)
Im expecting a 200 response (similar to the example in the link above) and a work item task in Azure DevOps Services when I navigate to the website.
Im not the best with R so please be detailed. Thank you in advanced!
The POST continues to return a 203.
The HTTP response code 203 means Non-Authoritative Information, it should caused by your token format is converted incorrectly.
If you wish to provide the personal access token through an HTTP
header, you must first convert it to a Base64 string.
Refer to this doc described, if you want to use VSTS rest api, you must convert your token to a Base64 string. But in your script, you did not have this script to achieve this convert.
So, please try with the follow script to convert the token to make the key conformant with the requirements(load the base64enc package first):
key <- token
keys <- charToRaw(paste0(key,":token"))
auth <- paste0("Basic ",base64encode(keys))
Hope this help you get 200 response code
I know this question is fairly old, but I cannot seem to find a good solution posted yet. So, I will add my solution in case others find themselves in this situation. Note, this did take some reading through other SO posts and trial-and-error.
Mengdi is correct that you do need to convert your token to a Base64 string.
Additionally, Daniel from this SO question pointed out that:
In my experience with doing this via other similar mechanisms, you have to include a leading colon on the PAT, before base64 encoding.
Mengdi came up big in another SO solution
Please try with adding [{ }] outside your request body.
From there, I just made slight modifications to your headers and data objects. Removed 'body' from your json, and made use of paste to add square brackets as well. I found that the Rcurl package made base64 encoding a breeze. Then I was able to successfully create a blank ticket (just titled) using the API! Hope this helps someone!
#user and PAT for api
userid <- ''
token= 'whateveryourtokenis'
url <- 'https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/workitems/$bug?api-version=5.1'
#create a combined user/pat
#user id can actually be a blank string
#RCurl's base64 seemed to work well
c_id <- RCurl::base64(txt = paste0(userid,
mode = "character"
#headers for api call
headers <- c(
"Authorization" = paste("Basic",
sep = " "
'Content-Type' = 'application/json-patch+json',
'Host' = 'dev.azure.com'
data <- paste0("[",
toJSON(list( "op"= "add",
"path"= "/fields/System.Title",
"value"= "API test - please ignore"),
auto_unbox = TRUE,
pretty = TRUE
#make the call
res <- httr::POST(url,
body = data
#check status
status <- res$status_code
#check content of response
check <- content(res)
I´m trying to connect to the API of emarsys. They use X-WSSE as authentification method and i´m stuck and need to figure out what i am doing wrong. I tried to make the header as requested, but i don´t know where it went wrong. I´m very thankful for your comments!
# prepare userdata
username <- "customer001"
secretkey <- "supersecretkey"
timestamp <- format(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), "UTC"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
nonce <- digest(random(8), length=16)
# passworddigest
pwd <- paste0(nonce, timestamp, secretkey)
pwd <- digest::sha1(pwd, algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE)
pwd <- jsonlite::base64_enc(charToRaw(pwd))
URL_base <- "https://api.emarsys.net/api/v2/"
URL_endpoint <- "contact/settings"
URL <- paste0(URL_base,URL_endpoint)
# create header
header <- c(paste0('UsernameToken ',
'Username="', username, '", ',
'PasswordDigest="', pwd,'", ',
'Nonce="', nonce, '", ',
'Created="', timestamp,'"'))
# name header
names(header) <- 'X-WSSE:'
# make httr request
response <- GET(URL, add_headers(.headers = header))
The http-header should look like this:
X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username="customer001",
Nonce="d36e3162829ed4c89851497a717f", Created="2014-03-20T12:51:45Z"
But i don´t know where i can find out, how the request from my httr-code looks and what i do different.
"digest::sha1(pwd, algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE)" has to be digest(pwd, algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE). Then it works.
This is kind of a comment but I can't get formatting the way it needs to be there for clarity so here it is. SO pedants can feel free to downvote this if so moved:
First, add a verbose() parameter to the GET() call to see if what you're passing is what you think it should be. I'm betting the issue is the : in the 'X-WSSEP:' value you are assigning. I also find it much easier to use named parameters to the add_headers() call so perhaps try:
url = URL,
add_headers(`X-WSSE` = header),
to see if that clears this up or at least gets you a bit further.
Also: once your issues are solved and you get the access you want, consider making a pkg for the Emarsys API. If you've not made packages before it cld be a ++gd learning experience and either way it may help others.
I tried to get data from a netatmo station I have access to via API. The following code I used in R.
myapp <- oauth_app("my_netatmo",key="my_netatmo_client_id",secret="my_netatmo_client_secret")
ep <- oauth_endpoint(authorize = "http://api.netatmo.net/oauth2/authorize",access = "http://api.netatmo.net/oauth2/token")
sig_tok <- oauth2.0_token(ep,myapp, scope="read_station")
#after that I get redirected to my browser to log in and after that sig_tok contains an access token
sig <- config(token = sig_tok)
html_get contains this:
Response [http://api.netatmo.net/api/devicelist]
Status: 400
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{"error":{"code":1,"message":"Access token is missing"}}
What am I doing wrong since "sig" seems to contain a token:
[1] "5**********************f|3**********************a"
There are two tokens or am I wrong (because of "|" in between)?
The '|' inside the access_token is part of it, it is only one access token.
From the documentation: http://dev.netatmo.com/doc/methods/devicelist,
the parameter name is: "access_token". I don't know the R language, but it seems you are sending "token" as a parameter, and not "access_token". It may explain the issue.
I am trying to get data from the mobile analytics service Localytics via their API (https://api.localytics.com/docs#query). In particular I would like to translate the following cURL command in R:
curl --get 'https://api.localytics.com/v1/query' \
--data 'app_id=APP_ID' \
--data 'metrics=users' \
--data 'dimensions=day' \
--data-urlencode 'conditions={"day":["between","2013-04-01","2013-04-07"]}'
My R code looks like this at the moment. APIKey and API secret are of course replaced by the actual keys. However, I receive an error stating that at least a dimension or a metric has to be specified.
object <- getURL('https://api.localytics.com/v1/query', userpwd = "API_Key:API_Secret", httpheader=list(app_id = "app_id=03343434353534",
metrics = "metrics=users",
dimensions = "dimensions=day",
conditions = toJSON('conditions={"day":["between","2014-07-01","2014-07-10"]}')), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
What changes would be necessary to get it to work.
Thanks in advance for helping me out,
This is particular easy with the dev version of httr:
r <- POST('https://api.localytics.com/v1/query',
body = list(
app_id = "APP_ID",
metrics = "users",
dimensions = "day",
conditions = list(
day = c("between", "2014-07-01", "2004-07-10")
encode = "json",
authenticate("API_key", "API_secret")
(I converted the request to a POST and used json encoding for everything, as describe in the API docs).
If you want to see exactly what's being sent to the server, use the verbose() config.
It looks like getURL passes the parameters you quested as HTTP headers and not as querystring data as your curl call does. You should use getForm instead. Also, I wasn't sure from which library your toJSON function came form, but that's at least not the right syntax for the one from rsjon.
Anyway, here's a call from R which should produce the same HTTP call are your curl command
object <- getForm('https://api.localytics.com/v1/query',
app_id = "APP_ID",
metrics = "users",
dimensions = "day",
conditions = toJSON(list(day=c("between","2014-07-01","2004-07-10"))),
userpwd = "API_Key:API_Secret", httpauth = 1L)
I found that using the site http://requestb.in/ is very helpful in debugging these problems (and that's exactly what I used to create this solution). You can send requests to their site and they record the exact HTTP message that was sent so you can compare different methods.
The httpauth part was from this SO question which seemed to be required to trigger authentication for the test site; you may not need it for the "real" site.