levelplot() not rendering png from commandline [duplicate] - r

I started using the lattice graphic package but I stumbled into a problem. I hope somebody can help me out.
I want to plot a histogram using the corresponding function.
Here is the file foo.r:
data <- data.frame(c(1:2),c(2:3))
colnames(data) <- c("RT", "Type")
histogram( ~ RT | factor(Type), data = data)
When I run this code using R --vanilla < foo.r it works all fine.
However, if I use a second file bar.r with
and run R --vanilla < bar.r the code produces an erroneous pdf file.
Now I found out that source("bar", echo=TRUE) solves the problem. What is going on here? Is this a bug or am I missing something?
I'm using R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) with lattice_0.19-30

It is in the FAQ for R -- you need print() around the lattice function you call:
7.22 Why do lattice/trellis graphics not work?
The most likely reason is that you forgot to tell R to display the
graph. Lattice functions such as xyplot() create a graph object, but
do not display it (the same is true of ggplot2 graphics, and Trellis
graphics in S-Plus). The print() method for the graph object produces
the actual display. When you use these functions interactively at the
command line, the result is automatically printed, but in source() or
inside your own functions you will need an explicit print() statement.

Example of the case
calls plot2this.r
calls ggplot2 and returns p object
Here the fix in the function plot2this.r from return(p) to return(print(p)).
Initial plot2this.r
p <- ggplot(dat.m, aes(x = Vars, y = value, fill=variable))
p <- ggplot(dat.m, aes(x = Vars, y = value, fill=variable))
Output now: expected output with the wanted plot.


R autoplot works when running line-by-line but not when source-ing R script

I'm observing a very strange behaviour with R.
The following code works when I type it in line-by-line into an instance of R run from my terminal. (OS is Debian Linux.)
However it does not work when I try and run source("script.R").
It also does not work from within R Studio.
Specifically, it fails to produce graphical output with autoplot. Writing to pdf file does not work, and if I remove the pdf() and dev.off() lines, no window containing the figure is opened.
Here's a copy of my script...
df_input <- read.csv("postprocessed.csv")
x <- df_input$time
y <- df_input$value
df <- data.frame(x, y)
x <- df$x
y <- df$y
holtmodel <- holt(y)
And for convenience, here's a datafile.
Pretty confused because it seems like a trivial script!
change it to:
When you step through code, you get an implicit print(...) statement on each code line. When you source() you don't. ggplot (and others!) use print() to trigger their ploting (so that you can conveniently build up a plot step by step without having to wait for flickering figures)

Saving plots to working directory - plots are blank? [duplicate]

I started using the lattice graphic package but I stumbled into a problem. I hope somebody can help me out.
I want to plot a histogram using the corresponding function.
Here is the file foo.r:
data <- data.frame(c(1:2),c(2:3))
colnames(data) <- c("RT", "Type")
histogram( ~ RT | factor(Type), data = data)
When I run this code using R --vanilla < foo.r it works all fine.
However, if I use a second file bar.r with
and run R --vanilla < bar.r the code produces an erroneous pdf file.
Now I found out that source("bar", echo=TRUE) solves the problem. What is going on here? Is this a bug or am I missing something?
I'm using R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) with lattice_0.19-30
It is in the FAQ for R -- you need print() around the lattice function you call:
7.22 Why do lattice/trellis graphics not work?
The most likely reason is that you forgot to tell R to display the
graph. Lattice functions such as xyplot() create a graph object, but
do not display it (the same is true of ggplot2 graphics, and Trellis
graphics in S-Plus). The print() method for the graph object produces
the actual display. When you use these functions interactively at the
command line, the result is automatically printed, but in source() or
inside your own functions you will need an explicit print() statement.
Example of the case
calls plot2this.r
calls ggplot2 and returns p object
Here the fix in the function plot2this.r from return(p) to return(print(p)).
Initial plot2this.r
p <- ggplot(dat.m, aes(x = Vars, y = value, fill=variable))
p <- ggplot(dat.m, aes(x = Vars, y = value, fill=variable))
Output now: expected output with the wanted plot.

Saving all the bar graphs for a dataset in pdf from R [duplicate]

I'd like to spawn several graphics windows from within a function in R using ggplot graphics...
testf <- function(a, b) {
qplot(a, b);
# grid.newpage(recording = TRUE)
qplot(a, a+a);
# grid.newpage(recording = TRUE)
qplot(b, b+b);
x <- rnorm(50)
y <- rnorm(50)
testf(x, y)
However, neither dev.new() nor grid.newpage() seems to flush the preceding plot.
I know that, in R, functions normally only produce the last thing they evaluate, but I'd like to understand the process better and to learn of any possible workarounds.
The grid-based graphics functions in lattice and ggplot2 create a graph object, but do not display it. The print() method for the graph object produces the actual display, i.e.,
print(qplot(x, y))
solves the problem.
See R FAQ 7.22.

R package lattice won't plot if run using source()

I started using the lattice graphic package but I stumbled into a problem. I hope somebody can help me out.
I want to plot a histogram using the corresponding function.
Here is the file foo.r:
data <- data.frame(c(1:2),c(2:3))
colnames(data) <- c("RT", "Type")
histogram( ~ RT | factor(Type), data = data)
When I run this code using R --vanilla < foo.r it works all fine.
However, if I use a second file bar.r with
and run R --vanilla < bar.r the code produces an erroneous pdf file.
Now I found out that source("bar", echo=TRUE) solves the problem. What is going on here? Is this a bug or am I missing something?
I'm using R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) with lattice_0.19-30
It is in the FAQ for R -- you need print() around the lattice function you call:
7.22 Why do lattice/trellis graphics not work?
The most likely reason is that you forgot to tell R to display the
graph. Lattice functions such as xyplot() create a graph object, but
do not display it (the same is true of ggplot2 graphics, and Trellis
graphics in S-Plus). The print() method for the graph object produces
the actual display. When you use these functions interactively at the
command line, the result is automatically printed, but in source() or
inside your own functions you will need an explicit print() statement.
Example of the case
calls plot2this.r
calls ggplot2 and returns p object
Here the fix in the function plot2this.r from return(p) to return(print(p)).
Initial plot2this.r
p <- ggplot(dat.m, aes(x = Vars, y = value, fill=variable))
p <- ggplot(dat.m, aes(x = Vars, y = value, fill=variable))
Output now: expected output with the wanted plot.

Generate multiple graphics from within an R function

I'd like to spawn several graphics windows from within a function in R using ggplot graphics...
testf <- function(a, b) {
qplot(a, b);
# grid.newpage(recording = TRUE)
qplot(a, a+a);
# grid.newpage(recording = TRUE)
qplot(b, b+b);
x <- rnorm(50)
y <- rnorm(50)
testf(x, y)
However, neither dev.new() nor grid.newpage() seems to flush the preceding plot.
I know that, in R, functions normally only produce the last thing they evaluate, but I'd like to understand the process better and to learn of any possible workarounds.
The grid-based graphics functions in lattice and ggplot2 create a graph object, but do not display it. The print() method for the graph object produces the actual display, i.e.,
print(qplot(x, y))
solves the problem.
See R FAQ 7.22.
