usage exceeds limit but actually not - google-calendar-api

REF: Ticket: [#15327597] [Trial] In Trial Customer Inquiry [ ref:_00D00VNwG._500f21CzhlW:ref ]
I checked my quotas and usage in dashboard, but got everything usual.
Error Info:
{"error": {"errors": [{"domain": "usageLimits", "message": "Calendar usage limits exceeded.", "reason": "quotaExceeded"}], "code": 403, "message": "Calendar usage limits exceeded."}}
I wait 48 hrs till now, but I still can't add events to my calendar using this API. I tried to revoke access and regain but useless.
I think it may caused by an improper code which created 32 secondary calendars in a short period of time. But now it is corrected. I wonder what I can do to release that limit?
PS. I tried to contact Google but got no response, they ask me to ask a question here.

Delete my old OAuth API key and recreate new one to solve this problem.


How to get other member's profile details from linkedin api

I am trying to fetch users details from linkedIn api. After generating accesstoken I can get my details from linkedIn api but I want to get other members details. How to get this work? please help me.
I have tried the solutions according to the documentation.
As per the documentation we have to sent a get request to the GET{person ID}) to Retrieve Other Member's Profile. When I am sending the get request it is showing me
data: {
message: 'A version must be present. Please specify a version by adding the LinkedIn-Version header.'
this error. after searching the documentation I found that there is a note saying
in order to make the sample calls above succeed, you must include
X-RestLi-Protocol-Version:2.0.0 in your request header.
I have added that to and still getting the error.
I experienced the same issue. After some browsing this works for me:
Use instead of
You need to pass the version number like this: LinkedIn-Version: 202210. It worked for me without changing /rest to /v2. More info here: Introducing API Versioning and New Content APIs.
I had the same problem.
As the error says, I tried using LinkedIn-Version as the header key and got:
"message": "API versions should have date format as YYYYMM or YYYYMM.RR where RR is the revision"
With the header value being: 2.0.0
So I tried sending as value: 202201.01 ==> YYYY=2022, MM=01, RR=01
YYYY: year
MM: month
RR: revision
"message": "Requested version 20220101 is not active"
Trying some different dates and revision codes, I got to value = 202204.01 that gave me:
"serviceErrorCode": 100,
"code": "ACCESS_DENIED",
"message": "Not enough permissions to access: me.GET.20220401"
I'm also facing the same issue but you can use this
and it will work
This version worked for me: 202204.01
Then I got:
"message": "Empty oauth2 access token"
Which I think can be fixed by getting the access token by implementing the 3-legged OAuth. I have successfully implemented that for getting someone's profile but I am doing this for getting org info

Google forms api - batchUpdate not working in very big form

I have a very big google form which has more than 200 fields.
While updating the form with batchUpdate, getting below error
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Batch update failed: update results in the schema exceeding the entry limit",
"errors": [
"message": "Batch update failed: update results in the schema exceeding the entry limit",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "badRequest"
Why i am getting above error only for big form? Note: Smaller forms works fine.
Is there any limit for google forms batchUpdate api?
Adding to the comment.
Depending on how your code works and the size of the Form. You could be looking at the read and writes limits that are applied directly to the Forms as suggested below:
If that is the case you could be looking to the option to apply exponential backoff.
I reviewed any reference about that particular error with Google Drive or Sheets API, where you see a limit on how many updates can be done or limits on cells. Limits for the batch updates might not be available and the best references available are from testing from the community itself, as suggested over this thread.
It seems that the limits for those might not be directly disclosed or available for the public as so many other might suggest for similar 400 errors .

Calendly not syncing with Google calendar--"quota exceeded" error

I'm not a developer and I'm way out of my depths here but I'm hoping I can find some help here. I've been using Calendly to sync to my Google calendar. It no longer syncs and gives this error:
125 TID-ec5p Calendar::PushJob JID-61bdee4b8fb5024dcab6c443 ERROR: [CalendarHub::Runner::SingleService] context={:user_id=>6154125, :calendar_kind=>"google", :calendar_account_id=>6860855, :calendar_name=>"Google Calendar", :action_name=>:create_event} exception=#"", :calendar_kind=>"google", :calendar_account_id=>6860855, :calendar_version=>nil, :calendar_name=>"Google Calendar", :action_name=>:create_event, :response_status=>403, :response_body=>"{ "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "usageLimits", "reason": "quotaExceeded", "message": "Calendar usage limits exceeded." } ], "code": 403, "message": "Calendar usage limits exceeded." } } "}
Calendly directed me to Google and Google support says they don't do anything with APIs and directed me here. Is there a way to fix this? I'm missing appointments because they are no longer syncing and need to get this resolved.
Unfortunately there's not a lot you (or Calendly) can do here except creating fewer events and/or inviting fewer people.
Google has a page listing their error codes, which defines this one as abuse protection.
From Handle API Errors:
The user reached one of the Google Calendar limits in place to protect Google users and infrastructure from abusive behavior.
See Avoid Calendar use limits for more details on what the actual limits are.
Calendar usage limits exceeded.
Ever application created to use Googles apis has a limit placed on it as to how many requests it can make over a period of time. This is called quota. Your application has reached the limit of the number of requests it can make. You need to wait until tomorrow and try again this time make fewer requests.

Upgrade dailyLimitExceededUnreg

I have a wordpress pluging to booking class on my gym. This wordpress plugin works with Google calendar API and since yesterday I get the same error.
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
"extendedHelp": ""
"code": 403,
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Would be possible upgrade this limit? I don't care if I have to paid but need some solution. I have more or less 100 users.
In order to authenticate yourself when using the Google Calendar API, which will allow you considerably larger quotas, you must include an API key in your request's URL. That can be done by simply appending the following query string to it: key=API_key
Where API_key is the key obtained for that project.
In order to obtain an API key you can follow the steps below:
Go to the API Console.
From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select APIs & services.
On the left, choose Credentials.
Click Create credentials and then select API key.
Setting up API keys

Linkedin error 500 Internal service error

I am posting to a company site ( via Linkedin API updates since a few months.
However, since a week I get the answer: 500 1518102135450 OKME4ID0PA 0 Internal service error
I've nothing changed. Any help is highly appreciated.
We were experiencing this for weeks in October during profile requests and we were finally told that we a "java bug" had been identified. No further explanation and a few weeks later I was notified that a fix would be released soon. After that, the issue seemed to stop, but we're now seeing a new spike in the same type of errors.
OAuth2 Error Occurred: : =0A{=0A "errorCode": 0,=0A "message": "Internal API server error",=0A "requestId": "(removed)",=0A "status": 500,=0A "timestamp": 1518103930225=0A}
