google-analytics referral traffic different results - google-analytics

i have this data in my google-analytics
Referral Path Users
/2016/02/25/article/ 3819
/2018/02/01/article/ 316
/2018/02/07/article/ 109
when i try to get this through analytics reporting v4
"viewId": "XXXXX",
"dateRanges": [{"startDate": "2018-01-01","endDate": "2018-02-27"}],
"dimensions":[{"name": "ga:fullReferrer"}],
[{"dimensionName": "ga:fullReferrer",
"operator": "IN_LIST"
i have got different result
Full Referrer Users 2015 208 82
why this happen? what am i doing wrong?


PayPal Payouts (Sandbox) response MALFORMED_REQUEST_ERROR

I'm using PayPal Payouts in my project. I found an issue when creating a Payout. The request is made on Postman (Windows), and Node.js using axios (Firebase Functions).
I received a response MALFORMED_REQUEST_ERROR on this request:
"sender_payout_header": {
"sender_batch_id": "2018083001",
"email_subject": "You have a payout!"
"items": [
"recipient_type": "EMAIL",
"amount": {
"value": "9.87",
"currency": "USD"
"note": "Thanks for your patronage!",
"sender_item_id": "2018083001001",
"receiver": ""
I tried changing items[0]/note to a test value: POSPYO001, the API will response 201 Created as expected.
Why the sandbox is working only on positive/negative test values ? Is this a limitation, or a bug ?
P.S. Sorry for my english.

Does the RingCentral Call Log API Return a "Missed" Value?

In the RingCentral Online Account Portal ( and endpoint apps, the call log display shows whether a call was Inbound, Outbound or Missed.
In looking at the API Reference for the Call Log API, it seems that it only sends back Inbound or Outbound for "Direction". Does the developer Call Log API return a "Missed" value? Is there another way to get this information via the Call Log API?
This question appears to be in reference to the Online Account Portal UI's "Type" column as shown in this screenshot:
The web UI's "Type" column shows Inbound, Outbound or Missed. This can be generated by using the response properties for both direction and result.
direction API response property will be Inbound or Outbound
result API response property is an enumerated value that includes Missed and other values including Voicemail which is the example screenshot. A full list is available in the link below:
Here is an example response:
"uri": "",
"records": [
"uri": "",
"id": "22222222",
"sessionId": "33333333",
"startTime": "2018-08-27T17:38:12.634Z",
"duration": 27,
"type": "Voice",
"direction": "Inbound",
"action": "Phone Call",
"result": "Missed",
"to": {
"phoneNumber": "+16505550101"
"from": {
"phoneNumber": "+16505550102",
"name": "LOS ALTOS CA",
"location": "Los Altos, CA"
Please read this blog to find out more information you can find from the call log.

Google Analytics API Revenue Discrepances

I have discrepancies in the revenue metric, between the data I collect from the Google Analytics API and the custom reports in the user interface.
The discrepancies for each value maintain the same rate, where the data collected through the API is greater than the data in the custom reports.
This is the body of the request I'm using:
"dateRanges": [{"startDate":"2017-07-01","endDate":"2018-12-31"}],
"metrics": [
{"expression": "ga:transactionRevenue","alias": "transactionRevenue","formattingType": "CURRENCY"},
{"expression": "ga:itemRevenue","alias": "itemRevenue","formattingType": "CURRENCY"},
{"expression": "ga:productRevenuePerPurchase","alias": "productRevenuePerPurchase","formattingType": "CURRENCY"}
"dimensions": [
{"name": "ga:channelGrouping"},
{"name": "ga:sourceMedium"},
{"name": "ga:dateHour"},
{"name": "ga:transactionId"},
{"name": "ga:keyWord"}
"pageSize": "10000"
This is an extract of the response:
"reports": [
"columnHeader": {
"dimensions": [
"metricHeader": {
"metricHeaderEntries": [
"name": "transactionRevenue",
"type": "CURRENCY"
"name": "itemRevenue",
"type": "CURRENCY"
"name": "productRevenuePerPurchase",
"type": "CURRENCY"
"data": {
"rows": [
"dimensions": [
"bing / (not set)",
"(not set)"
"metrics": [
"values": [
So, if I create a custom report in the Google Analytics user interface and look for the transaction ID 834042319461-01, I get the following result:
google Analytics custom report filtered by transaction id 834042319461-01
In the end I have a revenue value of 367.675436 in the API response, but a value of 333.12 in the custom report, its a 10.37% more in the value of the API. I get this 10.37% increase for all values.
¿Why I'm having these discrepance?
¿What would you recomend to do in order to solve these problem?
My bet is that you're experiencing sampling (is your time range in the UI lower than in the API?):
Sampling applies when:
you customize the reports
the number of sessions for the overall time range of the report (whether or not your query returns less sessions) exceeds 500K (GA) or 100M (GA 360)
The consequence is that:
the report will be based on a subset of the data (the % depends on the total number of sessions)
therefore your report data won't be as accurate as usual
What you can do to reduce sampling:
increase sample size (will only decrease sampling to a certain extend, but in most cases won't completely remove sampling). In UI it's done via the option at the top of the report, in the API it's done using the samplingLevel option
reduce time range
create filtered views so your reports contain the data you need without needed to customize reports
Because you are looking at a particular transaction ID, this might not be a sampling issue.
If the ratio is consistent, from your question it seems to be 10.37%. I believe this is the case of currency that you are using.
Try using local currency metric API calls when making monetary based calls.
For example -
ga:localTransactionRevenue instead of ga:transactionRevenue

Google Analytics Reporting API: Possible to get pivot table of page and their views from each country?

I currently have a table like
Page | Views | Singapore | US | Country A | ...
-----|-------|-----------|-----|-----------| ...
A | 200 | 50 | 100 | 30 | ...
B | 220 | 20 | 150 | 20 | ...
Generated from the following query:
"reportRequests": [
"viewId": "XXXXXX",
"pageSize": "5",
"dateRanges": [
"startDate": "2017-10-01",
"endDate": "2017-10-31"
"metrics": [
"expression": "ga:pageviews"
"dimensions": [
"name": "ga:pageTitle"
"orderBys": [
"sortOrder": "DESCENDING",
"fieldName": "ga:pageviews"
"pivots": [
"dimensions": [
"name": "ga:country"
"metrics": [
"expression": "ga:pageviews"
But I want only focus only on specific countries. For example I only want to see Singapore and US columns without any other country data. How can I do that? Total views can still stay and include data from other countries.
If I provide a list of countries can it always show those columns even if theres no views?
I see a few questions:
How to filter on specific countries?
You can use the query filters or segment to achieve this. The query explorer will help you build the correct filters:
Note: the operator for OR is , (see reference).
"can it always show those columns even if theres no views?"
By default no: Google Analytics only returns data it has. If it has no views, it has no data, thus won't return anything. The reason is that it would waste processing power and network bandwidth to return data that doesn't exist in GA. You will have to rebuild the missing data yourself.
You might want to try the includeEmptyRows of the V4 reporting API though, which is set by default to FALSE, as this might do what you're looking for.
Note on the country dimension
Instead of using ga:country, you can use ga:countryIsoCode to filter on 2-letter country codes and not have to deal with percent encoding for countries which are composed of several words (e.g. US vs. United%20States).

GA: How to access Cohort Analysis via Analytics API?

Cohort dimensions and metrics are listed here. Yet, when I try to query it using API (e.g. using Query Explorer) an error 400 occurs.
One of queries I've tried is: metrics = ga:cohortActiveUsers and dimensions = ga:cohortNthDay .
Is is possible to query Cohort Analysis report via API?
The problem you are having is because the Query explorer uses the v3 of the Google Analytics API. If you look at the Dimensions and Metrics Explorer you will notice that these dimensions were added in the Analytics Reporting API V4.
The error message you are getting is incorrect and should be corrected soon. It should state something more like This metric cannot be used in Version 3 of the API. You caught this while we where in the process of rolling out the new API. Which has now been officially released see change log
To make use of these new dimensions and metrics you must construct a V4 cohort request:
"reportRequests": [{
"viewId": "XXXX",
# No date range is required in the request
"dimensions": [{"name": "ga:cohort" },{"name": "ga:cohortNthDay" }],
"metrics": [
{"expression": "ga:cohortActiveUsers" },
{"expression": "ga:cohortTotalUsers"}
"cohortGroup": {
"cohorts": [{
"name": "cohort 1",
"dateRange": { "startDate": "2015-08-01", "endDate": "2015-08-01"}
"name": "cohort 2",
"dateRange": {"startDate": "2015-07-01", "endDate": "2015-07-01"}
It is possible to compose a cohort requests by using the Request Composer tool, in the Cohort Request tab.
As you select the options in the Set query parameters section, the request payload is shown below.
Hope it helps.
