Cloud Functions deployment failiure from Firebase - firebase

I seem to be unable to deploy Google Cloud Functions successfully.
I have created a project on Google Cloud Platform and then proceeded to link it to Firebase via the Firebase console. I select ADD PROJECT and Add Firebase to an existing project. Everything seems to link.
When I try to deploy a cloud function (the simple helloWorld that comes with installing firebase-tools) I keep getting deployment errors. This also happens when trying to deploy functions from Google Cloud Functions dashboard as well.
The error is something aboud setting up the environment.
After ttrying to rename the function to something else, I seem to have luck with deploying but then the function but there is a communication error Function load error: Error: cannot communicate with function.
I am unable to deploy functions on two of my projects, and firebase has been acting very strangely in the last few days, so can somebody please tell me if I am doing something wrong or is it a Firebase glitch

Maybe because there is an outage starting from early this morning. Check status here:


Can't deploy Cloud Functions because of "Unhandled error cleaning up build images"

I've deployed hundreds of function and this is the first time I encounter this issue. Simply, it stops deploying function process, saying:
Unhandled error cleaning up build images. This could result in a small monthly bill if not corrected. You can attempt to delete these images by redeploying or you can delete them manually at[project-name]/us/gcf
The way I deploy is through Firebase CLI command: firebase deploy --only functions:nameOfFunction
Question is what are those images I have to delete? Why? How can I solve it?
Cloud Functions uses another product called Cloud Build to build the server images that actually get deployed. Those images are stored in Cloud Storage, and that storage is billed to your account.
Read more about it:
You should be able to locate and delete the files manually in the Google Cloud console. But it sounds like there is a bug here with the files not being cleaned up automatically, so you contact Firebase support directly.
For me the issue appeared to be related to my GCF billing (
I had to go to my billing account to see that my payment method was expired or something, and GCF had forecasted a monthly cost of $0.01, so deploying cloud functions was sort of locked until I updated the payment method. Then the deploy immediately worked again after updating it. The build-cleanup console warning also disappeared.
The error I was seeing in my function logs in firebase console was "billing account is not available". Which I found almost zero results for in Google. Which is why I'm posting it here.
For me, the issue was caused by a silly typo.
The error:
Functions deploy had errors with the following functions:
sendNotification(europe-west) i functions: cleaning up build files... ⚠ functions: Unhandled error cleaning up build images. This
could result in a small monthly bill if not corrected. You can attempt
to delete these images by redeploying or you can delete them manually
The fix was choosing the right region.
The incorrect region:
exports.sendNotification = functions
The correct region:
exports.sendNotification = functions
Go to
select your project
enable Artifact Registry API
deploy functions again
In my experience going into Cloud Storage didn't solve the issue: there was no image there to be deleted.
I solved by changing the Node version, moving from 18 to 14.0.0
nvm install 14.0.0
nvm use 14.0.0
Check your Function logs, by either navigating through functions in the Firebase console or through
For me, the logs indicated that one of my typescript files had compiled under the wrong name and it was messing up the build.
Check the logs!
General troubleshooting tips given the variety of answers here:
if build is failing, read for other errors further up in the build output
add --debug to your CLI call, i.e.:
firebase deploy --only functions --debug
With --debug I found this in my output: "Permission 'artifactregistry.packages.delete' denied on resource"
My solution was to add Artifact Registry Administrator role to the IAM user deploying the function (in addition to Firebase Admin & Service Account User roles).

Firebase cloud functions init not working

I want to use Firebase cloud functions but when I try to init exists project I get error.
This is the error "Error: HTTP Error: 403, The caller does not have permission"
I created project before and then I moved project folder. When I had tried deploy, it wasn't work. I don't remember which error I got. And then I tried init same project but I got this error.
I tried logout and login again but it wasn't work.
I deleted "firebase-tools" but it wasn't work too.
And after I tried on different computer and I got same error.
And also I have Firebase Admin permission.
The firebase init command initializes/enables the project to use Cloud Functions for Firebase. Owners or Editors should use this command. Owners/Editors have higher permissions which allows APIs to be enabled (e.g. allowing the project to create VMs, Cloud Functions, or create a NoSQL Database).
Therefore I think you should perform this operation with Owner/Editor role.
You need to have Owner or Editor IAM permission on the GCP project to use firebase init command.
The firebase init command initializes/enables the project to use Cloud Functions/Hosting for Firebase. Owners/Editors have higher permissions that allow APIs to be enabled etc.
it is a first-time task when you starting the development, and then init command can be avoided if you have set up your cloud functions code in VCS for multiple developers or you.
i.e, Usually after writing code, you will replicate the project to other developers, who will then also write code and use firebase use yourprojectid further.

Deploying authenticated cloud function using firebase

I want to uncheck "Allow unauthenticated invocations" in my newly created cloud function. I can do it from console. But i want it to be done via command prompt(firebase deploy). I am looking out for some field/attribute which i can add while deploying the cloud function. Please help me with this issue.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the public invocation policy is hard coded into the firebase-tools CLI.
The code in question can be found in firebase-tools/src/deploy/functions/release.js.

Firebase deploy fails after adding second project

After adding a second project to my code using the command $ firebase use --add second-project, I get the error
There was an issue deploying your functions. Verify that your project has a Google App Engine instance setup at and try again. If this issue persists, please contact support.
Error: HTTP Error: 404, Could not find Application "second-project".
when I run $ firebase deploy.
I have added separate targets and a web app through Firebase console for the second project.
What should I be checking to get rid of this error?
I just ran into this same exact issue as well. Leaving this here for anyone that runs into this issue in the future. What caused this error for me was a permissions error, when Firebase tried to access specific resources in Google Cloud such as Cloud Functions without the necessary IAM/service accounts in place.
This happens when you create a new Firebase project without setting the Default GCP resource location under Settings > General in the Firebase Console, which occurs when you create a new Firebase project without doing any additional setup. You can set this in the settings or this is also set when you follow the walk-through instructions for setting up services such as Firestore or Firebase Storage in the Firebase console.
Without this set, the <YOUR_FIREBASE_PROJECT_NAME> IAM/service account will not be created in Google Cloud (which is needed to create/access specific resources), therefore when you run firebase deploy, it will fail with the error you mentioned above.
You can also check why your firebase deploy is failing in the firebase-debug.log that is generated when running this command (that's how I found out the cause of this error). Though I think this file is deleted after the command finishes execution, so you'll have to pipe the output into a file or save it some other way.
TL;DR: Set Default GCP resource location, one way this can be done is in the Firebase Console under Settings > General.

Debugging Firebase Cloud Functions using Stackdriver

I am following this doc to try to debug my firebase cloud function:
First of all the
The require line given in the doc was wrong so I changed it to this to make it compile:
Also after implementing this and deploying the functions using firebase deploy --only functions there is no code in stack drive debug view. Any idea how to make this work?
Thanks :)
Currently, Cloud Functions for Firebase do not share their code with Stackdriver automatically. You'll need to source your code via Github, Bitbucket, or a Google Cloud Source Repository.
While debugging Cloud Functions for Firebase please refer to our documentation. We'll make sure to note any differences between the environments.
