How do I specify parameters dependent on each other in ARM template? - azure-resource-manager

I want to provide an option for parameter to either use 2016-Datacenter-with-Containers ImageSku from WindowsServer offer or Datacenter-Core-1709-with-Containers-smalldisk from WindowsServerSemiannual offer. How I can limit user via parameter to choose either one since those are dependent on each other for VM profile?

If those are your only two options, use allowedValues in the parameter definition and then use an if() statement for the publisher/offer -- based on the parameter value. Something like this:
"windowsOSVersion": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "2016-Datacenter-with-Containers",
"allowedValues": [
And then:
"imageReference": {
"publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
"offer": "[if(contains(parameters('windowsOSVersion'), '2016'),'WindowsServer', 'WindowsServerSemiAnnual')]",
"sku": "[parameters('windowsOSVersion')]",
"version": "latest"
You could use equals instead of contains for more robustness.


How to quantize specific layers on OpenVINO Workbench?

I have a trained onnx model that needs to be quantized to INT8. But I want my last fully connected layers are still in FP32 or FP16. So how can I choose specific layers to quantize (or not to quantize)?
PS when I was working with NNCF, I just use parametr ignored_scopes. Maybe is there something similar here at Workbench?
Use "ignored" parameter in configuration file to exclude nodes or operation types from optimization.
"algorithms": [
"name": "DefaultQuantization", // Optimization algorithm name
"params": {
"ignored": {
// List of nodes that are excluded from optimization
"scope": [
// List of types that are excluded from optimization
"operations": [
"type": "<NODE_TYPE>",
// Includes excluding by attributes
"attributes": {
"<NAME>": "<VALUE>" // Lists of values is not included
"type": "<NODE_TYPE>" // Excluding only by type

Can't get the desired properties via JsonPath evaluate method

I have a json schema that marks special properties in need of processing and I want to query those via JsonPath.Evaluate.
Here's a part of the schema to illustrate the issue
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"period": {
"description": "The period in which the rule applies",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"start": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"end": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"required": [
"x-updateIndicatorProperties": [
"productType": {
"type": "string"
"x-updateIndicatorProperties": [
I want to get the the JsonPath of the "x-updateIndicatorProperties" properties, so that I can then query the actual properties to process.
For this example, the expected result would be
I've been trying for a while to get a JsonPath expression that would query these properties.
Currently I'm just iterating all properties and filter them manually :
I've also tried using :
This works. But it returns a lot of duplicates. For the example above, I get 5 results instead of the expected 2. Can be demonstrated here :
Assuming I can't influence the schema itself, only the code that traverses it,
can anybody help with an expression to get the expected results or any other way to achieve the same outcome?
The stack is JsonPath 0.2.0, .net 6 and system.text.json.
This was a bug in the library when parsing paths that use a recursive descent (..) into a quoted-property-name selector (['foo']). So it would happen for any path in the form $..['foo'].
I've fixed the issue and released version 0.2.1.

Using reference funtion in an ARM template parameter file

Is there anyway to use the reference funtion in an ARM parameter file? I understand the following can be used to retrieve the intrumentation key of an app insights instance but this doesnt seem to work in a parameter file.
"[reference('microsoft.insights/components/web-app-name-01', '2015-05-01').InstrumentationKey]"
I currently set a long list of environment variables using an array from a parameter file and need to include the dynamic app insights instrumentation key to that list of variables.
Unfortunately, no.
Reference function only works at runtime. It can't be used in the parameters or variables sections because both are resolved during the initial parsing phase of the template.
Here is an excerpt from the docs and also how to use reference correctly:
You can't use the reference function in the variables section of the template. The reference function derives its value from the resource's runtime state. However, variables are resolved during the initial parsing of the template. Construct values that need the reference function directly in the resources or outputs section of the template.
Not in a param file... it's possible to simulate what you want by nested a deployment if that's an option. So your param file can contain the resourceId of the insights resource and then a nested deployment can make the reference call - but TBH, probably easier to fetch the key as a pipeline step (or similar).
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"insightsResourceId": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "'microsoft.insights/components/web-app-name-01'"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2018-02-01",
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
"name": "nestedDeployment",
"properties": {
"mode": "Incremental",
"parameters": {
"instrumentationKey": {
"value": "[reference(parameters('insightsResourceId'), '2015-05-01').InstrumentationKey]"
"template": {
// original template goes here
Way 1
Use the reference function in your parameter file for resources that are already deployed in another template. For that you have to pass the ApiVersion parameter. Refer MsDoc. which follows:
"value": "[reference(resourceId(variables('<AppInsightsResourceGroup>'),'Microsoft.Insights/components', variables('<ApplicationInsightsName>')), '2015-05-01', 'Full').properties.InstrumentationKey]"
You need to change the property that you are referencing from '.InstrumentationKey' to '.properties.InstrumentationKey'.
Refer to Kwill answer for more information.
Way 2
Get the Content of parameter file in PowerShell variable/Object using
$ParameterObject = Get-Content ./ParameterFileName.json
Update the Parameter file values using
#Assign the parameter values using
$ParameterObject.parameters.<KeyName>.value = "your dynamic value"
Pass $parameterObject to -TemplateParameterObject parameter
Refer here
Way 3
You have to Add/Modify the parameter file values using (PowerShell/ Dev lang (like Python, c#,...) ). After changing the parameter file try to deploy it.

ARM template doesnt pick up defaultvalues

Trying to use my first ARM custom deployment template.
Deployment works - but the template refuses to pick up default values when I hit 'deploy' - which means they have to type every time...very frustrating. what am I doing wrong?
Here's the ARM code:
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"location": {
"type": "string",
"defaultvalue": "australiaeast"
"resourceGroup": {
"type": "string",
"defaultvalue": "Veeam-Backup"
So you can see that both Location and Resource Group have default values.
But when I press 'deploy', this is what pops up:
Both values under SETTINGS are blank.
What have I missed?
I have done the deployment through the azure portal by giving the default parameters in the arm template by using
defaultValue instead of defaultvalue and it worked.
Refer this screenshot below:

Semantic-release release-notes-generator how to teach new types

Can anyone give us a hint how to configure #semantic-release/release-notes-generator to take extra commit types (those additional to preset ones) while generating release-notes?
Our commits-analyzer config:
"preset": "angular",
"releaseRules": [
"type": "refactor",
"release": "patch"
"type": "minfeat",
"release": "patch"
At this moment we have no extra configuration for #semantic-release/release-notes-generator, and surely it requires some as new types don't show up in changelog that is generated by #semantic-release/changelog after release-notes-generator runs
You will have to implement your own conventional-changelog preset in order to handle those new commit type.
For example the default angular preset handles only certain commit types:
