SQL lite import csv error CREATE TABLE data;(...) failed: near ";": syntax error - sqlite

Brand new to SQL lite, running on a mac. I'm trying to import a csv file from the SQL lite tutorial:
The 'cities' data I'm trying to import for the tutorial is here:
I try and run the following code from Terminal to import the data into a database named 'data' and get the following error:
.mode csv
.import cities.csv data;
CREATE TABLE data;(...) failed: near ";": syntax error
A possible explanation may be the way I'm downloading the data - I copied the data from the webpage into TextWrangler and saved it as a .txt file. I then manually changed the extension to .csv. This doesn't seem very eloquent but that was the advice I found online for creating the .csv file: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7857007
If this is the issue then how can I resolve it? If not then where am I going wrong?
Another potentially useful point - when I executed the code yesterday there was no problem, it created a database with the data. However, running the same code today produces the error.

sqlite3 dot commands such as .import are not SQL and don't need semicolon at end. Replace
.import cities.csv data;
.import cities.csv data


How to load Northwind into SQLite3 -- Error 'File is not a database'

I am trying to load the Northwind.Sqlite3.create.sql hosted on https://github.com/jpwhite3/northwind-SQLite3 into SQLite3 on Ubuntu.
I have tried using: sqlite3 Northwind.Sqlite3.create.sql to import the database.
However when I try to view the data using SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS; I get an error saying Error: file is not a database
Any suggestions as to how to open the database file and use it?
That's just a text file full of DDL statements, not a sqlite3 database. You'd have to import it into a database with something like
sqlite3 mydatabase.db < Northwind.Sqlite3.create.sql

Importing database to 000webhost and receiving the following error: #1064

Error: - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '#', 1) LIMIT 1' at line 2
Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem.When you are importing whole DB then its quite difficult to find the error.
Check Your 'Option' Column. Problem Could Be In Dumping The Data There.
But I solved it in my way, I didn't import whole DB, I uploaded in pieces.Now what you have to do is
-Import Each Column Manually.
-Then Dump It Manually
There You Go.

Cannot import csv to PostgreSQL using dbWriteTable

I tried to use R package RPostgreSQL to direct import csv files into pgAdmin 4. My code is as below:
dbWriteTable(localdb$con,'test1',choose.files(), row.names=FALSE)
I got the error message:
Warning message:
In postgresqlImportFile(conn, name, value, ...) :
could not load data into table
I checked my pgAdmin 4, there does exist a imported table named test1, but it had no observations. Then I imported this csv to R first, and then used dbWriteTable to write it to PostgreSQL, and it worked well. I am not sure which part is wrong.
The reason I am not using psql or pgAdmin 4 to import csv file directly is that I kept getting the error message "relationship does not exist" every time when I use the COPY FROM commands. I am now using R package RPostgreSQL to bypass this issue, but sometimes my data file is too big to import to R. I need to find a way to use the dbWriteTable function to import file directly to PostgreSQL without consuming R's memory.

Unable to import oracle dump in oracle 11g

I am trying to import oracle dump in Oracle 11g XE by using the below command
imp system/manager#localhost file=/home/madhu/test_data/oracle/schema_only.sql full=y
Getting like below
IMP-00037: Character set marker unknown
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
Any one please help me
You received IMP-00037 error because of export file corrupted. I'd suspect either your dump file is corrupted or the dump file was not created by exp utility.
If the issue was occured because of corrupted dump file, then there is no choice other than obtaining uncorrupted dump file. Use impdp utility to import if you have used expdp utility to prepare dumpfile.
Following link will be helpful to try other option:
If you are not sure which command(exp/expdp) was used, you could check log file which was created during dump export. It contains exact command which was executed to prepare the dump file.

Creating a Dump File for Oracle table

I intend to export one table from My database as a dmp File. This is what I am doing:
expdp SYSTEM/manager#UATDB FILE=F:\LLT.dmp log=F:\llt.log tables=TBAADM.LLT
The error I am getting is:
LRM-00101: unknown parameter name 'FILE'
What is my mistake. Please Help.
Ok Guys I fouund the Answer you need to first Create a Directory where the the dmp File is going to be. Then Import Like this:
And you can also use
Below one is shell command, so execute this in the shell. Once Data export is completed, the search dpdump folder in oracle installed directory where you can find your exported file with log.
expdp userid/pwd schemas=dbschema dumpfile=file.dmp logfile=file.log
