ValidationRegExJavaScript for content item in 2sxc - 2sxc

Does anyone have any pointer on how this field works? I'm trying to add a validation so that entered field does not exceed a set amount of characters.
I've tried
[A-Z]{1,10} and
Both don't work on that field but work on regular input field/javascript validation.
Thank you

I believe there is/was a bug with this, which was recently fixed but not yet released.
Should be released in ca. 2 weeks.


youtube iframe api setPlaybackRate not working

I've been using the youtube iframe api in a web app that I've been working on, and the setPlaybackRate method stopped working a few days ago. When I use getAvailablePlaybackRates, it returns the normal list of rates(0.25-2), but I'm unable to change it. Anyone else having issues with the function?
This issue will be fixed soon. See: Does not seem to happen.
But, as Foliovision puts it in his comment, there is an easy fix. In your scripts, replace
That is, make sure that what you are passing to this method is actually a number. player.setPlaybackRate() must have become picky about what it accepts as an argument. In my case, for example, it was the value of the selected option in a <select> element which ceased to work.

How can I set the modifed date of certain content?

I need to change the date that Alfresco shows in the content detail. Every time I change something about properties or tags, the modified date updates to that time. That is great so far.
Problem: I need to make some changes on some uploaded files without updating that date. Some of them have their modified date changed already.
If I could set in mysql the date I wanted, then everything would be great, but if I set the audit_created and audit_modified fields in alf_node table, the change seems to affect only to the list view, but it does not changes dates in the detail view.
I've tried several workarounds of my own, but none of them has worked. Could somebody give me a hint on how to get this done?
Alfresco Community - v3.2.0
Not sure about version 3.2 (caugh), but I guess
behaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE);
should do the trick. Also not quite sure at what event the behavior fires. Call this method right before you change properties.
Thanks to you all. Rebuilding the index is what actually worked for me. #Lista, I would accept your comment as answer if I knew how to do it.

What is twitter:domain good for?

I'm currently trying the Twitter Card Validator for my website.
I did not set twitter:domain, because the help text shows
RESTRICTED - twitter:domain will be automatically generated from your card's URL.
Not required
But I've just wondered if I should set it anyway.
What would be the effect when I set twitter:domain? To which value should I set it? Should I set it at all?
(I guess, but it might also be or
Answers that don't cite a reliable source are note acceptable!
The twitter:domain tag had since been omitted in Cards Markup Tag Reference and is no longer mentioned by validator.
It seems to have been de-facto deprecated and no longer used.
According to this, twitter:domain is used to display the text on the button "View on ...". The validator seems to agree. Once you enter it and update the card, it changes from "View on web" to "View on (value of twitter:domain)".

Meteor live-ui input type=number

Im having a bit of trouble with a field. Im using meteor and am using a input type='number' field with value="{{value}}" where value is from a collection.
The problem is with input type=number I wont get a live update to the new value (I set in a different window) but it does work with input type=text. How would I fix this? Does anyone have the same issue?
It does show the new value when I refresh the page, though.
I've tried this with different examples and it does and doesn't work sometimes but I'm not too sure how to diagnose it.. there are no errors in the console.
Copying #Akshat's comment into an answer so it can be accepted:
I think it was a bug with the old version, its fixed now.

Automatic GridView Controls

In my project i have several GridViews, all of which have somehow automatically put in edit, cancel and paging functionality that i have been able to add to if i wished. However on one of them none of the buttons link up. always comes out with a Not Handled Exception.
I sorted this out earlier in the week, but due to source control it reverted back and is now not recoverable. I can't remember what i changed to get it working and have had no joy in finding out from google etc, so thought i'd post it and try and find out if anyone else knows.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.
Have you checked to make sure that the CellContentClick event is being handled on that grid?
