UNIX commands from R via shell function - r

I need to issue unix commands from an R session. I'm on Windows R2 2012 server using RStudio 1.1.383 and R 3.4.3.
The shell() function looks to be the right one for me but when I specify the path to my bash shell (from Git for Windows install) the command fails with error code 127.
shell_path <- "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe"
shell("ls -a", shell = shell_path)
## running command 'C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe /c ls -a' had status 127'ls -a' execution failed with error code 127
Pretty sure my shell path is correct:
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: for clarity I would like to pass any number of UNIX commands, I am just using ls -a for an example.
After some playing about 2018-03-09:
shell(cmd = "ls -a", shell = '"C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash.exe"', intern = TRUE, flag = "-c")
The correct location of my bash.exe was at .../bin/bash.exe. This uses shell with intern = TRUE to return the output as an R object. Note the use of single quote marks around the shell path.
EDIT: 2018-03-09 21:40:46 UT
In RStudio we can also call bash using knitr and setting chunk options:
```{bash my_bash_chunk, engine.path="C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe"}
# Using a call to unix shell
ls -a

Two things stand out here. Bash will return exit code 127 if a command is not found; you should try running the fully qualified command name.
I also see that your shell is being run with a /c flag. According to the documentation, the flag argument specifies "the switch to run a command under the shell" and it defaults to /c, but "if the shell is bash or tcsh or sh the default is changed to '-c'." Obviously this isn't happening for git-bash.exe.
Try these changes out:
shell_path <- "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe"
shell("/bin/ls -a", shell = shell_path, flag = "-c")
Not on Windows, so can't be sure this will work.

Perhaps you need to use shQuote?
shell( paste("ls -a ", shQuote( shell_path) ) )
(Untested. I'm not on Windows. But do read ?shQuote))

If you just want to do ls -a, you can use the below commands:
shell("'ls -a'", shell="C:\\Git\\bin\\sh.exe")
shell('C:\\Git\\bin\\sh.exe -c "ls -a"')
Let us know if the space in "Program Files" is causing problems.
And if you require login before you can call your command,
shell('C:\\Git\\bin\\sh.exe --login -c "ls -a"')
But if you are looking at performing git commands from R, the git2r by ropensci might suit your needs.


Unable to export env variable from script

I'm currently struggling with running a .sh script I'm trying to trigger from Jenkins.
Within the Jenkins "execute shell" section, I'm connecting to a remote server (The Jenkins agent does not have right OS to build what I need.), using:
cp -r . /to/shared/drive/to/have/access/on/remote
ssh -t -t username#servername << EOF
cd /to/shared/drive/to/have/access/on/remote
source build.sh dev
Inside build.sh, I'm exporting R_LIBS to build a package for different R versions.
for path in "${!rVersionPaths[#]}"; do
export R_LIBS="${path}"
Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("someDependency", "someOtherDependency"), repos="http://cran.r-project.org");'
Setting R_LIBS should functions here like setting lib within install.packages(...). For some reason the R_LIBS export doesn't get picked up. Also setting other env variables like http_proxy are ignored. This causes any requests outside the network to fail.
Is there any particular way of achieving this?
Maybe pass those variables with env, like
env R_LIBS="${path}" Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("someDependency", .....
Well i'm not able to comment on the question, so posting it as answer.
I had similar problem when calling remote shell script from Jenkins, the problem was somehow bash_profile variables were not loaded when called the script from Jenkins but locally it worked. Loading the bash profile in ssh connection solved it for me.
Add source to bash_profile in build.sh
. ~/.bash_profile OR source ~/.bash_profile
Reload bash_profile in ssh connection
`ssh -t -t username#servername << EOF
. ~/.bash_profile
your commands here
You can set that variable in the same command line like this:
R_LIBS="${path}" Rscript -e \
'install.packages(c("someDependency", "someOtherDependency"), repos="http://cran.r-project.org");'
It's possible to append more variables in this way. Note that this will set those environment variables only for the command being called after them (and its children processes as well).
You said that "R_LIBS export doesn't get picked up". Question Is the value UNSET? Or is it set to some other value & you are trying to override it?
It is possible that SSH may be invoking "/bin/sh -c". Based on the second answer to: Why does 'cd' command not work via SSH?, you can simplify the SSH command and explicitly invoke the build.sh script in Bash:
cp -r . /to/shared/drive/to/have/access/on/remote
ssh -t -t username#servername "cd /to/shared/drive/to/have/access/on/remote && bash -f build.sh dev"
This makes the SSH invocation more similar to invoking the command within a remote interactive shell. (You can avoid sourcing scripts and exporting variables.)
You don't need to export R_LIBSor env R_LIBS when it is possible to prefix any command with local environment variable overrides (agrees with Luis' answer):
for path in "${!rVersionPaths[#]}"; do
R_LIBS="${path}" Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("someDependency", "someOtherDependency"), repos="http://cran.r-project.org");'
The Rscript may be doing a lot with env vars. You can verify that you are setting the R_LIBS env var by replacing Rscript with the env command and observe the output:
for path in "${!rVersionPaths[#]}"; do
R_LIBS="${path}" env
According to this manual "Initialization at Start of an R Session", Rscript looks in several places to load "site and user files":
The "Examples" section of that manual shows this:
## Not run:
## Example ~/.Renviron on Unix
If you add the --vanilla command-line option to ignore all of these files, then you may get different results and know something in the site/init/environ files is affecting your R_LIBS! I cannot run this system myself. Hopefully we have given you some areas to investigate.
You probably don't want to source build.sh, just invoke it directly (i.e. remove the source command).
By source-ing the file your script is executed in the SSH shell (likely sh) rather than by bash, which it sounds like is what you intended.

Run shell script from within an R script on a windows machine

I have a R-script within which i call a shell script using system command and use the paste command to pass arguments to the shell script ( on unix machine) and i now would like execute the same R-script on a windows machine and am struggling to get it working
Here are the steps i followed
R code
if(is.null(git_version) | git_version == "" | length(git_version) == 0){
print (getwd())
system(paste('C:\\Users\\xxxx\\Documents\\R\\R- 3.5.2\\ms\\ms\\MS_ALLM_Parallel_Runner.sh -c ', num_cores,
'-s ', snapshot_dt,
'-p ' , local_storage_path,
'-t ', tag,
'-g ', git_version,
'-y ', enable_data_pull
print ("after shell script execution")
I tried the following, but did not succeed
Installed cygwin and called the rscript from the cygwin terminal(PATH variable is updated to include R and its binaries)
rscript "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\R\R-3.5.2\ms\ms\MS_Model_Kickoff.R"
Below is the error message that i see after the r-script attempts to run the shell script
'CreateProcess' failed to run 'C:\Users\xxxx\DOCUME~1\R\R-35~1.2\ms\ms\CONRM_~1.SH -c 25 -s 201811 -p C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\Test -t Analytical -g verModelRefit2.2.2 -y N'
what does the above error mean and how do i fix this and execute the shell script within from the R-script on windows machine?r

How to run multiple R scripts simultaneously?

I would like to run all the R script (script1.R, script2.R, ...) stored in a directory (~/Sims). Moreover I would like that each script run in a separate terminal. The os I'm using is OS X 10.9.5.
I used a bash script with the following commands:
for f in $FILES
xterm -e bash -c "R --vanilla < $f; exec bash" &
I would like to find an alternative for xterm (given that under os x require to install the package X11 and on some machine I can't install it) that it is part of os x (like the Terminal app)
I would like to not exit from the R environment at the end of the R script
This will mimic your xterm configuration but use new Terminal.app sessions instead:
for f in *.R
osascript -e "tell app \"Terminal\" to do script \"R --vanilla < /FULL/PATH/TO/${f}\""
As far as keeping the R session alive, I'm not sure that's possible.

Redirect not working correctly, 2> /dev/null becomes 2 > /dev/null and stderr doesn't get redirected

I am hoping someone can help me figure out what setting I might need to overwrite. I am working on a Unix terminal server, running a Linux Xterm linux shell. Everytime I use a command like grep "blah" 2> /dev/null at the shell prompt, the command is run as grep "blah" 2 > /dev/null and needless to say the redirection fails.
xterm version is X.Org
I can not update or install anything, this is a locked down production server.
Thanks for any help and illumination on the topic, it is making my grep useless at high directory levels with recursion.
That's Bourne shell syntax, and it doesn't work in c-shell.
The best you can do is
( command >stdout_file ) >&stderr_file
Where you get stdout to one file, and stderr to another. Redirecting just stderr is not possible.
In a comment, you say "A minor note, this is csh". That's not a minor note, that's the cause of the problem. xterm is just a terminal emulator, not a shell; all it does is set up a window that provides textual input and output. csh (or bash, or ...) is the shell, the program that interprets the commands you type.
csh has different syntax for redirection, and doesn't let you redirect just stderr. command > file redirects stdout; command >& file redirects both stdout and stderr.
You say the system doesn't have bash, but it does have ksh. I suggest just using ksh; it will be a lot more familiar to you. Both bash and ksh are derived from the old Bourne shell.
All (?) Unix-like systems will have a Bourne-like shell installed as /bin/sh. Even if you're using csh (or tcsh?) as your interactive shell, you can still invoke sh, even in a one-liner. For example:
sh -c 'command 2>/dev/null'
will invoke sh, which in turn will invoke command and redirect just its stderr to /dev/null.
The purpose of an interactive shell is (mostly) to let you use other commands that are available on the system. sh, or any shell, can be used as just another command.

Whats the difference between running a shell script as ./script.sh and sh script.sh

I have a script that looks like this
function something() {
echo "hello world!!"
something | tee logfile
I have set the execute permission on this file and when I try running the file like this
it runs perfectly fine, but when I run it on the command line like this
$sh script.sh
It throws up an error. Why does this happen and what are the ways in which I can fix this.
Running it as ./script.sh will make the kernel read the first line (the shebang), and then invoke bash to interpret the script. Running it as sh script.sh uses whatever shell your system defaults sh to (on Ubuntu this is Dash, which is sh-compatible, but doesn't support some of the extra features of Bash).
You can fix it by invoking it as bash script.sh, or if it's your machine you can change /bin/sh to be bash and not whatever it is currently (usually just by symlinking it - rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh). Or you can just use ./script.sh instead if that's already working ;)
If your shell is indeed dash and you want to modify the script to be compatible, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh has a helpful guide to the differences. In your sample it looks like you'd just have to remove the function keyword.
if your script is at your present working directory and you issue ./script.sh, the kernel will read the shebang (first line) and execute the shell interpreter that is defined. you can also call your script.sh by specifying the path of the interpreter eg
/bin/bash myscript.sh
/bin/sh myscript.sh
/bin/ksh myscript.sh etc
By the way, you can also put your shebang like this (if you don't want to specify full path)
#!/usr/bin/env sh
sh script.sh forces the script to be executed within the sh - shell.
while simply starting it from command line uses the shell-environemnt you're in.
Please post the error message for further answers.
Random though on what the error may be:
path specified in first line /bin/bash is wrong -- maybe bash is not installed?
