Why this formula not working? - web-scraping

I am trying to import data from web page to Google spreadsheet by function IMPORTHTML, IMPORTDATA .
The formulas that i used are
which resulted in some java type output and
other is
which give error "imported content is empty".

IMPORTDATA returns the content of the URL. When the URL points to a web page it returns the source code.
IMPORTHTML looks at the source code of web page referred by the URL. It returns "imported content is empty" because the source code doesn't include a table defined by HTML tags (<table>) because the displayed table is built by JavaScript code not by HTML tags.


Using Google Sheets /copy url parameter in iframe usage case

I am designing an exercise in an e-learning application. I have a template Google Spreadsheet and can display the spreadsheet within the software as an iframe.
Document URL (it's just a sample table)
I learned about the /copy parameter that can be added to a url to generate a copy of that document so that the editing does not overwrite the original. Source: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/make-copy-trick-sharing-google-drive-documents/
Spreadsheet URL with copy parameter
However, when I run that url as the iframe's source, it returns an error:
I learned that it is not the issue with the iframe, having tried the url on the w3 schools iframe demo with the same result. Source: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_iframe
From this StackOverflow answer, I believe I understand that the iframe will not permit executing JavaScript within it and I expect that Javascript is being used to generate a copy.
Answer: Google Spreadsheets redirect
My question becomes, is there an alternative way for an end user (student) to generate a Google Sheets copy url and have that appear in an iframe in a homework lesson?
Desired Result:
This in the iframe (or equivalent):
and be able to edit that copy as their own document

Scrapy: Unable to access class despite of it's there

I am trying to scrape this page, I am trying to fetch Color Name, LT. BLUE. From Chrome I see HTML:
<div id="desc-options"><div class="option"><span class="label">Color:</span> LT. BLUE</div><div class="option"><span class="label">Size:</span> 6.5</div></div>
I tried response.css("#desc-options") to access everything inside but returns []. Even BeautifulSoup is failing.
The element you're looking for is dynamically created via JavaScript. You cannot parse it from the plain HTML.
The good news is: the data you're looking for is probably still in the page. Check out the <script> tag defining the spConfig variable. Looks like there's some JSON there you can parse ...

Exactly the same content atom feed format in .asp and .aspx: One working, one is not. Why?

I am currently trying to implement an atom feed for my Umbraco website (The question is not Umbraco specific, please don't tag with 'Umbraco'). For testing purposes I've copied an atom feed that I found on the web (please don't tell anybody, it's probably illegal) and pasted the content inside a page template. The resulting output is an .aspx - page, which contains nothing but the pasted code:
Not working on aspx - page
As you can see, it is not working, the feed is shows as text, no subscribe options and the like. Accessing the feed with a C# atom API yields an exception, saying the feed type cannot be determined.
Now I've taken the exact same content and pasted it inside another file, this time with the ending .asp, which you can see here:
Working on asp - page
It works. It also works when I rename the file ending to .htm, .html or .xml.
My questions (I've got two) (thanks in advance):
a) Are atom feeds generally not working when the file ending is .aspx?
b) How can I provide an atom feed on an .aspx site, when I can't change the file ending?
Ok, found it thanks to this question:
SO Thread
There were blank lines on top of the document in the .aspx file...

Embed Code in Drupal

I am not familiar with Drupal but our clients report that what we provide as embed isn't working with drupal.
Our embed code will be
<iframe id="ivideoframe" src="https://mywebsite/Player.aspx?q=IsahXh4JBPTq9sc%252b2j4zmaJvfFIagPpqAIBQIZpQTGUxPzzL8g44uVrsRGGRbDnSk5IO3kBeGI%252b211on7BfXBL6UjrXe%252fI%252bhftSaavtHay8%253d" height="419" width="665" toolbar="no" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
What I understand from client is the query string letter "?q" has some issue with drupal. Can some one help me to understand how this code will result in error when used in drupal?
If you are putting this embedded code into a block, or a CCK field of some sort (body, text, etc), you'll want to make sure that the "Text Format" is set to either Full HTML or one that allow the use of full html.
Even Full HTML can sometimes be buggy with iFrame's, I've found. We've found the best practice is to actually create your own Text Format called "Raw HTML" that allows everything and doesn't try to format things at all. You can create it at [Admin --> Configuration --> Content authoring --> Text Formats].
Then once you've created the format, simply choose that custom format on the field that contains the iFrame embed code.

How to display XSL-transformed XML in ASP.NET page?

So far all the XML / XSLT I've worked with takes an XML document and transforms it to a standalone HTML webpage using an XSLT file.
In my web application, I'm using a web service to retrieve the XML document, which I need to render and make human-readable, and then insert that formatted content into a content placeholder in my master page.
The easiest way would be to append the XSLT to the retrieved XML file and link that to the content placeholder, but something tells me I can't just do that.
I took a look at these Stack Overflow pages, but they just want to render the straight XML whereas I want a transformed XML. Also, I need to be able to put it into my master page template.
This article shows how:
even if the spelling is as bad as mine...
And here's another link that shows how, perhaps a bit more simply
