Counting template instantiations with inline variables - global-variables

Let's say we want to count the number of a template instantiations for a certain template.
In C++17 I think I can do it like this:
static inline size_t my_template_count = 0;
template <typename T>
struct my_template {
static inline char count_me = []{ my_template_count++; return 0; }();
// mention count_me in all functions.
My questions are:
- Will it work?
- Can there be a race condition on the total_count?
(Reading while DLL loading, something like that).
Update: as #n.m. correctly pointed out - I have to reference the variable.
It's ok for my usecase to include (void)count_me in all constructors, destructor, static methods etc. And if none of them are used, it's ok to ignore the instantiation.

A similar question came up in a discussion with Sean Parent.
He said:
Not thread safe because deferred dynamic initialization is not guaranteed to happen on the main thread cppreference


Qt/QML: std::vector<int> handling

Edit: problem was with 5.6 only, which has a reduced set of supported "native" types according to vs the latest version ...
According to this page:, std::vector<int> is suppported by QML if registered with qRegisterMetaType() and exposed/accessed as a property. However, I cannot get this to work.
My class (which can be instantiated by QML, so this level works) has declarations like:
// prop decl
Q_PROPERTY(std::vector<int> myVector READ myVector NOTIFY myVectorChanged)
// read accessor
Q_INVOKABLE std::vector<int> recordTime() const;
// signal (in signal section)
void myVectorChanged();
Registration via
qRegisterMetaType<std::vector<int> >("std::vector<int>");
When I push something into the vector and try accessing myVector.length or myVector.size, it returns 'undefined' (size() is not callable). How do I iterate over the elements? The page linked above says "Certain C++ sequence types are supported transparently in QML to behave like JavaScript Array types" (and mentions std::vector<int> in the list), so I expected length and index access to work.
The documentation says this container will be converted to a JS array automatically. You don't need to register anything.
Of course, the conversion will be a copy, so modifying it will not modify the original array, and the way you use that is the same way you use a regular JS array. It definitely should have a length (not length()) property and support index access via [].
After your stories of failure I decided to actually run a simple test:
class Test : public QObject {
public slots:
std::vector<int> test() { return std::vector<int> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; }
// in main.cpp
qmlRegisterType<Test>("Core", 1, 0, "Test");
// in qml
Test {
Component.onCompleted: {
var t = test()
console.log(t.length, t) // qml: 7 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
As you can see, it gives the expected output, no need to register anything whatsoever.
IIRC there was a problem with Qt that for some reason caused those automatic conversions to not kick in when you use a Q_PROPERTY interface. I suppose that issue is still valid, the solution thankfully is to simply not use a property but a simple return value.
If your problems persist, I suggest to carefully examine your code, or if necessary, clean and rebuild your project, because the conversion is definitely working out as expected, aside from the property related issue.

Passing native shared_ptr across managed assembly

We are in the process of converting C# code to C++, but we need to do so in phases. I am at a point now where I need to instantiate several native objects from within managed code. These native objects I cannot change, and their declaration looks like this:
public class NativeA();
public class NativeB(std::shared_ptr<NativeA> obj);
Both NativeA and NativeB need to be instantiated from managed code as:
void main() {
ManagedA ObjectA = gcnew ManagedA();
ManagedB ObjectB = gcnew ManagedB(ObjectA);
The problem comes in with getting the shared_ptr of NativeA in the constructor of NativeB. Niether NativeA nor NativeB will be manipulated in managed code, they just need to be instantiated. Ideally, something like this:
public ref class ManagedA {
ManagedA() { _object = new NativeA(); }
~ManagedA() { delete _object; }
NativeA * Get() { return _object; }
NativeA *_object;
public ref class ManagedB {
ManagedB(ManagedA^ objectA ) {
_object = new NativeB(std::make_shared<NativeA>(*objectA->Get());
~ManagedB() { delete _object; }
NativeB *_object;
But, this is not allowed in c++/cli because native types are declared as private. Defining #pragma make_public(NativeA) does not solve this either.
My intent is not to work with the native objects in managed code, they just need to be instantiated, so I really don't care about trying to marshal the native pointers and deal with .NET GC if I don't have to, and I don't want to perform a copy. I just want to wrap the classes in order to pass them around.
Is there a clean and simple way to do this?
It appears that the answer was not due to a syntax or usage problem. The two managed objects were in different DLLs and could not be passed across them via .NET. Once the code was compiled in the same project, the issue was resolved.
Although the error message indicated the problem was an accessibility issue in VS 2015, and because it reported it during the link phase, I suspect the cause was because the linker would not have known about the implementation of the NativeA in NativeB without declaring an extern. Being wrapped in CLR, it surfaced as a different issue.

Q_OBJECT "copying" - copy all properties instead

As we all know, Q_OBJECTs are instances and are not copyable.
Is there any kind of syntactic sugar to copy all static and dynamic properties of an arbitrary QObject derived class?
It seems such a nobrainer, but I can't find any reference to such - obviously implementing one myself should be quite trivial - loop over metaObject(), loop over dynamicPropertyNames(), set accordingly.
You could implement a copy helper class as follows.
/** Enable QObjects to be explicitly copyable by copying property values. */
template<class T>
class QObjectCopyHelper<T>
explicit QObjectCopyHelper(T *client) : m_client(client) {}
T *clone(QObject *parent = 0) {
T *copy = new T(parent);
// loop over and copy properties from m_client to copy
// (both from T::staticMetaObject and dynamic ones)
return copy;
T *m_client; // <-- I think we need this, but I might be wrong
Then you can use this in any QObject subclass with very low work needed to be done:
class MyClass : public QObject, public QObjectCopyHelper<MyClass>
However, this still needs clone() to be called (the ugly "Java-style"). So we can additionally define a copy constructor just calling clone() and you also might think of a assign() method called within the assignment operator.
Please note that this really copies the properties only! There are a lot of other things being tracked in QObject, like the current connections. They explicitly forbid copying QObjects because it would be very difficult to define rules on how this should be done, and these rules would be the correct ones for some use cases only, while in others you want other rules...
A solution is discussed here, where they take the loop-over-the-properties approach. There seems to be no "syntactic sugar" here.

Pass a C++/CLI wrapper of a native type to another C++/CLI assembly

Suppose I have the following simple wrapper of a NativeClassInstance.
public ref class Wrapper
NativeClass *_wrapped;
_wrapped = new NativeClass();
delete _wrapped;
operator NativeClass*()
return _wrapped;
Now, I want to create an instance of Wrapper from C# with Wrapper wrapper = new Wrapper() and use it in another native functionalities wrapper that resides in another assembly with Helper.Foo(wrapper) (nothing strange having other functionalities not directly related to the wrapped classes in another assembly, IMO):
// Utilities is in another Assembly
public ref class Helper
static Foo(Wrapper ^wrapper)
// Do something in native code with wrapper->_wrapped
The results with the implicit user conversion is:
candidate function(s) not accessible
If I make _wrapped public it is:
cannot access private member declared in class ...
Now, I've learnt that native type visibility is private outside of the assembly. So, how I'm supposed to use the wrapped entity in native code outside the assembly it's defined? I've read of make_public but you can't use with template types so it seems very limiting in the general case. Am I missing something? Is there a more correct solution?
I haven't been able to successfully expose native types using make_public, however a solution I have used is to put NativeClass in its own native DLL and then a) reference the native DLL from both assemblies; and b) pass the pointer to the native class around as an IntPtr.
Under the above scenario, instead of having an operator NativeClass* you might use a property such as
property IntPtr WrappedObject {
IntPtr get() { return IntPtr(_wrapped); }
You then retrieve NativeObject in you helper assembly by
static void Foo(Wrapper ^wrapper)
NativeObject *_wrapped
= static_cast<NativeObject*>(wrapper->WrappedObject.ToPointer());
// ... do something ...
If you use make_public, your solution of making _wrapped public should work (it would obviously be best to make a public accessor instead). Regarding your comment "I've read of make_public but you can't use with template types so it seems very limiting in the general case." I agree--read here for the workaround I used:
More related info:
Best workaround for compiler error C2158: make_public does not support native template types
Good luck!

Making a reference-counted object in D using RefCounted!(T)

How do you use std.typecons.RefCounted!(T) to make a reference-counted object in D?
I've tried to figure out what std.array.Array does internally by looking at the source, but while I can read the source, I just can't figure what a "payload" is or how it all works when there's things like bitwise struct copying involved, as well as why some things are duplicated in the internal and external structure.
Could anyone provide an example or a link on how to use it to, say, wrap a simple Win32 HANDLE?
Disclaimer: I haven't tested my claims, just read the documentation.
Payload is referring to what is being stored. In your case the payload is the Win32 HANDLE. Since HANDLE is just an integer you wouldn't want to do:
auto refHandle = RefCounted!HANDLE(WhatGetsMeAHandle());
Because a Windows function will need to be called when the handle goes out of scope.
In std.containers.Array what you saw was a struct called Payload, which had a field called _payload. The structure is going to be the storage of the data, accessed through _payload. This provides a level of indirection to be utilized later.
You will notice that RefCounted is actually used on the Array structure. This means the destructor for that struct will only be called when the reference count is 0. So the ~this() inside of Payload is where you would want to clean up the your HANDLE.
What is happening: since struct is a value type, every time the structure goes out of scope the destructor is called, there isn't one for Array, but Payload is wrapped in a RefCounted, the destructor for RefCounted!Payload is also called. And only when the reference count reaches zero is the destructor for Payload itself called.
Now, RefCounted itself has reference semantics, this means that having an Array a, you can then assign to auto b = a; and everything will be copied over, but RefCounted has a postblits defined meaning the data will not be copied, but the reference count will be
I will now try and provide you with a wrapper outline for what you want. It will probably help you visualize the information above, but it may not be entirely correct. Let me know if something needs fixing.
struct MyWinWrapper {
struct Payload {
HANDLE _payload;
this(HANDLE h) { _payload = h; }
~this() { freeHandleHere(_payload); }
// Should never perform these operations
this(this) { assert(false); }
void opAssign(MyWinWrapper.Payload rhs) { assert(false); }
private alias RefCounted!(Payload, Data;
private Data _data;
this(HANDLE h) { _data = Data(h); }
Since there is no default constructor for a struct you will probably want to provide a free function that returns this structure.
