Oracle Express 11g user will not retain admin with SQL Developer - oracle11g

I am trying to grant a user 'APEX_040000' Connect with Admin and Default. I am using SQL Developer to right-click and 'Edit user'. I go to the 'Grant Roles' tab, and place a check mark in the 'Granted', 'Admin', and 'Default' boxes and click 'Apply'. I get the small box stating that the SQL command completed successfully. But when I go back to verify the granted roles, the 'Admin' box is no longer selected. How to I make this user retain all three check marks?

After more research, I found it is not possible in SQL Developer. I had to use SQLPLUS command line with the command 'grant connect to APEX_040000 with admin option' for it to stick.


Microsoft Bot Framework Insufficient privileges to perform this operation

I created a Microsoft Account using my work mail.
Using this account, with 50$ credit, i tried to register my bot (already published using visual studio 2017). The problem is that when i tried to obtain the credentials for my bot, i'm getting an error that says i don't have enough privileges (even though i'm supposed to be the administrator of the account)
Button i clicked to get credentials
Error image
Please log into and go to Users and Groups -> User Settings and check if Users Can Register Applications is set to Yes.

First time connection Oracle Sql Developer to Express database: ORA - 2800 - The acct is locked

I've installed the Oracle 11g express then the Oracle Sql Developer. Now, I'm trying to connect both as the Oracle website says (usename and password are both hr), but I'm getting an error (see screenshot).
I've tried other roles besides default, but I'm getting either the account is locked or not enough privileges.
I'm stuck. Thanks for helping
By default, the "standard" accounts (like HR) are locked after installation. You must log in as SYS as SYSDBA and unlock them.
If you are using SQL Developer, you can do this by connecting as SYS (I assume you created a connection, if not you should create it; make sure to use the SYSDBA role in connection properties). Once logged in as SYS with the SYSDBA privilege, on the left in the Connections pane expand the SYS node (click on the + sign next to it). At the bottom of the list that opens up, find the Other Users node. Expand it and right-click on HR. Select Edit User, and on the User tab of the pop-up window, uncheck the box next to "Account is Locked".
Please login to command line - sqlplus
Login as the user 'system'
Type -- alter user hr identified by "password" account unlock;
"password" should be the new password
Login with the new password.

Report sever not working showing error message "Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted " How to Solve it?

Report sever not working showing error message "Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed" How to Solve it?
This is my error Window
You need to add at least one user as a System Administrator. You can do this in few steps.
Run Internet Explorer as Administrator;
Enter the URL for Report Server Manager (http://localhost/Reports);
Click Site Settings in the upper right corner. That will get you to the settings section;
On the left side click Security;
Click New Role Assignment this will take you to the page where new users can be added with different level of security (admin or user).
Here is a summary of the roles available;
Add your username and choose System Administrator role below.

Transferring an app to another Firebase account

I have a few apps under my personal firebase account for testing, but now need to transfer an app to a client's account for billing purposes. Is this possible?
I recently shifted ownership of one of my projects to another account. All you have to do is:
Go to your Firebase console, and select the project you want to shift.
Select the cog icon besides the project name on top right.
Select Permissions from the flyout.
Select Advanced permission settings hyperlink.
You've reached the IAM & Admin page of Firebase.
Click on +Add button on top.
Enter the email ID of the account that you want to transfer the project to.
In the dropdown, Select a role > Project > Owner. Click add
You will receive a confirmation email. Click the link in the email to accept the invitation.
Accept the invitation, and go to IAM & Admin page of the transferred project.
Use remove button to delete the previous user
Transfer the billing
After deleting the first user in the Firebase Console, login to your Google Cloud Platform console with your new user.
Go to Billing > Account Management
Click on the three dots next to the project ID you just transferred, and select Change billing.
Confirm by clicking on Set account and you are done !
Note that this is an old answer and there might be more up to date solutions below.
This is a reply received after emailing to, which is the official firebase support email after gogle acquired firebase in late 2014.
In order to transfer ownership of a Firebase instance, we need you to
do two things: add the new owner as a collaborator; then, fill in the
form below and email it to us as written verification. This must be
sent from the email address which owns the Firebase instance.
I authorize the Firebase team to make **<new owner’s email>** the owner of https://**<firebase instance>** effective immediately. I have added **<new owner’s email>** as a collaborator to verify the email address is correct and to certify that I am the current owner. I understand that I am effectively granting **<new owner’s email>** full read and write access to all stored data for this instance.
It is more simple now.
Click gear icon beside Project Overview
Click on Users and Permissions
Click on Add Member
Type the email address and choose the role as Owner
Click on Add Member
and that's it you are done. An invitation will be sent to the email id. They just need to accept.
follow this steps :
- select you project
- from left side menu select
(Users and Permissions) from settings icon
Click on +Add button on top.
Enter the email ID of the acc to transfer the project to.
In the dropdown, Select a role > Project > Owner. Click add
Check mail in the email added above.
Accept the invite, and go to IAM & Admin page of the transferred project.
Use remove button to delete the previous user
For projects on the new Firebase Console (at, this is now a self-service process. See the answer to this question: How to add collaborators to a Firebase app? for a step-by-step guide.
Here from my account just add a different email as owner role
I sent an email to the support email address and a bot replied:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Transfer Ownership of Firebase Account
Hey there,
In order to more efficiently process your issue, we now only accept
new support requests through our support portal at
Please submit your inquiry there. Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Firebase Support
To make my transfer request I created a ticket under Account Services
If FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference() is giving you the reference from the old database already deleted try this:
Change the name of your "package_name": "com.old.appname" on all occurrences to be different from the old one.
Right-click on your project folder
click on Find in folder option
search com.old.appname and change all occurrences to

Can't Login to site on IIS

I've been fighting with this all day looking for solutions, and I've come to a dead end. As soon as I put my application on IIS, I've been getting login errors. One of the errors that I fixed was similar to this one which said " Cannot open database "ClientInfo" requested by the login.
Now I'm getting this error, which is the same, but I'm not sure how to modify the permissions of the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE user for this particular DB.
Cannot open database "aspnet-ClientInfo-20140609140222" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'.
The full error message is here:
don't worry too much. This is always a headache when it doesn't work the way you expect. Before I get started, please note that Network Service is probably too high of privilege level for any web app. Check out this article to see how to add a corresponding app pool for a specific website to your SQL Server logins: Add IIS 7 AppPool Identities as SQL Server Logons
This is the way I've solved these types of problems:
1.) Make sure you have access to SQL Server Management Studio Express, and log into the database server. If you are running on SQLEXPRESS, set the server name as .\SQLEXPRESS, or whatever your instance name is.
2.) Go to the Security folder at the server level. Right click on "Logins" and select "New Login". To the right of the Login Name text box, select "Search", then "Advanced", then "Find Now" (without entering any search criteria). Scroll down and select "Network Service"
3.) Hit Ok. Then hit OK again. Your new login has been added for your network service.
4.) Go to the Security folder at the database level. Add a new user by right clicking the User folder under security at the database level. Click the 3 dots (ellipsis) next to the login name, and then click "Browse". Select the checkbox next to the login name you created in step 2. Hit ok. Then hit OK again.
5.) The last part is giving your new user a user name (first text box at the top) and then mapping that user to the right privileges. I'm sure some folks that know more than I do will shoot me, but I always select db_datareader and db_datawriter under "Database Role Membership". If you're using the ASP_NET membership schemas, you should select all the basic access roles as well.
6.) Hit Ok.
Depending on the version of SQL server you're using, you may need see a mild fluctuation between my steps above and what you actually need to do. This should get you close, though.
