Is it possible to deploy local linked template via New-AzureRMResourceGroupDeployment - azure-resource-manager

Is it possible to specify linked template deployment file somehow in New-AzureRMResourceGroupDeployment cmdlet without specifying external URL, just like you can do with -TemplateFile parameter locally

No, this is not possible, because Azure has to be able to download it. No real workarounds. Upload and deploy with script


Configure Fluent-bit file output plugin set file rollover

I've a Fluent-bit running as docker instance which uses tail input plugin to read docker log files and currently I've configured output plugin to use Elasticsearch.
However in prod since Elasticsearch resides on another zone, don't want to consume bandwidth I don't want to use Elasticsearch, instead want to use file output plugin. But in file plugin there is no documentation explaining the file rollover configuration.
At the moment there is no such feature in Fluent Bit File output plugin. Please log the enhancement request on GitHub:
Since this feature makes a lot of sense it can be implemented shortly,
Fluent Bit Maintainer

REST API and extended service in paths

When i deploy with REST API i receive the following error.
'Failed to set extent: could not find extended service in paths'.
I have resolve with Tomcat (replace extend "../../../services/tomcat" with extend "tomcat") but i have problem with MySql.
This probably occurs because mysql doesn't come with the Cloudify 2.7* distribution zip file.
You need to download (e.g. : git clone and then place the mysql service and specify its relative path in the command.

Is it possible to publish a git repository or a zip file to CloudControl directly by REST API?

I want to publish a maven project to CloudControl by REST API, not by command line tool, is it possible? That means, create a app by REST API, deploy source or binary code by REST API. Just like Heroku, I can build a url directly into app using REST API Thanks very much!
We currently don't provide a way to upload images directly. You'd first have to push to the Git remote which will build the image. All other steps like creating an app/deployment, deploying or adding add-ons are available via the REST-API. You can see examples of the API usage in the python library the command line client uses.

Use a different setParameters.xml file?

So I've got my deploy working on a build and I've set up my build to create a deployment package and execute the package on the target server. Great so far.
Now however the application is expanding and I need to have different configurations per machine (account names and such like),
Can I specify what the file name of "setParameters.xml" for example to "Server1.SetParameters.xml" or similar ?
I've got it copying the files over the SetParameters.xml before each deploy for now but is seems in-elegant and should a file get locked for what ever the reason it would deploy the wrong settings to the wrong server.
Since you are using the WPP-generated deploy.cmd file, the simplest choice is to set %_DeploySetParametersFile% to a full path to your setParmeters file before you execute the deploy script.
SET _DeploySetParametersFile=c:\full\path\to\setParmaeters.xml
call Website.deploy.cmd
Alternatively, if you want to use msdeploy directly, you can specify -setParamFile:c:\full\path\to\setParmaeters.xml. For more information, see Web Deploy Operation Settings

How to execute an exe or a file in local machine using a website or html (like clone in windows in github)

These are my requirements
How to open an pdf file which is located in my local machine using html page?
How to execute an exe file which is loacted in my local machine using a website?
This is like what github does when we do clone in windows option.
I need to implement exact same operation . I have a button and when I click that it need to run an application.
Thanks in advance.
You installed GitHub for Windows on your computer. And this installation registered the protocol github-windows: with the GitHub for Windows executable as handler. Nothing special going on here.
The only chance I see is to register your own URL scheme (as you said myapp-pdf: or something like it).
Then you can redirect (or open a new window) to a URL with your custom scheme and the browser should start your application giving you the URL as a command line parameter.
Create custom Url Schema and Map to the application
I just explain some thing I got after your inputs.
As all guys mentioned above, I need to generate a url schema for my application
I need to register the schema and application path to be executed in Windows registry. This need to handle during the installation .
This link will show how to add the particular schema in windows registry and we can specify the application to be executed like mailto: for Outlook.
Thanks for SO to provide the details from here.
how do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://...)
Need to check about the security issues which may occur if we are using this approach.
