Unable to send SMS through Twilio and Google Functions - firebase

I am attempting to send a text (a one-time pass code) using Twilio, firebase and Google Functions, and using Postman.
I have run $ npm install --save twilio#3.0.0 -rc.13 in the functions directory.
When I run $ firebase deploy, it completes. But on Postman, when I do POST, Body and feed a JSON { "phone": "555-5555" }, I get an "Error: could not handle the request."
I am able to send a text in Twilio Programmable SMS from my Twilio number to an actual outside number direct to the mobile phone. I'm using live credentials for Sid and AuthToken.
Is this an issue with Twilio, Google Functions and some configurations?
Here are the logs on Functions:
// White flag sign//
Function execution took 1452 ms, finished with status: 'crash'
//Red Warning sign//
TypeError: handler is not a function
at cloudFunction (/user_code/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/https.js:26:41)
at /var/tmp/worker/worker.js:676:7
at /var/tmp/worker/worker.js:660:9
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:73:7)
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:128:9)
Also, the google eslint forces consistent-return, which is why I put "return;" in the request-one-time-password.js. I cannot seem to turn it off by adding "consistent-return": 0 in eslintrc.
My code(with secret keys and phone numbers redacted):
has my keys copied and pasted.
const twilio = require('twilio');
const accountSid = 'redacted';
const authToken = 'redacted';
module.exports = new twilio.Twilio(accountSid, authToken);
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const twilio = require('./twilio');
module.export = function(req, res) {
if(!req.body.phone) {
return res.status(422).send({ error: 'You must provide a phone number!'});
const phone = String(req.body.phone).replace(/[^\d]/g, '');
admin.auth().getUser(phone).then(userRecord => {
const code = Math.floor((Math.random() * 8999 + 1000));
// generate number between 1000 and 9999; drop off decimals
body: 'Your code is ' + code,
to: phone,
from: '+redacted'
}, (err) => {
if (err) { return res.status(422).send(err); }
admin.database().ref('users/' + phone).update({ code: code, codeValid: true }, () => {
res.send({ success: true });
}).catch((err) => {
res.status(422).send({ error: err })
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const createUser = require('./create_user');
const serviceAccount = require('./service_account.json')
const requestOneTimePassword = require('./request_one_time_password');
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: "https://one-time-password-650d2.firebaseio.com"
exports.createUser = functions.https.onRequest(createUser);
exports.requestOneTimePassword =

You have
module.exports = new twilio.Twilio(accountSid, authToken);
on one line, and further down
module.export = function(req, res) { ... }.
Try changing export to exports.

One thing that tripped me up for a long time was how twilio sent the request body to the cloud function. It sends it in a body object so to access your request body it will look something like this
On top of that it passed it as a JSON string so I had to JSON.parse()
Example I got working:
export const functionName= functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
cors(req, res, () => {
let body = JSON.parse(req.body.body);
This also may depend on the Twilio service you are using. I was using their Studio HTTP Request Module.
Hope this helps a little, not sure if it was your exact problem though :(


Can't send Firebase Cloud Messages if function is called by Google Tasks

I have an .onCreate cloud function, that once triggered, creates a task and runs it.
If I simply run admin.messaging().sendToDevice(payload.tokens, payload.message); inside the exports.createScheduledNotification function, then it runs fine, but I wanted to utilise Cloud Tasks so that I can schedule the task a little further into the future.
However, even if the entire payload is inside the scheduledNotification function, it still doesn't run. I have a feeling that it's actually not being called at all. However, I've checked in the Google Cloud Tasks console, and it shows that it has run, but I get no response from the Firebase Messaging at all, so from that I can deduce it's not running.
Is there something wrong with how I'm sending the task request? Is the cloud function that receives the call written incorrectly?
Cloud Functions & Tasks Set up and Imports
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
const { CloudTasksClient } = require('#google-cloud/tasks')
var serviceAccount = require("./secret_file.json");
credential: admin.credential.cert(placeholder_for_account_credentials)
Function that is meant to create and send a Google Task, which is meant to call an .onRequest function, to send a Firebase Message
exports.createScheduledNotification = functions.firestore.document('/followers/{followedUid}')
.onCreate(async (snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.data();
const tasksClient = new CloudTasksClient();
const queuePath = tasksClient.queuePath(project, location, queue);
const url = `https://{placeholder_for_location}-{placeholder_for_project_id}.cloudfunctions.net/scheduledNotification`;
const docPath = snapshot.ref.path;
const task = {
httpRequest: {
httpMethod: 'POST',
body: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({})).toString('base64'),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
scheduleTime: {
seconds: 10 + Date.now() / 1000
try {
await tasksClient.createTask({ parent: queuePath, task });
} catch (error) {
Function to accept a call from Google Tasks, and then sends a message to a selected device_id
exports.scheduledNotification = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const payload = {
message: {
notification: {
title: 'You have a new follower!',
body: `Moe is now following you.`,
sound: 'default'
tokens: ["placeholder_for_device_id"]
admin.messaging().sendToDevice(payload.tokens, payload.message);
I would also like to mention that I saw in another question I needed to allow the principal firebase account to be able to create tasks, and I've added Cloud Task Admin and Cloud Task Enqeuer to every single account, and that the task are showing up in the Cloud Tasks Console.

Firebase functions run in one firebase project but giving internal error in the other

I have two firebase accounts one used for development(D) and the other for production(P). My development(D) firestore and functions run on us-central1. On production(P) firestore location is asia-south1 and functions run on us-central1
My firebase functions run properly in development (D) but are giving me the following error in production. Further, when I check the logs on the firebase functions console, there does not seem to be any activity. It appears as if the function has not been called.
Error returned by firebase function is :
Function call error Fri Apr 09 2021 09:25:32 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)with{"code":"internal"}
Further the client is also displaying this message :
Access to fetch at 'https://us-central1-xxx.cloudfunctions.net/gpublish' from origin 'https://setmytest.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled. zone-evergreen.js:1052 POST https://us-central1-xxx.cloudfunctions.net/gpublish net::ERR_FAILED
Here is the code from my angular app calling the function -
const process = this.fns.httpsCallable("gpublish");
(result) => {
console.log("function responded with result: " + JSON.stringify(result));
(err) => {
const date1 = new Date();
console.log("Function call error " + date1.toString() + "with" + JSON.stringify(err));
Here are the functions -
import { gpublish } from "./gpublish/gpublish";
import { sendEmail } from "./sendEmail";
export {gpublish,sendEmail };
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
const fs = require("fs");
const { google } = require("googleapis");
const script = google.script("v1");
const scriptId = "SCRIPT_ID";
const googleAuth = require("google-auth-library");
import { admin } from "../admin";
const db = admin.firestore();
export const gpublish = functions.https.onCall(async (data: any, res: any) => {
try {
const googleTest = data.test;
console.log("Publishing to google test of name " + googleTest.testName);
// read the credentials and construct the oauth client
const content = await fs.readFileSync("gapi_credentials.json");
const credentials = JSON.parse(content); // load the credentials
const { client_secret, client_id, redirect_uris } = credentials.web;
const functionsOauth2Client = new googleAuth.OAuth2Client(client_id,client_secret, redirect_uris); // Constuct an auth client
functionsOauth2Client.setCredentials({refresh_token: credentials.refresh_token}); // Authorize a client with credentials
// run the script
return runScript(functionsOauth2Client,scriptId,JSON.stringify(googleTest)
).then((scriptData: any) => {
console.log("Script data is" + JSON.stringify(scriptData));
sendEmail(googleTest, scriptData);
return JSON.stringify(scriptData);
} catch (err) {
return JSON.stringify(err);
function runScript(auth: any, scriptid: string, test: any) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.run({auth: auth,scriptId: scriptid, resource: {function: "doGet", devMode: true,parameters: test }
.then((respons: any) => { resolve(respons.data);})
.catch((error: any) => {reject(error);});
I have changed the service account key and google credentials correctly when deploying the functions in development and in production.
I have tried many things including the following:
Enabling CORS in Cloud Functions for Firebase
Google Cloud Functions enable CORS?
The function is running perfectly in Development firebase project but not in Production firebase project. Please help!
You need to check that your function has been deployed correctly.
A function that doesn't exist (404 Not Found) or a function that can't be accessed (403 Forbidden) will both give that error as the Firebase Function is never executed, which means the correct CORS headers are never sent back to the client.

excel4node fetch request with next.js api routes not triggering download

I am generating an excel file and want it to be downloaded for the client by triggering an API route using the Next.js framework. I am having trouble triggering the download by using fetch. The download can be triggered by window.open(//urlhere, '_self') but the API call using fetch gives this response on request:
API resolved without sending a response for /api/download?Students= this may result in stalled requests.
The excel4node documentation says we can send an excel document through an API like this:
// sends Excel file to web client requesting the / route
// server will respond with 500 error if excel workbook cannot be generated
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
wb.write('ExcelFile.xlsx', res);
app.listen(3000, function() {
console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');
Here is my backend download.js which lives in pages/api/:
// Next.js API route support: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction
import Link from "next/link";
import getPartners from "../../components/main";
import excel from "excel4node";
export default function handler(req, res) {
const students = req.query.Students.split(",");
const partners = JSON.stringify(getPartners(students));
let workbook = createExcelList(partners);
workbook.write("PartnerList.xlsx", res);
const createExcelList = (partnersJSON) => {
const workbook = new excel.Workbook();
const partnersObject = JSON.parse(partnersJSON);
/* Using excel4node a workbook is generated formatted the way I want */
return workbook;
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: true,
And here is the function that is triggered on a button press in the front end.
const makePartners = async () => {
let queryStudents = studentList.join(",");
const url = "http://localhost:3000/api/download?Students=" + queryStudents;
if (studentList.length !== 0) {
try {
const res = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
} catch (e) {
Which does not trigger the download. But using window.open(url, '_self) does. So, I can trigger the download by changing the function to the following. However I don't think this is the correct way of doing things and would like to be able to understand how to use fetch correctly.
const makePartners = () => {
let queryStudents = studentList.join(",");
const url = "http://localhost:3000/api/download?Students=" + queryStudents;
if (studentList.length !== 0) {
window.open(url, "_Self");
I am not sure if this is a Next.js issue or not. Does anyone have any insight? Any help would be appreciated.

Flutter: Firebase Pushnotification On Data Change

After getting the comment, i have deployed this folowing code to my firebase project and it was successfully deploed!.But there is no notifications been send to me.
Please check my Firebase Realtime database Screenshot here for better understanding.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.codeformypeople = functions.database.ref('items/{id}').onWrite(evt => {
const payload = {
notification: { title: 'New Customer Requested', body: 'Touch to Open The App', badge: '1', sound: 'default', }
const token ="Lsn-bHfBWC6igTfWQ1-h7GoFMxaDWayKIpWCrzC";//replace with ur token
if (token) {
console.log('Toke is availabel .');
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(token, payload);
} else {
console.log('token error');
note:If your app is opened and minmized then it will show notification,but if the app is opened and you are using,or if the app is terminated force close then it will not work!!
You can use firebase cloud function to trigger notification. Here is snippet of cloud functions which i am using to trigger notification:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.pushNotification = functions.database.ref('/Notifications/{pushId}')
.onWrite(( change,context) => {
console.log("Push Notification event triggered");
var request = change.after.val();
var payload = {
username: request.userName,
admin.messaging().sendToDevice(request.userTokenId, payload)
console.log("Successfully sent message: ",response);
console.log("Error sending message: ", error)
Below i have provided my notification structure, you can see below.This function will trigger if any new data is being pushed in database notification node. To see what is output/error you are getting when this function is trigger go to firebase admin panel > Functions > Logs.
You have deployed function code perfectly, but you forgot to add refresh tokenId in your database as you can see in above picture i am saving userTokenId in my database and in function admin.messaging().sendToDevice(request.userTokenId, payload) i am using that tokenId, this tokenId is used to send notification to particular device, you can get this tokenId using FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken() and save this in your fbproject1 > items database sturcture. please refer this & this

Error: No access, refresh token or API key is set

I'm trying to make an app in Node to access my google calendar, so I followed the steps at https://developers.google.com/calendar/quickstart/nodejs but I'm getting Error: Error: No access, refresh token or API key is set..
Yes I have created the credentials.
Yes I have downloaded the json, renamed to client_secret.json and added to the application folder.
Here is the code:
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const OAuth2Client = google.auth.OAuth2;
const SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly'];
const TOKEN_PATH = './client_secret.json';
try {
const content = fs.readFileSync('client_secret.json');
authorize(JSON.parse(content), listEvents);
} catch (err) {
return console.log('Error loading client secret file:', err);
function authorize(credentials, callback) {
const {client_secret, client_id, redirect_uris} = credentials.installed;
let token = {};
const oAuth2Client = new OAuth2Client(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uris[0]);
// Check if we have previously stored a token.
try {
token = fs.readFileSync(TOKEN_PATH);
} catch (err) {
return getAccessToken(oAuth2Client, callback);
function getAccessToken(oAuth2Client, callback) {
const authUrl = oAuth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
scope: SCOPES,
console.log('Authorize this app by visiting this url:', authUrl);
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
rl.question('Enter the code from that page here: ', (code) => {
oAuth2Client.getToken(code, (err, token) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
// Store the token to disk for later program executions
try {
fs.writeFileSync(TOKEN_PATH, JSON.stringify(token));
console.log('Token stored to', TOKEN_PATH);
} catch (err) {
function listEvents(auth) {
const calendar = google.calendar({version: 'v3', auth});
calendarId: 'primary',
timeMin: (new Date()).toISOString(),
maxResults: 10,
singleEvents: true,
orderBy: 'startTime', }, (err, {data}) => {
if (err) return console.log('The API returned an error: ' + err);
const events = data.items;
if (events.length) {
console.log('Upcoming 10 events:');
events.map((event, i) => {
const start = event.start.dateTime || event.start.date;
console.log(`${start} - ${event.summary}`);
} else {
console.log('No upcoming events found.');
Any ideas?
Can you confirm as following points again?
The files of const TOKEN_PATH = './client_secret.json'; and const content = fs.readFileSync('client_secret.json'); are the same.
Please modify from const TOKEN_PATH = './client_secret.json'; to const TOKEN_PATH = './credentials.json';, and run again.
By this, client_secret.json that you downloaded has already might be overwritten. So please also confirm this.
When an error occurs even if above modification was done, please confirm the version of googleapis. Because it has been reported that googleapis with v25.0.0 - v30.0.0. has some bugs for some APIs.
If you think a bug for the error, please modify the version of googleapis to v24.0.0. The error may be removed.
References :
How do I update my google sheet in v4?
Create a gmail filter with Gmail API nodejs, Error: Filter doesn't have any criteria
Insufficient Permission when trying to create a folder on Google Drive via API(v3)
Youtube Data API V3 - Error fetching video with google.youtube.videos.list()
Google drive API - Cannot read property 'OAuth2' of undefined
How to run a Google App Script using Google API Service Library (Node.js)
If these points were not useful for your situation, I'm sorry.
