PLSQL issue in installing in my system - oracle11g

Hello I installed PLSQL developer in my system oracle 11g installed i want place tnsnames.ora file but i am unable to find the network folder in oracle app folder please help me regarding this.
Thank you.

Need to install Oracle first.
Need to set Java path i.e download java goto-->Jdk and Jre and paste the path in environment variables.
lnstall plsql (Adminstrator).
Place tns.ora file network.
Now you can use plsql.


HFSQL connect to initial catalog

I have already running a project in production.
And .wdd is missing. I can't use server/client, for it.
Can I create .wdd file? Or connect to catalog without it?
I using pypyodbc and python3 for it
Only way to find wdd file is in the WinDev project directory.
But also if you don't have the project, you could connect to DB via ODBC using ODBC driver for HFSQL. With that you only have to connect to ODBC and the HFSQL driver do the rest.

Error during rendering of region Application Express - Sign In

I recently installed Oracle APEX and now trying to access APEX through
When I access the page, I encounter this error. I am using Oracle Database 11g R2 and Apex Ver 18.1, I installed Oracle Data Services. When i did following step It shows me rendering error. I run following script to resolve image problem
Enter the Application Express image prefix [/i/] :/i/
my file have following entry
Well, I know that running #apxldimg script helps in such a situation. Did you try it? As a parameter, it expects directory that contains the \apex directory. In the following example, full path to \apex directory is C:\5_apex_instalacija\apex4\apex.
It is a copy/paste from my Apex 4.x installation notes (didn't run it right now):
SQL> #apxldimg C:\5_apex_instalacija\apex4
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
old 1: create directory APEX_IMAGES as '&1/apex/images'
new 1: create directory APEX_IMAGES as 'C:\5_apex_instalacija\apex4/apex/images'

Import and explore Oracle .dmp file

I have a .dmp file (export from an Oracle DB) I need to get data from. I have installed Oracle 11g Express Edition successfully, with user SYSTEM and imp command I imported the file, with some warnings though, but now after hours of searching the Internet, I still have no idea how to explore the DB created by that file.
Can explain to me how to do that or at least point me to some relevant documentation, please? This is the first time I use Oracle.
Update: I already tried with Oracle SQL Developer. I use the user SYSTEM that was created automatically when I installed XE

Oracle 11g is not installing in Windows 7 64bit

i had downloaded the latest version of oracle 11g 64 bit (which is compatible to my system) From oracle Website. while Installing the Oracle into my getting The Following Error.
 - java.lang.NullPointerException
what all i did ?
1. Double click on the setup Application File in the Database folder of Oracle 11g
2. i did not give the email details in Condigure Security Updates Pod.
3.In Installation Options i have selectd the Create and Configure a Database Option.
When i click on Next i am getting the Error
![enter image description here][1]
I was having a similar problem (mentioned in another thread I'm still looking for to respond), but it would fail (without notice) when selecting "desktop class" (step 3). We found that there was a problem with the included javaw.exe file, so used the following start line in the command line (from wherever setup.exe is located):
setup -jreLoc c:\PROGRA~1\java\jdk1.6.0_25
(Modify to reflect the location of an alternate JRE, like the one I used above.)
Hopefully this helps. If not, good luck!
Run the setup file as administrator with a user account that does not have an exclamation mark in it.
After downloading both the files , Keep the second file in first file
In my case i copied the file in file2 in to file 1
and don't forgot to update Oraparm configuration settings file under install
according to your jre location and version

Installing apex in solaris

I neva worked with solaris or Linux before, and would like to find out how i can install oracle application express using command line in solaris, after i have installed my oracle database 11g in solaris aswell.
I already have an idea of how to install the database.
i agree with the comments above, the apex installation guide on the oracle site is easy to follow, basically, you will have to:
execute scripts in the oracle database (first create some tablespaces, then run an sql script that will install the apex module)
deploy a file containing an apex "listener" that you will have to quickly configure, and run a WAR (java) file to run apex
and that's it :)
Installation of Application Express (APEX) is largely Operating System agnostic. The process is based around running a number of scripts. When performing APEX installations, my primary tool is SQL Plus.
Depending on the version\edition of the Oracle Database you install, you probably already have a version of APEX ready to use. You can check which version of APEX your database has by running the following sql statement:
select version_no from apex_release
More information about installing Apex can be found in the documentation.
the documentation on the oracle website is well done.
i installed apex on Solaris 10 and it works fine
basically, you just need to execute a few SQL scripts (create some users, import data), and afterwards run a java program to start the apex listener
check the documentation, it should be understandable even without too much of Solaris knowledge
