I tried to perform independent t-test for many columns of a dataframe. For example, i created a data frame
set seed(333)
a <- rnorm(20, 10, 1)
b <- rnorm(20, 15, 2)
c <- rnorm(20, 20, 3)
grp <- rep(c('m', 'y'),10)
test_data <- data.frame(a, b, c, grp)
To run the test, i used with(df, t.test(y ~ group))
with(test_data, t.test(a ~ grp))
with(test_data, t.test(b ~ grp))
with(test_data, t.test(c ~ grp))
I would like to have the outputs like this
mean in group m mean in group y p-value
9.747412 9.878820 0.6944
15.12936 16.49533 0.07798
20.39531 20.20168 0.9027
I wonder how can I achieve the results using
1. for loop
2. apply()
3. perhaps dplyr
This link R: t-test over all columns is related but it was 6 years old. Perhaps there are better ways to do the same thing.
Use select_if to select only numeric columns then use purrr:map_df to apply t.test against grp. Finally use broom:tidy to get the results in tidy format
res <- test_data %>%
select_if(is.numeric) %>%
map_df(~ broom::tidy(t.test(. ~ grp)), .id = 'var')
#> # A tibble: 3 x 11
#> var estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 a -0.259 9.78 10.0 -0.587 0.565 16.2 -1.19
#> 2 b 0.154 15.0 14.8 0.169 0.868 15.4 -1.78
#> 3 c -0.359 20.4 20.7 -0.287 0.778 16.5 -3.00
#> # ... with 3 more variables: conf.high <dbl>, method <chr>,
#> # alternative <chr>
Created on 2019-03-15 by the reprex package (v0.2.1.9000)
Simply extract the estimate and p-value results from t.test call while iterating through all needed columns with sapply. Build formulas from a character vector and transpose with t() for output:
formulas <- paste(names(test_data)[1:(ncol(test_data)-1)], "~ grp")
output <- t(sapply(formulas, function(f) {
res <- t.test(as.formula(f))
c(res$estimate, p.value=res$p.value)
Input data (seeded for reproducibility)
a <- rnorm(20, 10, 1)
b <- rnorm(20, 15, 2)
c <- rnorm(20, 20, 3)
grp <- rep(c('m', 'y'),10)
test_data <- data.frame(a, b, c, grp)
Output result
# mean in group m mean in group y p.value
# a ~ grp 9.775477 10.03419 0.5654353
# b ~ grp 14.972888 14.81895 0.8678149
# c ~ grp 20.383679 20.74238 0.7776188
As you asked for a for loop:
a <- rnorm(20, 10, 1)
b <- rnorm(20, 15, 2)
c <- rnorm(20, 20, 3)
grp <- rep(c('m', 'y'),10)
test_data <- data.frame(a, b, c, grp)
for (i in 1:(ncol(test_data)-1)){
meanM=as.data.frame(rbind(meanM, t.test(test_data[,i] ~ grp)$estimate[1]))
meanY=as.data.frame(rbind(meanY, t.test(test_data[,i] ~ grp)$estimate[2]))
p.value=as.data.frame(rbind(p.value, t.test(test_data[,i] ~ grp)$p.value))
cbind(meanM, meanY, p.value)
It works, but I am a beginner in R. So maybe there is a more efficient solution
Using lapply this is rather easy.
I have tested the code with set.seed(7060) before creating the dataset, in order to make the results reproducible.
tests_list <- lapply(letters[1:3], function(x) t.test(as.formula(paste0(x, "~ grp")), data = test_data))
result <- do.call(rbind, lapply(tests_list, `[[`, "estimate"))
pval <- sapply(tests_list, `[[`, "p.value")
result <- cbind(result, p.value = pval)
# mean in group m mean in group y p.value
#[1,] 9.909818 9.658813 0.6167742
#[2,] 14.578926 14.168816 0.6462151
#[3,] 20.682587 19.299133 0.2735725
Note that a real life application would use names(test_data)[1:3], not letters[1:3], in the first lapply instruction.
This should be a comment rather than an answer, but I'll make it an answer. The reason is that the accepted answer is awesome but with one caveat that may cost others hours, which is at least the case for me.
The original data posted by OP
a <- rnorm(20, 10, 1)
b <- rnorm(20, 15, 2)
c <- rnorm(20, 20, 3)
grp <- rep(c('m', 'y'),10)
test_data <- data.frame(a, b, c, grp)
The answer provided by #Tung
res <- test_data %>%
select_if(is.numeric) %>%
map_df(~ broom::tidy(t.test(. ~ grp)), .id = 'var')
The problem, or more accurately, the caveat, of this answer is that one has to define the grp variable separately. Having the group variable outside of the dataframe is not a common practice as far as I know. So, even the answer is neat, it may be better to point out this operation (define group variable outside of the dataframe). Therefore, I use this comment like answer in the hope to save some time for those late comers.
I made a nls loop and get values calculated in console. Now I want to extract those values, specify which values are from which group and put everything in a dataframe to continue working.
my loop so far:
for (i in seq_along(trtlist2)) { loopmm.nls <-
nls(rate ~ (Vmax * conc /(Km + conc)),
data=subset(M3, M3$trtlist==trtlist2[i]),
start=list(Km=200, Vmax=2), trace=TRUE )
the output in console: (this is what I want to extract and put in a dataframe, I have this same "parameters" thing like 20 times)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Km 23.29820 9.72304 2.396 0.0228 *
Vmax 0.10785 0.01165 9.258 1.95e-10 ***
different ways of extracting data from the console that work but not in the loop (so far!)
#####extract data in diff ways from nls#####
## extract coefficients as matrix
Kinall <- summary(mm.nls)$parameters
## extract coefficients save as dataframe
Kin <- as.data.frame(Kinall)
colnames(Kin) <- c("values", "SE", "T", "P")
###create Km Vmax df
Kms <- Kin[1, ]
Vmaxs <- Kin[2, ]
#####extract coefficients each manually
Km <- unname(coef(summary(mm.nls))["Km", "Estimate"])
Vmax <- unname(coef(summary(mm.nls))["Vmax", "Estimate"])
KmSE <- unname(coef(summary(mm.nls))["Km", "Std. Error"])
VmaxSE <- unname(coef(summary(mm.nls))["Vmax", "Std. Error"])
KmP <- unname(coef(summary(mm.nls))["Km", "Pr(>|t|)"])
VmaxP <- unname(coef(summary(mm.nls))["Vmax", "Pr(>|t|)"])
KmT <- unname(coef(summary(mm.nls))["Km", "t value"])
VmaxT <- unname(coef(summary(mm.nls))["Vmax", "t value"])
one thing that works if you extract data through append, but somehow that only works for "estimates" not the rest
Kms <- append(Kms, unname(coef(loopmm.nls)["Km"] ))
Vmaxs <- append(Vmaxs, unname(coef(loopmm.nls)["Vmax"] ))
Kindf <- data.frame(trt = trtlist2, Vmax = Vmaxs, Km = Kms)
I would just keep everything in the dataframe for ease. You can nest by the group and then run the regression then pull the coefficients out. Just make sure you have tidyverse and broom installed on your computer.
mtcars |>
nest(data = -cyl) |>
mutate(model = map(data, ~nls(mpg~hp^b,
data = .x,
start = list(b = 1))),
clean_mod = map(model, broom::tidy)) |>
unnest(clean_mod) |>
select(-c(data, model))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 6
#> cyl term estimate std.error statistic p.value
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 6 b 0.618 0.0115 53.6 2.83e- 9
#> 2 4 b 0.731 0.0217 33.7 1.27e-11
#> 3 8 b 0.504 0.0119 42.5 2.46e-15
#what I expect will work for your data
All_M3_models <- M3 |>
nest(data = -trtlist) |>
mutate(model = map(data, ~nls(rate ~ (Vmax * conc /(Km + conc)),
start=list(Km=200, Vmax=2))),
clean_mod = map(model, broom::tidy))|>
unnest(clean_mod) |>
select(-c(data, model))
I have ran 3 chi suqared tests and I have combined them using the code below.
df2 <- data.frame(chisq.test_age, chisq.test_eth, chisq.test_reg, chisq.test_sex)
I have attached a photo below of what happens. Is there a way I can have this so the results are not just in a straight line? i.e where I have the variables on the y axis and the results (e.g p value) on the x axis.
You could use broom's tidy and dplyr's bind_rows:
chit1 <- chisq.test(xtabs(Freq ~ Sex + Class, data = as.data.frame(Titanic)))
chit2 <- chisq.test(xtabs(mpg ~ disp + hp, data = as.data.frame(mtcars)))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#> statistic p.value parameter method
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr>
#> 1 350. 1.56e-75 3 Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> 2 13222. 0 546 Pearson's Chi-squared test
Created on 2022-05-12 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Here is a base R way. The tests' results are put in a list with mget/ls, then a series of lapply loops gets the relevant list members. Finally, do.call bind them together.
The tests are taken from help("chisq.test").
# 1st test
M <- as.table(rbind(c(762, 327, 468), c(484, 239, 477)))
dimnames(M) <- list(gender = c("F", "M"),
party = c("Democrat","Independent", "Republican"))
chisq.test_Xsq1 <- chisq.test(M)
# 2nd test
x <- matrix(c(12, 5, 7, 7), ncol = 2)
chisq.test_Xsq2 <- chisq.test(x)
# 3rd test
x <- c(A = 20, B = 15, C = 25)
chisq.test_Xsq3 <- chisq.test(x)
test_list <- mget(ls(pattern = "^chisq.test_"))
test_list <- lapply(test_list, unclass)
test_list <- lapply(test_list, `[`, 1:3)
do.call(rbind, test_list)
#> statistic parameter p.value
#> chisq.test_Xsq1 30.07015 2 2.953589e-07
#> chisq.test_Xsq2 0.6411203 1 0.4233054
#> chisq.test_Xsq3 2.5 2 0.2865048
Created on 2022-05-12 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Is it possible to have gtsummary::tbl_summary compute the mean excluding outliers? For example in the following code I present sample data of some z-scores. Is it possible to specify what, or add a clause, to how gtsummary::tbl_summary handles each column?
n <- 1000
dat <- data.frame(id=1:n,
treat = factor(sample(c('Treat','Control'), n, rep=TRUE, prob=c(.5, .5))),
outcome1=runif(n, min=-3.6, max=2.3),
outcome2=runif(n, min=-1.9, max=3.3),
outcome3=runif(n, min=-2.5, max=2.8),
outcome4=runif(n, min=-3.1, max=2.2))
dat %>% select(-c(id)) %>% tbl_summary(by=treat, statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ "{mean} ({min} to {max})"))
For example, suppose I want the table to report the mean of outcome1only in cases where outcome1 >= -2.9 and for outcome2 only when cases are outcome2 < 3.0 etc.
Many thanks in advance for any guidance offered.
You can define a new mean function that excludes outlying values. You can define the outlier in any way you'd like. Then pass that function to tbl_summary(). Example below!
#> [1] '1.5.2'
n <- 1000
dat <- data.frame(id=1:n,
treat = factor(sample(c('Treat','Control'), n, rep=TRUE, prob=c(.5, .5))),
outcome1=runif(n, min=-3.6, max=2.3),
outcome2=runif(n, min=-1.9, max=3.3),
outcome3=runif(n, min=-2.5, max=2.8),
outcome4=runif(n, min=-3.1, max=2.2))
mean_no_extreme <- function(x) {
x <- na.omit(x)
sd <- sd(x)
mean <- mean(x)
# calculate mean excluding extremes
mean(x[x >= mean - sd * 3 & x <= mean + sd * 3])
dat %>%
select(-c(id)) %>%
statistic = all_continuous() ~ "{mean_no_extreme} ({min} to {max})"
) %>%
Control, N = 527
Treat, N = 473
-0.64 (-3.59 to 2.30)
-0.70 (-3.60 to 2.30)
0.68 (-1.89 to 3.30)
0.78 (-1.87 to 3.28)
0.20 (-2.47 to 2.80)
0.23 (-2.48 to 2.80)
-0.36 (-3.09 to 2.19)
-0.41 (-3.10 to 2.20)
Created on 2022-03-22 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
I'm doing cross validation (five fold). Then I want to calculate the mean value for each group in a given data set I used for that cv. Please note that I need to use the following functions.
cv <- crossv_kfold(mpg, k = 5)
models1 <- map(cv$train, ~lm(hwy ~ displ, data = .))
get_pred <- function(model, test_data){
data <- as.data.frame(test_data)
pred <- add_predictions(data, model)
pred1 <- map2_df(models1, cv$test, get_pred, .id = "Run")
MSE1 <- pred1 %>% group_by(Run) %>%
summarise(MSE = mean( (hwy - pred)^2))
My problem lies with the output of 'summarise'. The function should be applied to each group. The result should look something like this:
## # A tibble: 5 x 2
## Run MSE
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 1 27.889532
## 2 2 8.673054
## 3 3 17.033056
## 4 4 12.552037
## 5 5 9.138741
Unfortunately, I get only one value:
1 14.77799
How can I get a tibble like that above?
When I run your code, I get the style of output you are expecting (though the numbers are different (as the seed wasn't set in your example)); I do not see a summarise-type problem like you do:
cv <- crossv_kfold(mpg, k = 5)
models1 <- map(cv$train, ~lm(hwy ~ displ, data = .))
get_pred <- function(model, test_data){
data <- as.data.frame(test_data)
pred <- add_predictions(data, model)
pred1 <- map2_df(models1, cv$test, get_pred, .id = "Run")
MSE1 <- pred1 %>% group_by(Run) %>%
summarise(MSE = mean( (hwy - pred)^2))
# A tibble: 5 x 2
<chr> <dbl>
1 1 7.80
2 2 12.5
3 3 9.82
4 4 27.3
5 5 17.5
Im working with a huge data frame with structure similar to the followings. I use output_reg to store slope and intercept for each treatment but I need to add r.squared for each lm (y~x) and store it in another column besides the other two. Any hint on that?
field <- c('t1','t1','t1', 't2', 't2','t2', 't3', 't3','t3')
predictor <- c(4.2, 5.3, 5.4,6, 7,8.5,9, 10.1,11)
response <- c(5.1, 5.1, 2.4,6.1, 7.7,5.5,1.99, 5.42,2.5)
my_df <- data.frame(field, predictor, response, stringsAsFactors = F)
for (i in 1:length(B)) {
index <- my_df[my_df$field==B[i],]
x<- index$predictor
y<- index$response
output_reg[[i]] <- lm (y ~ x) # gets estimates for each field
r.squared can be accessed via the summary of the model, try this:
m <- lm(y ~ x)
rs <- summary(m)$r.squared
The summary object of the linear regression result contains almost everything you need:
for (i in 1:length(B)) {
index <- my_df[my_df$field==B[i],]
x<- index$predictor
y<- index$response
m <- lm (y ~ x)
s <- summary(m) # get the summary of the model
# extract every thing you need from the summary object
output_reg[[i]] <- c(s$coefficients[, 'Estimate'], r.squared = s$r.squared)
#(Intercept) x r.squared
# 10.7537594 -1.3195489 0.3176692
#(Intercept) x r.squared
# 8.8473684 -0.3368421 0.1389040
#(Intercept) x r.squared
#-0.30500000 0.35963455 0.03788593
To bind the result together:
do.call(rbind, output_reg)
# (Intercept) x r.squared
# [1,] 10.753759 -1.3195489 0.31766917
# [2,] 8.847368 -0.3368421 0.13890396
# [3,] -0.305000 0.3596346 0.03788593
Check-out the broom package and sprinkle in some dplyr (see this vignette):
my_df %>%
group_by(field) %>%
do(glance(lm(predictor ~ response, data = .))) #also see do(tidy(...))
# field r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
# 1 t1 0.31766917 -0.3646617 0.7778175 0.46556474 0.6188153 2 -1.855107 9.710214 7.006051 0.605000 1
# 2 t2 0.13890396 -0.7221921 1.6513038 0.16131065 0.7568653 2 -4.113593 14.227185 11.523022 2.726804 1
# 3 t3 0.03788593 -0.9242281 1.3894755 0.03937779 0.8752903 2 -3.595676 13.191352 10.487189 1.930642 1
Alternatively, save the regressions first:
regressions <- my_df %>% group_by(field) %>% do(fit = lm(predictor ~ response, data = .))
regressions %>% tidy(fit)
regressions %>% glance(fit)
You can do the following using purrr
my_df %>%
slice_rows("field") %>%
by_slice(partial(lm, predictor ~ response), .labels = FALSE) %>%
flatten %>%
map(~c(coef(.), r.squared=summary(.)$r.squared))
Which gives you:
(Intercept) response r.squared
5.9777778 -0.2407407 0.3176692
(Intercept) response r.squared
9.8195876 -0.4123711 0.1389040
(Intercept) response r.squared
9.68534163 0.10534562 0.03788593
If you want a data.frame back instead use this as last line:
map_df(~as.data.frame(t(c(coef(.), r.squared=summary(.)$r.squared))))
You can create a data frame with model stats like this:
model_stats <- data.frame(model$coefficients)
model_stats <- rbind(model_stats, r.sq = summary(model)$r.squared)