Spring Data Redis Cache Implementation - postgresql-9.1

We are currently working on spring boot project with postgreSQl as database.We want to connect our database to redis for cache implementation.Can anyone please answer how to connect postgreSQL to Redis?


Need help Confluent Kafka .net Core client trying to produce/consume message to and from Kafka cluster(Linux server) using SASL Kerberos authenticatio

I am trying to work on the Kafka connectivity issue.
Basically I am trying be produce/consume from .net core confluent kafka to kafka cluster( linux server)
and I am facing various issues.
I am using Confluent.Kafka(.net) 1.7.0 version to connect to Kafka cluster verion:2.7.2
My confluent kafka .net is being used in the docker container.
I am trying to run my .net core c# api in a docker container and I am getting following runtime errors:
No provider for SASL mechanism GSSAPI: recompile librdkafka with libsasl2 or openssl support. Current build options: PLAIN SASL_SCRAM OAUTHBEARER -
at Confluent.Kafka.Impl.SafeKafkaHandle.Create(RdKafkaType type, IntPtr config, IClient owner)
at Confluent.Kafka.Producer`2..ctor(ProducerBuilder`2 builder)
at Confluent.Kafka.ProducerBuilder`2.Build()
Anyone has some experience with this kind of problem.
I did and I ended up following [link]Confluent Kafka Dotnet Kerberos Support Dockerfile (No provider for SASL mechanism GSSAPI) article.
Made changes to dockerfile to complete the steps. After installing on container I am getting following msg:
When users attempt to use Kerberos and specify a principal or user name without specifying what administrative Kerberos realm that principal belongs to, the system appends the default realm. The default realm may also be used as the realm of a Kerberos service running on the local machine. Often, the default realm is the uppercase version of the local DNS domain.

HikariPool-1 - Failed to validate connection com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl

Using azure db server but getting this error continuously in spring boot application running in a pod in Azure Kuberenetes Service. Not able to solve it.
It is happen long time inactive of database server. Restart the DB server.

HealthCheck probe interval .net Core 2.2

Can one configure the probe time when using the HealthCheck framework in .NET 2.2.? Is there a way?
Timing it, the default refresh is 30 seconds or at least that's how often mine fires.
You can set the period property of IHealthCheckPublisher execution. The default value is 30 seconds.
services.Configure<HealthCheckPublisherOptions>(options =>
options.Period = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
services.AddSingleton<IHealthCheckPublisher, SampleHealthCheckPublisher>();
You can use AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks and related packages provided by Xabaril via the BeatPulse project.
Here's the link to the repository: https://github.com/Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks
This package has a variety of implementations to provide health checks for different services like:
Sql Server
System: Disk Storage, Private Memory, Virtual Memory
Azure Service Bus: EventHub, Queue and Topics
Azure Storage: Blob, Queue and Table
Azure Key Vault
Azure DocumentDb
Amazon DynamoDb
Amazon S3
Network: Ftp, SFtp, Dns, Tcp port, Smtp, Imap
Identity Server
Uri: single uri and uri groups
This package makes refresh duration for probe configurable using settings in appSettings.json file.
You can find more details on the implementation for probe check here: https://github.com/Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks/blob/master/doc/kubernetes-liveness.md
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IBM Data Science Experience (DSX): How to connect with Client's ORACLE Database

I'm able to connect with dashDB and to do that I've collected my credentials from Bluemix Manage. I've used ibmdbR package.
My client has ORACLE database. How can I make a connection to it. I like to use ibmdbR.

Can somebody give an example of configuring Spring JDBC fast connection failover AOP?

I try to use Spring JDBC data extention package to do fast connection failover with Oracle database. I'm having a problem to configure the AOP part.
You need to configure UCP (Universal Connection Pool) with Spring. Take a look at this blog article.
