CSS: column loads squished in internet explorder - css

my site http://action.news loads fine in chrome/firefox .
However, on internet explorer, the right div column loads all stuck together
but not the main page only when you read an article
i converted my site from tables/2000s era to mobile friendly
here is a sample article
here is what it looks like in IE

You are using a css flexbox layout. There is only partial suport in IE11 for flexbox. See https://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox for details of feature compatibility.
IE11 was released in 2013. You'll need to decide if compatibility is worth changing from flex to something that works in IE.


Vertical rhythm in Chrome and IE9

I was working on vertical rhythm of my css framework - it looks perfect in firefox but different in chrome and ie9. Anyone know what the cause?
my framework typography page:
If you are referring to the box-flex grid, then check out the specs of the MDN page on using flexible box. There are a couple issues you're running into...
For one, support is extremely limited. Firefox 18+, Chrome 21+, no support in IE and Safari. As such, you are experiencing issues in Chrome because production Chrome is the only one that actually supports your code, and also you are missing the following styling:
-webkit-flex-direction: column
Yours is defaulting to row, which is causing your issues in Chrome.
More perplexing is that I'm on Firefox 15 and it's displaying your Grid properly... Yet when viewing the computer styles, it doesn't even display your grid styling, as Firefox 15 doesn't yet support it. So I'm actually amazed that you're grid displays properly in Firefox.
Anyway, check out what browsers support it and make sure you are overriding any default settings that need to be overridden.

main page boxes not aligned right in Internet Explorer

I am building a photo portfolio website using wordpress and editing an existing theme. I worked on it in firefox and checked a few times throughout at the styling in IE and it was always fine. But having basically finished I looked at it today and it in IE and it is totally messed up. None of the boxes on the main page are lined up right.
I tried using the code in the header to have IE render it as IE7 and that generally worked but it made some other little problems. I am not sure if the problem is my doctype. I don't really know what it should be, or if I changed something along the way that messed it up.
The site works perfectly in all other browsers that I have tried
Here is the site. http://theshalomimaginative.com/blog/
Youre <h3> tags aren't closed. One of the few instances where IE is actually rendering things correctly ;) Other browsers will allow us to make mistakes like this, but IE is more strict.
Never forget the value of validating your code!

Body Content div Alignment Problems In IE6

I am having alignment problems with a website I'm designing on IE6. It works great in all browsers (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, etc.) including IE7, IE8 and IE9. Basically, I troubleshooted and found that there is 25 extra pixels that are being added to either the main body of the page or the right body column of the page (these are divs #body_box or #right_box in the JS Fiddle below). They should be displayed inline but instead the #right_box overlaps and is displayed underneath #body_box and floating to the right.
The way I know this is that I expanded the div #Complete_Layout to 1025px (as opposed to the 1000px that it's set at now) and that's when it worked in IE6. I tried 1026px and 1024px and it didn't line up. I checked the dimensions of the background images which are accurate and I even attempted to change the width of the two divs (body_box and right_box) to percentages (75% and 25%) but it gave the same result. I'm out of ideas on what else to try.
It should be noted that I am doing this in PHP and the body_box and right_box sections are part of include files (don't know if that changes anything). I've added a comment on the HTML of the JSFiddle on where index.right.php begins. Thanks for the help.
This looks like the infamous "IE 6 box model bug," a well-known difference between IE 6 and other browsers from the time. Essentially, IE 6 counts the padding and the border as part of the width and height of an element, but any other browser from that time follows the same model as newer browsers.
Seriously, though, why are you designing a website for IE 6? It's ten years old and insecure, and it has less than 1% market share in the US. Microsoft has put up a website devoted to getting people off of IE 6. You wouldn't write code for Office 2000, or Mac OS 9, or PHP 3, so why are you developing code for a browser that was popular around the same time as those products?

Why does my page not display correctly in Internet Explorer 6?

I created a simple page with a series of divs. In all of the modern browsers, it appears fine, but in Internet Explorer 6, it falls apart. I have no idea what is causing it to happen.
You can view the page here: IE 6 Test Page
If you have IE6 installed, I included the Firebug Lite JS file on the page, so just click the firebug icon in the bottom right corner to inspect an element.
Here's a screenshot using Browserlab to view the page in Firefox and IE6: Comparison Screenshot
The 3rd div named 'content'(With the Manager Email field) moves everything to the right forcing the next div to the next line. Also, none of the row div's reach all the way across as they should(see Comparison Screenshot)
I did some research and have found that there is some problems in IE6 using floats which I use here, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
Why does my page not display correctly in Internet Explorer 6? And better yet, how can I fix it? :)
It looks like the third div isn't clearing the float properly. Perhaps give each of the row divs the style clear: both
Do you really need to support IE6? Even Microsoft is fighting it nowadays and the market share is starting to be irrelevant except for China.
There's a difference between "not working in IE6" and "not looking perfect in IE6".
As has already been said, IE6's market share is low and continuing to fall -- it's below 2% in most of the developed world (see http://gs.statcounter.com/ for country-by-country stats).
Given those stats, I would say that if the page is usable in IE6 then your work is done. IE6 users are by now used to web pages looking bad. Many popular sites don't work at all in their browser, so one with a few layout glitches won't phase them at all. They'll still use the site.
If it is actually broken to the point of not being usable then it's a different story; in that case, you'd need to consider how important those few IE6 users are to you vs the time it'll take to do the work, and fix it accordingly, but that doesn't seen to be case here: the page seems to work. It looks a bit naff, but it works.

layout problem floating issues safari and firefox

can someone look at this site for me I have a serious problem with the sub pages content div going over to the right bar this issue the site renders fine in all other browsers except safari firefox and iphone
if u look at the above page in ie it will display fine and chrome any ideas anyone
It looks as though the problem you are having relates to your parent DIV 'collapsing' on your floated child elements.
The following article explains how to resolve this issue (in the Collapsing section) a long with other approaches for laying out floating elements:
Validate your html and css for those lists of significant errors. Then get this working in a modern browser before seeing how IE screws things up. The other browsers are showing what you wrote. IE makes things up as it goes along. Never, ever trust IE to do anything right.
Also, you have space before the doctype. Some versions of IE go into quirks mode in that situation.
