What is the status of rxandroidble and rxjava2? - rxandroidble

I just inherited a project which uses both rxandroidble and rxjava2 (and the associated rxandroid). The previous developer seems to have gotten away with using them together with the versions being just so... But updating any of the related dependencies cause various errors.
Am I correct in assuming rxandroidble is rxjava1 only at this point?
If so, when might there be a version for rxjava2?
Is there a safe (read: stable) way of having both coexist in the same app?

RxAndroidBle is RxJava2 compatible since version 1.5.0 released on 14th of March 2018
Original Answer:
Am I correct in assuming rxandroidble is rxjava1 only at this point?
Yes, current stable release 1.4.3 is RxJava1 only.
If so, when might there be a version for rxjava2?
RxJava2 version is worked on. Current status can be checked in the official Github issue.
Status as of 26th Feb 2018: there is a 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT release that is for RxJava2. (It is in a different namespace than RxJava1 version)
Is there a safe (read: stable) way of having both coexist in the same app?
Assuming you are talking about having RxAndroidBle and RxJava2 and RxAndroid for the same version—yes it should be totally fine to have it in one app. There is also an interop library for chaining both versions of RxJava.


How to load an older version of gpt.js file

To load latest version of gpt.js we need to add
How can i load older version of gpt.js in my html file?
Thanks in advance.
Looks like older versions of the GTP librairy are hosted this way : securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/tag/js/version/gpt.js
Sample :
Versions list is here.
Versions release notes are here.
Be careful when you use past versions of the librairy as :
All changes to the GPT library are thoroughly tested before release. Additionally, releases are rolled out to users gradually to further protect against unexpected regressions. If a regression is spotted at any point during a rollout, the entire release can be quickly abandoned before it reaches all users.

Flyway DB - Deprecated Version

is there a way to know when a version of Flyway is going to get deprecated?, actually we were using 6.0.7 the last year and then got deprecated like 6 months ago, now we are using 6.4.1 but I tried to find something on the blog and documentation but there's nothing about some news of when a version is going to be deprecated, only when we run our java spring boot project we know that a version is not usable. And we're aware of this because there's a lot of changes in version 7+ that doesn't work with our project (tested version 7.0.1 and the app crashed) and we need to estimate the cost of the changes.
Any help would be appreciate, thanks.
Flyway releases via Maven OSS. Old versions are kept indefinitely and are outside of Redgate's control. In theory, all older versions which are currently available on Maven will continue to be available for all time.
Newer versions may deprecate features over time, but older versions will always be available.

How to make Rider show API documentation again?

Since reinstalling with Fedora 32, Jetbrains Rider does not show XML documentation for external APIs like all the SDK classes and methods anymore:
As you can see, Rider does not show the method documentation, even though I know it's there and the Rider decompiler does show it too, when Ctrl+Clicking into the Slice method.
The official dotnet-sdk-3.1 package from the Fedora repositories is installed and works as normal.
Is there some setting that I missed and which allows me to fix/enable the documentation?
The issue disappeared after 2 weeks of system upgrades and restarting. No idea what caused this.

Implementation of frama-clang

So far I've found the STANCE project (Stance project website) a reader (found on the website) and a presentation (also found on the website). Also, apparently there will be a frama-c day taking place on June 20th where frama-clang is going to be introduced.
However, I am wondering whether there is an implementation to play around with frama-clang.
Since a few minutes, there is: http://frama-c.com/frama-clang.html (don't forget to read the Caveat part). It is released as a new plug-in, under LGPL2.1. Frama-Clang is compatible with Frama-C Aluminium (i.e. the latest Frama-C version so far), and clang/llvm 3.8 (be sure to either use the dev packages of your distribution or compile clang by hand).

Q3support status in the next Qt release

What is the status of q3support classes in the next Qt release, I heard that before august when next major Qt release it will be done without Qt3 support is that true? please give me links if that is true.
And what is the proposed ways to reduce the q3 dependencies.
Here you go: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/12/qt-modules-maturity-level-the-list/
For future... why won't use google? Qt3Support is already deprecated and will be dropped in Qt5. And the proposed way to reduce Qt3 dependencies is: (drums) PORT YOUR CODE TO Qt4! Qt 4.0 was released almost SEVEN years ago! Yes, Qt 4.0 was released in 2005! Why didn't you (or your dev team) do anything about this in seven years? The Qt3Support module is well documented like most of Qt's libraries. Just use the docs and port everything, class by class.
