TestFx - How to test javaFx MenuItems - javafx

Since MenuItem is not a Node, I'm not able to look it up. How do I test, if some MenuItem is disabled?
I've tried to look it up as it was a node and it returned me something, which looks like this..
(toString representation of returned object):
(ContextMenuContent$MenuItemContainer[id=mnEditHrom, styleClass=menu-item])
But i can't cast MenuItem on that, it says "Node cannot be converted to MenuItem" and when I call isDisabled() function on what was returned, i get incorrect information.
Lets say I have MenuItem with "mnEdit" id, which is disabled. When i call
it returns false. Find method looks like this:
public <T extends Node> T find(String query)
return (T) lookup(query).queryAll().iterator().next();
So again, how do I test whether some MenuItem is disabled or not in testFx?

You almost done in the original post. When you get the MenuItemContainer get the MenuItem firstly and finally call isDisable():
ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer actualMenuItemContainer = find("#mnEdit");
boolean actualResult = actualMenuItemContainer.getItem().isDisable();

I solved it by looking up MenuBar, identifying item I want to test by its Id and since I have now MenuItem obejct in hands, I can call isDisable() on it.
CommonTests common = new CommmonTests();
public void disabledMenuItemTest()
common.disabledMenuItemTest("#mainMenu", "mnEditHrom", true);
TestUtils utils = new TestUtils();
public void disabledMenuItemTest(String menuBarSelector, String menuItemId, boolean expected)
Boolean actual = utils.isMenuItemDisabled(menuBarSelector, menuItemId);
if (actual != null)
assertEquals("MenuItem "+menuItemId+" je enabled/disabled (expected = "+expected+").", expected, actual.booleanValue());
fail("MenuBar/MenuItem not found.");
public Boolean isMenuItemDisabled(String menuBarSelector, String menuItemId)
ArrayList<MenuItem> list = getAllMenuItems(menuBarSelector);
Boolean disabled = null;
if(list != null)
for(MenuItem item : list)
if(item.getId() != null && item.getId().equals(menuItemId))
return item.isDisable();
return disabled;
private ArrayList<MenuItem> getAllMenuItems(String menuBarSelector)
ArrayList<MenuItem> itemsList = new ArrayList<MenuItem>();
MenuBar menuBar = (MenuBar) find(menuBarSelector);
if(menuBar != null)
menuBar.getMenus().forEach(menu -> {
menu.getItems().forEach(menuItem -> {
return itemsList;
return null;


How to use Bindings.when to bind button disableProperty with a TableView Selecteditem property

I have a TableView that holds a Model class, which has a BooleanProperty as follow
TableView<Model> tableView;
Model Class :
class Model{
BooleanProperty valid;
public Model()
valid = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
... getters and setters
What i want to acheive is to bind a button disable property with selected item valid Property in the Model class fom the tableView, i know that i can acheive that with listeners, but using a listener needs to set first the initial value properly, since they are not getting fired until there is some change, as an exemple in this case, if there is no selected item from the table and the button is set to be not disable from the start, it will still be like that, until the listener fired, this is why i prefer to use Bindings, since it doesn't care about the initial value. is there any way to do so with Bindings also ?
what i tried :
i tried this :
but the problem is that i'm getting the following error :
return value of "javafx.scene.control.TableView$TableViewSelectionModel.getSelectedItem()" is null
Even tho i put a condition to the binding : Bindings.when(tableView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().isNotNull()
You can use a custom binding which implements a listener: for example:
transferButton.disableProperty().bind(new BooleanBinding() {
tableView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(obs, oldSelection, newSelection) -> {
if (oldSelection != null) unbind(oldSelection.validProperty());
if (newSelection != null) bind(newSelection.validProperty());
protected boolean computeValue() {
Model selection = tableView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if (selection == null) return true ;
return ! selection.isValid();
There is also a selection API in the Bindings API which will work, though it is not robust and will generate spurious warnings when the selection is null:
Here's an approach of a custom select binding which uses functions to provide nested properties (similar to core SelectBinding, just replacing the reflective access to the nested properties by functions providing them)
The basic idea
start with binding to the root
keep the binding chain in the dependencies
update the binding chain on validating (no need to do anything as long as the binding is not valid)
implement state cleanup
Code example (here with a single function only, can be extended for a longer chain, though, by adding more functions and walk the providers)
* Custom binding to a nested property using a Function to provide the nested.
public class XSelectBinding<R, T> extends ObjectBinding<T> {
private ObservableList<ObservableValue<?>> dependencies;
private Function<R, ObservableValue<T>> provider;
public XSelectBinding(ObservableValue<R> root, Function<R, ObservableValue<T>> provider) {
if (root == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("root must not be null");
if (provider == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("provider must not be null");
dependencies = FXCollections.observableArrayList(root);
this.provider = provider;
* Implemented to update dependencies and return the value of the nested property if
* available
protected T computeValue() {
ObservableValue<?> child = dependencies.size() > 1 ? dependencies.get(1) : null;
return child != null ? (T) child.getValue() : null;
* Updates dependencies and bindings on validating.
protected void onValidating() {
// grab the root
ObservableValue<R> root = (ObservableValue<R>) dependencies.get(0);
// cleanup bindings and dependencies
// rebind starting from root
ObservableValue<T> nestedProperty = root.getValue() != null ?
provider.apply(root.getValue()) : null;
if (nestedProperty != null) {
bind(dependencies.toArray(new ObservableValue<?>[dependencies.size()]));
* Unbinds and clears dependencies.
private void unbindAll() {
unbind(dependencies.toArray(new ObservableValue<?>[dependencies.size()]));
public ObservableList<?> getDependencies() {
return FXCollections.unmodifiableObservableList(dependencies);
* Implemented to unbind all dependencies and clear references to path providers.
public void dispose() {
provider = null;
To use in the OP's context:
// XSelectBinding
ObjectBinding<Boolean> xSelectBinding = new XSelectBinding<Model, Boolean>(
item -> item.validProperty());

Binding labels textProperty to object's property held by another final ObjectProperty

In app I'm bulding I used data model presented by James_D here:
Applying MVC With JavaFx
I just can find a way to bind labels text to property of object held in DataModel
Data is structured like this:
model class Student
//partial class
public class Student {
private final StringProperty displayName = new SimpleStringProperty();
public final StringProperty displayNameProperty(){
return this.displayName;
public Student(){
public final String getDisplayName() {
return this.displayNameProperty().get();
public final void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
Student instaces are held by StudentDataModel class
public class StudentDataModel {
// complete student list
private final ObservableList<Student> studentList = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
private final ObjectProperty<Student> selectedStudent = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(new Student());
public final Student getSelectedStudent() {
return selectedStudent.get();
public final ObjectProperty<Student> selectedStudentProperty() {
return selectedStudent;
public final void setSelectedStudent(Student student) {
StudentList is displayed by Table View, there is change listener that sets selectedStudent like this:
public class TableViewController {
public void initModel(StudentDataModel studentDM) {
// ensure model is set once
if (this.studentDM != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("StudentDataModel can only be initialized once");
this.studentDM = studentDM;
tableView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((obs, oldSelection, newSelection) -> {
if (newSelection != null) {
There is another controller ActionsBarController that has label to display selected student (this seems redundant, but there is option for selecting multiple objects to perform bulk operations).
StudentDataModel is initialized properly (I can see it in debuger) but below doesn't do anything:
//this shows class name with instance number changing correctly
I could inject ActionsBarController to TableViewController and change label text from change Listener there, but this seems counter productive with data model.
What am I doing wrong?
Your code doesn't work, because you call (and evaluate) getSelectedStudent() at the time the binding is created (i.e. when you initialize the model). As a consequence, you only bind to the displayName property of the student that is selected at that time. (If nothing is selected, you'll get a NullPointerException.) The binding will only change if that initially-selected student's display name changes; it won't change if the selection changes.
You need a binding that unbinds from the old selected student's display name, and binds to the new selected student's display name, when the selected student changes. One way to do this is:
chosenStudentLabel.textProperty().bind(new StringBinding() {
studentDM.selectedStudentProperty().addListener((obs, oldStudent, newStudent) -> {
if (oldStudent != null) {
if (newStudent != null) {
protected String computeValue() {
if (studentDM.getSelectedStudent() == null) {
return "" ;
return studentDM.getSelectedStudent().getDisplayName();
Note that there is also a "built-in" way to do this, but it's a bit unsatisfactory (in my opinion) for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it relies on specifying the name of the "nested property" as a String, using reflection to access it. This is undesirable because it has no way to check the property exists at compile time, it requires opening the module for access, and it is less good performance-wise. Secondly, it gives spurious warnings if one of the properties in the "chain" is null (e.g. in this case if the selected student is null, which is will be initially), even though this is a supported case according to the documentation. However, it is significantly less code:
Bindings.selectString(studentDM.selectedStudentProperty(), "displayName")

WebFlux returning http.okay vice http.notFound

New to WebFlux, reactive, and handlers. I've got things "working", but am not understanding why following code is returning "okay" with empty body, vice "not found".
Clarification: The issue-of-concern is in the final return statement of DemoPOJOHandler.getById(). The "short-circuit" code works as expected (i.e., returns "Bad Request" status), but the "switchIfEmpty" path of the final return statement does not appear to get exercised if a DemoPOJORepo.getById(int) returns Mono.empty().
(Note: I've hacked up a list-based "repo" to avoid dealing with database while figuring out handlers and http return types.)
Router implementation ("/v1" is a set of annotation based RESTful endpoints)...
public class DemoPOJORouter {
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route(DemoPOJOHandler requestHandler) {
return nest(path("/v2"),
RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.GET("/DemoPOJO"), requestHandler::getAll)
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.GET("/DemoPOJO/{id}"), requestHandler::getById)
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.POST("/DemoPOJO"), requestHandler::add)));
Handler implementation has been "stripped down" to only the code in question. I have a feeling that much of the style is "still imperative", but I've attempted to put the reactive stuff where it "makes the most sense".
If I supply a bad value on the URI (i.e., "foo"), then I get the http "bad request" returned. But, never seem to get the "not found" that should be generated by "switchIfEmpty" if a validly formatted int value is supplied, but it does not map to an entry in the repo.
public class DemoPOJOHandler {
public static final String PATH_VAR_ID = "id";
private DemoPOJORepo repo = null;
public Mono<ServerResponse> getById(ServerRequest request) {
Mono<DemoPOJO> monoDemoPOJO = null;
Map<String, String> pathVariables = request.pathVariables();
int id = -1;
checkRepoRef(); // part of the list hack
// short-circuit if request doesn't contain id (should never happen)
if ((pathVariables == null)
|| (!pathVariables.containsKey(PATH_VAR_ID))) {
return ServerResponse.badRequest().build();
// short-circuit if bad id value
try {
id = Integer.parseInt(pathVariables.get(PATH_VAR_ID));
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
return ServerResponse.badRequest().build();
// get entity by keyValue
monoDemoPOJO = repo.getById(id);
return monoDemoPOJO
.flatMap(demoPOJO -> ServerResponse.ok()
Hack of a list-based repo to avoid dealing with data/APIs while working on handlers and http return types.
// local hack to avoid a database for testing
public class DemoPOJORepo {
private static DemoPOJORepo fpRepo = null;
private static int NUM_ROWS = 100;
private Map<Integer, DemoPOJO> fooPOJOMap;
private DemoPOJORepo() {
public static DemoPOJORepo getInstance() {
if (fpRepo == null) {
fpRepo = new DemoPOJORepo();
return fpRepo;
public Mono<DemoPOJO> getById(int id) {
Mono<DemoPOJO> monoDP;
if (fooPOJOMap.containsKey(id)) {
monoDP = Mono.just(fooPOJOMap.get(id));
} else {
monoDP = Mono.empty();
return monoDP;
private Mono<Void> initMap() {
fooPOJOMap = new TreeMap<Integer, DemoPOJO>();
int offset = -1;
for(int ndx=0; ndx<NUM_ROWS; ndx++) {
offset = ndx + 1;
fooPOJOMap.put(offset, new DemoPOJO(offset, "foo_" + offset, offset+100));
return Mono.empty();
Your brackets are in the wrong place causing the swithIfEmpy to apply to the ServerResponse.ok() publisher not the monoDemoPOJO, replace the return with this and it should work:
return monoDemoPOJO
.flatMap(demoPOJO -> ServerResponse.ok().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).syncBody(demoPOJO))
As I can see the code is right. The response code is Bad request because you are trying to convert "foo" to Integer, and when it throws an exception you are returning a Bad request response, so I think it works perfectly fine.
If you use an Integer id that is not present in your database then the answer must be a not found response

JavaFX Observable List Boolean attributes not reflected on CheckBoxes

I am trying to display a list of users on a table. I write the following code in order to complete the table, however the Boolean values are not displayed on checkboxes (they are always populated as empty / false when there are actually several that are true). As a test I an just adding a single object that I am creating "manually"
Below is the code:
TableView<User> objTable = new TableView<User>();
ObservableList<User> objList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(new User("User 1", true);
TableColumn objColumnName = new TableColumn<User, String>("Column Name");
TableColumn objColumnActive = new TableColumn<User, Boolean>("Active");
objColumnName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<User, String>("DisplayName"));
objColumnActive.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<UserRequestVO, Boolean>("Active"));
User Class
public class user
private String strFirstName;
private Boolean bolActive;
public Boolean getActive()
return this.bolActive
I also try renaming getActive function as isActive, but there were no changes
You should use properties,
In your user class, you would store your boolean as a SimpleBooleanProperty :
private SimpleBooleanProperty bolActive;
Instantiated like so : this.bolActive = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); //Or true instead of false
Now create a getter for the property, the property value, and a setter for the property value :
public BooleanProperty bolActiveProperty(){
return bolActive;
public final Boolean getBolActive() {
return bolActive.get();
public final void setBolActive(Boolean bolActive) {
Now when you create your table columns, you do this :
objColumnActive.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().bolActiveProperty());
Or if you prefer old school java :
objColumnActive.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<User,Boolean>, ObservableValue<Boolean>>() {
public ObservableValue<Boolean> call(CellDataFeatures<User, Boolean> cellData) {
return cellData.getValue().bolActiveProperty();
This also work I think, might be wrong though :
objColumnActive.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<User, Boolean>("bolActive"));
This will allow you to bind the User property to the column, so that any modification of the column will affect the value in the user.
Nice thing is you can listen to the value modification using myProperty.addListener((obs, oldV, newV) -> { /* Your code */ });
Where obs is the value observed, oldV the old value, and newV the new value (obviously)
Does that help/work for you?

Is this common practice for a read-only property that accesses the database

If I have a read-only property on an object that fills itself via the DB, is this what I should be doing, or is there a better way to make sure it's already been evaluated?
private List<Variable> _selectedVariables;
public new List<Variable> SelectedVariables
if (_selectedVariables == null)
_selectedVariables = SomeFunctionThatCallsDB();
return _selectedVariables;
That's fine for a single thread; but you will have problems if that is going to be in a situation where you have multithreaded gets.
EDIT: Threadsafing:
Simple Threadsafe pattern:
private readonly object _objectLock = new object();
private List<T> _someList = null;
public List<T> MyStuff
if(_someList == null)
if(_someList == null)
_someList = LoadFromDB();
return _someList;
You check to see if set, then lock, then check again to make sure you covered the race condition.
