Whenever I launch simulators on Xcode 9.2, the simualtors are crashing with multiple popups.
Xcode version: 9.2 (9C40b)
Mac OS version: 10.12.6 (16G1212)
Some of the error messages are as follows:
backboardd cannot be opened because of a problem.
SimultorBridge cannot be opened because of a problem.
SpringBoard cannot be opened because of a problem.
Crash report for SimultorBridge is as follows:
Process: SimulatorBridge [4361]
Path: /Users/USER/Downloads/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app/Contents/Resources/Platforms/iphoneos/usr/libexec/SimulatorBridge
Identifier: SimulatorBridge
Version: 835.5 (835.5)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd_sim [4313]
Responsible: SimulatorBridge [4361]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2018-02-21 12:36:15.729 +0530
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.12.6 (16G1212)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 6844F1F8-F647-09F6-8FB0-A7B9C14F843B
Time Awake Since Boot: 10000 seconds
System Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 0
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x1] Library missing
Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAnalytics.framework/CoreAnalytics
Referenced from: /Users/USER/Downloads/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WirelessDiagnostics.framework/WirelessDiagnostics
Reason: image not found
How to resolve this issue?
Reinstall Xcode as this issues might occur because of the corrupted simulator files.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new to this VirtualBox macOS thing and I am trying to run flutter with the IOS simulator, but when I try to open the IOS Simulator it takes a long time to load and an error comes up and says that the SpringBoard quit unexpectedly. I was wondering how I would be able to fix it? I already tried reinstalling it and the error still came up.
Process: SpringBoard [850]
Path: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/SpringBoard
Identifier: SpringBoard
Version: 1.0 (50)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd_sim [719]
Responsible: SimulatorTrampoline [714]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2020-06-13 18:56:35.137 -0700
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.3 (19D76)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: C3FC17E7-DC36-0C9B-B9ED-3D40775A17B0
Sleep/Wake UUID: 48BAAE61-7371-48CE-82D8-E10AFAEE7A5A
Time Awake Since Boot: 3400 seconds
System Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Signal: Illegal instruction: 4
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x4
Terminating Process: exc handler [850]
Application Specific Information:
CoreSimulator 704.12.2 - Device: iPhone SE (2nd generation) (E13AD6AD-6437-4A57-B9F4-CAEC3FDBAD36) - Runtime: iOS 13.5 (17F61) - DeviceType: iPhone SE (2nd generation)
For the full error: https://pastebin.com/EKJkb5i7
I just had the same issue and solved it by executing the following commands in a Command Prompt with Admin privileges, to disable AVX/AVX2 support for my virtual machine (Make sure to shutdown the VM and close Virtualbox before and replace "YourVMName" with the actual name of your VM in VirtualBox)
cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\"
VBoxManage setextradata "YourVMName" VBoxInternal/CPUM/IsaExts/AVX 0
VBoxManage setextradata "YourVMName" VBoxInternal/CPUM/IsaExts/AVX2 0
I have the same issue with iOS 13.3 simulators. I couldn't solve the problem, but devices with older iOS (I tried with 11.4) working fine. (You can create simulator devices with older iOS in the Device Manager.)
SIGILL usually means you hit a __builtin_trap() or you are trying to execute an instruction that isn't supported by your CPU.
Given this is in some HEVC processing, I suspect your VM is advertising support for some SIMD extension it doesn't actually support (eg: AVX2 or similar).
You should check your VM configuration and ensure it is not advertising support for CPU extensions your system doesn't actually support, and you should file a bug against VirtualPC to ensure they have checks in place to prevent that in the first place.
I'm trying to start a new mean stack application. However i only get this error when I'm running grunt to start the server:
[nodemon] v1.2.1
Running "watch" task
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node --debug server.js`
Debugger listening on port 5858
Mean app started on port 3000 (development) cluster.worker.id: 0
throw message;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at processResults (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1581:31)
at /Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1619:20
at /Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1157:7
at /Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1890:9
at Server.Base._callHandler (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/base.js:448:41)
at /Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:481:18
at MongoReply.parseBody (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/responses/mongo_reply.js:68:5)
at null.<anonymous> (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:439:20)
at emit (events.js:107:17)
at null.<anonymous> (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/connection_pool.js:201:13)
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
Have any one encountered this before? Can't find too many other people who have encountered this before.
I was also facing the same error and this info solves it.
"Upgrade to 3.8.23. 3.8.22 introduced better compatibility with mongodb server 3.0 by upgrading to latest version of the driver." credit to vkarpov15 from mongoose Github thread.
What I did was I edit my package.json to upgrade mongoose to "3.8.23". After I edited the package.json I ran npm install and bower install(just to make sure) again and that solved the problem.
I have written a game in c++ Qt, and I got a debug error message, when running the exe file. The error message appears only on one PC. It appears, when I try to display any text (QLabel, QGraphicsTextItem, anything). On other PC-s there is no error message.
The message is: Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library
Debug Error!
Program D:\gardener\Gardener.exe
Module: 5.0.2
File: global\qglobal.cpp
Line: 1977
ASSERT:"uint(i) < uint(size())" in file q:\qt5_workdir\w\s\qtbase\include\qtcore../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h, line 729
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Gardener.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 51d6cba1
Fault Module Name: Qt5Cored.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 516366c9
Exception Code: 80000003
Exception Offset: 0005f1d1
OS Version: 6.2.9200.
Locale ID: 1038
Additional Information 1:5861
Additional Information 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
Additional Information 3: f3d5
Additional Information 4: f3d5be0cad2787556264647dc02181c3
I tried to google it, but no success. Does someone have any idea what the problem could be? Thanks!
This assertion can be triggered when accessing a non-existent element in a QString. But without seeing your code and the line where this happens, I can't tell for sure whether that's your problem.
This is my sample code from asp.net project
Doc abcpdfDoc = new Doc();
abcpdfDoc.MediaBox.String = "0 0 612 1008";
abcpdfDoc.Rect.String = abcpdfDoc.MediaBox.String;
abcpdfDoc.Page = abcpdfDoc.AddPage();
int docID
docID = abcpdfDoc.AddImageUrl(url_html.ToString()); //CAUSES webserver to crash
The code compiles with no warning/error. During debugging, I get a webserver crashed message - the following is the message
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: WebDev.WebServer.EXE
Application Version: 9.0.30729.1
Application Timestamp: 488f1aa2
Fault Module Name: ieframe.dll
Fault Module Version: 9.0.8112.16457
Fault Module Timestamp: 50a2fe39
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000d135b
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
I am using abpdf7, downloaded the trial edition and ran the msi in admin mode using command line msiexec /i on win 7 running 32b OS
The reason of crash is that the older version of the library does not work with IE 9.x, upgrading to latest version of library resolved the issue
Process: Xcode [1224]
Path: /Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
Identifier: com.apple.dt.Xcode
Version: 4.0.2 (99)
Build Info: IDEApplication-990000~53
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [92]
Date/Time: 2011-04-27 03:15:13.137 +0600
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.7 (10J869)
Report Version: 6
Interval Since Last Report: 424202 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 35
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 121609 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 22
Anonymous UUID: 53A8CDA1-C508-4165-9B4E-5B53859E43EE
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Have you checked basic things? Like, is your file readable and writable by the user using Xcode? Try to open it with TextEditor to see. Or maybe your memory has run out. If Xcode somewhere uses malloc() and it returns NULL because memory has ran out, and later tries to fill the non-existing data pointer a SIGABRT can occur.