wildcards in dynamic outbound ssl endpoints IBM WEBSPHERE - websphere-8

I want to configure outbound endpoints in my ssl configuration. I am using Websphere 8.5.5 traditional.
I want to reach address of the following type
I tried specifying it with the pattern
But does not seem to be working

I think you may have run into a bug in the filter matching that is fixed by https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PI86143. Please try moving to to see if the issue is fixed.


Is that possible to expose the Kafka topics over the internet through HTTPS?

We are currently having a requirement of passing the data to topics from 3rd party API. First, we have tried with HTTP bridge but looks like it is not supporting the HTTPS protocol. Now, we got some suggestions for having or creating the Kafka connector to solve this. Now, we got confused about whether Kafka connect can solve this or not. How it will be solved? I am looking for some suggestions for solving this problem.
Kafka Connect can send records to an HTTP(S) endpoint, or read from one and into Kafka. It will not allow external users to read through it, to get Kafka records.
The Strimzi Bridge or Confluent REST Proxy should both support HTTPS, even if that means you need to place either behind an SSL terminated reserve proxy such as Nginx, Caddy, etc.

Microsoft cognitive container Failed to reach endpoint

I am trying to deploy the MS cognitive container into a server that has no network enabled but whitelists the required endpoints by Microsoft below:
However, the container is still not working with error message below:
I think it means the container still can't reach the endpoint it wants.
Can anybody tell me how to debug it? or tell me the full URL that Microsoft wants to reach so I can test by curl by myself?
Please note that it seems all outbound traffic actually goes to a proxy first before reaching public internet.
What I tried so far:
I tried to curl https://australiaeast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com to see if this URL is whitelisted by the server. And it is whitelisted as something returned:
Solved by using HTTP_PROXY and HTTS_PROXY docker run parameter on the MS container to direct the traffic to the proxy directly.

Unable to figure out why firebase hosting is not using http 2

I've set up a fresh hosting project (not using any custom domain at the moment) and split up some of my js files expecting them to be served via http2 (as described in firebase blog posts it should be enabled by default?) However protocol still shows up as http/1.1. Am I missing something? Do I need to add entry in my config files to force http2?
DEMO: https://asimetriq-com.firebaseapp.com/
Works for me, see attached screenshot.
It may mean that you have some transparent proxy that does not support HTTP/2 in the network hops from your client to the server.
Also, from time to time, browsers may downgrade the protocol they are using to collect statistics about protocol performances to be able to compare them.

Unable to connect to webservice using Chrome Advanced REST Client but able to connect through chrome browser

I need to connect to a third party webservice. When I hit the link directly in the chrome browser, I am able to connect to it and I get a response. But when I tried the same using Advanced REST Client app of chrome, I get a message as 'The service's server DNS address could not be found.'
Also, when I tried to connect it via my JAVA code, using spring's rest template, am getting an Unknown host exception. What could be the reason that am able to connect via browser but not otherwise?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe it's a problem with your system's DNS settings? I'm not sure how Chrome handles queries to DNS when primary DNS did not found the record. If it uses Google DNS' then Chrome may connect to the service but other applications can't.
To test it set your DNS to and check if apps start working.
From browser it's working properly but not from rest client or application, then i guess the problem with the proxy.
if you are using your office network, then this issue will come.
Try hitting the webservice by connecting to personal network.
i have faced similar issue last week, from browser and postman i'm able to hit the web service but not from the application.
Ones i connected with my personal then it started working.
Hope it helps.

R httpd issue - help pages fail to load using local IP

This may be a general topic, but I came across the issue while working on some code using the Rook package.
The recent R versions include an http server. You may have seen this while checking for help topics using RGui. It opens a new browser with the IP/Port, etc.
For eg., if I enter ?paste, this brings up,
But if I use my IP, say in place of, the page fails to load, I get an error
While trying to retrieve the URL:http://192....
The following error was encountered:
We can not connect to the server you have requested
I have other apps that have httpd interfaces, and I can go to those app's http interfaces using both and ... etc. So, as far as system/network permissions are concerned - I do not think that is the issue here.
Rather, there is something specific to the R httpd process that disallows it to be accessed using the domain name, etc ?
The above was tested in a corporate network. When I tried the same process from my home network it worked fine. However, since I already access http interfaces of many other locally installed apps from the corporate PC, I think there might be something specific to R's http process that needs to be checked ?
Workstation is running - Windows XP
Please let me know if you have any thoughts on the above,
Fixed it. The trick is to specify,
s <- Rhttpd$new()
when starting the Rook process. Specifying makes it listen to all the interfaces and now I can access it using my external IP. Thanks a lot for your help nonetheless !
When opening a TCP port, the local IP address may be chosen. For incoming connections, typically INADDR_ANY (-1) is supplied to bind(), which means to open the port on every available interface.
However, it is quite possible to open a port on just one interface on your machine (in this case,, simply by supplying the IP address of the interface. Seems that R does just this.
My guess is that you may have a proxy in place on your corporate network. Your browser is probably configured to use that proxy to access the Internet. Most browsers will exclude an address which they know to be local ( or localhost) from using the proxy, but might not exclude any other IP.
Try disabling the proxy in your browser (even "Auto-Detect", completely turn the proxy off) and see if you're able to connect.
I had the same problem.
If you are using RStudio, this might be a bug in the RStudio. Check out this link:
Updating to the latest version of RStudio with the latest version of R fixes the problem.
