Load the MNIST digit recognition dataset with R and see any results - r

In the book "Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective" by Kevin P. Murphy the first task reads:
Exercise 1.1 KNN classifier on shuffled MNIST data
Run mnist1NNdemo
and verify that the misclassification rate (on the first 1000 test
cases) of MNIST of a 1-NN classifier is 3.8%. (If you run it all on
all 10,000 test cases, the error rate is 3.09%.) Modify the code so
that you first randomly permute the features (columns of the training
and test design matrices), as in shuffledDigitsDemo, and then apply
the classifier. Verify that the error rate is not changed.
My simple understanding is that the exercise is looking for the 1-NN after loading the files(kNN() in R).
The files:
train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: training set images (9912422 bytes)
train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: training set labels (28881 bytes)
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: test set images (1648877 bytes)
t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: test set labels (4542 bytes)
are taken from the The MNIST DATABASE
I found a popular template for loading the files:
# for the kNN() function
load_mnist <- function() {
load_image_file <- function(filename) {
ret = list()
f = file(filename,'rb')
ret$n = readBin(f,'integer',n=1,size=4,endian='big')
nrow = readBin(f,'integer',n=1,size=4,endian='big')
ncol = readBin(f,'integer',n=1,size=4,endian='big')
x = readBin(f,'integer',n=ret$n*nrow*ncol,size=1,signed=F)
ret$x = matrix(x, ncol=nrow*ncol, byrow=T)
load_label_file <- function(filename) {
f = file(filename,'rb')
n = readBin(f,'integer',n=1,size=4,endian='big')
y = readBin(f,'integer',n=n,size=1,signed=F)
train <<- load_image_file("train-images.idx3-ubyte")
test <<- load_image_file("t10k-images.idx3-ubyte")
train$y <<- load_label_file("train-labels.idx1-ubyte")
test$y <<- load_label_file("t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte")
show_digit <- function(arr784, col=gray(12:1/12)) {
image(matrix(arr784, nrow=28)[,28:1], col=col)
According to the comment, in the command line this should work:
# Error "Error in matrix(arr784, nrow = 28) : object 'train' not found"
The question is how can I use the show_digit function ?
Edit Remove extra question

What I figured out for the problem:
First run the whole file in R Studio or ESS, then call the load_mnist() from the console.
After that execute show_digit(train$x[3,]) in the console again and it works.
Finding the KNN classifier can be done on the whole data set:
a <- knn(train, test, train$y) but it would be a very slow process.
Predictions for the result can be done like table(test$y, a), test$y is predicted, a is the actual result.


Finding the precision, recall and the f1 in R

I want to run models on a loop via and then store the performance metrics into a table. I do not want to use the confusionMatrix function in caret, but I want to compute the precision, recall and f1 and then store those in a table. Please assist, edits to the code are welcome.
My attempt is below.
library(MASS) #will load our biopsy data
names(biopsy)<-c('clump thickness','uniformity cell size','uniformity cell shape',
'marginal adhesion','single epithelial cell size','bare nuclei',
'bland chromatin','normal nuclei','mitosis','class')
inTraining <- createDataPartition(biopsy$class, p = .75, list = FALSE)
training <- biopsy[ inTraining,]
testing <- biopsy[-inTraining,]
# Run algorithms using 10-fold cross validation
control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10,repeats = 5, verboseIter = F, classProbs = T)
training<- as.data.frame(unclass(training),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
testing <- as.data.frame(unclass(testing),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
results_table <- data.frame(models = models, stringsAsFactors = F)
for (i in models){
model_train<-train(class~., data=training, method=i,
predictions<-predict(model_train, newdata=testing)
# put that in the results table
results_table[i, "Precision"] <- precision_
results_table[i, "Recall"] <- recall_
results_table[i, "F1score"] <- f1
However I get an error which says Error in posPredValue.default(predictions, testing) : inputs must be factors. i do not know where I went wrong and any edits to my code are welcome.
I know that I could get precision,recall, f1 by just using the code below (B), however this is a tutorial question where I am required not to use the code example below (B):
for (i in models){
model_train<-train(class~., data=training, method=i,
predictions<-predict(model_train, newdata=testing)
print(confusionMatrix(predictions, testing$class,mode="prec_recall"))
A few things need to happen.
You have to change the function calls for posPredValue and sensitivity. For both, change testing to testing$class.
for the results_table, i is a word, not a value, so you're assigning results_table["rf", "Precision"] <- precision_ (This makes a new row, where the row name is "rf".)
Here is your for statement, with changes to those functions mentioned in 1) and a modification to address the issue in 2).
for (i in models){
model_train <- train(class~., data = training, method = i,
trControl= control, metric = "Accuracy")
assign("fit", model_train)
predictions <- predict(model_train, newdata = testing)
precision_ <-posPredValue(predictions, testing$class)
recall_ <- sensitivity(predictions, testing$class)
f1 <- (2*precision_ * recall_) / (precision_ + recall_)
# put that in the results table
results_table[results_table$models %in% i, "Precision"] <- precision_
results_table[results_table$models %in% i, "Recall"] <- recall_
results_table[results_table$models %in% i, "F1score"] <- f1
This is what it looks like for me.
# models Precision Recall F1score
# 1 svmRadial 0.9722222 0.9459459 0.9589041
# 2 rf 0.9732143 0.9819820 0.9775785

How to visulize the convolution layer and feature layer in mxnet after cnn was finished trained?

I want to plot or visualize the result of each layers out from a trained CNN with mxnet in R. Like w´those abstract art from what a nn's each layer can see.
But I don't know how. Please somebody help me. One way I can think out is to put the weights and bias back to every step and plot the step out. But when I try to put model$arg.params$convolution0_weight back to mx.symbol.Convolution(), I get
Error in mx.varg.symbol.Convolution(list(...)) :
./base.h:291: Unsupported parameter type object type for argument weight, expect integer, logical, or string.
Can anyone help me?
I thought out one way, but encounter a difficulty at one step. Here is what I did.
I found all the trained cnn's parameters inmodel$arg.params , and to compute with parameters we can use mx.nd... founctions as bellow:
`#convolution 1_result
conv1_result<- mxnet::mx.nd.Convolution(data=mx.nd.array(train_array),weight=model$arg.params$convolution0_weight,bias=model$arg.params$convolution0_bias,kernel=c(8,8),num_filter = 50)
tanh1_result<-mx.nd.Activation(data= conv1_result, act_type = "sigmoid")
pool1_result <- mx.nd.Pooling(data = tanh1_result, pool_type = "avg", kernel = c(4,4), stride = c(4,4))
conv2 result
conv2_result<- mxnet::mx.nd.Convolution(data=pool1_result,weight=model$arg.params$convolution1_weight,bias=model$arg.params$convolution1_bias,kernel=c(5,5),num_filter = 50)
tanh2_result<-mx.nd.Activation(data= conv1_result, act_type = "sigmoid")
pool2_result <- mx.nd.Pooling(data = tanh1_result, pool_type = "avg", kernel = c(4,4), stride = c(4,4))
1st fully connected layer result
flat_result <- mx.nd.flatten(data = pool2_result)
fcl_1_result <- mx.nd.FullyConnected(data = flat_result,weight = model$arg.params$fullyconnected0_weight,bias = model$arg.params$fullyconnected0_bias, num_hidden = 500)
tanh_3_result <- mx.nd.Activation(data = fcl_1_result, act_type = "tanh")
2nd fully connected layer result
fcl_2_result <- mx.nd.FullyConnected(data = tanh_3,weight = model$arg.params$fullyconnected1_weight,bias = model$arg.params$fullyconnected1_bias, num_hidden =100)`
but when I came to mx.nd.FullyConnected() step , I encountered not sufficient memory(i have 16 GB RAM) and R crashed.
So, does anyone know how to batch_size the input data in
mx.nd.FullyConnected(), or any method to make mx.nd.FullyConnected() run successfully as mx.model.FeedForward.create()
Here is the code that can help you to achieve what you want. The code below displays activations of 2 convolution layers of LeNet. The code gets as an input MNIST dataset, which is 28x28 grayscale images (downloaded automatically), and produces images as activations.
You can grab outputs from executor. To see the list of available outputs use names(executor$ref.outputs)
The result of each output is available as a matrix with values in [-1; 1] range. The dimensions of the matrix depends on parameters of the layer. The code use these matrices to display as greyscaled images where -1 is white pixel, 1 - black pixel. (most of the code is taken from https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/1152 and massaged a little bit)
The code is a self sufficient to run, but I have noticed that if I build the model second time in the same R session, the names of ouputs get different indices, and later the code fails because the expected names of outputs are hard coded. So if you decide to create a model more than once, you will need to restart R session.
Hope it helps and you can adjust this example to your case.
download.file('https://apache-mxnet.s3-accelerate.dualstack.amazonaws.com/R/data/mnist_csv.zip', destfile = 'mnist_csv.zip')
unzip('mnist_csv.zip', exdir = '.')
train <- read.csv('train.csv', header=TRUE)
data.x <- train[,-1]
data.x <- data.x/255
data.y <- train[,1]
val_ind = 1:100
train.x <- data.x[-val_ind,]
train.x <- t(data.matrix(train.x))
train.y <- data.y[-val_ind]
val.x <- data.x[val_ind,]
val.x <- t(data.matrix(val.x))
val.y <- data.y[val_ind]
train.array <- train.x
dim(train.array) <- c(28, 28, 1, ncol(train.x))
val.array <- val.x
dim(val.array) <- c(28, 28, 1, ncol(val.x))
# input layer
data <- mx.symbol.Variable('data')
# first convolutional layer
convLayer1 <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data=data, kernel=c(5,5), num_filter=30)
convAct1 <- mx.symbol.Activation(data=convLayer1, act_type="tanh")
poolLayer1 <- mx.symbol.Pooling(data=convAct1, pool_type="max", kernel=c(2,2), stride=c(2,2))
# second convolutional layer
convLayer2 <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data=poolLayer1, kernel=c(5,5), num_filter=60)
convAct2 <- mx.symbol.Activation(data=convLayer2, act_type="tanh")
poolLayer2 <- mx.symbol.Pooling(data=convAct2, pool_type="max",
kernel=c(2,2), stride=c(2,2))
# big hidden layer
flattenData <- mx.symbol.Flatten(data=poolLayer2)
hiddenLayer <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(flattenData, num_hidden=500)
hiddenAct <- mx.symbol.Activation(hiddenLayer, act_type="tanh")
# softmax output layer
outLayer <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(hiddenAct, num_hidden=10)
LeNet1 <- mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(outLayer)
# Group some output layers for visual analysis
out <- mx.symbol.Group(c(convAct1, poolLayer1, convAct2, poolLayer2, LeNet1))
# Create an executor
executor <- mx.simple.bind(symbol=out, data=dim(val.array), ctx=mx.cpu())
# Prepare for training the model
# Set a logger to keep track of callback data
logger <- mx.metric.logger$new()
# Using cpu by default, but set gpu if your machine has a supported one
# Train model
model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(LeNet1, X=train.array, y=train.y,
eval.data=list(data=val.array, label=val.y),
epoch.end.callback=mx.callback.log.train.metric(100, logger))
# Update parameters
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(executor, model$arg.params, match.name=TRUE)
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(executor, model$aux.params, match.name=TRUE)
# Select data to use
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(executor, list(data=mx.nd.array(val.array)), match.name=TRUE)
# Do a forward pass with the current parameters and data
mx.exec.forward(executor, is.train=FALSE)
# List of outputs available.
# Plot the filters of a sample from validation set
sample_index <- 99 # sample number in validation set. Change it to if you want to see other samples
activation0_filter_count <- 30 # number of filters of the "convLayer1" layer
par(mfrow=c(6,5), mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1)) # number of rows x columns in output
for (i in 1:activation0_filter_count) {
outputData <- as.array(executor$ref.outputs$activation0_output)[,,i,sample_index]
xaxt='n', yaxt='n',
activation1_filter_count <- 60 # number of filters of the "convLayer2" layer
par(mfrow=c(6,10), mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1)) # number of rows x columns in output
for (i in 1:activation1_filter_count) {
outputData <- as.array(executor$ref.outputs$activation1_output)[,,i,sample_index]
xaxt='n', yaxt='n',
As a result you should see the following images for a validation sample #2 (use RStudio left and right arrows to navigate between them).

replacement has length zero in list() in r

I'm trying to run this code, and I'm using mhadaptive package, but the problem is that when I run these code without writing metropolis_hastings (that is one part of mhadaptive package) error does not occur, but when I add mhadaptive package the error occur. What should I do?
li_F1<-function(pars,data) #defining first function
a01<-pars[1] #defining parameters
h[[i]]<-list() #I want my output is be listed in the h
h[[1]]<-0.32082184 #My first value of h is known and other values should calculate by formula
for(i in 2:nrow(F_2_))
h[[i]]<- ((a01+a11*(h[[i-1]])*(epsilon^2)*(h[[i-1]])*b11)+(F1[,2])*((a02+a12*(h[[i-1]])*(epsilon^2)+(h[[i-1]])*b12)))
pred<- h[[i]]
log_likelihood<-sum(dnorm(prod(h[i]),pred,sd = 1 ,log = TRUE))
prior<- prior_reg(pars)
return(log_likelihood + prior)
options(digits = 22)
prior_reg<-function(pars) #defining another function
epsilon<<-pars[3] #error
prior_epsilon<-pt(0.95,5,lower.tail = TRUE,log.p = FALSE)
F1<-as.matrix(F_2_) #defining my importing data and simulatunig data with them
#using mhadaptive package
mcmc_r<-Metro_Hastings(li_func = li_F1,pars=c(10,15,10,10,10,15),par_names=c('a01','a02','a11','a12','b11','b12'),data=d)
By running this code this error occur.
Error in h[[i]] <- list() : replacement has length zero
I'll so much appreciate who help me.

Only one processor being used while running NetLogo models using parApply

I am using the 'RNetLogo' package to run sensitivity analyses on my NetLogo model. My model has 24 parameters I need to vary - so parallelising this process would be ideal! I've been following along with the example in Thiele's "Parallel processing with the RNetLogo package" vignette, which uses the 'parallel' package in conjunction with 'RNetLogo'.
I've managed to get R to initialise the NetLogo model across all 12 of my processors, which I've verified using gui=TRUE. The problem comes when I try to run the simulation code across the 12 processors using 'parApply'. This line runs without error, but it only runs on one of the processors (using around 8% of my total CPU power). Here's a mock up of my R code file - I've included some commented-out code at the end, showing how I run the simulation without trying to parallelise:
### Load packages
### Set up initialisation function
prepro <- function(dummy, gui, nl.path, model.path) {
NLStart(nl.path, gui=gui)
### Set up finalisation function
postpro <- function(x) {
### Set paths
# For NetLogo
nl.path <- "C:/Program Files/NetLogo 6.0/app"
nl.jarname <- "netlogo-6.0.0.jar"
# For the model
model.path <- "E:/Model.nlogo"
# For the function "sim" code
sim.path <- "E:/sim.R"
### Set base values for parameters
base.param <- c('prey-max-velocity' = 25,
'prey-agility' = 3.5,
'prey-acceleration' = 20,
'prey-deceleration' = 25,
'prey-vision-distance' = 10,
'prey-vision-angle' = 240,
'time-to-turn' = 5,
'time-to-return-to-foraging' = 300,
'time-spent-circling' = 2,
'predator-max-velocity' = 35,
'predator-agility' = 3.5,
'predator-acceleration' = 20,
'predator-deceleration' = 25,
'predator-vision-distance' = 20,
'predator-vision-angle' = 200,
'time-to-give-up' = 120,
'number-of-safe-zones' = 1,
'number-of-target-patches' = 5,
'proportion-obstacles' = 0.05,
'obstacle-radius' = 2.0,
'obstacle-radius-range' = 0.5,
'obstacle-sensitivity-for-prey' = 0.95,
'obstacle-sensitivity-for-predators' = 0.95,
'safe-zone-attractiveness' = 500
## Get names of parameters
param.names <- names(base.param)
### Load the code of the simulation function (name: sim)
### Convert "base.param" to a matrix, as required by parApply
base.param <- matrix(base.param, nrow=1, ncol=24)
### Get the number of simulations we want to run
design.combinations <- length(base.param[[1]])
already.processed <- 0
### Initialise NetLogo
processors <- detectCores()
cl <- makeCluster(processors)
clusterExport(cl, 'sim')
gui <- FALSE
invisible(parLapply(cl, 1:processors, prepro, gui=gui, nl.path=nl.path, model.path=model.path))
### Run the simulation across all processors, using parApply
sim.result.base <- parApply(cl, base.param, 1, sim,
no.repeated.sim = 100,
trace.progress = FALSE,
iter.length = design.combinations,
function.name = "base parameters")
### Run the simulation on a single processor
#sim.result.base <- sim(base.param,
# param.names,
# no.repeated.sim = 100,
# my.nl1,
# trace.progress = TRUE,
# iter.length = design.combinations,
# function.name = "base parameters")
Here's a mock up for the 'sim' function (adapted from Thiele's paper "Facilitating parameter estimation and sensitivity analyses of agent-based models - a cookbook using NetLogo and R"):
sim <- function(param.set, parameter.names, no.repeated.sim, trace.progress, iter.length, function.name) {
# Some security checks
if (length(param.set) != length(parameter.names))
{ stop("Wrong length of param.set!") }
if (no.repeated.sim <= 0)
{ stop("Number of repetitions must be > 0!") }
if (length(parameter.names) <= 0)
{ stop("Length of parameter.names must be > 0!") }
# Create an empty list to save the simulation results
eval.values <- NULL
# Run the repeated simulations (to control stochasticity)
for (i in 1:no.repeated.sim)
# Create a random-seed for NetLogo from R, based on min/max of NetLogo's random seed
## This is the stuff for one simulation
cal.crit <- NULL
# Set NetLogo parameters to current parameter values
lapply(seq(1:length(parameter.names)), function(x) {NLCommand("set ",parameter.names[x], param.set[x])})
# This should run "go" until prey-win =/= 5, i.e. when the pursuit ends
NLDoCommandWhile("prey-win = 5", "go")
# Report a value
prey <- NLReport("prey-win")
# Report another value
pred <- NLReport("predator-win")
## Extract the values we are interested in
cal.crit <- rbind(cal.crit, c(prey, pred))
# append to former results
eval.values <- rbind(eval.values,cal.crit)
## Make sure eval.values has column names
names(eval.values) <- c("PreySuccess", "PredSuccess")
# Return the mean of the repeated simulation results
if (no.repeated.sim > 1) {
else {
I think the problem might lie in the "nl.obj" string that RNetLogo uses to identify the NetLogo instance you want to run the code on - however, I've tried several different methods of fixing this, and I haven't been able to come up with a solution that works. When I initialise NetLogo across all the processors using the code provided in Thiele's example, I don't set an "nl.obj" value for each instance, so I'm guessing RNetLogo uses some kind of default list? However, in Thiele's original code, the "sim" function requires you to specify which NetLogo instance you want to run it on - so R will spit an error when I try to run the final line (Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : one node produced an error: argument "nl.obj" is missing, with no default). I have modified the "sim" function code so that it doesn't require this argument and just accepts the default setting for nl.obj - but then my simulation only runs on a single processor. So, I think that by default, "sim" must only be running the code on a single instance of NetLogo. I'm not certain how to fix it.
This is also the first time I've used the 'parallel' package, so I could be missing something obvious to do with 'parApply'. Any insight would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I am still in the process of applying a similar technique to perform a Morris Elementary Effects screening with my NetLogo model. For me the parallel execution works fine. I compared your script to mine and noticed that in my version the 'parApply' call of the simulation function (simfun) is embedded in a function statement (see below). Maybe including the function already solves your issue.
sim.results.morris <- parApply(cl, mo$X, 1, function(x) {simfun(param.set=x,

using package snow's parRapply: argument missing error

I want to find documents whose similarity between other doucuments are larger than a given value(0.1) by cutting documents into blocks.
sample.dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(
crude, control=list(
weighting=function(x) weightTfIdf(x, normalize=FALSE),
step = 5
n = nrow(sample.dtm)
block = n %/% step
start = (c(1:block)-1)*step+1
end = start+step-1
j = unlist(lapply(1:(block-1),function(x) rep(((x+1):block),times=1)))
i = unlist(lapply(1:block,function(x) rep(x,times=(block-x))))
ij <- cbind(i,j)
getdocs <- function(k){
ci <- c(start[k[[1]]]:end[k[[1]]])
cj <- c(start[k[[2]]]:end[k[[2]]])
combi <- sample.dtm[ci]
combj < -sample.dtm[cj]
cat("Block", k[[1]], "with Block", k[[2]], "\n")
results<-tri.sim & sim>0.1
docs<-apply(results,1,function(x) length(x[x==TRUE]))
return (docnames)
It works well when using apply
When using parRapply
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
2 nodes produced errors; first error: attempt to set 'rownames' on an object with no dimensions
Timing stopped at: 0.01 0 0.04
It seems that sample.dtm coundn't be used in parRapply. I'm confused. Can anyone help me? Thanks!
In addition to exporting objects, you need to load the necessary packages on the cluster workers. In your case, the result of not doing so is that there isn't a dimnames method defined for "DocumentTermMatrix" objects, causing rownames<- to fail.
You can load packages on the cluster workers with the clusterEvalQ function:
clusterEvalQ(cl, { library(tm); library(skmeans) })
After doing that, rownames(combi)<-ci will work correctly.
Also, if you want to see the output from cat, you should use the makeCluster outfile argument:
cl <- makeCluster(2, outfile='')
