How to use regex like /page/.*/page/ in Nginx location - nginx

Url example:
I want to use nginx location to forbidden it.
But I faild, I have tried different rules in
location ~ /page/.*/page/ {
return 403;
location ~* \/page/.*/page/ {
location ~* /page/\.*/page/ {
None of them worked...
I found only use /page/ is Worked.
location ~* /page/ {
But when I add .*/page/ like:
location ~* /page/.*/page/ {
It's not worked...
Now I use php to judge url like:
if (preg_match ("/\/page\/.*\/page\//i", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]))
Please tell me how to use regex .* in nginx conf location. I want to use nginx.

Everything after the first ? are URI arguments, they are not part of the URI, as such a location match will never work. If there is a solution that allows you to do this in Nginx, it will be a kludge, you should perform this level of checking in your script like you stated you are already doing.


How to redirect every sitemaps sections to another url using NGINX proxy_pass

I would like to redirect all our sitemap sections the same way we did for the root one.
location = /sitemap.xml {
So I would like to do the same for, let say, sitemap-group1.xml but I can't write it down to NGINX like the root one as it's dynamic.
I think what would help is to have a wildcard and get the path to proxy_pass, but I have no idea how.
EDIT: My only goal is to proxy_pass /sitemap*.xml to*.xml
Try the regex matching location block:
location ~ ^/sitemap[^/]*\.xml$ {
If you have any other regex matching locations (locations with ~ modifier), take into account that the first matched location is used for the request processing, so I suggest to put this one before any other of regex matching locations. If you want case-insensitive matching, use ~* instead of ~.

Restrict access to a certain URL prefix

I want to block access to all URLs in my server except URLs starting with /myapp/path, excluding /myapp/path/nope, which should be blocked as well.
I tried: |
location = /myapp/path/nope { return 404; }
location ^~ /myapp/path {}
location / { return 404; }
But got 404 messages on URLs starting with /myapp/path as well. To be frank, even after reading the documentation and trying all sorts of things it seems I haven't figured out how nginx determines what location to serve. What it wrong with my snippet? Thanks!
Eventually I resolved this issue using a negative regex.
In my question I used the location and the regex incorrectly, as I never told nginx what to do with the path I wrote.
So in order to restrict access to anything that doesn't start with /myapp/path use:
location ~ ^/(?!myapp/path) { return 404; } # Or deny all;

Nginx pass_proxy with variables

I'm having trouble making nginx proxy an url with variable to a service within kubernetes.
Url looks like this:
I expect this url to take me to a subpage /user, which will read ?username=Dave and then fetch data from a database. However this takes me to the home page of the application(/ instead of /user) and does not read the variable even though url includes /user?username=Dave.
My current nginx config file looks like this:
server {
server_name localhost;
location / {
proxy_pass http://${FLASK_APP}:8080/;
location /user {
proxy_pass http://${GO_APP}:8000/;
I have read that location /user will match the url I'm passing. What is wrong with it? Or do I need to add something to proxy_pass http://${GO_APP}:8000/; or location /user?
As noted in the comments, the issue arises because you are using a variable in the proxy_pass target. As also noted in the comments, this question is related. As the answer referencing the docs states:
A special case is using variables in the proxy_pass statement: The
requested URL is not used and you are fully responsible to construct
the target URL yourself.
This means that you either need to use a static proxy_pass target, such as
// note that I added the forward slash
location /user/ {
proxy_pass http://destination:8000/;
Or as an alternative, I believe you can do it this way also
location /user/ {
proxy_pass http://${GO_APP}:8000/user$is_args$args;

nginx location rewrite anything after / to root

Let's say I have and I'd like to rewrite anything after / to root, i.e. should go back to
I've tried the following:
location = / {
index index.html;
location / {
rewrite ^ / permanent;
But this gives me too many redirects error. I could go route using regex to specify all the allowed/disallowed characters, but that would make it too ugly/long/complex.
Why does the exact match can't tell the difference?
You use the index directive to perform an internal rewrite from / to /index.html. See this document for details.
nginx then restarts the search for a matching location, which results in a loop.
You could add an exact match for the /index.html URI, for example:
location = /index.html { }
If index.html pulls in local resources (e.g. css, js, images), you will also need to handle those URIs specially.

Nginx location block for specific path and certain file types

I am having trouble defining a location block for certain paths and file types.
I am using wordpress and using a plugin which generates dynamic sitemaps..It redirects to path like sitemapindex.xml, which do not actually exist and nginx is trying to serve it statically.
I need to be able to pass this to apache
I need to send anything that is*.xml to apache. This is what i am trying, which does not work.. so for instance: or
nginx config
server {
location ~* ^/blog/*.xml$ {
include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
what is the correct syntax
I had similar problem with my images. In my applications, images were being served from two different locations.
You can specify different sources based on url pattern. Your solution would then look something like this.
location ~* ^/blog/.+\.(xml)$ {
root /some/path/;
expires 90d;
location ~* \.(xml|js|jpg|png|css|html|otf|eot|svg|ttf)$ {
root /some/other/path/;
expires 30d;
index index.html;
Gotta escape that period
server {
location ~* ^/blog/.*\.xml$ {
