Creating a NavigationStrategy in Aurelia - wordpress

I'm trying to use Aurelia as my platform for a custom Wordpress theme.
What I want to do is define my navigation menu in Wordpress, use the Wordpress plugin for menus to expose the menus through the Wordpress API as a JSON string and then building the navigation menu in Aurelia.
Everything I have found so far involves creating a simple one line menu.
Has anyone done this or can point me in the right direction?

Since you're using server-side data to build your navigation menu, you might as well let the server do the hard work and let it generate a ready-to-use configuration for your router.
Let your plugin generate JSON like this:
"routes": [
"route": "\"...\"",
"moduleId": "\"...\"",
"settings": {
"childRoutes": [
"route": "\"...\"",
"moduleId": "\"...\"",
Then in your root view model's configureRouter you could do something like this:
async configureRouter(config, router) {
const resp = await http.fetch("api/menu-plugin-uri");
const json = await resp.json();;
The child routes are stored in the settings object of the config, meaning we can use it for building a navigation menu and we can access it in child routes like so:
configureRouter(config, router) {
const parentConfig = router.parent.currentInstruction.config;;
That doesn't give you nice NavModels with isActive and everything, but this is about as good as it gets when it comes to nested navigation menu's currently.
I'm actually working on a plugin myself to try and address some of these limitations, though NOT ready for production yet.


nextjs links without strings

Im new to nextjs, and Im checking if it will be good for the app that will have pretty complex and messy internal navigation. Just checked their documentation and I see that they recommend usage
of Link component like this <Link href="/your_path">Path</Link>. A bit scary is that I have to provide 'your_path' as a string so every time i change page file name I have to manually update code that redirects to this page. Is there any solution that allows me to define routing on my own so I can write something like (pseudocode)
routes = [
page : 'page_name',
path : 'path_to_page'
So instead of using string I can do <Link href="{route.path}">Path</Link> or Im condemned to use this file-system based router with all consequences?
The simple answer is yes!
When you want to change a user route in NextJs you have 2 options,
The first is with the <Link> Element that you can specify a href to where it directs.
And you also have a useRouter hook for more complex routing for example if the user does an action that requires moving him into a different route you can do it internally in your handlers.
For more information about useRouter hook.
What I usually do is storing my routes in an object
const ROUTES = {
HOME: "/",
ABOUT: "/about"
and wherever you call routes you just use the object so F.E
With Link tag
<Link href={ROUTES.ABOUT}>ABOUT PAGE</Link>`
with useRouter hook
// Inside a React Component
const router = useRouter();
const handleNavigateToAbout = () => {
return (
<button onClick={handleNavigateToAbout}> Go to about page! </button>

How can I make a dynamic route start with an # symbol? Like ""

My goal is to have two kinds of dynamic routes on the same path. I want: to send people to /pages/[username].tsx to send people to /pages/[pageSlug].tsx
I tried creating two files:
So that [pageSlug].tsx would have priority, and then everything else would go to [...username].tsx, where I would extract the username from the path and render the page.
It works great locally, but on vercel pages return 404 error.
I have also tried following this advice about doing this with url rewrites, but it doesn't seem to work.
I have created two files:
Set up the rewrites in next.config.js:
module.exports = {
reactStrictMode: true,
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/:username(#[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/:id*',
destination: "/user/:username/:id*",
And set up the links to the user profiles like so:
<Link href="/user/[username]" as={`#${}`}>
Just loading the http://localhost:3080/#lumen works, but when I click on a link I'm getting:
Error: The provided as value (/#lumen) is incompatible with the href value (/user/[username]). Read more:
How can I make this work with the rewrites (or in any other way)? Any advice?

createPages in Gatsby issues ; duplications and unrendered content

I've had a few errors trying to render single blog posts.
I tried using the page template with /post/{post_name} and I was getting this error:
warn Non-deterministic routing danger: Attempting to create page: "/blog/", but
page "/blog" already exists
This could lead to non-deterministic routing behavior
I tried again with /blog/{post_name}.
I now have both routes, which I'm not sure how to clean up; but more importantly, on those pages, nothing renders, even though there should be an h1 with it's innerhtml set to the node.title and likewise a div for the content.
I've uploaded my config and components to so you can have a look.
Not sure how to fix
I just want to see my content rendered on the screen.
Developer tools don't seem to help when there's no content rendered as I can't find anything to inspect to try to access it another way.
Thank you for your help
Your approach is partially correct. You are using a promise-based approach but when using then() you are already settling and partially resolving it so you don't need to use the callback of resolve(), which may be causing a duplication of the promise function so try removing it.
Additionally, you may want to use a more friendly approach using async/await functions. Something like:
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions, reporter }) => {
const yourQuery= await graphql(
allWordpressPost {
if (yourQuery.errors) {
reporter.panicOnBuild(`Error while running GraphQL query.`);
const postTemplate = path.resolve("./src/templates/post.js")
_.each(, edge => {
path: `/post/${edge.node.slug}/`,
component: slash(postTemplate),
context: edge.node,
// and so on for the rest of the queries
In addition, place a console.log(pageContext) in your postTemplate to get what's reaching that point and name the template as:
const Post = ({pageContext}) => {
console.log("your pageContext is", pageContext);
return <div>
export default Post;

WordPress + Gatsby Custom Rest Route Not Showing in GraphQL

I'm fairly new to Gatsby and Im trying to build a site using WP as the content provider. I have a custom rest route built in WP
and right now its just returning
"time_and_location": "Testing"
I cant seem to find out how to get that route to be available in graphQL for my Gatsby site. I have it set in my includedRoutes as
includedRoutes: [
I also see this when I spin up Gatsby
-> wordpress__lbt_v1 fetched : 1
-> wordpress__lbt_settings fetched : 1
I've searched a lot of different sites, but I haven't managed to find anything. Any help appreciated.
you need to add custom normalizer in "gatsby-config.js"
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-source-wordpress",
options: {
normalizers: normalizers => [ mapCustomApis,...normalizers],
add the "mapCustomApis" normalizer like
const mapCustomApis = {
name: `mapCustomApis`,
normalizer: function({ entities }) {
return entities.reduce((acc, e) => {
return acc.concat(e);
}, []);
i replicated the code from
to support my custom Apis response
make sure your normailzer is before the rest of the normalizers

Share activity on Google Plus using asp dotnet

How can i post an interactive post on google+ stream?
I am trying to post some custom data on google stream from web application.
This is the code iam using.
this is .aspx page:
Tell your friends
this is the script i am using:
var moment = {
"name": "sample",
"Description": "Hi sample post",
"Thumbnail": "logo",
"image": ""
function signinCallback(authResult) {
if (authResult['access_token']) {
gapi.interactivepost.render('inter', options);
//gapi.interactivepost.render(moment, authResult['access_token'])
document.getElementById('myBtn').setAttribute('style', 'display: none');
} else if (authResult['error']) {
var options = {
contenturl: '',
contentdeeplinkid: '/pages',
clientid: '',
cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',
prefilltext: 'Create your Google+ Page too!',
calltoactionlabel: 'SHARE',
calltoactionurl: '',
calltoactiondeeplinkid: '/pages/create'
The first and probably most important problem is that you have a domain mismatch between your data-calltoactionurl and your data-contenturl. These must be the same domain, see the data-contenturl documentation.
I believe that is your major problem, there are other problems in your example too:
You appear to be confusing two different features: app activities (aka moments) and interactive posts. Also, it looks like you are trying to do authentication, the interactive post button is also a sign-in button, notice its data-callback parameter. You wouldn't need to do a separate call to gapi.auth.init()
The most simple approach is to use the HTML button and remove the calls to gapi.interactivepost.* unless you have a dynamic application that needs to insert buttons with great control.
You didn't post the code for your JavaScript API include, ensure that it is loading the API script as
Here is a correct and simplified button:
<button class="g-interactivepost"
data-prefilltext="Best site EVER!"
Tell your friends
