Does Flyway by Boxfuse support Db2 for i - flyway

Flyway supports Db2 for LUW and Db2 for z/OS. Is Db2 for i (the integrated database on AS/400, iSeries, System i)?

The short answer is no. Flyway only supports DB2 LUW.


Migrating oracle 11g to 19c using Jooq 3.7.1 version degrades performance(insertion) on database significantly

Currently we are using jooq 3.7.1 pro version and oracle 11g database in our application. Now we need to upgrade database from 11g to 19c, So we used ojdbc8.jar to connect to oracle 19c and passing ORACLE12C dialect as Jooq 3.7.1 provides dialect until 12C only.
After upgrading to 19C, While running the performance test, Insertion in database is very slow.
My question is, is it because of ORACLE12C dialect in jooq 3.7.1?
Do we really need to upgrade the jooq version as well to overcome this performance degradation?

Using Oracle 19C driver to 11G database

Is there any harm or issue using the Oracle 19C JDBC [ojdbc8-] drivers to work with 11G database? We are in mid of migration but due to internal complex mechanism there will be case during which this scenario can happen in the Prod environment.
Check out JDBC FAQ. Latest JDBC drivers are backward compatible but, if the support period ends then, we cannot guarantee support for the older versions.
You can check out the Lifetime Support Policy for Oracle Database. The Oracle Database extended support ended on Dec 2020.
You can take a look at oracle doc for more info:
I think it can work but not sure how compatible it is. Also depend on your java version. if u want to integration between java version 8+ and Oracle database version 11G.
In the best, it should be ojdbc6.jar with JDK 6, JDK 7, JDK 8 or ojdbc5.jar with JDK 5 for 11G database.

What's the latest version of berkeley-db-je?

What's the latest version of berkeley-db-je?
From oracle, it is 7.5.
But from maven repository, it is 18.3.12.
It there anyone know more details?
The latest version of Berkeley DB Java Edition is 7.5.11
The 18.x versions you are seeing in maven are Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition (CE).
Some info on the database can be found here:
Oracle NoSQL Database uses Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition as its underlying storage engine.

Does Entity Framework Core support MariaDB?

Does Entity Framework Core support MariaDB?
I see it's not among the list of supported providers, but MySQL is. Maybe the MySQL provider would work against MariaDB?
I'm using the Pomelo MySql provider with Maria DB. It works great. MariaDB is just a fork of MySql,

Simba Hbase ODBC Driver Performance?

I am looking for performance and user experience of using Simba Hbase ODBC Driver.
I am planning to have Hbase on my Linux Server and do insertion , selection and BI queries to this Hbase from my Windows machine using .NET with Simba HBase ODBC driver.
My other option is to do this all in Java using Salesforce Phoenix JDBC driver on same or other Linux box. Salesforce has very impressive performance stats for its Phoenix JDBC driver but I couldn't find such stats for Simba ODBC driver for Hbase.
.NET is my comfort-zone but if there is a performance overhead using Simba ODBC driver ( which uses Hbase REST API internally) then I am willing to do it in Java using Salesforce Phoenix JDBC driver (which uses Hbase Java Native API).
